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tv   [untitled]    June 19, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm IRST

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advance payment indeed. the city of household appliances does not require advance payment. a special purchase for dear social security retirees from appliance city. home appliance city. specialized reference for household appliances. in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful, may god bless him and grant him peace, dear viewers , i invite you to join us with the economic news . in the presence of the oil minister, the mps reviewed the latest state of gasoline and diesel production in the country . i am currently discussing the details of this meeting
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with sada and sima news agency's reporter mrs. ali khani. greetings to you, minister of petroleum what details did they raise about the state of oil and gasoil production and did the parliament have any other agenda? in the name of god, i say hello and hello to you and the viewers of the news network. during the meeting , the representative talked about the latest state of gasoline and diesel production in the country, as well as the ways and plans of the ministry of home affairs to reduce fuel wastage . and asking the ministry of oil for extraction from the fields the joint should be more active, and also in
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the speech of some representatives, it was said that the gas supply to deprived areas, especially some villages , should be done in the same way. after that, mr. oji, the minister of oil , was behind the podium of sahar, and now they mentioned some things in their speech. among other things, mr. oji said that the second phase of the abadan refinery has been put into operation, and this has caused 210,000 barrels per day. now increase the production capacity. after that, mr. oji said that in the past 3 years , 23 billion dollars worth of contracts were signed in the field of joint and independent materials development, and he said that there were no joint fields. there is no uncertainty from our side. after that , they talked about gas storage and in their other conversations , they said that 300,000 gasoline cars were converted to gas-burning ones. and also saying that in order to prevent
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fuel smuggling, more than 70% of refueling at gas stations is done with fuel cards, and in the continuation of their talk about gasoline consumption , they pointed out some points, including what mr. oji said about the increase in gasoline consumption. it was that the increase in the production of high consumption domestic cars has caused one million cars to be added to the country's public transportation cycle every year and this increase. cars in it is the case that no worn-out cars are spared or there are very few of them, and this has caused an increase in gasoline consumption, but the ministry of oil regarding the construction of a petro-refinery and its plans is now fixing the deficiencies and defects after the talks. mr. oji, the representatives entered into another agenda, but now it was more related to the internal regulations of the parliament and they wanted to
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increase the number of members of the specialized commissions of the parliament, which the representatives opposed to this issue. after that, the representatives enter their annual speeches and one after another they sit behind the podium they make their own speeches. this week , the sessions of the public floor of the islamic council will end in a few minutes, and next week , the sessions of the public floor of the islamic council will be held on sunday and monday. thanks for. from the islamic council, the director general of the registration of companies and non-commercial institutions of the country said that the electronicization of five processes related to the registration of companies and institutions has reduced 80% of referrals. according to mr. nasiri, with the launch of the smart system, applicants can choose or change the name of their company in a minute . our five electronic processes became one process
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we have some things in the new year, including a rebuilding of the society system that determines the name. smart on the judiciary week, god willing, we will unveil that people can choose or change their name in less than a minute at their own company or home, and we launched the electronic business document , which is very helpful to people who they want to have research about the companies that failed to consume electricity. became. the spokesman of the electricity industry said that in the last 24 hours, a new installation of 7,3565 megawatts of demand was registered in the country. this amount of demand for the last days of spring has grown by 12% shows i am having a conversation with the general manager of intelligence
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and new technologies of tobanir company, mr. ahmadi . hello, please tell me which provinces have the highest electricity consumption and these provinces. and especially dear people living in these provinces, what measures should be taken to manage electricity consumption? in the name of god, i offer my greetings, courtesy and respect to you and my dear viewers . as you said, yesterday at 14:30 , a new quorum for electric energy consumption was registered in the country. 75 megawatts is the quorum. it was a new one that was registered and compared to the previous quorum of 15 in august of last year, this number was broken, more consumption was related to the domestic sector than our consumption, and we had the largest growth in consumption for the domestic sector. the provinces of tehran, khuzestan, isfahan and khorasan
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, khorasan, razavi were the provinces that allocated the most electricity consumption to themselves. in my home section , i would like to ask all the dear people of iran to do their best in managing the consumption of electrical energy, considering that the warm days of the year are approaching, so that, god willing , this year will be the same as last year without blackouts. let's do it and the conditions let's spend the summer. thank you, general manager of navid intelligence and technologies. tawanir mr. ahmadi company of the central bank announced that the bank's payment facilities in the first two months of this year were more than 7219 thousand billion rials. according to the announcement of the central bank, this amount of facility payment is 36 compared to the same period last year. is growing during the
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first two months of this year, 5725 thousand billion rials were paid out of the total facility. equivalent to 79 percent shares were awarded to legal and non-legal business owners and 14,946 thousand billion rials equivalent to 20.7 percent were awarded to the final consumers of households. the share of facilities paid in the form of working capital in all economic sectors during the two months of 1403 amounting to 4392 and 7 tenths of thousand billion rials. payment to business owners. also, the amount of facilities paid for the provision of working capital in the industry and mining sector in the first two months of this year was equal to 1874 thousand billion rials. according to the announcement of the
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central bank, the amount of 1,707 thousand billion rials, equivalent to 23.6% , has been given to education in the form of grants paid in the last two months of this year. thank you for your support. we have reached the end of economic news. goodbye.
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dear mr. ghalibaf, good time, welcome to without a lot of compliments. thank you and greetings to your excellency and all our dear viewers who we were able to visit tonight in their homes or offices and wherever they are, are you healthy? what happened when you entered the election arena? repetitive question, but in the limit of a short sentence, this tragic incident that happened to shahid raisi , i felt it my duty that with the knowledge i have in the executive field and this program, which was shared by the agreement of the 13th government and the 11th parliament, it needs a strong implementation, i felt with experience and with the familiarity that i have in both legislation and implementation. let's summarize and finish the work, god willing if you want to criticize your past performance
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, what is it? if i want to mention this, if it's your mind, when i came to the 11th parliament , there were about 20 months left in the life of the previous government . one point i mentioned there is that if i come, i will force the government to work. after some time passed, i felt that this was the point that forced the government to enter. i work, in practice, when i went, i saw that no, it doesn't happen like this, and we really saw that no, this can't be done, and now you see, in a sense , when cars have a problem, they say, battery to battery , it's not really a place where when the basis of work the essence of the work has problems and there is not a strong and serious management, the work does not progress when it is not empowering. therefore , my criticism is that if
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you win the election , what group or groups will criticize your performance in the first 6 months of the cartoon, and for what action? if i want to be frank, i think it is possible in the first 6 months. we are criticized by some friends who, because our base there must be during the elections. let's employ people because merit selection and meritocracy are the basis of my decision at work. some people may have complaints about this. now, groups and people are about are you willing to explain your family's property and assets to the people? yes, you know that it is the right of the people, that this is the law. i gave the same list of properties to the people and announced that
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sometimes this document is open to some political movements and some people don't want to hear it, so we never go into the margins when we are doing our work . naturally, can the judiciary take these and then don't take care of it, and every time the period changes , it should be increased or decreased, the judiciary should do this twice. about property you don't want it. now you want to be more clear. if you can explain the house, villa, garden, and everything, i announced a list . you won't post that list here. well, i said , it's already on all the sites. i'm sorry for taking up 15 minutes of our time, but in relation to the family. i have a daughter, two sons , they have their own lives, and four grandchildren, and these days, whenever there is an election, this is it. it is not good that they are not, they are both in iran and live in tehran.
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were you in two ways between the difficult decisions of popularity among the people during the responsibilities you had? look why there is a word woman in my opinion, our people stand by hard decisions and accompany them for hard decisions. people. when they take their lives , this is the program , without compliments, you go to families where a father and four children are fighting together, defending, 4 children have been martyred. this is not true. i believe that a strong and brave manager must make tough decisions. it will be bitter to see the sweets of the future, the fruit of which is the progress of the country. therefore
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, from my point of view, if a manager acts in this way, without doubt is my people's favorite . what do you think people think about you and what characteristic of you is prominent in people's minds? i think people should know me in this way that i am definitely a manager who makes promises and i keep my promises. i am responsible wherever i go. if there is a problem, i will definitely pass it on to them , like the milad tower sign, which once reached the zero point. that day, i told you to know that i am responsible and transparent. you have not seen me during 12 years in tehran municipality. i said that no manager in the country has done this in any of our projects we have done this for every project, big
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or small, my people think this is how they know me. fix what you are saying. before i entered the political arena in 1984, i would have done anything, not political factions, not political groups , do a search, you will see all the sites, everyone says, wow. he is a good person, a hard worker, the manager is always responsive, he was all this, you, this side, that side, everything was like this, but since he entered power and politics stepped here, which we never thought we saw, we found another world, a world where all the words and mindsets are corrected. i will peak at
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the time of political and power competitions, and i will tell you all the words that are being said. women in these parts are really false rumors that you said in the previous question . i must explain, i must have announced them, and the most important explanation is that in some of these the rumors and lies told by my servant , i asked the judiciary to look into it, i asked the prosecutor to look into it, and the court has looked into all these words and made an announcement, that is, even they come to protest the judgment, go to appeal, sometimes
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go to the court and get convicted. but in short, they have no basis, take away from this issue, i have no basis, my time. let me go through this, you don't have enough , give me an example, more about the ones you handed over to the judiciary and look at this or any of these witnesses. do you remember when the debate started, then the court heard in one of the debates, ironically, the presidential election . the court heard it twice. conviction is based on slander in all matters. i say that every matter that you are dealing with in the society, i have followed all this and i will tell you later that after i was convicted , i consented. ok, and
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be sure that i never follow these discussions , i don't think about anything except work, i'm always in my family. a family tells me that your first life is your work and my second life. we have lived this way since the age of 19. at the age of 22, when i married my wife, until today, my family lives this way. i saw it 3 months later when my child was born. . these days , there are times in every week that i can't go home for two or three nights a week. i'm not at home for the morning prayer . when do you think you will retire, mr. qalibaf, and what are your plans for
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retirement after you are free from my responsibility? for me, there is no one like me. we are just a day in the trench of the holy defense. a day in the trench the progress of our country is with our martyred friends who we met during the war and lived together for more than 40 years. our pledge is to lay down our lives for this country and for these people, and we all pray for our martyred friends, god willing. let's join and our end will be martyrdom and until that day, mr. qalib's struggle . do you have a president in iran? in my opinion, when you go back to the past , you have heard a lot of these words, and now this question is in your mind that they do not let us work, the laws
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are like this, they are seeking to amend the laws of limited powers and these discussions have always been raised. i don't believe in any of these. i believe that when the management is not strong, when people are present on the stage to help the work. we don't provide these opportunities for the people , when weakness is found, this is where the making of excuses starts. one of the things, if i want to say it very frankly and without compliments, really indifference in some work has caused the country's problems , so we must have a strong management with a wisdom. collectively, with a decision-making process, we
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make every decision anyway. it is beneficial for us. can we make this decision without his opinion? we make too many of these decisions. it is wrong. this is the basis of our work. therefore, i believe that discretion is sufficient. it is important for those who make excuses and from this discussion , there is money, they eliminate the people , they eliminate the elites, we say the end of the program without compliments . i promise you, my promise is this. god willing, i will act in such a way with help don't embarrass yourself with this vote you gave me. it means that i am committed to you
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. for example, you saw that now they are saying, "well , tell me, what are you doing ? " what kind of people who vote for me , fans. that is, those who leave their own reputations , i promise them that year after year , as the government's lifetime of service and progress passes , they will feel this completely in the changes in the life of the king, whether in their table or in the infrastructure works here, and without compliments. your opponents and critics are a sentence how are you all? and whether you are in favor or against, you must observe ethics in the competition. know that if i succeed in serving
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, i will definitely use all the capacities of the country in the management of the country and i will serve all the people in the service of the people. you can be sure that the 14th government, god willing, on this vast country. dear iran, we will serve everyone with our efforts. we used to have a sentence without talking to people, which i feel you said without talking to people , or if you want to talk to people again , no, i don't have a special sentence anymore, let's go together. we are able to solve the country's problems and i have no doubts about this. thank you very much for coming without compliments and answering the questions. thank you very much.
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we will not s, we will not rest, we will not stop, we will not rest, we will not stop, we will not rest, we will not stop , we will not miss, we will not stop, we will not miss.
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god is great and god is praise.
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our lucky winner of 100 million tomans today , number 123 849 , will benefit from special discounts on all products in the big festival of city of discounts, and in addition, just by being present at any of the branches of city of carpets and city of home appliances, take part in the lottery. 100 million tomans daily, participate, buy , buy, take, a specialized reference for carpets and household appliances, here
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is the blue waves sports complex, 60 exciting water slides, the largest wave pool in the middle east, two wild dayhouses, the mashhad blue waves sports complex, next to the shrine of imam rauf, to serve pilgrims and samjoran here is a sports equipment store in a large store. bargh irani is a place where you can easily choose your favorite sports equipment from among all the impressive variety, then take it to your home with an incredible price and long-term delivery for free. big iranian house big iranian house in the cities
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of qom, isfahan, and the only branch in tehran, in serah afsarieh , bismillah rahman al rahim, hello , you are joining us with the news section at 12 o'clock, minister of oil, about the increase in oil exports. in the past 3 years, iran has been in the news and said that the export of these products is not affected by the coming and going of the white house officials. according to mr. oji, this increase in exports has occurred while the us sanctions and their efforts to prevent the sale of iranian oil have also increased. railing in this government regarding the export of oil and petroleum products


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