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tv   [untitled]    June 14, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm IRST

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the loss is now directly from the insurance company. for our insurance company, the loss of financial obligations is at least 40 million tomans, there is no need to report , etc., but now we have problems that we have with conventional cars . there was also something that we used to say, sir, this damage cannot be assessed at all in some unconventional cars , now we were evaluating the same thing, and we said , sir, this is a price drop.
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anyway, now, for example, you have insured the car until next year, and you are saying that this will happen in another month or two months. it seems that now our car has not been evaluated , for example, whether or not it has been damaged so far. there is no need for these people to refer to niziaban when an accident happens. this can be recognized through the expertise of my colleagues. need to enter. the supervisory body, which is the central insurance or
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the people's independent assessors, regarding this assessment , some insurance companies, for example , disagree or object to this drop in price, which is now added to it, what should they do if there is an objection, it is seen in the salthim law. cases that are damaged for any reason or our insurer regarding the damage if there is an objection, he can refer to an independent damage assessor. fortunately, it is specified in the third law that people who object to the damages they have received for any reason can choose an evaluation by themselves , and the opinion of that evaluator is in principle binding for , for example, if they can still the council of people who have a dispute can refer to the court or not
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, it can be the next step. independent assessors can be available people are placed and people refer to that supply and damage, i see his expertise, i check and i check the items and items i want , i submit my case to him, i say you specify how much i accept the permit. the authority determines to the center whether this
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gentleman is allowed to evaluate or not, but the choice is free for the people, that is, if, for example, suppose you had an accident with my car with your car, there is no need for me to come to your insurance appraiser , i can go to an independent appraiser mr. abbasi, how will this happen because it is an almost big change because it costs money for that person usually, people first refer to the evaluation of the insurance company. people should do this in any third-party damage so that they can find it, or for example, if the damage is on a decentralized site, things are possible now. even the salary of this appraiser is paid to us every year, so as not to harm the people. let's say that a lot means people, well, in this procedure, they have to pay more money, yes, they have to pay.
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well, in the report of mr. rahimian, even though people say that i have suffered a loss, i should pay 300,000 tomans or up to one or two million tomans. the size of this 300,000 tomans is not paid at all . now, the insurance company is paying. well, not now . if i want to go independently, i have to pay. well, i want to pay independently. with 300,000 tomen , i have a private appraiser and i can go several times , i don't need to stand in line anymore, i don't need to go to the branch, the appraiser goes to him, this makes a big difference. it guides, that is, the independence
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of the evaluation is really preserved. why can't the insurance company tell you right now, because it is possible now? if the amounts are different, then your insurance company , which is to blame, for example, says that i will pay you 5 million tomans for this part, for example, i will give you 10 million tomans for this accident, and the independent appraiser will say that it is not 20 million, for example, you, if a part needs to be replaced if god forbid, now people , if they have an accident, you have to take the part and deliver it at all . tell me , for example, did i change the car door? the insurance company in the future has now changed. actually, i'm telling you now because it's on the air, not because it's on the air the reason is that i really have the central insurance, i see that it is very detailed, the independent person's assessment is different, the opinion of the central insurance is one hundred percent and complete
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. it is here if he comes to complain, for example, he can go, for example , the insurance of insurance companies , there is a protest system in addition to that, there is also an appraiser, in addition to that, even if our fellow countrymen have a complaint , we have an office to deal with complaints. there was a price to pay in the past years, they used to say, for example, that we will pay a discount on a car that is only 5 years old from its production date, or
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other procedures, which are sometimes tasteful . now, in this new regulation, the year is important no, yes, i said the year, the year is important, whatever the year , the age is added, the amount of damage will be stopped until one year or another year. for example, you might have a car 10 years ago, but it was an accident it will result in a big drop in price, even though it has been true for many years, but we finally have to do this somewhere. it
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was precisely the whole government. the discussion was that the insurance premiums will not change with this incident. now there is an important question here. this is how the insurance company, which should have more obligations now , should pay the price drop and not take more money from the policyholder. we did it in time . now let me tell you something. we notify the insurance premium at the beginning of each year, approximately in march , and we will do these calculations the following year in that meeting. we
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reported to the supreme council of insurance, we raised this issue, how much was added this year, 2,666, but i think it was more. we checked the effect of this oil price on our total damages, and considering that there was no procedure now , it was almost very difficult for us to estimate and evaluate the amount of damage , so this year, of course , i calculated the effects by my own thumb. at that time, it was reported , we presented it to the insurance company, and we took it. you can see that in the first year of implementation, the effect is not so great on the costs of insurance companies, because until
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people, first of all, it should be settled, then now we know that there are parallel procedures that will cost much more than this in a case as much as 10 cars. those who know the procedures know how they will win in the first year if we don't consider it. from the second year, how much do we have to be ready to change? we wrote the conditions, will the supreme insurance council approve it or not? if we assume that this confirms that it does not have much effect, this is a lot of you, for example, 10% on our total damages.
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it is related to physical damages, so let's make it simpler for the people and the viewers. let me ask you this way. now, we are entitled to this extra every year. they don't know anything about this price drop, how much more do i have to pay for my car? what percentage is added to the one that you add every year? most of them can be halved or doubled . now, how much is what you have checked so far? now, if you allow me to explain the damages, maybe you can see better. 80% of our damages
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have no effect because of physical death and injury, and these issues remain 20 % of our damages. if 20% is added, how much 20%, 20%, the number will not be big, i think if this is the order of operation. who wrote in this way, because my insurers probably listen to what we are saying today , they should be worried that this will lead to a cost pressure. in the year of sam, well, pricing is the only field that the government sets prices for, and in different years , the pricing is usually a kind of pricing. the expediency of rome society, because it was social insurance , always paid less than what it should have been
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in almost all of the history of the implementation of this law, the insurance company has never increased the price of insurance premiums more than its costs . for example, until the end of the year, because until this year , nothing will happen to our people , so that we do n't worry about it. this year, the insurance premium will not change until there is no, for example, an extension. sir , because this price drop may unfortunately
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affect us, this health insurance has a lot of problems , mr. namazi, what do you think? how much has it changed because you mentioned at the beginning of your statement that sometimes it was possible that
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i was working as an insurer more than i should have, the law of paying your damages came without a croaky , it was 25 thousand tomans. after all, anyone who has an accident will get hurt and get damaged, etc. , but this did not happen, that is, that crying education was not the reason for people to have unnecessary referrals, because the cases mentioned by chaman are not such that everyone stands still. there are some people in the front who should definitely be controlled because of that, we cannot provide for everyone , our opinion and analysis, which is my analysis, is not a personal opinion because you and i are in the forum . but in the case of your supervision and expert work by professionals, this happens, instead of saying , sir, where are you sleeping, go get your invoice
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, and tell us who is doing this now . the normal standard is paid
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in the damages section of the mandatory part. i thank your excellency, no. thank you very much to both guests of the program, all the good viewers of today's conversation you have accompanied us until this moment, god bless you or ali, sir, don't be tired, don't be tired , you are happy. now that the candidates for the presidential election have been determined
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, many of you have demands from the future president today in a taxi. an election based on these expectations and of course other issues related to the election, i will chat with you and say, hello, madam, we are an election taxi. what did we not vote for?
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economic conditions and working conditions are better for young people what characteristics should he have? a president should be trustworthy to the people, take care of the people's problems , take care of the people's wishes, be a young thinker, be brave, be brave, be brave in the matter of livelihood. it is really difficult to buy a house for people , it has become a dream for people, even the issue of renting bahaghan has become impossible for some. they are asking
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us if the hand of the president is finally taken from somewhere. it starts from somewhere. when the president comes, he can. yes, why can't we? that the social welfare will increase, the income of the people will increase, farkun farkun. we are an election taxi . yes, we want to talk about the elections. yes , my route will take you to my destination. i will not ride. it won't hurt him to act, but finally , they should act 70-80%, because sometimes only yes, because performance is very important.
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if you allow us, there is no problem , if we don't have any meaning, it will be broadcast now. god willing, good luck, sir . may you be alive. today, we have a number of guests. they were our election taxi. election talks will continue in this taxi in the coming days. internet users have a famous saying, they say
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that some photos have sound, the sound of these photos may still be in someone's ears from may 2017. i sat on the rail until yar came to visit me and the governor came. how many years had he not been on the rail? particle for direct object. it was dragged on the rail, they said they don't sleep well and closed the road, but their voice reached a government official. in this group, one of them was the father of a little girl. the teacher couldn't buy flowers and take them to school . i was sitting and looking at his picture. i said that a man doesn't have two flowers , how is it better to take them, hebka had a lot of people
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saying that they don't sleep well. the appointment of the new head of the judiciary took place, and at 12:00 noon, mr. raisi came to attend the meeting of the workers who had filed a case for gathering and closing the railway tracks. for weeks, the news of hebco's judicial closure and graves was in the headlines until the president's return to this factory to complete the process of revitalizing the hebco factory. i don't want to talk behind the camera. if you weren't in the judiciary, you wouldn't have done those things and you wouldn't have saved these workers from that misery. i swear to god , there was no factory that you wanted him to come into . they told the president to come again and untie the other knots of the factory, and he decided to come, seyyed jan
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, we are thinking of you. they used to say that sahib is the member of someone whose work in hebko returned their votes from far and wide, maybe at that time. they are saying that the value of choosing the right one can be seen from the mood of the people in this picture. in fact, you may have heard that some photos have sound.
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you are the leader of this field, if today our words are heard in the region and the world, it is because of your power to join the chele khemat campaign, you just need to do something for the people with the intention of the martyrs of khemat, and the number
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is eight to a thousand. you are very welcome. 15 years who has been working here, go with a conditioned voice and singing, mashallah.
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it is the result of the thoughts and calculations of our ancestors. one of the miracles of iranian architecture are the conversion of square and four meats into domes, which you see in this structure , which was done by elephants, and secondly , the height of the building causes air flow and air circulation, and conditioned air juniper wood cannot be eaten by termites. this is the wood of the old days, choosing this axis that you can see above , this axis is now about 14 meters in the process of grinding wheat, the camel rotates in a circular path. in my day, it is about 300 kilos. our eyes must be closed. this camel's head is closed. don't get confused, this is a big axle of the gearbox, one round of a camel turns 6 rounds of that round in the middle of 36 circles, the stone turns to grind barley and wheat. apart from the fact that it is considered a tourist attraction, this historical building is
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a slave of isfahan east broadcasting news agency.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful. greetings to you, dear viewers, at 4:00 p.m. , we are at your service with some news. broadcast research is sent to the headquarters of all election candidates. the head of the national media announced this news in the virtual space and wrote that the topics of the debate programs and roundtables will be informed to the headquarters of the candidates before the program. yesterday too the election headquarters of sed and cima announced in its announcement no. 3: the polls in the virtual space to the national media.


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