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tv   [untitled]    June 19, 2024 1:00am-1:31am IRST

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in addition to the daily special prizes, 1 billion rials will be distributed among the buyers . in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful , welcome to this news section at one in the morning. 9 days before the election and after the first televised debate of the candidates, the election news is hot. it was so hot that the country's electricity spokesperson said that during the broadcast of the debates, electricity consumption increased by 700 megawatts. there are about 10 days
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left until the july 8 election. the competition and popularity of the election headquarters has increased and the visits of politicians to the headquarters have increased. the fever of announcing support has also increased. hojat-ul-islam taqvi, a member of the parliament , announced the negotiations of the five election candidates for consensus and said: after the five debates and the polling, the average statistics will be extracted and the candidate with the most votes will be supported by the revolutionary front. the community of teachers of qom seminary also said that it is the defender of any effort to reach common ground. some members of the women's faction of the parliament also published a statement calling for unity and consensus among the candidates of the revolutionary front. this population is supported by caring mothers, expert women, and patient and resistant families martyrs of young iranian girls.
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they want all iranian people to take a step to increase participation. the support of parties and politicians for candidates is on the fast side. orientations are still ongoing. the jamiat supporters of the islamic revolution announced its candidate for the election, mr. pomohamdieh, by publishing a statement. the first election debate was held last night. four hours that both increased electricity consumption and were accompanied by different reactions between political and media activists. the spokesperson of the country's election headquarters said this debate. compared to previous years, everything is a step forward for a sensible election, the minister of interior said the executive of the country is ready for a healthy, competitive election with maximum participation, everything is ready , god willing, we will hold a very healthy election, god willing, razi ranjbar sada warsi news agency. mr. masoud bizikian
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presented his solutions in the field of foreign policy in the political round table program on tuesday on channel 3. this presidential candidate considered the creation of a strong region necessary for the development and security of iran and its neighbors and said that we will expand relations with regional allies based on national interests. diplasia device with. creative rationality and continuous courage to interact with the world and provide benefits it will be iran and the needs of the iranian people. in this regard, our foreign policy will be transformational, realistic, interactive and developmental. neighbors of iran's civilizational sphere and the islamic world and shi'ism are the sphere of our power and relative position. under no circumstances will we abandon the strengthening and expansion of all-round relations with our neighbors. mr. mustafa pour mohammadi
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answered the questions of experts in this field by participating in the cultural round table on channel two. this presidential candidate spoke about the importance of investing in the field of culture and expressed his solutions to promote the cultural economy. i don't want to have a higher education let's not get it wrong, i am the agent of this system and this society for the past 45 years. but we must have the possibility to use this social capital. when will the social capital be obtained? primary schools, high schools, universities , cultural environments should be formed. we leave them , we pay little attention, then we come to the street, we want to solve the problem, the water network development plan of 20 involved villages. tension water
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was exploited in the border areas of khuzestan. president shahid, during his trip to these areas in march 1400, ordered to follow up and solve the problems of these villages.
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credits that should be attracted from tehran are ordered to be removed the water problem in the villages of shalamcheh, which is due to the water stress of the year due to the severe drop in water pressure. water comes only in the morning for one hour in the afternoon, now some days it comes for an hour in the afternoon. we have 40 villages, and according to the reports received, about 19 villages are involved in water stress, which has a credit amounting to 55 billion tomans. about 15 km of piping was done, thanks to god, we were able to make about 19,000 people benefit from salty and sustainable water. sabaa village, 70 km away from khorram shahrhar, is one of those villages. alhamdulillah, shukr al-fatihah to the late martyr
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raisi, may god have mercy on him, our main problem in previous years was water, and when this problem went away , we understood the pursuits of the late raisi. he was very thirsty, but now he is better than before. i mean, we used to have a lot of problems with diarrhea and vomiting from many children. about 27 months after that intimate meeting , i went to the village of sareh again, among the same people, and he had a big problem. the same president mehdi behranipour of khorramsheh radio and television news agency. the first deputy of the judiciary said that in the past year, 295 hectares of national forest lands and pastures were occupied illegally. mr. khalili was returned to the government with judicial measures. he also
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announced the increase in dealing with crimes that occur in cyberspace. last year , we accessed and refined 1,500,000 criminal content from social or web-based networks . what was the result of this refinement? as a result , about 3 thousand bank accounts related to gambling and betting were blocked. 3 thousand seven cases related to cyber organized crimes were filed. 12 violations. an election was formed, which was naturally handled and resulted in a result. operationalization of digital rial in kish according to the director of the payment systems department central bank, customers of the banking network in kish island
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can make their purchases without using paper money and bank cards from the beginning of july 1403. dear customers who enter this island as tourists or tourists , they will receive a text message as soon as they enter the island, they can pay with their own digital rial wallet . dear people, for dear sellers, the attraction is that the funds received from the customer.
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welcome to the midday talk of today's news well, as you learned in the news yesterday, the prime minister of the zionist regime dissolved the war cabinet of this regime, and a council without decision-making powers is supposed to replace this cabinet. despite all the opposition
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, he launched it, he tried to show a positive atmosphere from the formation of this cabinet in various ways, even to the members of the opposition parties, but after 8 and a half months since the beginning of the attacks, there are still some oppositions to him. which could not be done and finally dissolved this cabinet last day we are going to talk with the guest of the program, mr. dr. torabi, an expert on west asian issues, about this issue and the aspects specific to this issue, and of course , the developments in the field in gaza, so that, god willing, we will examine what messages this dissolution of the cabinet can bring for the zionist regime, colleagues. i prepare the report. if he is ready, let's see and start the conversation. these pictures
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are related to the last meetings of the zionist war cabinet. the war cabinet was formed with the aim of managing the gaza war on the 19th of october last year, with the presence of figures opposed to netanyahu, with the aim of creating an internal consensus among parties regarding the continuation of the war in gaza. in spite of this targeting, the differences of the war cabinet were learned from the very first days. as many days. pish gant announced that netanyahu does not have a specific plan for the release of zionist prisoners and the end of the war, that he is no longer willing to participate in the decisions of the war cabinet. unfortunately , netanyahu prevented us from achieving victory, and for this reason, we are leaving the coalition of the israeli government. now, shortly after gantt's resignation from the war cabinet, netanyahu said that he no longer needs a collective decision in the war cabinet. the war dissolved and said that decisions are made in a limited council of cabinet ministers, a decision that
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has given new life to the protests of the zionists against benjamin netanyahu and brought the cabinet of the regime one step closer to dissolution and early elections , especially now that the former officials of the regime agree with knesset members say that israel is in its worst state in history. if this government remains in office with its failures and failures, we will soon face several united fronts against us, and this means qassem soleimani's dream will come true. muhammadan nakmin sada news agency and in the studio , we are at the service of mr. turabi, an expert on west asian issues. hello doctor, good time and welcome to your service. in the name of allah, the merciful. i also offer greetings, courtesy, respect and congratulations to you, your respected colleagues and all viewers. dear doctor , in order to start the discussion and
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give some more information to our audience , you say the war cabinet itself, what is its nature and why was it formed? yes, it needs interpretation and explanation, even formation government models that have been formed. during the illustrious history of this regime, these about 8 decades, usually governments that are not non-coalition and are of the same fabric , i almost think three periods, now i can't remember exactly, three periods this happened and it was able to finish. the special conditions are that the regime has a law, it can take some powers from the cabinet and make it a war cabinet.
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a few years ago, he formed a coalition government with the movement that is now the opposition and is considered secular, and it was interesting that he left the last hours.
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there was half an hour left for this to happen with the flow that the representative of shiro s. motrich is doing now. our country means that it has the police, now in such a cabinet as smotrich and benguir , mitanyahu could not manage the war, this is one issue, see the second issue, but their approach is almost the same on being extreme and being extreme, but they call them super. the orthodox say that, for example, let me give you an example, if i say this
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, our people might not believe it. you know, this is one of their conditions, for example, for netanyahu, in the first days , he used to say: well, you know, it is for the jews. they usually don't work, he said that you should close saturdays completely, he said that means even ambulances and firemen should not work, then netanyahu said to them , sir, how can i go to the hospital? one of their conditions was this. it means that they have crazy ideas, but they are different from netanyahu. from here , netanyahu is a bit involved in this situation. now, the phrase that i want to use, greg baron has seen it and he knows what to do with them in this space. well, on the other hand, a netanyahu had a very strong opposition, led by lapid beninges naftari boland, which these three have been more knowing especially lapid benny gantz, well, what did he do , he created a credit for things, well, when the situation became critical, i am willing to come to
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your war cabinet, he is not in the coalition, he is not in the cabinet, but he came into this war cabinet, which made the decisions he wanted urgently. yes, and the decisions were made by 3 people. eisen, who was bully, and netanyahu . it was done there. now, if you explain the cabinet, i would be grateful. to this day, you think how much you can do it they should achieve the declared goals from the beginning of the war until today. see, this is not a difficult task . we have to see what the declared goals are, whether they will be achieved or not, and what is interesting is that they have repeatedly stated that if we achieve these goals we failed, so now what are these goals? first, they say that we will destroy hamas. second, they say that
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we will destroy the governance of hamas. three , they say that we will destroy their military equipment and power. and we bring them to the ground and in short, we make them poor and kill them we will liberate our villages, and sixthly, they said that we will destroy the tunnels. all of these events did not reach any of these six cases. i remember those first days when we said in the first and second weeks of the war that it would be crazy if they entered gaza. and they will definitely lose in a partisan and guerilla battle . i remember many people sending me messages on virtual networks asking
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us to do this for this story, and they know that with the continuation of this process, they will face a heavy failure. well, as mentioned in the introduction, you also mentioned the war cabinet a space was created that actually had a fragile conclusion. the same process continued in these 8 months in the war. now , what direction do you think the political situation in the occupied territories will go with the dissolution of the war cabinet? the crisis will definitely increase. i was reading a sentence from lapit , i forgot if it was yesterday or today . netanyahu's government has become extremely comfortable and these crises are deepening, and it is interesting that you know that one of the things that bryngans did was
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that the same day or the same night in this demonstration. people who are families of captives participated and made a statement there. i will explain a little about berigans . berigans was no different from netanyahu in crime. some people think that, for example, sepian has a face , for example, balanced, no, they have a wild temperament , the records that they have during these few years are quite clear, but the point that the preferred candidate of the democrats made a trip to america some time ago , where they welcomed benny. ganses was at the level of a prime minister, and netanyahu took a position here, saying that israel is only a prime minister. now, what do i want to say, i want to tell you in this the situation of the crisis of bani gaz's departure, netanyahu's credibility has been greatly reduced, and one of the members, who
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has already left the group, is about to be replaced with one or two other people. it is not possible to plan for the future of the regime and the future of war, it is not clear, and the possibility that this war will cause the regime and the army to disintegrate is very serious. three people from that opposition party have also resigned from the previous cabinet. netanyahu's opposition party was in the news threatening to leave he made an alliance with netanyahu and then said that early elections should be held, and you know how operational these are, with the current conditions, see if i can say something. what i 'm saying is completely analytical, i don't have any facts, data, that is , i have no argument for this case, but i want to have an analysis in the corner of our minds
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. look at the story of freeing the four captives . i want to come on this date, at this time , to read my exit notice. at the same time , something happened, a heavy operation. to do in that nasir town. and all the people were killed there and the four people were released. my analysis is that they already know from the intelligence operation where these four people are going to be, and it is not worth the cost to do it , but when vigans comes, resign. they said, well , let's do something to delay this . it was a celebration to do this . the expectation was that confidence would be created. the crisis is for at least one game. it almost disappeared, but what happened the next day, bergans was removed from the collection and this removal from the collection of my government
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i would like to emphasize that he left the war cabinet, and his departure from the war cabinet, which happened , increased the power of the opposition in terms of credibility, and the possibility of instability here is very high, and the possibility of clashes between the army and the political body is also high. i remember that today i was reading an article from meriges, the vice president of consent had taken a stand and said that there is a current that is pushing against hezbollah and hamas from the inside, and these are two ends of the same current. the interpretation that bering wanted netanyahu to reject immediately, but there is one point we should not forget that the northern region of the regime and the story of lebanon were 48 hours in which nothing happened for a few hours. before hezbollah attacked shahrak allah, there was a serious possibility of conflict and war to settle these differences by netanyahu
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. now you mentioned the discussion of differences in the various news that we were reading, even in the cabinet itself, even among the war commanders of the zionist regime. the discussion of differences had increased a lot, that is, even when he announced the dissolution of the cabinet, it was as if the news was that the night before, they had a lot of disagreements in the meeting that they had, even a discussion. the rafah operation was stopped by the military commanders of the zionist regime without netanyahu's knowledge . what do you know? you see, there is a main reason for this, that is lack of planning and failure in the field. now
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i will tell you one of these differences, it is interesting. mr. gallant is a member of the likud group next to netanyahus. in the field of war management, differences have been made public . yes, the differences have been made public for months. in the field of the army , for example, someone came and took a stand against gallant from these military forces. i don't take orders from you, they take orders from netani . i want to tell you that the crisis situation has become very visible there , the main reason is that in the field, not only are they not achieving anything, but they are killing people, and the people who are killed by them are having a psychological effect on this and that. he hits and this is to be killed , this is to be hit, that they are tearing their own body it
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's the same way in the news even before. we said, sir, how many merkapa tanks , for example, have been destroyed. now it is being reported every day that 4 to 6 to 8 soldiers of the zionist regime have been killed , and this is clearly evident in the course of the war. there is a direct message and an indirect message. when you came to rome, you closed the philadephi axis , you closed the rafah crossing in rome, egypt also came and cooperated with you . it seems that this is a question for them from that side they are saying that, sir, we cannot be against a group with 100,000 people, but these are not real professional guerrilla forces in the sense of a seasoned military force. kurds with lebanon, which is not under siege and you cannot besiege it, and millions of people there are ready to join. for example, when
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i had 10 million from yemen, they announced their readiness. he had prepared that if bashar assad allows us 100,000 the army is ready to clash with israel because they have secret roots. well, all of these questions have a deep crisis in the minds of the military citizens, those who go there as tourists, and those who are investors there say all these things. this is not the place to stay and we have to get out of here. well, in the course of these 8 and a half months and the statements made by the zionist regime authorities, when the procedure for something is done, it seems that netanyahu has suffered a self-deception and this self-deception is being confirmed. deceiving the public opinion and even the authorities of the zionist regime, why?
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no, when we are losing in the field and politics, we are getting hit, but at the same time, we want to continue this wrong process , what do you think, why is this happening in the zionist regime? let me repeat again, netanyahu is drowning israel and israel is drowning the west . israel is in a situation where a person who has the interests of that regime is trapped and sacrifices his personal interests because he knows that for any reason if there is a break in the war, if there is a ceasefire, if there is a defeat, then he must go to the table the trial should be held accountable by his own family and he has no place in the political sphere of the regime anymore, so he is doing his best. i used a sentence that might have been funny to me at the beginning when they said that
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mr. netanyahu is the islamic republic's army, but he is doing things that are completely correct. it is to the detriment of this, and this is really, of course, from the madness of this. let me tell you, that is , there is not one person in this cabinet in the zionist regime who wants to correct this atmosphere anyway. the opposition party of the zionist regime is not capable, it does not have the power for everyone the question is, although the trend is quite evident that to your word is that netanyahu is drowning the zionist regime , but despite this, this madness is still going on. look, i said i 'm sorry, personally, i'm sorry. you, we should put ourselves in the place of the israelis. now netanyahu is gone, when will benigans come? it has been announced that hamas has announced that it should be permanent . i do not accept one week, one month, how many months does this mean , what does this mean


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