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tv   [untitled]    June 21, 2024 12:00am-12:31am IRST

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the completion of one of the strategic routes of the eastern hemisphere was facilitated by the operation of the caspian anzali railway line, the transfer of goods from the indian ocean to northern europe via iran. by exploiting this
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axis, we will reduce the route by nearly 25 days and also by 30%. we believe that the cost will be reduced by completing the corridor for the transfer of cargo. the debate will be held tonight. the green case of the government in the field of treatment, from the free treatment of 33 million people in arja system to the establishment of 87 centers infertility treatment of my electronic health file will be effective from summer and sanctioning the irgc for the crime of fighting terrorism acting minister of foreign affairs is responsible for the consequences of canada's provocative action in irgc square terrorism.
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in the name of god. god bless ali muhammad and the family of muhammad and ajl farajhan. dear viewers, hello. the national media also hosted the presidential candidates in the second round of the election debates program . this debate started at 20:00 with the presence of all six candidates and with the general theme of justice-oriented government services. fairness of subsidies, empowerment the needy of the society, improving the health system and reducing the medical expenses of the people, were the main points of the first part of this debate, and the 6 election candidates presented their solutions in this regard. after
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a 15-minute interval, the second part of the debate began with the promotion of the educational scientific system, and the candidates expressed their plans about the status of teachers of the educational content of schools and the priorities of education and the university. the third debate of the presidential candidates will be held tonight. although the presidential candidates had planned to hold the second televised debate on thursday but their field propaganda continued. the arrangement of the images of the candidates is based on the time of the events. the continuation of the activities of the candidates of the 14th term
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of the presidential election mr. jalili appeared in the gathering of tehran university professors yesterday and had a conversation with them mr. jalili had a meeting with tehrani girls last evening a woman wanted to be present in society as a wife and as a mother, this maternal role should not prevent her. if he has children with him, it should not prevent him from attending a university in a community in a scientific environment in a social arena. also mr. jalili in by publishing images of meeting with workers and attending production units, the virtual space wrote that workers' wages should be increased according to inflation. yesterday evening, tala stadium. in the gathering
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of the people of kerman, mr. ghalib said about the importance of people's participation in economic affairs: i say that our people should be in the field, the reality is that one of our economic problems is that the government interferes excessively in economic affairs . we must stop the government and bureaucratic systems that hinder a proper process.
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during his third trip to the province, mr. zakani appeared among the people of karaj and sat down to talk with them. in this public meeting, mr. zakani is the main reason for some problems he considered the inefficiency of some managers in the country . why is the situation in our country like this today? it is because our country has cancer. the cancer of incompetent managers whose hands are in the hands of robbers , whose hands were cut off by shahid raisi. they want to come back again. . the people have the right of these big-headed people who have been eating and drinking for several decades and are not accountable . last night, after returning from isfahan, in milad tower conference hall of tehran, mr. megzikian
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met and talked with the people of tehran. in this gathering, mr. bezikian said about the direction of the administration of justice and justice: the same people who wants you and us. they will expel us from the field in the name of anti-velayat. let's stand up. we are velayat - oriented, but we want justice. let's implement discrimination and justice there, do n't they say justice? regarding the importance of implementing the law, he said , "i am serious about what i say, but i strictly adhere to the law, and i know this as the basis of the country's growth and development, but i will do my best
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to amend the law. they have special measures to form themselves . they have special decisions under article 57. i will try to solve them with all my abilities. i need help in my problems, but i will never allow the law to be weakened, this is dangerous, as mr. pomohammadi wrote in the virtual space, one should not deal with the sanctions issue lightly. mr. ghazizadeh hashemi provided this video interview to sed and sima news agency. if we want to solve the economic problems of the society, reduce the social damage? if we want to increase the general modesty of the society? if we want cultural growth to happen, even security and political growth should happen after all, we have to create a stable family and maintain this stable family and answer the concerns of the family members. publishing an article about the capacity of west azerbaijan
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was also a virtual activity of mr. ghazizadeh hashemi. campaigns for the candidates of the 14th presidential term are still going on . farzaneh from news agency s. on the 10th day of campaigning for the presidential election candidates, the sixth round of political , cultural and economic roundtables was held with the presence of three presidential election candidates, seyed amir hossein ghazizadeh hashemi masoud bizikian and mostafa pourmohammadi . the tenth day of the programs advertising of presidential candidates in the national media. first, the political roundtable on the three
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cima network. mr. amirhossein ghazizadeh hashemi, the candidate for the presidential election, said in this program: let's rely on ourselves and create a global front. in the following. the program expert asked: there is a check that we can review. some people say that only we can cash the check. my question is , what should be done to solve this root issue? banning reality. it also has an effect on people's lives. we must do something to get rid of the addiction to sanctions in the west, so that they know that sanctions are no longer useful. it doesn't have any effect. it happens with economic growth. it happens with the development of international relations . it happens with international agreements. governance. they are the first, not a threat. then the expert of the program asked if our students are obese
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, almost a third of the students are obese , what are you doing? he replied, we only show them in the class. let's bring them to the field of action it will never get there, all of this has a solution and can be corrected by changing the type of classroom behavior training and field behavior or so-called work. be done. hours later, during the economic round table on channel 1 , mr. mustafa pourmohammadi, the candidate for the presidential election , said in this program: "without consensus and trust, the economy will remain sterile." then the expert of the program asked mr. pomohammadi: which one of these two is closer? what is your economic diplomacy close to? approach to the jcpoa or domestic implementation? we want to import medicine, the us treasury must give permission. we want to import basic goods let's do the value transfer and he should allow it. it is very dangerous. we must take the sanctions lightly
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. the jcpoa was a stage, it did not fully fulfill our rights . it was a round trip to reduce the pressure of the sanctions. the program said the negotiation that benefits. it is not the defense of the nation's rights if it does not provide for the nation. next, the host of the program asked: what is your practical plan for banks to comply with the instructions of the central bank? first of all, this law must be implemented seriously by the central bank, that is, not in this model now, for example, banks can do whatever they want, see how many things banks do now, for example, which is a very serious method, for example, they are doing money creation , especially private banks, well, money creation is from people's pockets. if this is done, first of all, it should be regulated, and secondly, if
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it is done even according to the rules, it should be in the interest of the people, sajjad wahhabi of the sda news agency. in the coordination and facilitation of participation in the presidential elections meeting, which was held with the representatives of the election candidates, the spokesperson of the country's election headquarters said that the voting method in the 8th of july elections will be the same as in the past. mr. eslami added according to the law
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election candidates can have a representative in each branch and in each voting process so that they can report the necessary matters either to the representative of the guardian council or to the representative of the governor or the election headquarters of the country. one week before the elections, with the intensification of the candidates' campaign and headquarters activities, reaching unity is the hot debate these days among the forces of the revolutionary front. mr. mohsen rezaei said about the necessity of consensus in the body of fundamentalists. the member of the expediency recognition council emphasized that individualism, person-centeredness and groupism should be discarded and consensus should be for the people. put it into practice by the forces of the revolution. at extension of political parties and currents' declaration of support for
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the candidates. 3 political organizations, the islamic center of graduates of the indian subcontinent, the islamic revolution supporters jamiat and the independent labor party announced that they support mr. pomohammadi in the elections. the jihadist foundation of the country has also announced that they will be with mr. qali baf. the reaction of the political director general of the ministry of interior. regarding the words of one of the election candidates about the non-appointment of political managers from among iranian ethnic groups, mr. mordi said that contrary to the statements of one of the candidates for the governorship election in the 13th government, he said that he should choose the natives and use all local capacities. filtering is not under the control of the government . the minister of communications said this. they are complaining because we filter and yes, they themselves know that
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decisions about these issues are made in meetings that are necessarily voted on. the majority is not with the government, and they must pay attention to the promises they make, which they should be able to fulfill later. the head of the judiciary also called the election a symbol of people's presence, participation and respect. if god forbid we neglect in this field for various reasons. it harms the country, harms the security , harms the trust, and makes the enemy grow. statistics about what do they say about the effect of debates? according to the opinion of the radio and television research center, about 47 audience members of the first election debate got to know the candidates better. this survey shows that 918 percent of the audience believed that the national media
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was able to maintain impartiality and justice in this debate. the minister of interior said 60,000 photo branches. the vote for the upcoming elections in the country has been predicted and about 180 thousand people will ensure the security of the elections. nahid akbarzadeh of sed and sima news agency in 1400 , the martyred president on his provincial trip to sistan baluchistan on his way to siyadi wharf. he turned aside and siadaan and fishermen met and talked. the order to address the problems of more than 24,000 fishermen, especially the issuance of syed licenses, was part of the results of this meeting. now the fishermen on the shores of mekoran are saying that they are ready to participate in the elections. hardworking and patriotic fishermen
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have attracted their determination to participate in the elections. in the meaning of siad , i will participate in the elections, god willing, we will be in iran. we are important, it is important for every iranian because we love our country , we love our president and we love our leader, it is our duty to be present on the stage and stay with the system and the revolution. it is a tradition of the baloch people that they will never turn their back on . the appointment that the people of sistan baluchistan have made with each other
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is on the 8th of july. roshd caspian railway with a capacity of 7 to 10 million tons per year was put into operation with the presence of the acting president. the caspian international development route is a part of a marine railway line that starts from russia and
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will strengthen the port of khorasiya by passing through iran's territory to banbai port. mohammad mokhbar , acting presidential spokesman, who traveled to gilan today to inaugurate this important and infrastructure project. he considered the completion and launch of this transportation plan as the result of the regional and international policies of the 13th government and cherished the memory of the martyred president and said: transformation in the field of export and transit of goods was one of the priorities in the context of taking advantage of iran's strategic position. which has been considered in the government of ayatollah raisi. both in the country's economy and in the country's security, in terms of the need that different countries find for this route , it is very, very effective in the employment of the country. it really has a serious effect on the freight transfer routes in the world .
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our dear did, this was a discussion of economic diplomacy. mehrdad bazarpash, the minister of roads and urban development, announced in a report that the amount of investment made in this project was 3 thousand billion tomans and added about 2 thousand billion tomans of these credits following the emphasis and follow-up of the individual. the minister of roads and urban affairs and the ceo of the country's railways also announced the current capacity of the rash casbin railway line, referring to the current capacity of two and a half million tons per year, and added that by increasing the capacity of the caspian port , we can use this line up to 8 million tons. we will carry the load through this route, god willing. with exploiting this important transportation plan, from now on
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we should witness constructive developments in the field of intercontinental transit centered on iran. kalhor, sed and sima news agency, bandar kasvin, anzali. caspian growth strategic rail line, complementary loop. it is known that the north-south pass is worth more than 5 thousand billion tomans. in 2000, the three countries of iran, russia, and india established the north-south corridor based on an agreement to create transit between the three countries. according to this agreement, northern europe of the russian federation and the caucasus countries by sea caspian and finally connected to the indian ocean through the connection to the persian gulf. attention russia. special attention will be given to the development of the north-south transportation corridor , and this is an opportunity for relations with india, iran and pakistan. now the year has passed and other countries, including the republic of azerbaijan, belarus,
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bulgaria, armenia, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, oman, tajikistan and turkey, have joined this project, which is the basis for the development of relations between the members of asia and the persian gulf countries. today, with the operation of the rush caspian railway, the puzzle of the north-south crossing was completed. currently , india's export goods to europe must be after passing through the red sea and the suez canal to reach europe , while an extremely simple, safe and affordable transit route has been created for these goods through iran. with the operation of this axis , the route will be reduced by nearly 25 days compared to the previous routes that had cargo traffic from benbei to europe and russia, and also by nearly 30%, we believe that the cost reduction in this process is actually complete. corridor for cargo transfer. in the first year, the incoming cargo from the caspian sea and russia will be operated and transferred to the southern ports.
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this rail line is a new condition in rail transportation creates and in this way the goods of russia and the republic of azerbaijan are imported to iran by rail and sea, then they are transported to the open waters of southern iran to be sent to india and china. leila saki , radio and television news agency. 2171 the plots of land were handed over to families in the cities of amir kabir saveh khomein, delijan and shazandeh, under the youth plan of the central province. one of the most valuable works of martyr hazrat ayatollah raisi , whose memorial we are actually opening today or handing over to our dear people, was the discussion of the national housing movement after a recession. many years in the discussion of housing for people my dear, and the fact that no serious work had been done , this movement continues seriously, in tafteh city
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of yazd province, the third irradiation complex equipped with self-phase gamma system of the country was put into operation , according to the head of atomic energy organization, this system is capable of irradiating products such as grains and disinfect the beans and make the products last longer. the costs of treatment in the country's health sector will decrease drastically, people's health will improve, and more importantly, our exports will no longer face obstacles. since the beginning of this year , this is the third center that we have started of these three, two were in the private sector. the minister of industry, mining and trade is also in kerman today from the factory. copper located in sarchesheme copper mining complex in rafsanjan was unveiled. this factory with a capacity of 80,000 tons of egyptian concentrate
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was launched with an investment of 70 million dollars. after the opening of the roshd caspian railway line, the acting president visited ghaem roshd hospital and its departments. after listening to the authorities' explanation of how the accident occurred, mr. mokhbar followed up on the measures taken to save the patients and the causes of the accident, and then ordered the governor of gilan to investigate the exact causes of the accident. and about shortcomings, how to deal with wrongdoers and preventive measures. he should be seriously reported. mr. mokhbar also visited some of the victims of the accident at the hospitals along the way. the minister of energy arrived in kazakhstan in order to participate in the fourth meeting of energy ministers of the member countries of the shanghai cooperation organization at the head of a delegation of experts . meeting with the ministers of energy of tajikistan, uzbekistan, belarus and kazakhstan from the plans of the minister of energy. during
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this trip, the fourth meeting of the energy ministers of the member countries of the shanghai cooperation organization will continue in the city of astana until july 2. acting minister of foreign affairs and condemning the action of the canadian government in describing the islamic revolutionary guard corps as a terrorist, he emphasized that the islamic revolutionary guard corps is an integral part of iran's official and legal forces. referring to irgc's role in providing iran's national security and protecting the security and stability of the region and countering isis terrorism, mr. bagheri added: canada's decision is a decision that violates the principles and rules of international law. acting minister of foreign affairs emphasized: the responsibility for the consequences of this provocative and irresponsible decision rests with the canadian government. the representatives are giving their speech to approve the new laws. for the people
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who are here outside the parliament, go to it right now, these comings and goings are caused by the presence of isis in the heart of canada. the terrorists who entered the canadian parliament in the city of ottawa were walking when the man took out his gun and fired a shot. we saw it. still,
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no one stepped forward to fight it. but at the same time, iran took action to fight this terrorist group. with one of its military arms, the irgc, sending, organizing and supporting popular forces in iraq and syria was only part of the irgc's activities to fight isis. but the fight against isis had costs for the irgc. or hossein to the people of the region. they will experience isis crimes less so that isis will no longer have territorial areas and the caliphate center and eventually it will end. recently, the federal government of canada has sanctioned the irgc and added it to the list of terrorist groups. but this was not the first time that the force was at the forefront of the fight against terrorism. terrorism was addressed. before that in april
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2018 in america. put the army in this list. irgc is included in the same list as other terrorists. on the 6th of may 1403, the european parliament also issued a resolution that called for the european union to include the corps in this list. but for the corps, this path continues. they are fighting terrorists for the comfort of the people of the country and the region. even for the security of people. a person related to the sale of iran's oil has
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been sanctioned secondary.


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