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tv   [untitled]    June 13, 2024 7:00am-7:31am IRST

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on the eve of the anniversary of the martyrdom of this martyr, we said to you, dear viewers, and we heard from one of his comrades, mr. hamidi, and after the 7 o'clock news , we will also say from abad iran exhibition, stay with us , let's go to the 7 o'clock news section. . in the name of god, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello, good morning . the candidates for the presidential election will be the guests of the national media in the campaign programs today. and 30 mr. alireza zakani in the program with people on the network one from 6:00 p.m. hashemi
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will talk on the special news talk show from 10:00 p.m. to 10:45 p.m. and mr. masoud bizikian will talk about their plans on the economic round table program from 12:45 p.m. to 24:00 p.m. in the israeli airstrike on a house in the nusirat camp in the center of the gaza strip, more than 10 palestinians were killed and more than 10 others were injured. the occupiers also destroyed several residential buildings in the center of the city of rafah in the south of the gaza strip . al-mawaasi region in rifa also that thousands palestinian refugees live there, the target of airstrikes. news sources in iraq
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reported the occurrence of a large fire in an oil refinery in orville province, the center of the kurdistan region, and the efforts of fire brigades to control and extinguish the fire. in this fire that happened at 22 o'clock on wednesday night , 12 oil warehouses were burnt in matin palashgah on kabir arabil road. according to local sources, 15 people were injured as a result of the fire. the cause of this accident and the amount of damage has not yet been reported. islamic resistance: iraq in a statement
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of two joint operations with yemeni armed forces against according to this statement, a vital target in the city of ashdod was targeted by a missile attack, as well as important targets in the city of haifa were targeted by a drone attack. the spokesman of the yemeni armed forces also announced the implementation of a military operation against a ship that violated the ban on entering the ports of occupied palestine and said: the toter ship was targeted in the red sea by an anti-ship boat, a number of drones and ballistic missiles. the islamic resistance of lebanon announced in a statement that the mujahideen of hezbollah , with a large number of drones, reached the end of the hebowashit military base affiliated to the 81st hermon brigade of the regime's army. zionists attacked in the north of occupied palestine. these drones precisely targeted the locations of museums and the deployment of zionist soldiers.
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they hit their targets. news sources also reported the occurrence of a large fire in the north of occupied palestine following the rocket attacks of lebanon's hezbollah. in the statement of hezbollah of lebanon, it is also stated that the air defense unit of the resistance on wednesday confronted a zionist aggressor fighter that had invaded lebanon's airspace and forced it to flee. yemeni news sources this morning. from the american and british air attack on the radio building in al-jawin city located in the province of yemen. the ministry of health of yemen announced that 5 people were injured in the attack by the american and british warplanes, and one of them was reported to be in critical condition. this attack took place after yahya seri, the spokesman of the yemeni armed forces , announced on wednesday evening the joint missile and drone operation with the iraqi islamic resistance against the positions of the zionist occupiers in occupied palestine.
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the number of victims of the fire incident in the residential building in the south of kuwait increased to 49 people , ministry of interior. the state of kuwait announced that some of the victims of this incident are reported to be in serious condition. it is said that the fire started from the kitchen of one of the rooms and it immediately spread to all the rooms. according to local media reports, about 195 workers lived in this building. the reason for the high number of victims was the fire in the middle of the night, which caused many residents of the building to suffocate in their sleep due to the traditional reason. the french police entered a headquarters of the hypocrites in paris, according to the report of the french tfi base , the gendarmerie forces and anti -fraud services
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entered the complex where the hypocrites are present in paris this evening and searched this place . the reasons for the french police's entry have not yet been published the albanian government did not last spring the headquarters of this terrorist group was attacked in tirana and 70 hypocrites were arrested, and the final report from our country in the non-coastal aquaculture area of ​​the province, the first rank of cellar fish was taken by the entrepreneur of this province by setting up 5 fish farms in the city of selah. it processes more than 1,200 tons of gazelle and salmon fish annually. starting with a collection with a production of about 50 tons per year, mr. amiri, with experience and perseverance , was able to increase the level of his fish breeding farm in the city of selah and bring more than 1,200 tons of qazlala fish to the market annually, a total of five
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the farm produces about 1,200 tons of saltwater fish per year and produces and raises about 60 million pieces of fish reproduction. about 100 people work in these collections. how long have you been working here at the age of 67 ? it is close to our work place and our house. thanks god. this sample producer has started breeding salmon in his farm for some time . we could have the same kind of qezal la next to qezal la. with the changes we had in our diet , it turned into orange meat gazella, which is known as salmon in the market. good program on the level our cellar farms have started raising salmon fish , or the so-called ghazal fish, which
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are called red-meat salmon. the first place in the production and reproduction of saltwater fish among the non-coastal provinces of the country has been assigned to us. our production is more than 38 thousand tons. we produce all kinds of aquatic animals in the province, but this capacity is still small. we can produce up to 150 thousand tons. currently, more than 20,000 people are working in the fisheries sector of lorestan, which according to the ability of the province in the fisheries sector. the ability to achieve more employment and production with investment. javad rezaei of sarab radio and television news agency , amir of the city of selesh. thank you very much for your companion . have a nice day.
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greetings to you, dear and honorable compatriots who have joined us from this moment. good morning . thank you very much for still watching the news channel and the morning program salam correspondent. from the beginning of the morning program, salam correspondent, we said about martyr boroujerdi. the language of one of the comrades of martyr boroujerdi, mr. hamidi, is also on the pretext of the commemoration ceremony that is scheduled on the eve of the anniversary of martyrdom of boroujerdi, which is today.
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it will be held in tehran, the capital, with the presence of 200 of his kurdish comrades and kurdish fighters, but after 7 o'clock , we are going to be at your service with various issues. the opening and handing over of more than 30,000 residential units of nahzat melli maskan in khorasan nazvi is one of the very important news that will happen today, and we will also talk and hear about the abad iran exhibition again, but let's go to razavi khorasan and the opening and handing over of more than 30 thousand residential units of the national housing movement. details from
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let's hear the language of mr. engineer daei, general manager and chairman of khorasan razavi road and urban development coordination council, mr. engineer. hello, good morning . i am excited about the steps to reach you. i fell in love with you, the peace of your smile , your wonder, this is the beauty of your house, brenda, this is also not the kind of hand that a pub wants, it must be a crazy heart that wants a crazy one, i want you, whatever you want me to be. you are
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my life.
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it was me and the sadness went away until i reached you, i came i want to write about you because my heart is gone, this time i sat down to see you well, you are better than the best , i am drunk, not the kind that the pub wants, i want you from the crazy heart , the crazy want, i want you, whatever you want me to be, you, my life, my life, my life i am your soul , i am you, you are an animal, you are from me. who wants a house , come from a crazy heart, who wants a crazy
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heart, i don't want you, whatever you want me, you are my life, my life, my life, i want you, why are you in this world? good morning, everyone, we are in touch with mr. engineer tai, general manager and chairman of khorasan razavi road and urban development coordination council. to hear more about the details of these more than 30,000 residential units of the national housing movement, which are scheduled to be opened and handed over today in khorasan razavi , mr. daei. hello, good morning. well, in the name of allah, the most merciful
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, the most merciful. i offer my greetings, politeness and respect in the presence of your honorable colleagues and all the dear ones who have my voice in the affairs of the country . i am at your service. be safe, mr. engineer . 30,000 mandatory units of the national movement which is supposed to be carried out today. yes, well , today we are in the service of dr. mokhbar as part of a program as yadgar ibrahim. the family of the honorable president shahid so that we can appreciate the services of the 13th government in the field of housing, that a
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province was opened at the same time. and the ceremony of handing over the land to the talent of 19780 people, god willing , will be held today with the presence of mr. dr. mokhbar and under the title of yadgar ibrahim, god willing, the land handover ceremony will be held, the total number of our openings and land handovers will reach 1257 units, which is worth riyals , in fact, this program we believe that it is considered as one of the major projects of the province. mr. daei , you mentioned these 30,257 units that are currently included in the national housing movement plan. how much of your commitments in this plan will be left in the province? look , we are talking
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about 155,514 units in the province now that we are actually at your service. we are in the implementation stage , that is, from the propeller shaft stage to the opening stage , yes, in fact, they are different in all these processes , for example, one part is foundation, one part is skeleton, one part is stiffening, and one part is carpentry , which we are trying to be able to by the end of the government, we will actually increase this number to 180,000 units, and god willing, we hope that we will have this production process in the same way. we will continue, which means that this number will be completed within the next year. you mentioned that you will hand over 20,000 of these units, which are the units of the national housing movement, today. like masjid park school
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and other cases, preparations have been made and seen in this plan, yes. let's see if you can divide our services into two parts , infrastructure services that include water, snow, and actually gas and telecommunications. alhamdulillah, all the sites that are opened today have infrastructure services it is complete and has been implemented, and in this area , the government's assistance has been very effective, amounting to two and a half efforts, one and a half of which was the share of the ministry of roads and urban development. we injected money into the sites of the national movement, and in fact, the friends of the service agencies, especially the ministry of energy , provided these services in the field of water and electricity, in the field of superstructure services , which includes religious sports spaces , school clinics, and so on. well, today we have a sample site. or
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is it our pilot for the opening of the gonabad site, well, it was implemented there in the sports space , the mosque space was actually completed, a center the improvement of health has been done. we have prepared as much land as needed in all the sites of the national movement in accordance with the standards of urban planning. in fact , they have a plan for the purposes of these spaces on their agenda, which is very good, and the final point is that for the delivery of the units of the national housing movement and the lands that are supposed to be handed over, how long is the queue of your applicants in the province? the land is for free or the rent is 99 in fact, it delivers to applicants every year, which means that people are not charged for the land itself, the only
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cost that is contracted is the land preparation fee. the value of the lands that we provided for the national housing control plan is 4,800 hectares of land. in fact, we provided the value of 170 thousand billion tomans . the value of this will is that the government does not allocate any time for this. our process in razavi khorasan province and in fact, the participation of the people themselves in the construction , that is, we actually hand over the land to the people themselves, but we give them bank accounts, license discounts, engineering system discounts, etc. we have the role of a facilitator, we implement the issue, which means we do not abandon the people. let's do the necessary controls so that, god willing, these units will lead to construction, and we are still strengthening this issue . now we are actually in, except for two or three
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cities, where there is some land supply process due to technical issues and which there are cities, because the provision of land is very important. by the way, i also wanted to ask you if the lands have been identified so that you want to go to the next stage and the next step is to ask for these. work, yes, see us in all cities, our land we have secured at least one project , we have at least one project of the national housing movement underway, but in some cities, the large number of our immigrants has caused us to still have little land, so there has not been a city where we have not provided land at all . we have done it with the colleagues of the ministry of agriculture. the ministry of energy is making the necessary arrangements so that we can cover the small amount of land that actually exists in those cities
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, god willing. the applicant is in the same few cities now, the applicant is waiting for the transfer of the land, we do not have it now, except in the same few cities. yes, which cities are those. we predicted the city of neyshabur and we also informed and said that those people and applicants who are willing can go there and
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actually receive their land and this is mastomah maslaba of the supreme housing council of the country. the alternatives that you announced are good , many applicants because we actually have the land there in the form of a villa or one floor. hayatdan one of the points that i should mention here is the features of this plan. yes, this is an important discussion. we are one of the features that we have in this plan, and especially in razavi khorasan province , considering the cultural issue of uglibi discussions in our province. we have decided to hand over the land to the applicants in the form of one living floor, or at most two floors, in the places where we have the possibility to provide land. hayat dar and did not go to the issues of apartments and high floors . very excellent. thank you very much, mr. engineer daei, director and chairman of khorasan road and urban development coordination council.
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rezavi, thank you very much, i also thank your excellency , dear colleagues and all my dear countrymen , stay healthy, thank you, may god protect you, may god protect you and be with us. o father, why should you not be happy? of course , you sit down and depressed on my father's shoulder, sadness and sorrow sit on my father's shoulder. of course
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, if a thousand hands come from hand to hand, and the fruit of this bahu sits in the hand, this house will be built. we are in a state of being a stranger and he has a lot of use. this city will not be settled. if we don't fight, we won't have a chance to command . if we don't fight, we won't have a chance to fly . it was the same time when you saw that you are coming to us in any way you want it should be opened on time.
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good morning . we are on the fourth thursday of june. let us go to the glass news hall.
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to talk about the memorial of the martyrs of khordad in the month of lashkar fatemiyoun with mr. amir hossein khademi, journalist of sada and radio news agency mr. khademi , hello, reporter, i am at your service , dear colleague, mrs. hajipour, and good morning , i am at the service of the dear and noble nation of iran. i am with you from the glass hall of sed and sima news agency . according to the daily routine, my colleagues are at specialized tables to cover various programs and programs. what we are going to cover today is the commemoration ceremony of the 25th martyr of the month of khordad in the month of lashkar fatemiyoun, which will be held at the same time as the martyrdom of imam muhammad baqir (peace be upon him) in behesht zahra, plot 50, next to gulzar of martyrs of lashkar fatemiyoun. the event will start at 4:00 pm. in this ceremony, the family of the martyrs of lashkar fatimah.
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this ceremony will begin and continue until 20:00 in the hall. mashhad, located in shahada square, will hold an anniversary of martyr mohammad jafari ganji, one of the martyrs of lashkar fatemiyoun. the first anniversary of this noble martyr will be held in south dolatkhah neighborhood of tehran, where this noble martyr was one of the martyrs who was 20 years old, and this dear martyr was last year, whose body was found in al-hadari after 7 years of missing.
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thank you very much, mr. khademi, reporter of sed and sima news agency. well, greetings to you, as i told you, the abad iran exhibition has been held for a few days now, and today we want to talk to a lady in the studio of sobh salam reporter. let's do a series of special measures in the field of agriculture and they are among the young farmers, and besides that, the secretary of the young farmers club is at work. ms. pehlvanzadeh is with us in the studio . ms. pehlvanzadeh, good morning. you are very welcome. hello, good morning . i am happy to serve you. be healthy. we are also happy to have you in the studio of the morning program. i am from kandor city, khali city. abad
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, i am razavi from khorasan. i am from razavi khorasan and you have a bachelor's degree in journalism. well, you are our colleague. you are very welcome. thank you very much. to that sarkari, whose education is in the field of journalism and communication , please go to this position to become the secretary of the club of young farmers . there is a board of directors and i am also the vice chairman of the board of directors. of course, i am more active in the field of women. from 1982 until 1989,
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i was also an adviser to the department head on women's affairs. well, now.


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