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tv   [untitled]    June 21, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm IRST

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long-term sat without advance payment in a large iranian house , in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. peace be upon ali muhammad and the family of muhammad and ajl farajah. hello, dear viewers , i invite you to join us with the economic news of the social security organization . this organization has announced that the process of paying june salaries has been fully implemented according to the previous schedule, and from tomorrow we will pay the difference in june according to the announced list and based on. social security
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was set according to the annual increase in the payment of the difference between april and june immediately after the completion of the june salary payment process be deposited into their account. the fourth meeting of energy ministers of the member countries of the shanghai cooperation organization with the speech of the minister of national energy. mr. mehrabian said before the meeting that the energy development document of the shanghai cooperation organization is going to be approved. in order to participate in this summit, the islamic republic of iran held meetings at the expert level of the general managers and deputy directors months ago and
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submitted numerous suggestions to the secretary general to be included in the development document. fortunately , most of our suggestions were actually recorded in this document. the minister of energy also met with the ministers of energy of tajikistan and uzbekistan met and discussed. in these separate meetings, the parties emphasized the development and expansion of cooperation in the field of energy. the minister of energy of ozarkstan from the effort. in order to join iran's electricity network, he informed turkmenistan. the managing director of tawanir company announced that 25% of subscribers consume more electricity than the model of their place of residence. mr. rajabi mashhadi said that the electricity cost of this group of subscribers will be calculated in a non-subsidized scale. for example, the electricity bill of subscribers who have two gas bags. in temperate regions, it may
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reach 2 million tomans, the last time it was too high look at the amount. on the one hand, they tell us that water is scarce , don't have water coolers, split and use these things. we have split now. i know how much the electricity bill is going to be in the summer . i think we have to pay millions, but whether you use a water cooler or a gas cooler it depends on the climate of the area where you live . he says that for areas with high heat and humidity, such as the south of the country or the north of the country, air conditioners should be used, because in areas with high air humidity, air conditioners are not suitable at all, but for areas that are hot and dry. are or are moderate, it is more economical for everyone to use a water cooler because it has a better price and lower usage costs.
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according to the managing director of tovanir 80 iran, such as tehran, isfahan, north khorasan, khorasan razavi, south khorasan, east azerbaijan and west azerbaijan, are part of the regions with the same consumption pattern and regions such as the persian gulf provinces and the oman sea , which are part of the warm regions and they have a different consumption pattern. the pattern in the areas of garmir is designed to be 2500 kilowatt hours per month, and almost less than 80% of the people consume less than this amount. it is a model and 300 kilowatt hours per month is predicted for temperate regions. the basis of this 300 kilowatts is the electricity consumption of the water cooler. but if you don't live in hot and humid areas and you have a gas cooler, the electricity consumption of gas coolers is approximately 5 to 6 times that of water coolers. if we use air conditioners in temperate regions and the number of hours
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we use these air conditioners is high, the electricity bill that will be issued to us will definitely start from 700 thousand tomans and even if there is more than one device, this will lead to it will be that tavanir company has announced electricity consumption monthly air conditioners are more than 900 kilowatt-hours , which is 3 times the pattern of electricity consumption in temperate regions, which can make the electricity bill of subscribers up to 24 times more expensive than normal. mehboob sharifi gul of sed and cima news agency. the third radiation complex equipped with gamma self-protection system in the country in medicine. it was put into operation. this system is able to disinfect products such as grains and legumes by irradiating them, and by controlling rejuvenation and reducing pests , it makes the products last longer. according to the announcement of the ministry of
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agriculture, 30% of the produced products suffer from pests every year , which by using this technology, the cost of the treatment department of the country's health department. it will decrease drastically, the health of the dear people will improve , more importantly, the issue of our exports will not face any obstacles. since the beginning of this year, this is the third center that we have set up, out of these three , it was from the private sector. products such as wheat, barley and legumes can be irradiated with gamma radiation . it is a completely clean method without the use of chemicals and pesticides, a valuable and physical sustainable method. which has a long history in the world and today the advanced countries of the world are using this important technology in the industrial field definitely, if we can reduce a significant part of agricultural waste in the country, then
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we have helped the country's food security. irradiation of food products is an efficient and leading method in the field of fighting against pests and pollution. due to the efforts of iranian experts. by the end of summer, four more radiation complexes will be put into operation in different regions of the country. mir tahari of taft city radio and television news agency. with the opening of the slag reduction plant of sarcheshme civil complex in rafsanjan, 80,000 tons were added to the processing capacity of mesl concentrate in the country. this factory with an investment of 70 million dollars it was made. this is a symbol and indicator of engineering work, intellectual work and knowledge work. the approach of the ministry of reputation, industry and knowledge is based on export, and this is one of its symbols, and that we
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can create wealth from bottles. i think that many such things can be done here. if the plans of scientists define it. scientific companies should be placed next to the egyptian national company. i invite those who said that after 60 years of the shutdown of one of the burners in the behrgan oil region, the researchers in bousher succeeded in finding a way without buying a new device and relying on internal knowledge. without cost to turn off a dry burner , with this work, the gas consumption of 800 four families. this metal rod is a burner whose long gas burns for 60 years. here in behrgan, an area of ​​qarne plateau oil company
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in the north of bushehr province, dilam city. along with extracting oil from the earth, gas is inevitably accompanied by it. if the quantity and pressure of this gas is such that we cannot do anything with it, we have no way but to burn it. flares and burners should be used for safety, but the extent of their burning depends on its management. behrgan sir first platform iran's oil platform is in the persian gulf, in the northern waters of bushehr province. engineers and specialists of the oil industry in a seven-month step, a way to prevent heather burning. oil and gas were found along with oil on the continental shelf . we used the potential that we have in the behrgan platform , to collect the gas there, to compress it in the lines, in fact, to send the already designed gas to
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khark island and use it in petrochemicals there. and to prevent it from being burned in this area, working on paper required high tools and costs , for this we need a series of compressors. we had a strong and actually expensive price to compress this gas and use it somewhere like engel or other places where we do this process. this work was done without spending money, just by discussing the design and pre-designs that our engineering units did. by implementing this iranian idea, the gas consumption of 800 families per month was prevented from wasting the country's gas. this amount of gas is 15 thousand. cubic meter per day instead of being burned , it is actually used in a way that makes better use of it. this torch was one of hundreds of torches that burn in the country's oil and gas industries. mohammad
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hadi hajizadeh of behrgan radio agency, imam hasan daylam. today's transactions in the global oil and gold market were accompanied by an increase in the price of gold and a decrease in the price of oil. the price of gold pruning in these transactions increased by 9 percent to 2300 compared to yesterday. the tradition arrived. us crude oil with 9. a decrease of 81
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dollars is 25 cents. the amount of guaranteed purchase of wheat reached 4 million 800 thousand tons. more than 35% of the purchased wheat has been paid so far. stanoristan is one of the regions where the wheat harvest is still going on and is expected. buying from farmers is 10% more than last year fertility of golden wheat ears and happiness of farmers. we had a good year and the condition of agriculture, thank god, is very good this year compared to last year, dry wheat is 3.5 to 4 tons per hectare, and 7 tons per hectare. may god cultivate 243 thousand hectares of lorestan's lands in the current crop year.
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let's buy that this number is 10% more than the previous year. the use of appropriate figures and the application of the expert advice of our colleagues have made us increase the level of production. about. according to the rains that happened this year, we harvested 6 tons and 5 tons this year 7, 8 to 9 tons of harvest, 430 native combines and more than a thousand immigrant combines are doing the harvesting work to monitor
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the harvest. in order to reduce crop loss and waste, 48 purchasing commissions have been established in the province for the guaranteed purchase of wheat, and 90 thousand tons have been purchased so far. harvesting of the wheat crop from mazare of the province, which started in gurmir areas, started in the beginning of june. it continues until the middle of september in cold areas. bahrami of sada news agency and sima, khorramabad. niger has withdrawn the license to operate a large uranium mine from the french company orano. the imuranium mine in the north of niger is considered one of the largest uranium mines in the world, with an estimated yield of 20,000 tons . niger is now 15% of arania. it provides france's needs for nuclear power plants , which
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make up 65% of the country's electricity production. for the past few decades, the french company urano has been extracting uranium from niger and using it in the production of fuel rods for 56 nuclear power plants. after the military coup in in the past, which was accompanied by military coups in a number of central and south african countries, the interests of the economy. for years, france has been shaken in africa . 10-fold increase in oil sales in
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iran's daily 2 million barrels of oil. the current and former officials of the us foreign policy are invited one after the other to the house of representatives hearings . they want to know what is going on. this is one of the latest round of ted cruz's hemises, the host of the deputy and assistant foreign minister for near east affairs asked how iran was able to get 80 billion dollar. gained from increased oil exports. iran's oil sales rate has increased from 300,000 barrels to 2 million barrels per day. this is about 80 billion dollars of income that iran has earned. because your government refuses to impose oil sanctions . but barbara leaf says that we do not sanction iran is incorrect. we
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impose oil embargoes. we put a heavy cost on their hands and only 230 cases. we have imposed sanctions against those who help iran in circumventing the sanctions. the us deputy secretary of state also says that he does not know what is wrong. and why sanctions do not work. of course , about a month ago, ted cruz asked the same question to the us secretary of state, anthony blinken, and in a different tone, he said, " have you loosened the sanctions on iran?" the government has to
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work hard, which was previously detailed by bloomberg in a detailed report between the payment system and the hidden maritime transport network from the us treasury. mohammadan nikmin of radio and television news agency and the last report of today's economic news is that the three-day national conference of leaders with the approach of holding training courses on animal husbandry and business in villages in the cultural and recreational complex of mohammadshahr alborz was held. the national conference of rural business was held in mohammadshahr, karaj. the effort has been to create employment in deprived areas of our country . the demand for agricultural production is that
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it produces basic goods and provides the country's livelihood needs and basic goods. this plan of the executive headquarters has come into action as a support company for employment plans and follows animal husbandry plans from the point of creation to post-creation services . attend this conference for 3 days to do. with the training that was done for us in the last two days, it was decided that in the future, according to the guidance that exists in the provinces, we will be able to do loan brokerage for the new clients we identify. it goes through a process, from the purchase of livestock to the purchase of animal medical services, periodical visits to that assistant, we do it completely free of charge on behalf of pardi fardis development company for productivity in our rural livestock industry. to increase
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the achievement of such training courses has created 30,000 job opportunities and distributed 10,000 tons. trap for implementation of rural projects in 22 provinces of the country. in this gathering, 150 leaders attended to benefit from the training courses held in job creation and removal of production obstacles in the field of agriculture and animal husbandry. mohammad ma'rifovand of sada and shima news agency, imam muhammadshahr cultural recreation complex. we have reached the end of economic news. good afternoon and god bless you.
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in the name and memory of god, greetings and good times, i have the presence of you, dear viewers of the khabar channel, at the moment we have a calm atmosphere, but we expect for the next 3 days with intermittent movement of waves in the sector. in the northern parts of our country, in the afternoon and early night, in the northern regions of our country , there will be an increase in rains. for today, in the northwest of the alborz heights, parts of the northeast of our country, rain, lightning and wind are expected due to the rains. an orange weather warning has been issued for parts of ardabil province, north and east azarbaijan, north of west azarbaijan, alborz, tehran and mazandaran provinces, where
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there is a possibility of seasonal river flooding in these areas. similarly, in parts of north khorasan, there will be an increase in rainfall for the next few hours we will have during this period, we request that you avoid staying on the banks of rivers, and avoid climbing to high altitudes, as there is a possibility of being hit by falling rocks. and strong winds also happen in these areas. another point that should be mentioned is that from saturday, in addition to the rains in these areas, in the coastal provinces of the caspian sea, gilan, mazandaran and golestan, with the northerly currents, in addition to the relative decrease in temperature is happening in the northern part of the country, the rains are predicted for the coastal provinces of the caspian sea for saturday, while in your parts on saturday, we will have a slight decrease in temperature, but for the next two or three days , hot weather will remain in the southern part of our country. during
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the last night, the temperature reached 53 in parts of busher province, in khuzestan, the temperature was 51 in parts, and the same temperature in ilam. 50 degrees were reported in some parts of the province. the red weather warning for khuzestan province is valid until the third day, so we expect that the weather warning will continue to be valid for the next two days in the southwestern regions of the country. traffic during hot hours should be avoided in the city . electricity consumption should be saved. it should be done for sure do not have electricity in these hot days. in terms of the phenomenon of wind blowing, in the eastern regions of our country, especially in the north of sistan baluchistan province , strong winds, raising dust and reducing visibility , which will lead to a decrease in air quality , we are also expecting strong winds in the center of alworth slopes. i sincerely thank you for your attention and support. have a good time and god bless you
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. dear people, on friday, firstly, the principle of participation , secondly, it will be the type of participation and the type of choice that we hope the almighty god will guide all our hearts and the hearts of the iranian nation in the best way. appear in this field, the country has many capabilities , there are many facilities and opportunities in our country. taking advantage of these opportunities requires strong, active and productive people, don't get tired, this power
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is gained more from the area other than personal aspects, from the support of the people of the president , if the presence of the people has a favorable quorum and the president has a high vote. god willing, if he is elected, this will make him gain strength and be able to use these capacities properly. there are some facts that should be looked at above and beyond political jokes and taste, for example, the funeral of a martyr. our dear martyr soleimani, well, there was a big incident here. the issue of political taste was no longer an issue. everyone should participate in such elections . the question of political taste is not an issue in elections.
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everyone should participate. everyone should be present because the social system of the country needs this presence. some of those who express doubts about participating in the elections, who hesitate or discourage, these are the weak sections of the society, the deprived sections of the society, and i know this from the opinions. and from the polls, we know that there are some deprived sections of the society who have high expectations and complain that these expectations are not met. the issue of livelihood, the issue of housing , and the issue of employment have not been met. well, the country's officials should really address these issues, and they should address these issues . these are the complaints, so their hands and hearts are in the elections.
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in my opinion, their complaints are correct, but their decisions are not correct. yes, their complaints are correct . these complaints should have been addressed, and the future government should definitely put its plans to deal with these problems at the top of its agenda, but this is the point. that is not going. standing at the ballot box and getting angry with the ballot box will not solve the problem . if manas is solved, these problems will be solved as let's all go to the polls and vote for someone who we believe can solve these problems , and he will solve this problem, but because we have flocks, we should not vote, in my opinion, this is not right. it is an important point
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, so i i accept complaints, but i do not accept not participating because of these complaints. how can i help you? we can have two hands of the same model, the same color, the same price. there is only one left of this hairstyle with the same color. that's why he came to serai taqofi with this price. i also came to ask the same price the refrigerator is also very good, because there is a discount spread here and all the appliances here have a special discount in addition to the iranian sarai discounts. then when will these purchases reach us ? whatever you buy right now , it will be delivered to you instantly attractive, unbelievable discounts in the discount house of iran's big house, iran's big house in
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the cities of qom, isfahan. and the only tehran branch in serah afsarieh. this is the blue waves sports complex. 60 exciting water slides, the largest wave pool in the middle east, two wild rivers, mashhad water waves sports complex. next to the shrine of imam rauf, for serving pilgrims and fellow travelers. hello, this is the city of household appliances, the big festival of the city of discounts . here, there are both discounts and prizes. you must come and see our special and amazing discounts on all products. another great news is that we have a prize of 100 million tomans every day. both
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the discount and the prize of shahr farsh shahr of household appliances. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful , we offer greetings and a good day to you, dear viewers of the 12 o'clock news channel, together with my colleagues. the enduring figures of iran's cultural heritage were introduced in 1403. dr. abdul majid arfai zabanas dr ahmad jalali, the cultural director, dr. fakhri daneshpour , the first female iranian archaeologist, and dr. mahdi , the archeologist's leader, as enduring figures.


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