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tv   [untitled]    June 21, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm IRST

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after the leadership position of the president, if the presidency is good, it is to serve the nation, to criticize the people's votes, and to punish them with the help of god. and following the prophet of islam is as long as i swear by him. on the 8th of august , the leader of the revolution thanked the people for their united participation in the elections. the minister of interior announces the final results of the elections on august 9th, and hojjat-ul-islam wal-muslimin hashemi rafsanjani
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is elected to the presidency of the islamic republic of iran with 15 million and 537394 votes. 6 days have passed since the presidential election was held on thursday, august 12 hosseinieh jamaran witnessed the first inauguration ceremony of the presidency without the presence of imam ruhollah. it is true that you today. you entered a hosseiniyah where we see your imam's chair empty. it is true that this dear group always met their own imam when they came here. but we thank god that
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there is a chair next to that chair that is special for the dear son of the brave imam, our dear leader , according to the tradition of the finalization ceremony of the past periods, haj ahmad agha reads the text of the final decision, the final decision of the people's votes by. our honorable and beloved leader ayatollah khamenei has passed away the two full terms of the presidency that have been passed, thank god, in spite of all the difficulties and the plots of the enemies for the good and the honor and the greatness of islam and muslims , the nation of rashid toshim faithfully
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carried out the will of the late great imam and in the first test and in at the same time that the sworn enemies of islam played tricks and pinned their hopes on dan , it made the world wonder. surely, this is a great achievement that at the same time as the amendments to the constitution, which provide the basis for the proper administration of the country, the executive management of the country is placed in the capable hands of someone like the elected president of the nation. it is hoped that the decisive and intelligent people of our country expect divine approvals and favors
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to pave the way to solving the problems and realizing the ideals of the revolution, and it is obvious that this vote and sanction is as long as they are on this straight and bright path. which they have spent their honorable life in, that is, the way of defending the pure islam of muhammad, may god bless him and grant him peace, the struggle to realize the complete sovereignty of the qur'an, to follow the sharia, to support the deprived and the oppressed, and to try to eradicate poverty and deprivation, and to establish social justice. continue their way. after that hashemi rafsanjani in
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he honors the words of the memory of the imam and talks about his and ayatollah khamenei's history of joint struggles. when i was preparing myself for the presidential candidacy, it never occurred to me that i would not take the decision from them, as if the hand of divine destiny had so desired and planned that i would serve the leadership of a noble position that almost spent my life. i have spent time with them in the way of social issues
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. president also. in this ceremony, according to the imam , he says about his successor, the moment when the imam is no longer related they had left enough acceptable documents for us that they had cut off their relationship with us , that who would continue their path, this was what we knew, and the experts also knew their adhes, and they were informed about their adhes, and in the way that the imam accompanied the interpreter and they have set a guide for us . today, we are entering a new period of executive responsibilities, which is a part of the road that we have to walk
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in new scenes and who will replace us in new scenes. era after the imam , he discusses the line that the imam drew for the revolution for 10 years, we have been moving according to that line, the iranian nation has been moving, the line of the greatness of islam, the line of defense of the deprived and oppressed all over the world, is the line and the way that the nation is. it has made iran a living and proud nation in the world. this is our life line, our whole existence, our national and revolutionary identity. and by the grace of the lord, with determination, with strength, with
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hope, with the same spirit that the imam taught us during the period of the movement and the revolution, practically, the same line. by the grace of god, it will go forward. mr. hashemi rafsanjani, the elected president of the people, in today's public meeting of the islamic council, instead he officially took over the inauguration ceremony of the islamic republic of iran. i swear that i am the guardian of religion. be the official system of the islamic republic and the country's constitution and
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use all my talent and competence to fulfill the responsibilities that i have assumed. the president gives a speech after reading the oath. finally, all the factors joined hands and got kicked out of the parliament and started to take on greater responsibility in terms of implementation and accountability. i informed him that he is no longer as of today , they are not in charge of the responsibility of the presidency, because they do not have an audience to whom
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they can resign. from now on, the rest of his presidency , and therefore i will start my work from today , hashemi rafsanjani emphasizes, in order to fulfill the oath i took a few minutes ago , i must dedicate myself to the people and the revolution. i have problems with personal issues i will pay for it except to the extent of what i can to fulfill my responsibility and if i want to keep it for myself, an album of family considerations, friendship, friendship, records , things that are effective in humans, for example. to influence the country, i
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am no longer devoted to the people. two days later, the president presents his cabinet to the parliament for a vote of confidence. the leader of the 2nd shahrivar revolution of 1368 prohibits the members of parliament from any political and linear orientation in making decisions about ministers. it's worthy that the honorable representative should think and comment on the merits and qualifications when making decisions about the ministers and not make decisions for different political and personal reasons, or god forbid, egoistic feelings towards the ministers. the process of examining the qualifications of the ministers proposed by the president will begin on the 5th of september in the parliament , and the representatives for and against will present their views. it is not war that you call war. we have and we can't, and you don't have inconsistency to say that we can't work, and it's not up to you to
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say that we can't, it's the beginning of our work , so people have huge expectations from this cabinet. and rightfully, this expectation of the people should be fulfilled with the round-the-clock efforts of the respected cabinet, god willing, during the reconstruction period, and with the thesis that mr. hashemi said that we want to have a cabinet , our country will enter the reconstruction period. we will become a global arrogant system, which i can call the period of policy implementation, that is , it will not necessarily be the period of subversion that we now think that certain american spies will come in that format, but it is the period in which we must be vigilantly aware of conspiracies that try do in our economic policies in our public policies, in our cultural system and in our society, instill doubt, and along with our foreign policy activity, a new era
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will come in our national security anyway. finally, after 3 days of discussions, all 22 ministers proposed by the cabinet receive a vote of confidence. the result of the votes of the honorable representatives and the vote of confidence of the honorable representatives in the cabinet of mr. hashemi rafsanjani, the honorable president of the republic , the total number of people present in the meeting 2601 people minister of post and telegraph in favor 230 people against 16 people grateful 11 ​​people minister of commerce in favor 147 people against 93 people abstained 18 ministry of economy and finance approves 195 people
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43 people are opposed, 19 people are grateful, so 22 people are the members of the cabinet of mr. hashemi rafsanjani, who have been introduced to the parliament. all of them voted on the anniversary of the martyrdom of rajaee and bahoner. the government delegation will visit the leader of the revolution. he decided that the government delegation should visit the noble leader of the revolution before starting his official work and use his guidance. we know this as part of divine success. ayatollah khamenei
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points out the mutual rights of the government and the people and advises the authorities to prepare themselves to respond to the people. people's responsibility is to see you in support to the highest extent. if the officials of the country and the government of the islamic republic and any government do not have the support of the people , it will be difficult and impossible for them to work under certain circumstances. of course, people are right. after a reasonable period of time, ask the officials of each of the departments what is the result of your work. you should prepare yourself for this answer. if it is insufficient, it is for this reason that the people are calculating and alert. the leader of the revolution
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warns the officials with foresight and foresight. the development of the country does not mean staying away from spirituality and ideals. dear mr. president, announcing that the cabinet is a work cabinet and its intention is to do the work in its various branches with strength and power , this promises a good future . there is a nation, especially a nation that has survived 8 years of war. having endured the problems of global pressures, they imagine that solving these problems means staying away from spirituality and ideals. ayatollah khamenei urges the government to deal with any kind of tyranny and discrimination. in our society we have to go to the point where privileges
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are canceled for no reason. the taghouti system was based on wrong points. this should be completely eliminated and the true islamic justice established, god willing. next friday, hashemi rafsanjani considers his government's plans to be in line with the spiritual ideals of the revolution and promises the people that his government will not deviate a step from the path of the imam and the ideals of the revolution to rebuild the country. i say frankly as the president. and the person in charge of the executive affairs of the country, that the islamic republic of iran does not need a single bit of the imam's path and ideals to build its country. let the revolution go astray. during the presidency
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of hashemi rafsanjani, the country gradually suffered. political equations become complicated. the majority of the parliament in these years is generally in the hands of militant clerics. the so-called leftist forces of the parliament criticize the two ministers of hashemi's cabinet. and the conflict between the views of this spectrum and hashemi's views becomes more obvious. this time, the electoral tribune went to fars province, to a village 100 km away from shiraz. you are very welcome, where the people were on their way to the venue on foot and on horseback after hearing about the coming of the tribune.
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of course, this is the traditional way of this program the people of kahmer village welcomed them, they set up a platform and i had many words for the candidates of the presidential election . they said that the next president should take care of the farmers. when i go, i will harvest rice . i have to sell it. when i want to buy, i have to buy it. why did we come with tractors to talk about the problems of the farmers? we only have a president who will help us well, farmers. yes, mr.
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president, and this is to say that the villages need help . the issue of deprivation of the village is a priority may we not have a reverse lecture. the people of kahmar village expressed their demands like this. did you think that i graduated as a 10-year-old young man and i have nothing to do? is there anything for me or not? we must prepare the infrastructure for the marriage of our young people. fix our width, fix our income , fix our employment, we don't have housing. the issue of election debates was also brought up, talk honestly with the people , don't make promises that you can't fulfill later , and give the people a chance to be ashamed and regret
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the people later. don't make it right, we want the president to continue the martyr's way of serving the martyred president. that dear one will gain more power with the maximum participation that we have with the support of our vote.
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the great work of people on friday, first, the principle of participation , second, the type of participation and the type of choice. it will be that we hope that the almighty god will guide all our hearts , the hearts of the iranian nation, so that you can appear in the best way in this field. the country has many capabilities, there are many facilities and opportunities in our country. take advantage of these opportunities don't get tired of strong, active, productive people. this power is gained more from the area other than personal aspects from the support of the people of the president. if the presence of the people has
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a favorable quorum and the president is elected with a high vote, god willing, this will cause him to gain power and be able to use this power. . use comments correctly. there are some facts that should be looked at above and beyond the taste and political arguments. suppose, for example, the funeral of our beloved martyr soleimani. well, it was a big incident. here it is a matter of political taste it was not political. everyone participate. elections like this. in the election. it is not a question of political merits, everyone should participate, everyone should be present
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because the social system of the country requires this presence. . i know from opinion polls and polls, we know that there are some disadvantaged sections of the society who have high expectations and complain that these expectations have not been met, the issue of livelihood, the issue of housing, and the issue of employment. reach these issues and must reach these issues. they are complaining, so they don't want to participate in the elections. now, for example , what's the use? in my opinion, their complaints are valid, but
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their decisions are not valid. put your own program to deal with these groups , but the issue is that not going to the ballot box and being angry with the ballot box will not solve the problem. let's all go let's go to the polls and vote for someone who we believe can solve these problems , he will solve this problem, but we don't vote because we have a flock. in my opinion, this is an important point, so i accept complaints, but i do not accept non-participation because of these complaints.
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to join the chele khemat campaign, just do something for the people with the intention of the martyrs of khemat and send the number 8 to 123 39.
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summer wave summer wave with exciting prizes every day 8 prizes of eight million tomans to 8 people this summer at the blue waves sports complex mashhad offers a wave of prizes. you can also win this prize. mashhad blue waves sports complex , dear retirees. dear, we have an appointment here in 2 hours. they told us that everything can be done in installments . yes, it is with the floor price. i said that i don't have a check. i will go in the car until you come . why are you going? they said that they don't want a check . give me five coins. i'll go see . do you have a coin in my hand? i want
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to pay in advance. i dare not ask for an advance. sir, this is my guarantor. the guarantor here does not want a guarantor at all. we did not go to the bank . gentlemen, there is no need to go to the bank. it is not a special purchase for dear retirees , social security from shahreh household appliances, purchase installments without checks, without zamel, without prepayment, without the need to go to the bank. in the name of god, mohammad hosni, i am from the city of varamin, the first winner of the second round of the washland lottery, an apartment unit, a car, one billion rials in cash and 10 years of fixed monthly salary. i am samaya zamani from the city of kurd,
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and i am the third winner of the 2nd washland contest, washland. two lands full of prizes, a truck, a means of purchase, a truck you found the means to buy a treasure, i didn't find a treasure, so what are these things? my daughter , you bought them all in one place. are you serious? dad, i was kidding. you were kidding. no , when it comes to a good gift, there is a wide variety of things. if you don't buy, why buy in installments anyway? that you wanted a large iranian store in the cities of qom, isfahan and the only branch in tehran in sarah afsarieh.
2:00 pm
welcome to the half day news. the debates are the most popular advertising program of the presidential candidates with 20 million viewers and listeners, and at first it was more of a generalization, but here at least it is a bit more specific. they say that this time, unlike the previous courses , they observed ethics.


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