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tv   [untitled]    June 19, 2024 8:30am-9:01am IRST

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today, wednesday, the 3rd of khordad, the 12th of zihjah , the 19th of june, the noon azan will be at 12:00 and the evening azan will be at 19:40. thank you very much for your support. have a nice day. god bless you.
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rahman al rahim hello, good morning, welcome to the capital market news. the expected rate of return of islamic treasury bonds has started a downward trend since the beginning of june and has decreased by about five units in the last 20 days. the head of the economic analysis department of the stock exchange organization said that the analysis of the changes in the charts indicates the continuation of this downward trend in the coming days. now in bonds with a maturity of more than two years rate returns. the waiting period for bonds has decreased to about 32. according to the experts, the interest rate reduction is one of the factors that have a positive effect on the capital market. the deputy oil minister said that in the recent meeting of the government board, the challenges in the refinery feed rate were resolved and its amendment was approved. according to mr. fallahtian, there will be a special meeting for review on sunday, june 20. the formula
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was held between the ministry of oil, the ministry of economy, the stock exchange organization, and three major amendments in this formula were approved. according to the deputy minister of oil, these reforms include amending the implementation time of the new order to the date of notification. calculating the amount of unprofitability of refining companies due to the maximum production of higher quality products from the refinery and settlement of the government's debts to the refineries from the site. the details of these decisions will be communicated. the glass hall had a decline in tuesday's trading. at the end of trading, more than 60% of the symbols were closed in the negative range. glass hall indices had a negative performance in trading on tuesday and continued their downward path. on this day, the total index of the tehran stock exchange. the equivalent unit
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decreased by 44% and was in the range of 2 million and 36 thousand this range is the lowest value that the main indicator has recorded in the last 7 months. the equal weight index was also placed at the level of 6659 units with a negative return of 15/100% equivalent to 146 units, so that the equal weight index also stepped on the negative side of the fluctuation range with a lower slope than the total index. hall of glass on this day. more than 5 billion 718 million shares and financial bonds were exchanged in 223 thousand transactions with a value of 445 billion tomans. the value of transactions on this day decreased by 17% compared to the previous trading day and reached 2190 billion tomans. . symbols foulad, femli, nouri and fars had the most negative impact on the red of the total index, and in contrast to shasta and bank, and ghadir symbols, we expect a further decrease in the index. the net change of legal ownership to
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real market was negative, and the glass hall witnessed the withdrawal of 337 billion tomans of real money from pre-emptive shares and equity funds during tuesday's trading. chemicals and petroleum products took place. most of the real money was allocated to the multidisciplinary industrial groups of machinery and equipment and wood products. the status of the symbols of glass hall is not the same, since there were 262 positive symbols and 460 negative symbols, so the market witnessed 64 of its symbols becoming negative. also, 59 symbols were encountered with the buy page and 311 symbols with the sell page. the total value of purchase pages was 122 billion tomans, the total value of sales pages was 885 billion tomans. ghazal arabgol of radio and television news agency. in the third week of june, more than 1164 billion. tomans of current and industrial profits
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were deposited into the accounts of more than 287,000 shareholders, according to the central depository company, in this period of time, 11 companies have more current profits than energy from accepting the first small-scale power plant announced in the energy exchange. mr. naqd he said that this action was taken in order to cooperate with the ministry of energy and the energy exchange to transfer a major part of the country's electricity transactions to a transparent and competitive market. according to naqvi , swadkoh power plant has a nominal capacity of 219,000 megawatt hours of electricity and
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produces 160,000 megawatt hours of electricity annually. naqvi said that from now on, 70 production of this power plant is equivalent to 112,000 megawatt hours of electricity in the electricity market of the energy exchange. 358,000 tomans worth of steel sections and more than 400,000 tons of goods were traded in the commodity exchange on tuesday. in the product hall sale received petrochemical and petroleum products hall experienced the transaction of 36 thousand tons of chemicals and polymers. 5,000 tons were sold in the open auction hall and 23,800 tons in the presidential hall. also, the volume of transactions in cement hall reached more than 10,000 tons. the end of the news of khodnaghadar capital market.
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we will go to sheikh ali khan area in kurang city , where ashari tents could be seen as far as the eye could see. a nomadic horse was an opportunity to take the free tribune to one of these tents
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. they were ready. salam alaikum. salam alaikum. this dress is sanat bakhtiarieh.
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the nomads are saying that the elected president should closely examine their problems. he should be present in the nomadic region , understand the problems of the nomads and villagers one by one, don't just sit in tehran and rebel against the underprivileged regions of iran in azadi esha'i forum, other demands were raised from the future president, future president, don't forget justice when you are at the helm we have no shortage of wealth. we have justice, let's do justice. the winner of this nomadic demand from the future president is to take a very strict action towards the nomadic insurance. my request is to help the nomads of aroufa, azab, barley
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, bam, the share of red meat, dairy products, the largest share is from mast city, from bakhtiaria, from korang city , it is from the nomads, but our region still lacks facilities . the nomads talked about their loyalty to the revolution and the country, as well as the importance of being at the polls. nomads are really a group. we had low expectations and were supporters of the revolution and islam until the end of our lives and we are at the polls to vote and vote and choose the correct election to replace mr. raisi . very good it was because they pointed out their problems and said this program , mashallah, we are a happy program, the first is the first program. it is important for the future president
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to pay attention to mr. eshai's words and not to think that it is only broadcast inside the news of the total nomadic population of the country , which is about one million and 600 thousand people. the first debate program of the four candidates went to the public at the same time as the first election debate was broadcast . what are you watching? why else?
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they should enter into the discussion of production and the solutions that they want to invest in now it is better to pay attention to the details. how has it been so far? well , it is very good. i think the axes that are talking about economics are the best talks, because people are all concerned about the economy, in my opinion. now it's good , the question is a good question, but the candidates don't answer the question very well, the solutions they give are good solutions, the economic problems are equalized, it's good to express and implement, but implementing it is the problem, to express and implement , yes, it's good, the programs are good, but most of what happened was talk, we want more i think we should choose someone whose words turn into action . you got the answer to your economic question in tonight's debate. yes, we got 90. what time is it now, it's 93 minutes , that is, an hour and a half has passed since the debate, how
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has it been so far, so far, it's been great , i've been watching it since the beginning , so far there hasn't been the slightest problem. i will go home and watch the debate. now my request is that what you are saying is the way you are speaking beautifully. this is how you talk beautifully about your chest, this time , put your chest in front, act nicely, yes, so far how did it go? it's good. anyway, at least compared to previous years, they don't beat each other up. they are very polite . thank god , it was observed in the first meeting. do you want to specify the one you want? not now, but to continue the debate, how many more debates do we have?
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i don't know what two or three issues should be raised in the debate, the economy is good, they should improve their relations with other countries , it would be better to talk about work and youth work, not just the issue of inflation. don't talk about inflation and what they say, let it be practical, let's talk about the economy, it's better to see it in other debates. how do they feel about the country's economy ? tonight, talking about the economy is good for us. when mr. president's personality becomes the subject of a movie
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, sir, this is your son, mr. kammal, as if he likes to ride a motorcycle. i said, "if you let him ride in the compound, the motorcycle belongs to the secretary's office. isn't the motorcycle his father's, who can ride it far away? this motorcycle belongs to 36 million other people." there is, if you can ask permission from all of them. bismillah in this the film amanadari, the first president of martyr mohammad ali rajaei, depicts the trust that the people gave him. criteria for selection. in the first place, the president is his piety , but this piety must be a practical piety, he must have a guarantee of implementation after becoming president , he must be a president who is from the people , who has lived among these people, and knows the pain of these people, and the granting of trust that in this forty-odd years since the islamic revolution has been repeated 13 times, and
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now the people are supposed to annex the country's executive affairs for the 14th time on the 8th of july. serving the people, and now the people are saying that their election is their six demand from mr. president . there is also trustworthiness, a trust that has a history to back it up . our president has been martyred . the more the presidents are honest with the people and answer
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the people's questions, the more the people will trust them and this shows that they can. constitution, a good record of trustworthiness and piety is one of the conditions of the president .
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today we will talk about buying and selling, a different kind of buying and selling, buying and selling votes in a taxi we will have a conversation about the election . god bless you, peace be upon you. good day. thank you. please, yes, sir. 5 million? no, sir, 10 million, don't you go to the nomination box that i told you to write, take a picture of it and send it to me in cyberspace, i will put money into your account right there in cash, 10 million, no, i don't accept it, you can say, we want an opinion that the amount is good, 10 million, you have your opinion you say that we
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say our opinion, it is not negotiable, keep it with me, my vote can be sold, so i will give you an amount, you tell me about it. the candidate i say is no, no matter what, you say 20 billion, i won't do anything , i sold myself anytime, i'll sell my vote, you don't sell votes either , no, why would anyone sell his vote at all, whoever is good, the amount is high, it doesn't make sense , what is the purpose of selling my opinion? i won't give you 100 million ritu, no, your words are very uncomfortable, sorry, i am a passenger, i am not allowed to say such a thing, no, i am not, he was talking to me , give me money, tell me to vote for one candidate , you vote, let me get off, then another one. ride i think if you get to a candidate that the economy of the country can be fixed and vote, if not, be sure of this 10 million, how many times they will take it back from you with their wrong decisions
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, i have so much freedom from myself, who to vote for, sir, i dared in my doubt, it is ideal. you were dreaming that your representative would pay the money, the candidate would vote one more vote, maybe nothing much would happen, but one thing, one thing, one thing, something important would happen . support if it leads to that one vote of that so-called person. bring the deserving head i owe my work to all the people who vote correctly has an effect, unless they sell me like me. there are problems, i don't know, there are problems , there are problems, there are solutions, the solution to problems is not to sell votes, after all, we have to vote until someone
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comes, god willing, someone comes who solves the pain of the people and the problems of the people. yes, yes, be very nice . sir, you are our guest
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. just do something for the people and send the number 8 to 393.
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in these years, witness the development of robotics technology production of all kinds of robots in different fields such as rescue and rescue. these days, due to the efforts of our country's young technologists, the basis of robots has been opened in various industries. the new generation of packaging robots has now been internalized by the elite of a knowledge-based company. robots that have been produced in collaboration with experts from the fields of robotics, software, artificial intelligence and industry. after the product itself enters the envelope, bottle or anything else. usually , after this stage, the packages are supposed to enter the carton, which is usually done by the colleagues who work in the collections.
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can it be done? the machines we produce , the line we produce , does this automatically and robotically, that is, it comes , puts the prepared product into the carton , glues the carton, and seals it using image processing and pigeon robots. which are called spider robots , we are putting these packages into the carton at a speed of 300 packages per minute, the development of this robotic product in the production lines has been done with the aim of speeding up the packaging process, which also detects defects. what he does is to bring the products now the use of vision or other controllers are used to control the product. the product is photographed based on the sample that the healthy sample given to it controls and monitors. if the product has a problem, it is usually removed from the main line. with image processing
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, we identify high-quality products and for the machine , we also identify low-quality products. during the work of these incoming products , image processing is done on our input conveyors, image processing is done , image processing is done. the position of each package of quality confirmation or non-confirmation angles is determined below they are selected with our spider robots, these robots separate them, and in the final stage , another camera is filming this and the quality of the product is at the last moment. it can be checked in the meantime because it has the initial image, it also has the final image. he is intelligent and sees which of these packages have problems . slowly, he realizes that the packages that are like this, so i
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will separate them and the problems in the end. customer, well, 1,000,000 euros is the difference obtained from exiting as it is specialists of this company, scientists say, by applying this national achievement in production lines of various industries, in addition to increasing the quality of the final product , the productivity of the production line. has also increased. sami nasser, sed and sima news agency.
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how can i help you? we can buy the same color at the same price.
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the big iranian house in the cities of qom, isfahan and the only branch in tehran is in serah just type in and online the price and conditions of all kinds of insurance policies such as third party, body, fire, motorcycle, elevator. compare from all companies and at the best price buy cash. in addition, your discount will not be lost. do not buy insurance at any cost.
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in this way, our debt will be 16 million tomans, so the installments and fees should be calculated based on this amount, and be aware that the fees for installments should be from zero to at least one percent. home appliances city.
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de point worthy of your home. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, you are accompanying us with the news section at 9 o'clock. the extreme heat closed khuzestan offices. after issuing a red weather warning for khuzestan and predicting heat of 50 degrees and more in this province, the activities of khuzestan offices were announced as remote work today. to to get more information in this regard, i will talk with the deputy civil governor of khuzestan, mr


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