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tv   [untitled]    June 18, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm IRST

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in sarai bozur irani where you can very easily choose your favorite sports equipment from among all this impressive variety, then take it to your home with an unbelievable price for long-term photos, free shipping, just like that, sports equipment store in sarai bozor iranians in the cities of qom islah. and the only tehran branch in serah afsarieh.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, dear viewers, hello , good afternoon, we are with you with the news section at 12 o'clock, the digital rial will be launched from the beginning of july, the central bank announced that the customers of the banking network will be able to use money without using money from july 1403. paper cards or bank cards simply through the digital rial wallet and only by scanning the barcode generated in the software provided with modern methods to make purchases or to transfer money to the wallets of other customers. i will talk to the director of the central bank's payment systems department to investigate and detail this news. hello mr. mani yekta. please tell me
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what is the use of this new service of the central bank and how can citizens use it? hello, i would like to express my gratitude to the official service and the respected audience of the program, our dear compatriots who like this program you know, well, you are limited according to the authority given by the law of the central bank, and based on the directives of the monetary and credit council , regarding the issue of digital rial, in fact, the issue of the digital form of bank notes, whose use in our economy is very limited today, that's why. the basis of the extensive measures taken by the central bank in cooperation with the banking network has been carried out since the beginning of our team , god willing, with the cooperation of mellat bank and in the future with the cooperation of tejarat bank, this service will be publicly and specifically started from kish island. the face of tourists or visitors who enter as soon as they enter the island
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, they will receive a text message, they can pay their digital rial wallet and use this service at the store terminals located in kish island. well, naturally , the central bank has several goals in mind for the development of payment services and diversification and payment tools, which are part of the goals , including short-term goals that can be important and attention for our dear customers, we can simply use this tool in fact. point out the high security of payments and that targeting this payment facilitates this payment facilitation tool hi khurd, dear people, for dear sellers , the attraction is that they receive the funds received from customers immediately in their own business type and can use it for their financial transactions. of course, i apologize , of course, in the long term, i have much broader goals in mind.
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abadi in the public session of the parliament also said that currently there is a real demand of 1 million 200 thousand for cars in the country, but the turning of cars into capital goods and the existence of rent in this field has caused the annual production of 1 million 300 thousand cars and the import of 30 a thousand vehicles to respond to true and false requests. a study shows that mandatory pricing and interference in the market not
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only did not increase the production, but also increased the accumulated losses of the government car manufacturers and affected the quality of the products, and all this while the biggest benefit goes to dealers and dealers. has been gilan university of medical sciences announced that 8 people died in the fire accident at ghaem rushd hospital. most of the deceased patients were in the intensive care unit of the icu. the president of gilan university of medical sciences announced the death toll of 9 people in connection with the khabar network it was he who corrected this figure. according to the announcement of gilan university of medical sciences , there was a mistake made by razi rushd hospital in announcing the names of the deceased. dear viewers , we are going to welcome the noon call to prayer at tehran time
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. we are begging and praying for all of you. god is great, god is great, god is great, god is great, there is no god but god. there is no god but god. there is no god but god. i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god. i testify that muhammad is the messenger
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of god. i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god.
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hai ali khair al-amal allah akbar, allah akbar, there is no god but allah , it will not be accepted, god willing, continue the news at 12:50 p.m the country is full, the iranian water resources management company
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announced that 34 billion and 310 million cubic meters of water have been stored in hundreds of countries, and this amount of water fills up 6 children and teenagers, and it should be like a warning sign on cigarette packs. receive a warning with this theme when entering social networks. there is a risk of serious damage to the mental health of adolescents. floods and
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landslides in el salvador and guatemala have killed at least 13 people. according to local authorities , heavy rains in central america and flooding caused landslides in this region. a number of the victims were killed due to the falling of trees and electric poles on the cars passing through the highways. el salvador's congress on sunday declared a state of emergency and ordered the mobilization of human resources . torrential rains kill dozens of people in central america every year. the deepening of relations between north korea and russia worried the us. the spokesperson of the american national security council claimed that his country is not worried about putin's visit to north korea, but we are worried about the deepening of relations between the two countries and its impact on the security of the korean peninsula. john kirby said that his country
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is monitoring the situation very seriously. meanwhile before his two-day trip to north korea, the russian president expressed his country's opposition to sanctions against north korea while thanking pyongyang for its support to moscow. putin also described pyongyang as a committed and like-minded supporter of russia. the russian president's visit to north korea is putin's first visit to the country since 2000. and the disclosure of the weapons cooperation document of 70 australian companies with the zionist regime. according to this document, many australian companies are used in the supply chain of f-35 bomber parts. the zionist regime is cooperating in the bombing of the gaza strip. cooperation document
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many australian companies in the supply chain of american f-35 bombers used by the zionist regime in bombing the gaza strip were removed from the website of lockheed martin, an american military weapons company, an hour after it was published. the american company lockheed martin released a document and hourly. then he deleted that he openly revealed the hidden dimensions of the transfer of some parts made in australia for use in the f-35 fighters used by tel aviv. an issue that provoked a wave of criticism against the australian government , so that the critics consider the sending of weapons and military parts in support of the zionist regime as a violation. declared human rights in conflict with international law. ministry of defense for.
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the duo claimed to tel aviv that the equipment was not military. at the same time, the leaked document of the american military repair company revealed the cooperation of 70 australian companies with the israeli regime. to ensure respect for human rights , countries have obligations under the geneva international convention that their ignorance about where military parts are used will not prevent them from violating humanitarian laws. the zionist regime was
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accused of committing genocide war crimes in international courts, now the academics australian human rights parties and supporters accuse the government of this country of cooperating with the israeli regime and have demanded the immediate termination of these relations. esmail puraji, regional office of south east asia broadcasting news agency. thank you for your companion, god bless you. after the leadership position of the president, if the presidency is good, it is to serve the nation .
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the issue of continuing the work or resignation of the government was discussed in the meeting dated 23 7 60 and as a result. in order to free his excellency's hand in choosing the prime minister and cabinet members, the government board accepted the resignation therefore, this party submits its resignation. the next day, mr. khamenei introduced ali akbar velayati as the prime minister to the parliament.
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on the 30th of mehr, the parliament will vote for the provincial prime minister . representatives speak for and against. the proposed prime minister is finally not approved with 80 votes against, 74 votes in favor and 38 abstentions. the president praises this courageous action of the parliament. i believe that this is one of the most important actions that the parliament has done so far. the reason is that in this decision, the parliament was in front of the president. that relative to him he had expressed his love and support many times. inevitably, the president introduces his second choice, mirhossein mousavi, to the parliament. on the 7th of november, mousavi receives a vote of confidence from the parliament. after a lot of tension, it seems that in the second half of the year
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, peace has reigned in the political atmosphere of the country. i am the boss. i don't know that this great president, the president of our nation, the great mass of our people who chose me as their leader , have many chosen people among them, how many pious people , how many learned people. how many selected elements intellectually or spiritually or practically in this there are many people in our society, and i am in a society where scholars , scientists, artists, poets, politicians
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, enlightened thinkers, self-sacrificing elements, mothers , fathers who gave up children and young people, and other exceptional elements exist in abundance. in such a society, i am the boss. i don't know this society, the president of this great president, this is the name given to me by the constitution, but i consider myself the servant and trustee of this people. by explaining the political situation of the country, the president introduces the way of the country's progress to be revolutionary and move in the line of the imam. . compromising groups that were willing to build with america
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build the west, build it with great powers, in order to preserve the country according to their own imagination or claim , and in fact to keep themselves at work or to say this, the groups that were ready to instill themselves in the hearts of the people at any cost have been exposed. the minds of the people should change and rely on the east and the west . the exposure of the hypocrites, the compromisers, the liberals, the groups affiliated with the west, today they have no respect in the eyes of these people, and these people use the language of the imam, which is the most honest language of the revolution, and the imam himself is actually the concrete manifestation of this. the revolutionaries recognized these things from the words of such a person, and the imam himself with full determination and with
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perfect frankness that we have always known from that honorable man. he exposed the hypocrite, he exposed the liberal , he exposed the militant groups. he exposed the compromisers with america. he has exposed the compromises of the compromisers with the east and an uncompromising revolutionary imam line has remained in the text of the society, which if, by the grace of god, does not disintegrate and does not fall into corruption in the future, and does not fall into inefficiency and stagnation, this country can survive. may he continue in the line of revolution for many years. ayatollah khamenei, anticipating the natural release of the revolution , likens the release of the revolution to the scent of spring. culture revolution, the true spirit of revolution, like the soft
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spring air, does not recognize gates and fences . and it passes and is exported , there is no fence, no door that can block the gentle air of spring and the fragrance of the flowers of farvardin and ardi behesht, and the revolution will bring its sweet fragrance to the noses of those who wish. on november 11 , the prime minister introduces his cabinet to the parliament
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and after the speeches of the representatives about the ministers , the cabinet of engineer mousavi finally receives a vote of confidence from the parliament . as soon as possible to enter the action stage and start his work. even after 23 bahman 1957, we had people who, influenced by that corrupt culture , wanted to be a bridge for the return of america to our country, for the return of imperialism to our country . it was not always conscious but also unconscious. since the beginning of saddam's attack, this
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is the first time that war has become the main issue of the country. everyone is waiting to hear good news from the fronts. on the 23rd of diy, the government delegation and a number of officials of the country will visit the imam. the leader of the revolution does not make excuses for inaction. correction the government, the reform of the administrations, the reform of the society, and the reconstruction of all these are now the responsibility of all of us , especially you gentlemen who are at the top of the affairs, and if you do not make an effort, it will be irresponsible. solve the problems in the home ministry and in the offices and wherever there is, and among these there should be people who
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will not let the affairs flow in their own islamic channel, their own humanity, maybe we will follow . let's take it back. you must clean the offices with all your might. no purification from every person who is deviant. adjust them to the meaning and discipline and adjust and refine those who are, but again perception they did not discuss islamic issues and islam
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has brought us everything and we must use it and today is the day to use it. the psychological war of foreign media with the iranian nation has intensified. imam khomeini is the main target of these attacks in the position of religious leader of the time. imam calmly mocks the rumors . a few days ago, i was listening to the radio . i saw that a foreign radio said that so-and-so said that khomeini was dying. i remembered a story and that was a person who wanted to state in this meeting, he said that i am the one who did what i did, what i did, he counted his works and this he said, "i am the one who
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killed such and such a person and such and such a warrior in such and such a place, and i did it. that person was ready and said that the person whom you killed is listening to your words. i remembered that the person whom that gentleman said was dying. he has heard their words and laughed at this brainy style. in the eventful last days of the 1960s. a new boat of the events of march 14, the assassinations and conspiracies of the hypocrites and the complicity of bani sadr with the anti-revolution is revealed. we thought that we were fighting against westernization. but since our intellectual content is the intellectual content of enlightened thinkers from the same vision in the west, we were unconsciously or consciously opposed to the spiritual.
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we meet intention and islam. imperialism, which sees that it has implemented its method well, begins to raise these figures, who are us, and put them in front of the clergy. i do not want to say that this is the only issue. there are personal issues, there are issues of selfishness, there are power-seeking, and internal motivations, internal diseases, but the huge dimension of these same effects. it is a culture of imperialist propaganda that still exists through its radios and newspapers and affects both internal and external elements. as for our presence here today, as we ourselves suggested, all of them are from the group of central and upper cuts, and four of them are bani saad advisers, the rest are from different organizations , our talks are completely honest, and we are not in any way
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biased. to live longer or to live less for 4 days , which is ridiculous for a person to destroy his 30-20-year history of fighting, for these few days, we are not talking about this, and only for the sake of god and to wake up the people. and they can judge as they want . the year 1360 ends with exposing the role of hypocrites in terror and unrest in the country , public awareness has increased significantly. allahu akbar. allahu akbar. the death of yazid kafir. the spring of 1961 is associated with the great victory of jerusalem. and khorram shahrhar returns to the motherland proud and free. we are now in front of the islamic council
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. the heroic muslim people of iran have come to their homes to express their gratitude for the heroism of the warriors of islam. the representatives of the islamic council took part in the celebration of the muslim people of iran with the presence of the balcony of the islamic council. god willing, saddam and saddam's followers will be destroyed and we will. country to the reason for the continuous victories in the war fronts is to be filled with joy. on 12 june 1361, the minister of interior
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announced the necessary preparations for the simultaneous holding of mid-term elections of the parliament and leadership experts before the holy month of ramadan. the election of leadership experts will be held at the same time as the mid-term elections of the parliament on december 19, 1361, with the wide acceptance of the people, and the people will complete the pillars of the islamic republic system with their votes. 29 may 1362, the leader of the revolution in a meeting with the jurists and jurists of the guardian council, by supporting the council, in the face of political attacks, emphasized the necessity of following god's decree. you don't expect to be insulted, you all know that until someone does something , no one will insult him.


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