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tv   [untitled]    June 23, 2024 10:00pm-10:29pm IRST

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through the message of the sms system as well as the messengers of the young journalists club in the virtual space , since the beginning of this morning , communication bridges have been introduced, and people were able to ask their questions to our guest tonight , mr. alireza zakani, the candidate of the 14th bring up the presidential election period and, god willing , i will ask the questions of the people from tonight's guest, stay with us. as i said and we saw it together in the picture tonight, mr. dr. alireza zakani, the expert , i apologize mr. dr. ali, the 14th year
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the presidential election is the guest of the fifth night of the special election news talk. in the second stage of the special news talk, mr. doctor, hello, good evening , welcome, your excellency, and all dear viewers . we have greetings, courtesy and respect . how are you? you also traveled to a province . we also traveled to a province . where did you go? i went to qom and alvarez. i am famous you were present and you are going to the doctor , that's right, we also go to the hospital, now it's too little , for example, if i go 3 hours a week, but you don't let go. i tried not to give up. yes, but the busyness of work
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does not allow it. the busyness of work is too much. yes, but when human medicine is present in the same environment , it takes a new life. nuclear and this has a special place in our medicine. yes , yes, in fact, it is in the advanced fields of medicine . very well, let's have a short media section. short media gap, we will come back, talk with us, kendan aziz, alireza zakani, born in tehran in 134, studied doctorate in nuclear medicine, the records of the mayor of tehran since 1400, until now, a member of the islamic council in the 7th, 8th and 9th periods. 9th and
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11th , mr. zakan, which i presented in the opening section , tonight's questions are our questions. there are people who have reached us since this morning, and i am sending the same questions to your excellency, the verbs and subjects may not cooperate sometimes, but i am sending the same people's questions to you, ask mr. zakani , who is the gold in this plan? people give gold or credit when will the gold be implemented after the selection of this plan , because i saw in the media that it takes years and several tons of gold for this work, and the country does not have that much gold per year. please explain more about this plan. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, dear people
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, our country is a rich country, and because of its wealth, it is actually possible to serve the people, but the way of enjoying this wealth unfairly causes a part of the society to benefit more than what it deserves and its conditions. they are a part of the society who are injecting drugs and their conditions. also remain deprived, so we in the development of welfare in the development sector we introduced 7 welfare packages, one of which was a golden subsidy, a golden subsidy, a golden subsidy, there are conditions . yes
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, it will be centralized. yes, thank you for your order. in fact, the golden subsidy will not replace the current subsidy. the current subsidies will continue. and even for the current assistants , moving in the direction of providing direct service and actually in the form of goods can increase by 1 to 30% or 40%. in fact, the amount it has targeted household energy consumption because we have three other types of energy consumption in the industry sector, in the commercial sector and in the office sector. we have nothing to do with those three. we only deal with household energy consumption. gas and electricity are actually the type of consumption when
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the emission coefficient is taken as the gasoline emission coefficient. 8. the gas emission factor is 3 and the electricity emission factor is one. the population of the country reaches one number. when we arrive at a number, that number is calculated and we make an account for each household . an account is opened for each khan guardian. for example, if the khan guardian is 3 people, if there are 4 people, if there are 5 people, there are 2 people,
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there is one person there. the amount of energy allocated to the person. in khanash , we calculate that one person gets 6 grams of gold in a year, 6 grams of gold, and this 6 grams of gold, for example , for a family of 5 people, becomes 30 grams, about 100 million tomans, 100 million tomans for a family of , for example, three people, it becomes 18, in fact, service. you width i think that a family of three will actually get 18 grams of gold , when the point is that this calculation is made according to the amount of energy consumption that each household has, it will
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be deducted from this subsidy. he gets gold credit once in 3 months . it means that if, for example, someone receives 10 grams from your service at the end of the year and has not used the corresponding gold, it will be 33 million tomans. gold becomes expensive this drop will be expensive for him , so this drop is far from being lost, and it basically provides the possibility that anyone moving in this direction can use this drop. the goods
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can be used as collateral for obtaining a loan for the equivalent of trading in the stock market for all of these, that is, a credit is created for people far from the handover of swelling. its feature is that we import gasoline, which costs billions of dollars we put money in the budget, let this decrease , let the people themselves be the stage managers of their own energy, smuggling will be completely eliminated and inflation. will decrease, liquidity will decrease. environmental issues are extremely effective in this phenomenon. yes, there are those who may actually consume more than this. when they consume more than they want, they can
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find this brand from two places. there is an organized market that is formed between people and people set prices and the government supervises it. there is also a place where the government itself, in fact, i would like to share with you, the special service it provides provides people with a possibility. even those who consume a lot. they can consume what they want, but not from the public subsidy of the people, but from their own pockets, and in exchange for this, all the people participate, and all the people participate in this god-given possibility that is available to us. one toman is removed, all gasoline costs 1,500 tomans for an electricity and gas station, there is no difference in price. in this section , another question that people have is when after
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the selection of this plan will it be implemented from the first month after, in fact, yes, because there is a law , it is also a targeted law and the law of the seventh plan. the powers of the government are all subordinate to me in the country , so in fact, you will use the targeted law that will be implemented for several years in a more complete way or in some way in your capacity. in the 7th plan , he has made it completely clear that all the infrastructures in the country exist, that is, there is no delay in anything . our dear people, in fact, this is a possibility that he wants to be available to everyone . you are in that village in the village with some are living with some conditions , or, for example, in our pensioners or different collections, they are living with some. this time, their life will change and i said this
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is in addition to the subsidy they are getting a lot , it will not be touched, but we will give it to them in the form of goods with added value. which belongs to all compatriots , all the grants are 100 because of the current grants, sometimes there are compatriots who do not receive it. i would like to tell you that there are 90% and 90% of others who
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get 300,000 tomans and 400,000 tomans. this will remain in its place. i added a percentage of it for some people say that in the election debates , you saw various programs such as free treatment for pregnant women and people under 15 years of age, or subsidies of 20 grams of gold, etc. in the competitions held before you. the one that i knew as my duty was to
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present this gold available in the country to our dear compatriots and we learned from the wrestlers to be stable according to our motto. my father was one of the wrestlers, may god have mercy on him . he was actually one of the friends of the late takhti. therefore, the one who is young. mardis is that we keep our promise dear people, this gold is a symbolic example . it is an example. this is what came to me from pahlavan . it will be at your service from the subsidy and the possibility. by the grace of god, your second question is about serving you. it was healthy. we have a plan. it is complete. the service government axis program. which is in two parts. one part of it is related to meeting the needs of the people, and the other
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part is related to the prosperity of the country. in providing for the needs of the people, we develop household welfare and education based on strengthening and role-playing of the family and safeguarding the freedom, security and privacy of the people. in the area before the development of the country, the jump in production and we will have the protection of the environment and the development of the country's infrastructure along with the creation of new opportunities . your excellency's question was about people's health . yes, your excellency asked me a question from the people's side. look at us. we are doctors. in fact , let me tell you that we are dedicated to this work
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. we have a health package. this health package is one of those things. in fact, it is eight-fold, in which there is the issue of welfare development, the basis of which is that first prevention of disease is the first point. the second point is that we have prepared a package for those who get pain and get sick. according to these centers, in fact, this package was signed by the country's leading professors , and in fact, in this plan, first of all, we will develop the health network, the electronic health record and the family doctor, and the referral system
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to a certain extent. take it lower in front of your face. we will actually develop the health network. services there is free hospitalization for the first to sixth deciles, for pregnant mothers, children under 7 years old, over 65 years old , later on, the plan that will be developed will take these children under 7 years old to 15 years old , but now seven children under 7 years old are the subject of our discussion. my government is implementing it now. nazer instead of dentistry is a package. in terms of free care for special patients, saab al-araj is available for 100 patients. free healthcare for 100% of people. medicines and outpatient services must pay 50% of the deductible and 1 to 4 tithes for pregnant mothers
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what do children under 7 years and seniors over 65 years mean? i mean anymore. it is not necessary for an old man and a big mother to be treated, that is , a pregnant lady, for your service, i will tell you that the inpatient services are in the field of inpatient services, because some of my friends will be looking for some questions about the inpatient services. i will tell you about the inpatient services. i know that in our government centers there are our government definitions, but we can also buy from private centers. let's do strategic services . let's buy strategic services. they don't have insurance. it is possible to have supplementary insurance for 6 communities, so i have seen a package of resources
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. where should it come from? therefore, the second package that exists next to the golden subsidy package is this health package. by the way, i asked my dear friends of our rival about the election issue . i said that your specialty is medicine. criticize it . criticize it. because everyone should have their own specialist , for example. we are gold friends about this issue. 3 dear experts who participated in the news round table we were talking about the fact that there were three of us in the economic field. we explained this completely. after those friends said , we agree with the basics.
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it was used incorrectly. today, we have two hands. we present to you . you answered the next question in a way in the first question in the topic of yaran atla, but the topic is an important topic and it is also a question of the people, and please ask mr. zakani about the cost of production at this level of inflation. import of gasoline for the government and from on the other hand, irregular consumption by some and its smuggling , how to plan the base price of 1,500 tomans per liter. here, smuggling is ruled out . smuggling is ruled out altogether. paying attention to the expectations we have and the calculations we made, it is no longer necessary to buy gasoline and bring it inside the country. we save billions of dollars in this donation every year. because there is a very stormy situation happening now, we are setting fire to some kind of banknote to warm ourselves
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, basically there is no logic behind this. don't sleep, with these conditions , the gasoline fuel consumption market is actually in the hands of the people, and the people themselves can do what they can in the best way through saving. they can go and buy something and support something and they can do everything with it. the serious challenge these days is to look at the position of the presidency. some say that the president should be a senior expert himself, and others believe that he should leave the work to experts. what do you think? to the role of the president what is in the administration of the country, the president must understand. when an expert talks to him, he can analyze it. i am very interested in it. i mean, everyone knows that when
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i was in the research center, wherever i was, when i talk to an expert , i go to the table. i will categorize , i will say that i understood correctly, then i will convey what is in me, my mind, my understanding and my expression, and i will say that here it may have this problem, here it may have this problem, its strength is this, its weakness is this, he is obliged, in fact, to compare the weaknesses to a give some kind of answer or reinforce his strengths. if someone does not understand correctly, experts have different opinions. which opinion do you want to align yourself with? there are two common opinions in the field of economics. one opinion says that you both say that we should create wealth . creating wealth is a good thing. but the first one says i create wealth. but from the overflow of wealth creation. it has been done to give the underprivileged people of the society no voice. in the 70s, there was this ruler in our country, or in the 90s
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, there was this ruler in our country. in 1972, the budget appropriations are a source of shame , i must say, but they put money to buy police equipment and beat people in their homes. let's make it more so that the people will be crushed by his gears. some people have this opinion. therefore, when the inflation reaches 49% in 74%, what if the brakes are stopped and the country is hit by a disaster? it is another matter. the second view is that he says no. i create wealth , but i take people as partners in this creation of wealth at the same time as wealth is being created, people are making profit. the people are growing , they have a fair explanation, the introduction to the seventh policy program of the supreme leader of the islamic revolution, this is the expert, if i
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am not an expert, which one of these should i listen to? this is the second point of view, the second point of view is the islamic point of view, the second point of view is the right of the people. therefore, if there is someone, i can say that i have been in charge of the biggest research center for a long time. being a country , i was faced with all kinds of experts in the parliament for almost 13 years being involved with different experts, or in any case , the president must be an expert himself, but he cannot be an expert in everything, but the president must be comprehensive so that they can't put a hat on his head , otherwise they will put a hat on his head and he will bring the country to the ground . we have about 20 minutes . please help me answer the questions of the people. may i ask you , what is your plan to support domestic production and ban the import of goods that are similar to domestic production? for
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our domestic production, we pay attention to the production chain. chains are one of the mistakes that exist in the country today the division of production affects the circles that face shortages. for example, you want to produce chicken. you have a supply, you have a production , you have a processing, you have a distribution, you have a consumption , you have an export. if you have a lot, you want to export . if you come as the government , close the whole chain with a cooperative, with a network of elements. close a public company , close a ransom, tell me that you are so much more than me. i'm telling you , i want meat from you so much, i want chicken, an equation of multiplying by two is 4, another two is 4, then he look in the chain of people, when people
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become themselves, they are in their own economy. they know better than the government what to do, they themselves understand that people divide , they know how hard the producer has worked , how much the marketer has worked, in fact, the explanation is how much to consume. if you look at this process as a process and close it with a chain, production will jump. it jumps, for example, what is it for, for agricultural items, for livestock items, for various topics. there are other issues that the production requires, what kind of infrastructure does it have, for example, in the field of mining, in relation to interest menanidi, there is a lot of injustice in the country's mines today . mines are a unique capital for the country, but today, with a number of, for example, 120 hemti, for example , they are making a big deal. it's a big number . the oil mines are very big. do you want these mines, so
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what do each of these points need? it is necessary to pay attention to the blind knots of that point and untie the knot. for example, in tehran, our markets are valid 30 to 70% below the market price . our markets sell fruits, tarbar, etc. we came and followed the farmer let's buy buy from the farmer. just last year, lemons became scarce in tehran. we went to buy 65 tomans from the farmer. we said how much do you sell? he said that they are buying 4,000 tomans from me. 65,000 tomans were bought in tehran. they bought 4,000 tomans. i agree, we bought 10,000 tomans from him, 7,000 tomans for the expenses , we paid 17,000 tomans in his fields
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, that is, a quarter of the price that was in the black market. why shouldn't the manufacturer make a profit and why shouldn't the consumer actually have stability and make a profit, our plan for the whole country is to help the chain and then commit the chain to provide service to the people and then we are in the management, we break the management we give a place based on the principle of the constitution to councils and municipalities so that they can provide services to the people in a broad way . candidates come every term and give slogans and programs, but after the management term, many problems still remain. why? how can people trust slogans and promises? people. to the foot the ballot box usually expects them to express their vote and leave. but after the ballot box, people are forgotten. religious democracy in political, cultural, social, and economic dimensions should flourish , and i mentioned a little about the economic aspect with the participation of the people. in the political dimension. when the people
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vote at the ballot box and it ends, it does not end here . based on the principles of 8, 9, 25, 26 and 27 of the constitution , we have extracted a popular model of monitoring the officials and we are following it because we are promoting progress and meeting the needs of the people. by relying on the constitution , we are following the constitution of a capacity it is unique that no one has done it. for example , i don't know about tribes, about religions, about different issues. there is no need for anyone to build walls, because now some people are interested in building walls and separating people, why are you separating people? what is important is this injustice to the people , what is important is that we can please the people to monitor it for ourselves, instead of denying that article 8 of the constitution says that the people to the people, the people to the officials , the officials to the people.


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