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tv   [untitled]    June 14, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm IRST

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[000:00:00;00] of course , we are closer to our political like-minded people, of course, but i will not allow taste to rule under any circumstances. you see, i am no longer in the position of president with one tendency and another idea. i am the president of this country and all my people, i have the duty to choose the best for the people and this is our destiny, you will see . in that government , there were moderate people in today's terms, but well, being single, we have to leave all this aside. i changed almost 30 governors, although
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it took one year and eight months to change one of them. i told mr. ahmadnejad, mr. ahmad nejad , they have served since the beginning of the revolution, now they have been governors , then they have been ministers , they have been deputy ministers, and now their political tastes are different from ours. i said that i was asking for 10 posts of advisor to the minister. i said give me 20 posts of advisor to the minister and i will give them exclusively to mr. ahmadi jadem. thank you for this. i left 20 advisors from the governor of the reform government with the title of adviser to the minister. the most and the best service during the ministry of interior was giving the minister of interior all the laws from the top of the constitution regarding the ministry of interior and the ministry of interior, setting and enema and rewriting the regulations. regulations, instructions, wonderful and valuable work in the ministry of information
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, i also tried to do this work in the ministry of justice. i think you should work with the best who are loyal to the system, the people, islam, the revolution, the leadership, and the imam. we should ask him to appreciate him, to entrust him with a responsibility. if he is a committed person, he will not exercise his taste, he will do his duty . i have this experience and i think the country needs this view, we should have this view. to be i have successful and positive experience in different fields. god willing, i will try to implement the new era with an approach to the country's bureaucracy and fundamental changes in the administrative system and, of course, in the employment of managers and experts. of course, if my staff friends are qualified, they are the first. this is his right. that is, those who i helped, those who were closer to me,
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those who share my political thoughts. of course, if these are people with those characteristics, they have the right of precedence . we completely agree with your mechanism . now, because we don't have a party , we have a problem in identifying the forces, but because i was in all governments, in the government of the supreme leader from 1966 to in 1968 , i was in all the governments of mr. hashemi and the following governments . now, for example, the government of reform for a few months and a year. and let it be constructive and valuable and transformative in the administrative system of the country. you can name the people who want to provide the key to the government. you see, our conditions are not very suitable for naming. the reason is that, well, i
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have devotion to many of them and i think that it needs different consultations, some of them are suitable for certain characteristics , it requires a series of opinion polls and special consultations, of course it is not possible to repeat, but i think that different governments, especially many friends in our group of like-minded revolutionary forces, are happy, and i am happy . i want to leave the service i will use them, haj agha , you give this commitment to the media and the national media in particular, that they prepare a report from season to season to measure your election promises and monitor the performance of your possible government based on these promises and the programs you announced. they will do and maybe even criticize the government, god willing, first of all, i
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want to do something that i want to do at the beginning of my government . look at the central bank, statistics center, ministry of housing, organizations. at the beginning of the action, we should first have a description of the current state of the country. let us be and announce this, sir this is our economy, this is our employment situation, this is our inflation situation , this is our liquidity, this is our turnover, this is our import, export, this is our production, for example, oil and other things , the statistics of indicators of social and cultural status where there are statistics and can be reported with statistics. first of all, let's record this, if anyone has any problems, tell them the problem , say here
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, your statistics are wrong, here is a little too much, there is no problem, this is the first step, and you should definitely see that 100 days is now known in the world, yes, i believe that a 100-day season may be a better season for us the number is better. he presented a series of quarterly reports it should be done annually. i believe in reporting. i am not afraid of reporting failures and failures. i believe in being honest with people. correct reporting. it is not a fault to recount the faults and failures. people are upset about not telling the truth. not to say we couldn't. we were wrong. anyway, let's say we made a mistake, we went half way. well, we misunderstood. this is our way. now we understand that we were wrong. we will fix it. people also say that this is done honestly , it creates energy , it creates social connection and strengthens social relations, and they help the government to succeed. for this reason, i hope and make this appointment
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, god willing, that we will give this quarterly report, god willing, in the quarterly report, we will tell about our weaknesses, of course , if i go to be stationed in the presidential building , i will of course make this request to the inspection bodies and all the institutions, the latest state of the country. please let me know the statistics carefully and we will compile it . if there is a difference, we will do a re-examination , get accurate statistics and publish it. this is very important. don't be afraid. anyway, people's problems. now we don't give numbers, but people who understand their problems now. today they say that our economy is very good, not inflation but, people, the reality of the street floor, in our own words. we will see it at their table and on our trip, let's talk to the people honestly
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, tell the right statistics, get help from the people, elites, activists, this way, i think a lot of things will go better. please let me know the records that you are interested in, and if not, let me raise my question. see, i have extensive experience in different areas, for example, i was the head of the country's secret diplomacy for 9 years. many of the country's problems were not revealed through normal means. let's provide it. well, i provided it secretly. i went several times because of the acute problems of iraq . i met saddam hussein. the longest meeting i had with saddam hussein was two hours and 40 minutes. my son-in-law was martyred, my friends were martyred in front of many of my relatives. the peak of hatred and what crimes he has committed against us , i had a mission to free our captives and solve the problems of the captives. it was the time of the late mr. hashemi. he told me that you are going there .
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ok, i will explain in the next opportunities, and he was forced to surrender, and these are the peak of powerful diplomacy, and now the interpretation we use today is the field and diplomacy. this combination was there and we did a wonderful job. now i explained that it can be done in other places, in different places. well, i had a meeting with the heads of major services in the world, either in tehran or in their capitals. well, these are big things , or the transfer of technology and knowledge is a very important thing. that all our information services are done in america is one of several countries that have a heavy competition in the transfer of technology from america to their country, and iran has been recognized 45 until now, maybe some people think of me and mullahs, but i am in many important fields
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of the country, nanotechnology, biotechnology, industries, for example , rocket industries, aviation industries, many pharmaceutical industries. from soft technologies, for example, many iranians are helping us, muslims are helping us. alhamdulillah , they have been successful and have been the source of the country's scientific development . in any case, these are great achievements. well , when i came to the ministry of interior, we have the first experience of the fuel card. and well, i am in the ministry of interior in cooperation with the ministry of oil i did it, and today i think the problem is the fuel crisis that we have and this high volume, we have 12-30 million liters of consumption per day, turkey is next to us, its population is like ours, consumption is below 20 million liters per day , i have prosperity, i have development, i have industry , i have good tourism, so i don't use it well , we are wasting it. with the experiences i have there , i can predict and have a solution for this sector. of course, different devices should help.
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i have the first experience of electronic elections in my country. when i came to the inspection organization , i was reporting 2300 devices online to have an electronic report , i came to the ministry of justice, i did a few big ones in the penal organization , and i did a wide plan to gather information about children in the country, children under 18 years old, well, it's a very important and significant issue today , if i say electronic government, i don't want slogan to give right now , there are 3 heavy artificial intelligence projects in the document center, one of which will be awarded as the best project, but it was selected as a sample report. i am experienced in this work i tried a lot and i think that the electronic government will save the country, but if it is implemented well , it is clear corruption. and electronic government, well, these
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are the points that i think are very important in the high management of the country, and those who are able to continue and manage this country with this capacity , who have not seen it from afar, do not ask second and third parties , you need to report. yes, i am. i don't know everything , i need experts for an expert report, but i'm not a stranger to the issues, that is, i have an expert view on the issues, but in any case, the important issues of the country should be discussed with the experts. i think, god willing, if our noble nation considers me worthy of this position , i will be grateful to them and grateful to god, and we will certainly pursue a new era in the management of the country and the development of the country, the progress of the country inside and outside, without a doubt. we are not afraid of any area, we will not be afraid
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, we are not worried about any negotiation and we will not run away. we are pursuing this step seriously , we will use our national power, the national power of our armed forces, our hard power and our soft power to progress in the field of diplomacy and international affairs, and internally with the use of all capacities, all facilities and all experts, and fortunately extremely valuable capacity. our people are experienced forces, especially young people and worthy men and women, which we have in abundance in the country, and the accumulation of experience that exists in the country, god willing, we will witness a new era in the future management of the country, different from the past. i really did not want to enter the field. i had gone to look for cultural and research work and work that is closer to my age and research issues
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. at the beginning of the revolution, our judicial cooperation happened in suleiman mosque when i became a prosecutor , they were kind enough to cooperate with me, then we cooperated throughout history until the last days, and i salute their high spirits and martyrs, especially the traditions established by mr. raisi. his good manners, his good manners, his generosity, his travels, his pursuits , his respect for the people, these are worthy and outstanding qualities that should be established and should last. now , with what happened, i feel that this responsibility is on my shoulders. we must continue this path with strength . i appreciate all the capacity of the government and the positive points of the government we will use undoubtedly i am not worried that any government has done a good job, i can say that it belongs to that government and i want to use that experience and the competent, reliable and committed men who worked or consulted during that time. i think
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the country needs this view. thank you, mr. hojat al-islam muslim, mr. mustafa pour mohammadi , the honorable candidate of the 14th presidential election . my final question was to hear from you that the personality how do you describe the martyred president as you said at the end of the speech and from thank you for appearing on the first page of the program and answering my questions. and well , it was a review of your performance records and of course some of your programs. inshallah, you will be healthy and persistent . thank you very much . i have success, happiness and well-being. good luck . and peace be upon you. thank you , dear viewers, who have been with the front page until this moment. i hope that this conversation will be of interest to you and this program and of course other programs that the national media will show for the presidential election
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republic has prepared and prepared, be a bridge for you to reach the best choice and weapons. be steadfast and keep god steadfast. these steps taken are an example of a second step of the islamic revolution.
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it was the 22nd of bahman 1997, while the islamic revolution was celebrating its 40th anniversary. in the last decade , it was addressed in the form of the statement of the second step of the revolution . here, the leader of the revolution talks about taking a capability seriously. we must recognize our own assets and take them seriously. we should know these, take them seriously , use these, use these. the country has a great potential, secondly , let us know the pests, let us know the ways of the enemy's infiltration , let us know the security stability and maintain the entire width of iran
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, the driving engine of the country in the field of science and technology, to increase the participation of the people and the race to serve , the amazing improvement of political vision. most people. the weighting of justice in the distribution of the country's public facilities, the significant increase in spirituality and morality in the public space of the society, daily standing up to the arrogant people of the world, are among the key points in this statement. martyr of the president, the president of the second step of the islamic revolution. this title was a meeting for the official who based his basic rail on the statement of the second step of the revolution. it is a turning point in the history of the islamic revolution. it is also a sign of the progress that the islamic revolution has brought to iran in the 40 years of the islamic revolution, and it is also a strategy for the future of the islamic world
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. your words were proof for him. look, what you said is not a speech. for mr. president, it is a word. let them do it themselves. directly, if he had not heard that letter , he would have read it the very next day, and it would have been impossible for him in the meeting the government should not review it and not follow it up and not warn and demand that we should not underestimate the shia martyr raisi. this affection of the people is from the beginning . there is no doubt at all that the people are obeying the leadership because they consider the government to be subordinate to the leader, they are obeying the leadership. examining many attributes of the martyred president and continuity. it was with this purpose that how can we use what we had in the political behavior and governance ethics of our martyred and deceased president
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to continue and consolidate this path and promote and exalt this reminder and this practical reminder in the field: governance can be for our society. for choices our future should be considered as an investment. with a review, it can be concluded that most of the statements of the leader of the revolution in the statement of the second step of the revolution were realized in the government of martyr raisi mohaghegh or the movement towards it started. in other words, a spark for a bright path. president martyr hasayatullah raisi was the first president who assumed office after the statement. in the executive branch , our assessment is that they have taken very effective steps in implementing the demands of the supreme leader in a second step statement.
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maybe we can talk about his reproduction , talk about actually repeating him in the various pillars of the system , and about what we value , what we give weight to, and with what we calculate our own actions, supreme leader of the revolution. islam states that nowadays it is a virtue to keep memory alive. martyrs are not less than martyrdom, and in fact , we seriously feel this in relation to the honorable presidency, that they should be addressed. really this elite cycle and use of the youth's capacity in the statement of step two. second , holding such meetings helps to clarify the goals and follow
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the goals and achievements of the 13th government in the discussion of women, in the discussion of the family and the concern that mr. shahid raisi has in the issue of women and the family, to have the establishment of the national women's headquarters. and the family and the hardships , anyway, the concerns that they had in the discussion of the people of the government that could. clarify for the extension of these goals and programs in the 14th government , the positioning and movement of the governance system of the islamic republic of iran on the general policies of the program's objectives. candidates and after success in actually attaining the position of service after the people's vote, their first or second government program should be on this circuit. the election of role models and storms, as stated in the qur'an
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, have a very important educational and educational role . i think these meetings can increase the burden of the media's mission so that it can inform the people and pay attention. to attract people to these models that are alive in front of all our society, our nation and even the people of the world. what comes to mind is the use of the political behavior and governance of the martyred president. mohammad ali mirzaei sada news agency and sima teaching architectural literacy to children. adolescents can play with these toys since childhood, recognize the building line
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, recognize the chinese knot, and then when it is placed in our obdiya, he can clean them, identify them and read them, and this makes him possess this art. know the value and be diligent in preserving and protecting this art, the toy that remains as a heritage in the form of various patterns. it teaches iran to children and teenagers . the horse that we produced and designed was designed based on the culture and art of iranian architecture. in this way, we made it possible for the children to be familiar with this culture and to know the value of this art from the very childhood. recently, the vasik emblem was unveiled, which is awarded to toys that
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deal with iran's cultural heritage. vasik's national sign is one of the important and effective measures that was formed by our colleagues in the vice-chancellor of technology and application. heritage games can be an important action and an operational and executive action for the purpose of transfer. complex concepts are a legacy to children and teenagers and the next generation of our society, but these games are a legacy in their design it is necessary that they can have scientific information and the results of research achievements as their own scientific support. if you are going to introduce a game to children, it is better if this game is a game that is related to identity. now we are trying to get a sponsor for this. the games, according to the discussions we had with the scientific exchange and the
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presidential exchange, are generally good. privately, we can link these to each other so that most of them invest in games that are related to the country's cultural heritage. i have been working in this field for 20 years in the field of architecture and thought i believe that the best investment we should make is in childhood, our children should be familiar with this culture, know the value of this art, and when we can learn this art and culture from our childhood, we will properly
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introduce it to children through games. sahib al-zaman
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or peace be upon him. isis gangs in 2014 and it was during these days that isis terrorists supported by america occupied mosul, the second largest city in iraq, and today coincides with the 10th anniversary of the occupation of this city , in which the martyr general hajj qassem soleimani
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played an incomparable role in the liberation of that city. iraq to end the military presence of american terrorists. negotiations americans are still in a state of ambiguity with the iraqi side. in the previous three rounds of negotiations, the americans did not spare any plan to prevent them from leaving iraq. nevertheless, i believe that the nation will have the final word on the expulsion of americans. before this, the iraqi islamic resistance groups against the americans. they were accused of ignoring the negotiations to leave this country. i believe that if the planned plan to end the presence of american troops in iraq is not approved, the iraqi resistance groups will take action. axis of resistance so far several opportunities the government has provided political solutions to this problem , but the americans never
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adhered to their political commitments in this country. the iraqi government has entered into negotiations with the american side three times for the withdrawal of the american military and international coalition forces since the 7th of bahman 1402, and these negotiations have not yet been completed . in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, ladies and gentlemen, please accompany us with the economic and market news. the price of live livestock in tehran for arafah and eid al-adha will be 330 to 335 thousand tomans per kilo. the director general of the supervision of essential commodities of the ministry of jihad and agriculture announced this news and added that


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