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tv   [untitled]    June 19, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm IRST

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it was used here in gaza. according to human rights organizations, only in the first 8 days of the invasion of gaza , 6,000 of them were killed in gaza. equivalent to a quarter of the atomic bombs that experts say if america does not provide them. the wars of the zionist regime are getting stuck. 3s were a part of the main american aid to the zionist regime from the very beginning of the invasion of gaza. the 950 kg bombs made by the boeing company act like a sledgehammer when hit, and then pass through the concrete as a stone-breaking bomb and penetrate 3 meters deep into the ground. about
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civilian casualties in gaza what assurances did you get from israel about how to use these ammunitions? look, jorumi, the israeli army is a professional force, i am sure that it does its job correctly. however, the number of civilians who were killed in gaza with these types of bombs reached the point where internal protests in the united states began regarding washington's support for the zionist regime. until the 18th of may 1403, when nishteh paliko
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announced, quoting american officials , that they stopped sending these bombs due to concerns about civilian casualties in rafah, but recently the washington post newspaper according to two democratic representatives , the united states will resume selling these one-ton bombs to the zionist regime, a new shipment including f-15 fighters, 225 kg bombs that we are talking about, this is the turn of the countries towards the issue of palestine and the recognition of the independent state of palestine , but before that, according to the report that was spread
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, the us arms aid is done with the aim of creating a balance, what happened that the us is considering re-sending one and a half ton bombs to the zionist regime? the zionist regime is incapable of anything without american aid there is no action, they themselves say, they say like the 197 war, that if it were not for the american aid, we would have failed in this scene as well, they say the same thing, just as mr. dr. zarare said that the zionists are not capable of long wars, one reason is that they cannot support their forces in terms of military weapons. they don't have that much power, now more than the total amount of bombs that were used in the second world war are coming to gaza , it is not possible for the zionist regime to dump this amount of weapons.
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saying american saying, we came to the conclusion that without we zionists cannot resist iran . the same situation is happening in the gaza war scene. you see, the zionists have weapons, but they don't have ammunition. all of their ammunition is supplied through the americans. now, the americans have a large amount of weapons. i said 2000 pound bombs. or the same one for what purpose. it is tunneling, but when the amount of human casualties increases , the media pressure of the demand within the united states increases. never, even in their literature, they say that it will stop in the next two weeks, for example, after they stop it, they will get a show, then
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it will start again, for example, with the pressure of the congress , it will start again with the pressure of the republicans. this dualism intensifies . there is a gap between generations in america, that is, those born in 1996 and later in america do not accept the pro-zionist viewpoints at all. you can see the polls. at one point in all the polls, 70 actions of the sirioni regime in the country america supports this now it has decreased in the younger generation, it is around 27 in the same generation of 1996 and now. john bulletin says a beautiful sentence, he says that we have obviously failed to acquaint our young people with the holocaust
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, this is very interesting. it has created a generation that comes to american universities, comes to the streets and protests, saying why this crime has to happen and we have to stop this, we have to stop the aid, this is one of the demands. what was the demand of the american students ? what was their main demand? in your opinion, the most important study of military cooperation between american universities and the zionist regime should be stopped, that is, we did not want anything else, to stop this cooperation, to invest in military companies that work jointly. they will stop all these demands , what should america do next in this framework. in general , make a move, what kind of move, while expressing sympathy with the palestinian people and that our hearts are burning , i did not say the aid for now, the arms aid, the same as the bombs, we will only stop the bombs because the human casualties have increased, otherwise blinken
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said in an interview a few hours ago that we are committed to continue providing military aid to the zionist regime, only in one case, for example , they say that in this case, because the human toll has increased, we have come to take action in order to in order to accompany that society, the student spectrum is the percentage that the protests will create among the american society , otherwise the procedure is the same. you go to the security council and see what you do. the same thing that the court of justice said, what will it do? it says that these are war crimes against the zionist regime. next what is the american congress doing, the judges and... if america believes in this story, we see this duality many times in different scenes and now , besides all this, the structure of american foreign policy has come into question, that is, they say, the behavior of america as
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a country that claims itself the defense of democracy has been completely neglected and no one in the world pays attention to it anymore, mr. dr. please let me go back to the point and issue you mentioned, that is, benjamin netanyahu's insistence on continuing the war in palestine and gaza . let me go back to the point that dr. salemi made. pointing out the internal tensions of the zionist regime the continuation of the resignation of the officials and the cabinet of the zionist regime on saturdays and the points that are raised in between , even the comments of the zionist regime officials who point out that if this war continues , it will be attrition and the regime and the end of the zionist regime is approaching. to answer your question, i want to remember two sentences. let me tell you, first, in relation to this discussion, we must remove this from our imagination that america should stop its arms aid from the regime, this should not be thought about at all. the second point of the discussion is actually
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the role of media in the storm, especially for the first time we see this discourse on the floor of the streets in american universities in universities around the world. or where did it come from? why does the united states come to a media called tik tok? it is applying to its own citizens, to its own students, to the freedom of expression that they claim to be one. a student with that figure, a girl, a student , a university professor, a lady, a full professor, a full professor, and a full professor the professor of the university comes and drags himself to the ground, because of what, for example, for supporting the president of the university , he is subjected to enquisition or inquisition, he is interrogated
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, why did he support, the world is seeing these dualities today and today you can see that this discourse is the discourse of resistance and oppression of the nation. this is a discourse that has prevailed and we have to owe most of it to the media, the independent media that were able to break those barriers and cross them, but what happened in the occupied territories, well, look at the history of the wars the victory that the fake-unionist regime had in the history before the islamic revolution, the war of its establishment in 1948, the war of 1957, 1967, the 6-day war, the war of 1973, the time of anversadad won all these wars, and the invincibility of the jalil senisi regime had become a legend, but after the victory of the revolution islam and the formation of resistance gradually, this myth was defeated, and after that war of 206, 33 days
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of hezbollah, in fact, the first collapse of the security structures of the political current regime was keyed, and after that war of 22 days and 51 days and until the end. and we can see from there, in fact, this discussion of yours i want to answer him here that there are differences and ambivalence among the first-level officials of the major parties. in the failure of the three-day war, you saw that many commanders and security, military and defense officials of the jahri regime were severely prosecuted, whoever came, in fact , blamed this failure on that one person. after up to 8 months and a few days, the cabinet under the name of war cabinet will be dissolved with the resignation of the vari dynasty, and this is what happened. it shows a very, very fundamental difference in
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the main layers of governance and governance of the zionist regime today it has become widespread and they themselves are in conflict with each other inside, a very extreme trend or you see a trend from the extreme side of the jews called the haredis who are not ready to enter the war, they are not ready to send their children to the front and so on. such differences in themselves and those social and generational gaps that exist among the citizens of the genist regime, the flashes, who are mainly african jews, who are called third-class citizens, second-class citizens, and first-class citizens , that is, the social and cultural structures of the glorious zionist regime, affected by differences political structures and today's government has suffered a major rift and you can see that many jewish citizen families are not willing to take an active part in the war
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, they are putting pressure on them, and from that side they see that no achievements have been made and there are whispers of collapse and the dream that they themselves drew a dream land and in fact they drew a paradise for themselves in the occupied lands, today after 75 years, they see that those dreams are gone and they have no security, no comfort, no peace , no economy. no, their children are getting killed or injured, there is no support in fact, a powerful force at the top has taken over everything. their own children, like mr. netanyahu's son, are based in america and are having fun , but here the citizens are paying the costs of an unwanted war, and the question is in their minds , what are we doing here, where is my country? every jew in the head of the geography of the land of palestine. this question has been raised for him today, for example, my country has been hungary, germany, russia, ukraine
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, belarus, even iran, iraq , what are the non-citizens doing here, who have come to a geographical area under pressure, promotion, promotion, etc. gathering together , there is no link between these except for the issue of judaism . we have 6 minutes to ask a question, mr. dr. sarmi. one question for you, and one for mr. zarei. if we take a look at the international community, we can see that the use of unconventional weapons in densely populated and residential areas is actually defined as a war crime. the continuation of this path and this issue that is now covered by the us and the zionist regime will be discussed later in the issue of legal and judicial confrontation between the leaders. where will the zionist regime lead, so see now for the crime against humanity, the zionist regime , its government structure, and individuals, including netanyahu, the minister of defense, and the minister of war, are all
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being prosecuted, which means that their sentences have already been written, and the zionists have a history of using phosphorous bombs, unconventional weapons, even now there is news that excuse me, sir. please see that the united nations has come for the first time to put the zionist army alongside boko haram, the same group as you mentioned. i wanted to point out that it is even using weapons such as depleted uranium. prohibited weapons are prohibited weapons that are easily used in previous wars in the 33-day war . international and
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indeed the united states of european countries turn a blind eye. they don't say anything, but in any case, in the international scene , some places like the international court of justice in the hague have condemned and prosecuted them as war crimes by the united nations, that is, the zionists, so they have no credibility left. the rest means that this is actually the label that is attached to the zionists and the zionist regime when the officials step aside even when they are tried. the officials of the zionist america, this will not be resolved, that is, this is on the country and the army, that is, the basic structures that are defined in the framework of the united nations , have come for a land that has been labeled, in any case, even netanyahu has been dismissed, it does not matter, it seems that this is actually the zionist should they
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should be with this issue and carry this as a tow for themselves as this stain that sticks to them because of the crimes they committed. thank you for their structure. one minute and 30 seconds and you will see the future of this path. in the continuation of the discussion that mr. doctor mentioned, you are bad at the resolutions issued by the united nations security council or other institutions against the scientific regime, if you check the history or generally by the united states. it has been vetoed or if a weak resolution has been issued. the security council guarantee is actually international law , but this guarantee is only operational and implemented where it is in conflict with the interests of the great powers, and
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the zionist regime, if we expect the security council to come and take action against it. they should encircle it or threaten it , we shouldn't expect this at all, but fortunately , the public opinion of the world is turning, and this discourse that is being formed today forces the domination system to review the norms of the domination system and try to play its own game. at least apply moderation and the same decision that the court gave is the same decision that the united nations assembly gave regarding terrorists. a change is happening in this international discourse. thank you very much to both of you for your presence in the half-day conversation studio and your analysis of today's topic. together with mr. dr. sarmi, an analyst of international issues, and mr. dr. zarei , an analyst of west asian issues
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, we examined the issue of water, the issue of sending american weapons aid to the zionist regime, under the pretext that the united states has stopped sending single-atom bombs to the zionist regime. thank you for being with us in this conversation. have a good day and god bless you. thank you very much.
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stop the genocide and what do we want what do we want justice what do we want no? we will not stop, we will not rest, we will not rest, we will not stop, we will not rest.
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muhammad asad dalul, i have you, i swear, by god, you have
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me, oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god, i love the world, oh god, oh god, most of the things i used to love , oh god , this is eid, this is the feast of slaughter for our children . laqina children ashlaa ashlaa means many and nasaina ashlaa
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barzah laqit tilf ena means in a house, khabat, in the yard, or a owner, and it means sar ashlaa al-tilfe shaftawa , you are the name of me and my daughters. dar me aldur elli anzbart is the whole nest aldur elli zombana tadmart.
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4:00 pm
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