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tv   [untitled]    June 18, 2024 8:30pm-9:00pm IRST

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big iranian sarai in the cities of qom, isfahan and the only branch in tehran in sarah afsarieh. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, hello, dear viewers , at 20:30, we are at your service with some news. the purposeful organization of immigrants and foreigners authorized by the director general of social affairs of the national migration organization of the ministry of interior said that for this purpose, the community of immigrant doctors and paramedics can
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refer to the system of the national migration organization and register the information and upload the necessary documents. these people should refer to the system of the national migration organization. in the share system below, a system for identifying doctors and para-doctors has been launched these people upload their apps there and other issues will be followed through this system. the foreigner of ghazvin governorate announced the return of more than 1500 unauthorized people from this province to motenshan since the beginning of the year. mr. tariqi said: foreign nationals who are illegally present in the province will be returned to their country with consideration for human dignity. the director of kalbaa and foreign immigrants of ghazvin governorate emphasized: due to the illegal presence of foreign nationals, employers and compatriots.
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refrain from employing and cooperating with illegal immigrants. the leader of the taliban of all afghan people asked to put aside differences. emphasizing that the lack of unity is the worst disease, mulla habtollah akhundzadeh said that the current system in afghanistan is an islamic and sharia system and people should support this system. the taliban leader also said that women and girls should be given sharia rights. taliban officials should also listen to the advice of scholars and follow them. the border customs of sistan baluchistan province are closed due to eid al-adha holiday. sistan baluchistan customs supervisor said that merchants and executive customs should refrain from sending commercial shipments during this period. mr. hashi he added that until the end of thursday, june 31st , the mirjaveh and milk customs offices will be closed and
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goods will not be accepted, and the former and rimdan customs offices will also be closed until next sunday, july 3rd. the 8th documentary television festival called for four categories: documentary film, documentary series, documentary photo and documentary writing. those interested can send works and register to the fest database until august 25. visit. during this period, foreign documentaries can also send their works on the topic of gaza to the secretariat. the 8th mehr and aban documentary television festival will be held. according to the officials of the ministry of industry and trade , afghanistan follows an economy-oriented policy based on domestic production. according to statistics. the production of
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domestic factories in civil water production, other beverages, plastic industries and some construction items has reached such a level that afghanistan has no need to import these goods. also, according to the officials of the ministry of industry and trade , afghanistan has reached the limit of self-sufficiency in the production of food products such as sweets, flour and packaging food. juices and other soft drinks türkiye exported. we did and this process continues. we export biscuits and cookies and some other things that are produced inside afghanistan in iran to different countries in our machinery sector. we have domestic production and it is surplus from our compatriots' own use . we export it outside of afghanistan, but since afghanistan is an importing country, its import
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is far more than its export. such as gadren and tiyaren flower spikes. boilers , gas and oil reserves, as well as food products such as ice cream, ice cream, and biscuits , these are among the things that are exported abroad, as well as plastic products , steel nails, agricultural tools, such as trestle, pipe, pvc, popash products. many experts say that afghanistan can stand on its own feet in the future and that the government should support investors and domestic companies more. including russia, kazakhstan, tajikistan, uzbekistan and kyrgyzstan, these are the same markets it is very beneficial for us, because we can export to these markets very easily
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the goods that they do not have and import from other countries at high prices, afghanistan can give these goods to them at a very reasonable price and in return . import goods that we do not have from these countries. according to afghan taliban officials, out of 100 items of essential consumer goods, about 60 of them can be produced by local producers. samayah hosseini , sed and broadcasting news agency. following the sinking of two ships carrying migrants on the southern coast of italy, at least 11 a migrant was killed and 64 migrants were also missing. according to the announcement. according to the international organization of migrants , more than 2,350 migrants have been killed or disappeared in the mediterranean sea since 10 years ago, and the beginning of a
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common life in shahada gulzar shahada behesht rezai mashhad hosted an afghan couple. it was to bless their bond with the memory of the martyrs. the beginning of a bond of love and affection in the neighborhood of shahadai behesht reza gulzar of mashhad. do you give me power of attorney to get you married to mr. yahya with a dowry of 14 coins of the whole spring of freedom ? both the groom and the bride are members of the families who defend the shrine. provided conditions for them that they can easily get married and go home to their lives. i am very happy. they feel good . mr. groom, whose family does not live in the islamic republic of iran, his iranian friends came to work and raised their sleeves for him. we are very happy. we are very happy that this ceremony was held. that
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we were able to do something as an iranian , and to this dear of our hearts, mr. yahya esfandari, i salute him. we gave this afghan couple an easy marriage without formalities and the start of life that was keyed to the memory of the martyrs. to start our lives with the memory of the martyrs, and this makes for a kind of gathering that is much simpler, the intentions are much more sincere, and it blesses our work at the same time. we should model halal happiness to the society
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. if marriage is based on the life of the ahl al-bayt, may peace be upon them, it should be based on the life of the martyrs. it is comforting in the hands of happiness. thank you very much for your attention and companionship with this news series, god bless you. mr. jangi, as the son of the first lady of shahida mahabad during the holy defense period , has come to the meeting of 392 shahida ahl-e-sunna of west azerbaijan today. who
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sees the country of the islamic republic with strength and pride in the region, the sacrifices of the blood of these martyrs, whose pure blood is the islamic revolution.
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let's say iftar for a martyr , and see if you like it. have a happy journey
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. happy journey, they went to their happiness, and the end will be good. inshallah, their prayers will be behind us and we will have a good end . i do, i am really proud that this light ceremony has become my part today to be here. two martyrs in islamic revolution are happy. thanks for the fact that he grew up and remembered
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to the meeting of the memory of the martyrs, always alive and forever, the role of women in this field and in different fields of this history has been a prominent role and always sacrifice and role. it was the honorable men and women of this country who were able to raise even children who can defend islam and the islamic country . certainly, the role of women should always be kept prominent and preserving the blood of the martyrs will definitely make us more aware of the greatness of this country. the sacredness that the dear and tall martyrs conveyed to us in the case is this meeting with the presence of different classes people, clerics and intellectuals
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held a congress of 12 thousand martyrs of west azarbaijan province. the fact that we see that of the 60-96 martyred women of west azarbaijan province, more than half of them are sunni martyred women, and this shows that our sunni women and the people. our sunnis in this dear province and shahid paror are all committed to the islamic system and the values ​​of the islamic revolution. and the booths that were set up on the sidelines of this meeting. on the occasion of the summit , the propaganda organization
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put up a poster on the occasion of the oppression of gaza, that israel is committing genocide we have left the youth of the population with the slogan of iran , stay young. the goal is to introduce world peace to children so that they can learn about world peace through the notes they write, the origami they make, and the pictures they draw. here are some samples. in the field of media literacy , we have a virtual pilgrimage booth to deal with fake news. a tribute to the families of the great martyrs.
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the unveiling of the book qaghnos in captivity and the role of women in west azarbaijan province in the revolution and holy defense was one of the special programs of this conference. women who have been side by side with men in the trenches since the beginning of the islamic revolution they were defending the whole of the country to prove that holding the flag of our country's dignity and standing is not recognized by men and women. salahuddin babaei of mahabad radio and television news agency.
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to sheikh ali khan area. you will go to kurang city, where you can see tents of objects as far as the eye can see. a nomadic donkey was an opportunity to take the free platform to one of these tents. we are going so that the voices of the nomads can be heard . after traveling a distance, we reached the group of nomads who were present here from different places. hello, hello , hello , this is bakhtiari's sanat dress. it's right. it's great. well, mr. azad tribune
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, the beginning of our nomadic azad tribune with a demand from the president. the future was with you, dear president, if you want the shire to survive, please address our problems. why is this oil and gas in the hands of the nomads ? then i was told that the person who becomes president should think about the roads in es'ari . just fix it, i won't fix it . the nomads are saying that the elected president should closely examine their problems and be present in the nomadic area to address the problems of the nomads one by one. he should understand the villagers, only i, tehran
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, should not sit in disobedience to the deprived areas of iran in azad tribune . there were other demands from the future president. o future president , don't forget when you are dealing with justice. i ask the future president to take a very strict action on the insurance of the nomads. my request is to help the nomads of anofe with the share of red-lip meat. but our region still lacks facilities. the nomads talked about their loyalty to the revolution and the country, as well as the importance of being at the polls. nomads were really a low-expectation group and supporters of the revolution and
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islam until the end of their lives and we are. express and vote at the ballot box. choose the gun election and vote to replace mr. raisi. azad tribune came to the nomadic community with these opinions . it was very good because the nomads had their problems. that the future president should pay attention to mr. eshai's words and not just think about it. hosseini, a reporter for the news. broadcasting of the nomadic areas of kohrang.
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signing four contracts worth 2 billion dollars for sarma. investing in the country's oil fields, with the implementation of the development plan for the joint fields of changule in ilam province , 6,500 job opportunities will be created directly and indirectly. the value of this contract is about one billion dollars, with the drilling of 25 wells and the construction of processing facilities to reach the production of 60 thousand barrels per day. the development of bande karkeh field in khuzestan province will create 2,500 job opportunities. by drilling 14 wells, we
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will reach the production of about 18,000 barrels per day. the value of this contract is about 4.35 million dollars. there are three and a half billion dollars, the signing of 20 contracts worth 22 and a half billion dollars in the field of field development. oil was an issue that the managing director of national iranian oil company mentioned as the performance of the 13th government. these contracts are related to the development of joint oil and gas fields. these numbers talk to us a lot and are very tangible. this is the result of ayatollah rai's approach. in this ceremony, the oil minister announced the operation of more than 153 projects in the upstream and downstream sectors of the oil industry worth 34 billion dollars since the beginning of the 13th government until now and said that oil production has been
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gas export, the increase in gas production by nearly 545 million cubic meters to gasmon's production, more than 55 million cubic meters to gasmon's processing capacity, with the arrival of south pars phase 14 refinery. and 10 million tons were added to the capacity of petrochemical products. this was the income from the 153 projects that were put into operation. we had nearly 300 projects currently on the agenda, of which 153 have been completed, and we started some of these projects, maybe 70 or 80 new projects worth nearly 130 billion dollars. there are plans that 34 of them have been put into operation. collecting burner gases it was another topic raised in the ceremony. this collection of burner gases was not paid much attention.
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at the beginning of our work, we collected one and a half million. improving the quality of petroleum products with euro 4 and euro 5 standards, as well as increasing the capacity of the refinery, were among the issues raised by the oil minister. apart from the fact that the second phase of the abadan refinery has a capacity of 210,000. barrel per day has been put into use in this government, the quality of oil products is also a very important issue, you can see in the winters that all the problems can be burnt, and today i dare to say that in the whole economy. thanks to the grace of god, the cities are using euro 4 and euro 5 fuel, and with the planning that has been done within two hours of next year, all the other refineries will produce products in cooperation with the oil industry construction engineering company. the transfer of oil processing to the
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private sector is another matter. it is important in the contracts of the oil field development plan. about 115,000 barrels of new sweetening and desalination processing capacity will be handed over to the private sector in the form of a bo contract. this is the first time that the oil production is given to the private sector, and the gas is also going to the 300-unit injeel, which has ethane there. it turns out that ethane is the best feed for petrochemicals. with the exploitation of chengoleh and band karkheh oil fields , the country's crude oil production capacity will be increased by 78 thousand barrels per day. jassim samari of sed and sima news agency.
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mojvareh summer mojvareh summer mojvareh with exciting prizes every day eight prizes of 8 million tomans will be given to 8 people this summer at mashhad blue waves sports complex, you can also win this prize.
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big iranian sarai in the cities of qom, isfahan and the only branch in tehran in sarah afsarieh. in the name of god, mohammad hosni, i am from varamin barande city. first one
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the winner of the second washlen lottery was an apartment unit, a car, one billion rials in cash and 10 years of fixed monthly salary. i am fahima abasqali from qom, the second winner of the second round of the washland lottery. i am shamee zamani from the city of kurdistan, the winner of the third place in the second edition of the washland lamb slaughter. washland is a land full of prizes. don't hurt your hand. because it has both quality and discount, discount, discount, discount , discount, and a prize every night, a winner. 100
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million tomans, shahr farsh, household appliances, up to 300 million tomans, he does not want a real estate bond , he does not want to block the guarantor's deposit up to 50 million tomans. pay back, wait for 5 years, let me ask about rome's salary, sorry , you also tell me the conditions of the roof for legal entities, up to 750 million tomans, with the same conditions, you can even transfer it to your employees, did you hear, yes, i heard the plan.
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hello, welcome to news 21. continue working and striving in the government. from the domestic production of 99% of the required medicines to the payment of 20 thousand billion tomans of social security claims, it is the first time in the last few decades that we are able to pay the entire social security debt.


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