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tv   [untitled]    June 22, 2024 2:00am-2:31am IRST

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only 399 thousand tomans to order number 1 , send sms to 1657. hello again, today, on the 13th day , the election programs of the presidential candidates will be aired on the national media based on this program. minutes on channel two mohammad baqer ghalibaf in documentary program 2 from 21 to 21 on channel two alireza zakani in documentary program two from 21 to 22 on
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university of medical sciences network. shahid beheshti, these products, which were imported before , were produced and commercialized in the dental research institute of this university. application software design for remote detection of tooth decay. the client presents the photo he has, for example, the image of his jaw to the application, and the application gives him a report based on artificial intelligence with the analysis of artificial intelligence, the number of skin folds and other problems that exist. you can
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pass it to him and this will help to carry out more preventive treatment. the localization of dental filling material production technology is done by danesh foundation dental composite company, which is produced in two different models of eight colors. these products are dental filling material for restorative treatments. they are considered as local production of functional materials for better adhesion of dental restoration materials. our product. acids are dental acids. this compound is used to prepare the surface of the tooth during the restoration process, as it creates a series of defects and wear on the surface of the enamel or the surface of the tooth, and this process is used for the adhesion of bonding and the compounds used in restoration such as composite is preparing the tooth surface for us. these were part of the knowledge-based achievements in the field of dentistry that were unveiled at shahid beheshti university of medical sciences. 20 products. new technology to
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when we open the localized. fortunately, many of these have entered the market or are ready to enter the market today. some of these products are even successful. attract global standards such as c and can even be present in european union countries by obtaining this license. these knowledge-based products reached the stage of production and commercialization at the foundation of shahid beheshti university dental sciences code. a possibility that is also available for elites and other knowledge-based companies in this field. companies that actually have an initial idea early prototypes can be said that they have not yet acquired a legal personality. there is a student who has an idea or an initial production of an initial prototype, or there is a young faculty member who can come to our growth center, we will assign a glove to him, he can come there , develop his idea, and we will help him in our own laboratories.
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he should produce his own initial product, in fact, his prototype, and then in developing his product, we can get the necessary permits both nationally and internationally. mohammad hossein haji of the radio and television agency and the head of the suwak group of the civil aviation organization. according to mr. koranli, with the aim of more organization and supervision and standardization based on international laws , the standardization of drone user certificates is on the agenda of the civil aviation organization and import foreign drones are also prohibited. until the next part.
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in the name of allah, the merciful, the merciful, in the name of god, whose memory is peaceful and whose hearts are calm, we send greetings and blessings upon prophet muhammad and the family of muhammad. i congratulate hazrat imam hadi to you, dear viewers, with the program of the world today and review of the most important news and developments we will be with you in the next few minutes. different areas of gaza continue to be the target of air strikes and
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artillery of the zionist regime. the warplanes of the zionist occupation regime bombarded the west of the city of rafah from the south of the gaza strip. the central parts of the gaza strip and the nusirat camp were also targeted by artillery attacks and intense shelling by the tanks of the zionist regime. ashja'eeh neighborhood in the east of gaza city was also targeted by the israeli army's air strike. in these attacks, 11 palestinians were martyred and the north was injured. simultaneous image news sources. satellite and aerial view of the damage and destruction left behind the widespread attack of the zionist army on the yubna and shabro camps in the city of rafah in the south of the gaza strip . the information office of the palestinian authority in
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gaza announced that salim ashrafaq, a reporter of the al-akhsa satellite channel , was martyred in the bombing of the gaza strip, and the number of martyrs of journalists in the gaza war increased to 152. the zionist publication's statement on the inability of this regime to confront lebanon's hezbollah drones. haart wrote in a report: hezbollah has become an intelligent army with advanced drones that is able to obtain security information of the zionist army and critical infrastructure. threaten this regime. this hebrew publication also admitted that the balance of the strategic forces of the zionist regime has been disturbed by the acquisition of advanced weapons by the lebanese hezbollah. on tuesday, lebanon's hezbollah
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announced the possession of advanced drones known as hudod drones by publishing pictures of strategic civilian and military locations in the important port of haifa. sayyed hasan nasr'allah. he also said in his speech on wednesday: lebanon's hezbollah has updated its weapons and has many drones that the resistance fighters built. the minister of religious affairs of the zionist regime said: zionists themselves they are preparing for a mass burial in the north of the occupied territories. after the zionist regime's claim about the operation in southern lebanon , seyyed hassan nasrallah warned that in the event of a war , no part of the occupied territories will be safe from resistance missiles.
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referring to the warning of the secretary general of lebanon's hezbollah, the military reporter of channel 13 of the zionist regime said: he is well aware of the confusion and problems of the zionist army. zionist soldiers martyred three palestinian youths and stole their bodies. published pictures of the attack of the occupying forces ghulakalieh in the west bank shows that after shelling the car of this resistance survivor, the zionists prevented the presence of medical forces to rescue them by creating a security belt. the zionists claimed that during these attacks they martyred one of the commanders of the palestinian islamic jihad . news sources reported that the zionists stole the bodies of these martyrs and their cars while leaving ghalgalieh. local officials in
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the zionist settlements near the lebanese border said that the cabinet ministers of this regime visit these settlements like thieves at night. according to the network in al-manar attacks of the last 8 months, about 1000 homes and facilities in occupied palestine were targeted and tens of thousands of hectares of forests were burned. describing the enemy in this way, they say that the situation in the north is not in the hands of netanyahu's cabinet , but in the control of hezbollah. from the very first moment of the war, israel
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separated gaza and lebanon from each other, and the political authorities wanted to focus on hamas and integrate the conflict with hezbollah , but nasrallah's plan to control the situation. it was different. in the past few weeks, the main problem in israel and inside the cabinet was how to restore peace to the borders and whether the residents can return to their homes or not? it is unfortunate that hezbollah determines the level of the conflict and how it will be located. the israeli authorities are at the first level of the world in terms of words, but they do nothing in practice. the government evacuated an entire geographical area near the borders, and we are going to al-mutale town at night. if any minister wants to come to our town , he will come like a thief entering a place at night. in addition to the defeat in the psychological warfare of the north occupied palestine witnessed damages from
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the north is burning and there is no one to put out the fire except the volunteer residents of the area. therefore , the zionist government does not help the remaining settlers in the northern region. not because he doesn't want to, but because he is unable to do this, just as their performance shows their inability. the zionists in the west bank engage in new harassment and harassment, according to the report
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of al-arabi network, the forces of the occupying regime rob the homes of palestinians in the west bank during their raids. they have robbed a palestinian. the occupying forces to the room of this young palestinian. they attacked in edura region in the south of hebron and destroyed all its facilities and damaged them. this young palestinian was not at home when the invaders entered. they confiscated his documents and stole his ruined property, but they do not admit to stealing his property . what happened here is repeated in other areas of the west bank. this happened not only for this palestinian youth, but also
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the board of palestinian prisoners and released persons
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recorded more than 920 cases of arrest, of which more than 100 some of these arrests have taken place since eid al-adha. the occupiers also arrested dozens of palestinians to force other youths to surrender themselves. the 43rd anniversary of martyr mustafa chamran was commemorated in bayt. he went to lebanon to fight against the zionist regime and became one of the resistance commanders. here in the capital of lebanon , a commemoration ceremony was held on the 43rd anniversary of his martyrdom, next to the street that bears his name. life in the sphere of education, prosperity and even personal progress and honor was much less and inferior to his lofty soul. martyr mustafa chamran in the year
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he came to lebanon in 1350 to fight against the zionist regime and spent 8 years in the most difficult conditions as the director of shabanrozi school. contrary to the extensive activities of shahid chamran from the time of his presence in the cultural military role. very few pictures of him have been recorded in lebanon . one of chamran's characteristics was to stay away from fame. although he was a professional photographer, his presence in egypt and especially gaza before his trip to lebanon was not recorded in any photographs. al-shahed mustafa shamran is now present in the gaza strip. today
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we see the presence of martyr chamran in the battle of resistance fighters in gaza and south lebanon. he is in the field of science and thought and presence. on the front lines of the battle is the model of fighting against arrogance and zionism. however, after 43 years since his martyrdom, chamran is a familiar name to all anti-zionist fighters. there is always a bright hope in the corner of the horizon for us. and he gives us hope that we will win without a doubt. dr. chamran's life ended in dehlawiyeh hassan, but his presence in gaza and south lebanon will not be forgotten. chamran's role in the anti-zionist battle continues. seyyed mohammad hosseini, sada wasima news agency, beirut. great blessing and great memory. armenia
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recognized the state of palestine. ministry of foreign affairs armenia announced. it recognizes palestine as an independent country. slovenia, spain, norway and iceland also recognized palestine last month. so far, 148 members of the united nations have recognized the independent state of palestine. this is despite the fact that the united states has vetoed several un resolutions in opposition to this issue. the united nations once again warned about the worsening humanitarian situation and widespread hunger in the gaza strip. according to the report of this organization, hundreds of thousands of palestinians are displaced in southern gaza with a severe lack of shelter, health services and materials
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they are facing food. according to this report, many of these refugees only two or three days. they eat a meal. also, access to water in this devastated area is very low, forcing people to stand in line for hours to get water or use sea water for daily consumption. the united nations office for the coordination of humanitarian affairs also reported on the continuous outbreak of infectious diseases due to the lack of sewage water, the proliferation of insects, and the lack of complete sanitation and facilities. health warned. the fourth meeting of energy ministers of the member countries of the shanghai cooperation organization was held. minister of energy in this the meeting raised the establishment of the energy exchange center as one of the seven proposals of iran to the shanghai countries and
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announced iran's readiness to export technical engineering services to the member countries. at the end of this meeting. the energy development document of the shanghai cooperation organization was approved. in this document , attention was paid to both production, transmission and consumption. in the field of hydrocarbon energy production, electricity, renewable energy and nuclear energy are considered in this document. minister of energy also with ministers. the energy of tajikistan and uzbekistan met and discussed. in these separate meetings the parties emphasized on the development and expansion of cooperation in the field of energy. the minister of energy and uzbekistan announced the country's efforts to join iran's power grid from turkmenistan. two international events in
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the jurisdiction and legal field hosted by russia ended their work. the meeting of the presidents of the supreme court of 10 brics member countries and the meeting of the general prosecutors of the member countries of this group was held. in these meetings , the need to expand the judicial cooperation of the brics member countries was emphasized. the end of two international events in the judicial and legal field hosted by russia, the meeting of the heads of the supreme courts of 10 brics countries in the city of sochi and also the meeting of the attorney generals of the member countries of this group, which was the first official appearance of the supreme judicial bodies of the islamic republic of iran after our country joined brics. these two meetings were held while hojjat. islam mohammad jafar montazeri , president of the supreme court of iran, and hojjat-ul-islam mohammad mohadi azad, attorney general of the country, presided over the judicial boards of iran in these two gatherings
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. meeting with ms. irina padnosova, president of the supreme court of russia and talking with the presidents of the supreme courts of the people's republic of china ethiopia and belarus including the program. south and the united arab emirates met. in moscow , konstantin tvychenko, minister of justice of russia , hosted the country's prosecutor general and members of his accompanying delegation . in the negotiations with the attorney general of the islamic republic of iran, we talked about increasing the level of bilateral interaction. one of the important issues that was agreed
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upon was the transfer of convicts to serve their sentences in their own country. in the fight against terrorism, cyber crimes and drugs, scientific cooperation, international cooperation in this. the meeting also emphasized that we have legal and judicial cooperation and information exchange in this field inshallah, let's strengthen it, jan kalam , the attorney general of the country's negotiation with the russian minister of justice was based on the fact that the cooperation between iran and russia in the legal and judicial field will expand even more , seyed ali chaina of the moscow radio and television agency , acting minister of foreign affairs. he condemned canada's action in describing the islamic revolutionary guard corps as a terrorist. mr. bagheri
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wrote in a message online: canada's illegal act of terrorism is describing an integral part of the official military force of the islamic republic of iran, which plays an irreplaceable role in defending the national security and territorial integrity of dear iran. and protection of security and stability. the region and dealing with daesh terrorism has been and continues to be a violation of the principles and rules of international law, a ridiculous gift to its child regime and terrorist and other enemies of regional peace and stability. acting minister of foreign affairs emphasized that the responsibility for the consequences of this provocative and irresponsible decision will be borne by the canadian government. also, on thursday, the italian ambassador in tehran, who is responsible. is in charge of protecting canada's interests , was called to the ministry of foreign affairs, and our country's strong protest against the illegal action
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of the canadian government against international law was communicated to him and warned about the consequences. iran's right to take necessary measures and countermeasures was emphasized. the italian ambassador also said that he will immediately reflect the situation to the canadian government. a fire in southeast turkey left 10 dead and 44 injured. the minister of health of turkey announced the number of fire victims in villages in the areas of diyarbakır, mardin, near the syrian border, and said: seven rescue teams along with 35 ambulances were sent to the area. this fire started on thursday night in the agricultural lands of several villages in diyarbakir mardin province, and the heat and bad wind caused the spread of this fire. in recent days the temperature in turkey
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has reached more than 40 degrees celsius. tension between moscow and seoul after the visit of the russian president to east asia. after vladimir putin's visit to north korea and the signing of a comprehensive strategic agreement between the two countries, the ministry of foreign affairs of south korea summoned the russian ambassador. the question of russia's military support for north korea disturbs the security of south korea. south korea also threatened that in response to the strategic agreement between moscow and north korea, they may send deadly weapons to ukraine . in response to this threat, the russian president warned that if seoul decides to send weapons to kiev, moscow will decide will take, which is unlikely
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to please the south korean authorities. putin also spoke about the possibility of arming north korea. in the us, new york city officials required social media to comply with two new laws for people under 18 . the first law, known as the child safety act, requires social media companies to be more careful than feed media. limit the arbitrator to users who are located in new york state and are under the age of 18, and the second rule is applicable to the new york children's online data protection act. wants to stop collecting, sharing, or selling personal data about people under the age of 18, according to
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state officials social interference. based on the results of research cited by new york city officials. adolescents who use social media are 27% more likely to suffer from emotional disorders and depression than others . the number of refugees in the world exceeded 120 million people. high commissariat of refugees organization the united nations announced that in the first 4 months of this year, more than 3 million people have been added to the number of refugees in the world, reaching more than 120 million people . this figure represents the displacement of half a percent of the world's population. the united nations
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has demanded more measures from countries and organizations to return or resettle refugees. yesterday was world refugee day. increasing cases of narcissism in us military in peacetime. the new york times reported on the self-made disaster in the us military. this american publication says: suicide has become a normal news in the army of this country. the pentagon at last the report stated that since the beginning of this year, 55 american soldiers have lost their lives due to suicide. mental health experts of the american army believe that the root of this issue is the continuous pressure on american soldiers. according to the new york times, the speed of the operation. high
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ineffective command and low quality of life in many us bases as areas of special concern in the issue of suicide. severe hurricane alberto hit the state of texas, usa. this storm has affected the two regions of san luis and rio grande. cause of rain there has been a lot of rain and the sea has become restless in these areas. hurricane hare is now located near bronzeville. flooding in the northern state of minnesota caused a lot of damage. floods cause rivers to overflow, landslides and road damage


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