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tv   [untitled]    June 18, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm IRST

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there is no need for a group in the war cabinet. he dissolved the war cabinet and said that he takes decisions in a limited council of cabinet ministers. a decision that has given a new life to the protests of the zionists against benjamin netanyahu and brought the regime's cabinet one step closer to dissolution and early elections. especially now that the former officials of the regime agree with the members of the knesset that israel is in its worst situation in history. if this government remains in office with its failures and failures, we will soon face several united fronts against us. and this means qasim's dream soleimani will happen. mohammadan nakmin, radio and television news agency. thank you and farewell to the dear viewers of channel one, we invite you to follow this conversation with us on khabar network.
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as we said to you, dear viewers of ajmard, we are going to talk about the dissolution of the zionist regime's war cabinet. in the studio , we are at the service of mr. turabi, an expert on west asian issues. from you , in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful , i offer greetings, courtesy, respect and congratulations to you , your respected colleagues and all dear viewers. greetings to you, mr. doctor, in order to start the discussion and give some more information to our audience , you are talking about the war cabinet itself, what is its nature , why was it formed? there are interpretations and explanations
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, even the formation of the government, the models that have been formed during the history of this regime, these about 8 decades , usually the governments that are not non-coalition and are of the same fabric, i almost think three periods, now i can't remember exactly. and to be able to conclude with this introduction see when the conditions become special. the regime has a law that can take some powers from the cabinet and impose this on a war cabinet, and this happens there in times of crisis, or yes, in times of crisis, this happens . they have a security cabinet, a war cabinet, and a normal cabinet. war cabinet, why is this happening? i will tell you a little bit about the root .
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it is known for the radical and right-wing trend of the regime. you can see that he could not do anything. a few years ago, he formed a coalition government with the movement that is now in the opposition and is considered secular, and with this, some kurdish people said , "sir, the first two years are me, and the second two years are yours, then they formed a coalition, and the first two years, they did not do this." the second time what happened, what did he do? he came with the extreme extremist current, he formed a coalition and it was interesting that he left the final hours, that is , there was half an hour left for this to happen with the current that is now represented by smootrich bin goyer , who is doing it, mr. let's make a waste with these haredi and those last few minutes announcing that they will form a coalition says it all. let me tell you that mr. netanyahu
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has some differences with this situation, so now you should know this in the cabinet, bing goyer and smtrich, and this situation is a deal, they say, we will compromise with you on the condition that let's take the ministry of internal security and economy. internal security is similar to our ministry of interior , that is, it has the police. now , a cabinet like smerich and benguir could not manage the war. this is one issue. see the second issue, but their approach is opposite to each other they have in common the fact of being extreme and being extreme, but they call them super-orthodox . for example, let me give you an example. if i say this , my people might not believe you. you know, this is one of their conditions. for example, in the first days of netanyahu , they said saturday, well, you know. they usually don't work for jews . they said that you should close this saturday altogether, meaning that even firemen's ambulances should not work. then netanyahu
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would say to them, sir, how can i go to the hospitals? this was one of their conditions, that is , they have some crazy thoughts, but they are different from netanyahu. current. your war is not in the coalition, it is not in the cabinet, but there was a war in this cabinet that the decisions that he wanted to be made immediately and the decisions were made by three people. it was eisencott, it was bully, and netanyahu was there. now if
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you explain the cabinet now, i would appreciate it. let's go back from the beginning to the 8 and a half months that have passed , that is, from the beginning of the zionist regime's attacks on the gaza strip until today. or not to achieve, and the interesting thing is that they have repeatedly stated that if we do not achieve our goals, we have failed , so what are these goals to announce first? we will not destroy hamas. the second thing is to destroy the rule of hamas. we will do three : we will destroy its military equipment and military power; four : we will kill its commanders with this interpretation of dehumanization and bring them to the ground, and in short, we will make them poor and kill them; then, we will liberate our prisoners; and sixth , we will destroy the tunnels. we will eliminate all these
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incidents in these six cases, none of them came to any of them. i remember those first days, in the first and second weeks of the war, we used to say that if they enter gaza, it will be madness and they will definitely lose in a guerilla and partisan battle. i remember in the networks virtually, they are sending me a message saying, sir, what are you talking about, what are they doing with the most powerful army, what are they doing , america is behind them , they are going to kill everyone and finish the work of hamas. well, 8 months have passed now. if i remember correctly, what did you do? therefore, failure is certain for them, and a wise force within the regime is thinking something. so what should we do for this story and they know that with the continuation of this process that netanyahu is continuing , they will definitely face a heavy defeat. the war cabinet was created in a space that
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actually had a fragile conclusion, the same process continued in these 8 months in the war, now you think. with the dissolution of the war cabinet , what direction will the political situation in the occupied territories go , the crisis will definitely increase. netanyahu has become extremely comfortable and these crises are getting deeper and it is interesting that you know that bering is one of the things he did. it was the same day or the same night in this demonstration people who are family members participated and made a position statement there. i will explain a little about brigans . there is no difference
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between brigans and netanyahu in crime. it is clear that he has been in office for several years, but the point is that benny gas , the preferred choice of the democrats, had a trip to america some time ago, and the reception given to benny gans was that of a prime minister . well, what do i want to tell you now? i want to tell you about this the conditions of the crisis of withdrawal of netanyahu's credibility have been greatly reduced. one of the members who has already left the group has collapsed . it is almost happening with one or two other people. it is not clear for the future of the regime and the future of war, and the possibility that
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this war will cause the regime and the army to disintegrate is very serious. three members of the opposition party also resigned from the previous cabinet, which threatened to leave the alliance with the netanyahus. he did and then said after the early elections. be held and how effective do you know this to be, with the current conditions, let me say something, maybe what i'm saying is that it's a complete analysis , i don't have any facts or data, that means i don't have any arguments for this matter, but i want to have an analysis in the corner of our minds , the story that four look at the release of the captive, benny gans came and told him, sir , what am i going to do? i want to come on this date, at this time. let me read my exit . in the meantime, something happened, a heavy operation was carried out in the town of nusirat, and everyone
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was killed there, and those four people were released. my analysis is that they already knew from the information operation where these four people are going to be, and it is not worth the cost to tell, but when wigans came to ask for help, they said, let's do an operation to delay this. let's stop this . it was a celebration. the expectation was that confidence would be created. the crisis would disappear at least for a short game. but what happened the next day? he left the war cabinet, and his exit from the war cabinet is what happened in the opposition, he raised his credibility and the possibility of wavering. it is very high here, and the possibility of military conflicts and, let me tell you, the political body
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is also high. i remember that today i was reading an article from bergantes, in which the vice president of consent yeh took a stand, saying that he was against hezbollah and hamas. there is also a movement pushing from the inside and these are two sides of the same movement with such an interpretation that bringans wanted netanyahu to dismiss him immediately, but one thing that we should forget is the northern area of ​​the regime and the story of lebanon for 48 hours without anything happening. it would not be until a few hours before hezbollah attacked the town of matullah , there is a serious possibility of conflict and war in order to settle these differences by netanyahu. those war commanders of the zionist regime, these differences had increased a lot, that is, even
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when he announced the dissolution of the cabinet, it was as if the news was that the night before, they had a lot of disagreements in a meeting, even about the rafah operation. the military commanders of the zionist regime had stopped without netanyahu's knowledge he expressed prejudice that he had postponed the attack, which later he could not come by himself, and said that this was without my coordination at all. what do you think is the cause of this level of lack of coordination among senior officials of the zionist regime? you see, there is a main reason for this , it is lack of planning and defeat in the field. now i will tell you one of these differences. it is interesting that mr. gallant is a member of the same party, that is, he is a member of the likud complex next to netanyahus, and has been at the same conference for several months. they don't agree with each other, they don't talk to each other, and there are serious differences in the field of war management
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. yes, our differences are made public in the field of the army. for example, someone came and took a position from these military forces against gallant, that i don't take orders from you, i take orders from netanyahu , and then dismissing him, i want to tell you that a critical situation has emerged there, and this is the main reason. in the field, not only are they not achieving anything, but they are being killed, and the people who are killed by these people are having a psychological effect on them, and this is hitting them, and this is killing, this is hitting them, and they are losing their bodies. let's see the news . it's the same. we used to say, sir, how many tanks merkapa, for example, has been destroyed. now, every day there are reports that 4 to 6 to 8 soldiers of the zionist regime have been killed, and this has a direct message . it has an indirect message
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. rome bastid, egypt has also come and cooperated with you, so how is this being equipped, how are the facilities reaching them , how is this happening, this is a lot of question for them. let's face it, these are real guerilla forces "professional" doesn't mean trained military force . they are mostly people's body. yes, people's body. now what are you going to do with hezbollah and tipper rezvan with lebanon that is not under siege and you can't besiege it and millions of people there are ready to join. for example, statistics that i had 10 million people from yemen declare their readiness, even if i say one sentence, it was very interesting for you at the beginning , al-nusra front had declared their readiness that if bashar assad allows, we have 100,000 troops ready to fight with israel, because this is the roots of aghfani.
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well, all these questions are a crisis deep in the mind. the citizens of the military themselves, those who go there as tourists, those who are investors there, all say that this is not the place to stay and we have to leave here. when the method of something is done, it seems that netanyahu has suffered a self-delusion and this self-delusion is successful. he finds that he is deceiving the public opinion and even the authorities of the zionist regime, why, well, this cannot be wise, when we are in the field and in politics, we are getting hit, but at the same time , we want to continue this wrong process. what do you think, why is this happening in the zionist regime? see, i
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said a sentence before and i will repeat it here. netanyahu is drowning israel and he has israel. israel is in a situation where a person who has the interests of that regime is caught in a situation that sacrifices his personal interests because he knows that for any reason there will be a break in the war, a ceasefire will be created, and there will be a defeat. he should go to the trial table, he should be held accountable by his family and in the political sphere of another regime leza has no place, all his efforts. he is doing it, i said a sentence, maybe at the beginning, it is funny for me, when they say mr. netanyahu , the islamic republic of iran forces are doing things that are completely detrimental to this, and this is really, of course, due to the madness of this, let me tell you, it means that one person in this cabinet , there is no wise person in the zionist regime who
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wants to change this atmosphere anyway, the opposition party of the zionist regime has no ability. he doesn't have the power, now it's a question for everyone, even though the trend is quite evident that, according to you, netanyahu is drowning the zionist regime, but still this craziness is still going on. look , i said i'm sorry. i personally forgive you . let's put ourselves in the place of the israelis. now netanyahu is gone. when is benigans coming? the ceasefire that the resistance front has announced means that hamas has announced that it should be. i will not accept it. a week, a month, how many months does this mean, what does this mean, the impact of operation storm aqsa has done its job, the issue of the security crisis in the regime, no one else is willing to live there , it is going towards reverse migration, now the question is, well, netanyahu, not when, well, we also accepted the goat fire.
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we freed the prisoners of rome and brought them back well, we are faced with a huge crisis, sir, we are the opponent of hamas, which is in a deadlock. i think this is deadlock. last year, i told you to let us not discuss this in khator because there were many opinions of different experts in different news. let's talk together. we have established contact with mr. siddhadi seyedghaei, an expert on al-qarbazi issues , mr. doctor. hello, good time. i am at your service . greetings. i hope the quality of the communication is good , mr. doctor. we are talking about the dissolution of the war cabinet of the zionist regime, what is your opinion , what are the reasons and consequences of the cabinet dissolution? it could be for the zionist regime, in the name of allah , the merciful, the most merciful. well, the reasons are quite clear
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. we are witnessing an illusion, or so to speak, the self -deception of roman thoughts in the zionist regime, from many experts, even western experts and experts of the regime. zionists believe that the zionist regime has reached a dead end, but they do not want to accept that you said that one of the reasons is personal reasons , that netanya is afraid of her own leadership, and the second reason is the issues that exist in the domestic and international spheres. well, how is the final outlook with this situation evaluated for me? to express the perspective, i think we should
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go back to this time last year or two years ago , not a long time, but 20 years, 200 years, and 2 years ago . that is, at that time, the protests against the law reform that netanyahu is pursuing had not yet formed, well, when those protests were formed, a body from there, well, it became clear to them that there are some areas within the system, within the regime, and then we moved on. the al-aqsa storm happened, and now the roots of the al-aqsa storm we have discussed in detail on sed and vasima. i emphasize again that the people should study mohammad zaif's statement on october 8, i.e. may 16. he explains what happened and what would happen if this operation was not possible. well, now the regime shows the signs of its collapse and at the same
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time, something is taking shape in the world , that is, the change of the new world order, that is, the unipolar order of the united states is disappearing. a multi-polar and network order is taking shape, so put these signs together, now we are talking about this , if there is a war. let the regime form in the north this time lebanon is destroying israel's infrastructure . the technological power that lebanon has has completely shocked all the world's military. how come this iron pahvad doesn't recognize them? how come they have defenses that can hit the plane and hit the hermes 900? now there is still an operation. hezbollah's elite and captured forces have not entered the field. put all this together, the countdown to the end of the regime has started and soon, god willing, we
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will witness the freedom of the goat. we understand, mr. doctor, what is your opinion regarding the dissolution of the zionist regime's war cabinet, and what consequences do you think it can have in this situation. field and politics for the zionist regime. yes, i was saying that all the goals that netanyahu announced after the ground operation began, the issue of the release of the hostages, the issue of the destruction of hamas and other palestinian struggle groups, the issue of the expulsion of the people of gaza, and the issue of the return of security conditions in favor of the zionist regime and gaza, the administration of gaza, at least the security management of gaza with a new equation, these were the goals set after more than 8 months have passed, none of these goals
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have been achieved, but day by day, the pressure on netanyahu from several fronts is increasing day by day . the war should stop so that our children are not killed more than this. yes, another issue is the issue of a deep gap in the military and field strategy between the high-ranking commanders of the regime. well, we finally saw that after repeated threats and repeated warnings, if mr. natanya. don't change your policy and don't sit on the table negotiating with hamas did not lead to the release of the hostages alive, many of them have actually
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been killed because of these bombings. netanyahu , on the other hand, with the threat of the extreme religious right-wing movement, which has ben ghafir as their minister of internal affairs and s. moutrich as their minister of economy, that if you stop the war and it doesn't come to that, then the issue of early elections at noon is actually premature for netanyahu and they know it. that after this stage, both his political status and his legal status should go to jail and be tried for some issues. do you think that the threat will be implemented when it means early elections?
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hold. yes, no, now you can see that the aftershocks of the resignation of bennigans and, in fact, eisengut and some other ministers are reaching the edge of the curtain, so the arabs have a term, mr. seifi, they say that playing on the edge of the curtain is now really what netanyahu is playing on the edge of the curtain, that is, himself. he knows that this may lead to his downfall, but he says that there is no other way. this war is going on, especially after the release of four captives with the help of america, england, france, and germany, and these and three other captives were killed . he was killed. well, at this price, some people are complaining that you celebrated for the release of four asin, then if you want to release the rest of the prisoners, who
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are around 125 asr, you should release them in this way. you say that we have to fight in 2 more years, and therefore this reason, the reason for the separation of ganes, eyseng and others and the renewal of the post-earthquake cabinet , will affect the course of the war now , the war will definitely be more difficult and complicated than usual . it means that now the lebanese front has become much hotter, the operation of ansarullah in the arabian sea and there is no other way but to surrender, if don't give up, he is standing on his own feet, in fact , mr. seshi is shooting at the psychosocial situation , the economic situation inside palestine, which is reverse migration, many holding companies , many dual nationalities, israeli, american
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, israeli, french, canadian, etc. they are running away from international pressure, if how much netanyahu can endure, finally, with the passage of time and the pressure of the americans, who now desperately need an issue, even a temporary ceasefire, so that they can calm down their own americans , the elections are coming back in four or five months. with fierce competition like if trump hasn't been banned by the federal supreme court from being a candidate , we still have demonstrations, it's true that the intensity of demonstrations and sit-ins and strikes have fluctuated in universities, in squares, in different states, even in europe , but this the process will continue, intensifying the warnings of the court of abin elah, he is under pressure in the war crimes or criminal court.
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america's problem, america is willing to sacrifice netanyahu , but it is not willing to let the syrian regime fall let's study why, because he has a lot of interests in general, according to many experts, the transition process started with netanyahu, as you said, to preserve. it seems that the decision is to skip netanyahu. well, now netanyahu still has the winning cards. you see, netanyahu is right inside with many problems. there is a split in the war cabinet. manage it with actually halefi and
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the minister of war. actually, therefore, this problem of war is one issue, international issues are another issue the zionist lobby inside the us, especially the republican party, is still strongly critical of biden, that the war must continue, even some congressmen with complete impudence, even inviting netanyahu, who from dirty bullets or mr. to this point, the fall of the regime, the fall of the zionist regime, even the weakening of the regime zionists are really afraid of this . thank you, doctor. we will come back to you , mr. turabi. let 's talk about the ceasefire. the latest news. what is the situation now , where did it come to? finally, according to many experts, the zionist regime is forced to accept this ceasefire. yes, the best sentence to interpret the ceasefire
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so far so close


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