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tv   [untitled]    June 25, 2024 2:00am-2:31am IRST

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bismillah rahman rahim salam national media hosted six presidential candidates in the fourth round of election debates in this debate which started at 20:00 opportunities and capacities of foreign policy. the first axis was the questions of experts and people to the candidates. in the second part of the discussion, the issues related to lifting and neutralizing the sanctions and countering iranphobia were discussed, and the candidates presented their plans and views on it, and at the end , the candidates summarized what was said in the first and second stages. the candidates will also be guests at 12:00 today in the fifth and last round of the debate the national media
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will be responsible for experts and people. 17 major oil industry projects worth 180 thousand billion tomans were inaugurated in video communication with the acting president. according to the oil minister , in addition to creating 15,000 jobs, the exploitation of these projects has 120 benefits for the country. crude oil storage tanks in jask are one of the projects
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in the field of increasing the production and storage of crude oil, collecting flare gases, increasing the production of euro 5 gas oil, by 79 liters per day, increasing the production capacity of petrochemical products and increasing the product transfer pipelines. to the extent of 22 km, incl the most important works were the projects that were implemented in seven provinces of the country. one of the most important things he did was focus on the ministry of oil. the acting president considered one of the important actions of president shahidman to focus and pay attention on the plans of the ministry of oil by using the internal capabilities and capacities. today, we have reached a point where no western threats regarding oil sales will affect our oil sales. now anyone can say whatever they want . they say that if they close their eyes a little, for example , this work is being done. well, how can we
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close their eyes if we have doubled our sanctions with the doubling of our sanctions, we were able to increase the sale of oil to nearly 2 million 1700. this was a very smart and insightful thing that was done in favor of the government. it was able to overcome the obstacles . and strengthened diplomacy and was able to solve many problems in the region . at the beginning of the work, we thought that this work could not be done. this is with the same spirit and belief that we can do this work and there is no dead end in front of us. it was heavy and big and risky and fortunately for the result. total
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more than 155 large projects worth 34 billion dollars have been put into operation. mr. oji also added that the 13th government increased the country's oil revenues from 30 billion dollars to 65 billion dollars. the oil minister also said that the economic growth of this ministry is expected to increase by 20% in 1403.
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in the name of god, the benefactor of your presence , dear viewers, i say hello and good time . welcome to the intimate conversation of the representatives of the candidates of the 14th presidential election. in the evening, in a special news interview hosted by mr. dr. alireza zakani , the current mayor of tehran, a member of the shura council we are islamic . they introduced their daughter for a friendly conversation. mrs. zainab zakani khan zakani. hello, good time. you are very welcome. in the name
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of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, i am at your service and all the dear people that i watch in this program. our questions are in the four axes of design. it has become one of the work activities that interests and other tastes. individual and social characteristics and family issues. which one do you prefer to start with? there is no special difference. say hello anyway. mr. sakani currently lives in tehran. what activities were you engaged in before? responsible for the student mobilization of the city being in tehran. from there, he became responsible for the student mobilization of the whole country. after that, he actually represented the people of tehran and qom for 12 years. to become a representative during the course , i experienced different responsibilities in the same place. he was the head of the jcpoa special commission. i was a member of the board of the speaker of the parliament for a period of time and later i was the head of the research center of the parliament. actually , i have been the mayor of tehran for 3 years now. what is mr. zakani's outstanding moral character in his work as far as i know? i will do what
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mr. zakani is known for they can really be a good president. it's a bit difficult to ask a girl. ask this question because it's for every girl. in the end, she is a heroine . i think there are some flaws in her. yes, the answer is yes. look at your question . someone who actually wants to be the president must have a series of characteristics, including the fact that he must have a plan for this is his work, well, in fact, during his time as a member of parliament, which was actually 12 years, he is well with the programs , the problems of the country, the laws, he is well surrounded by these issues for a year when he is the head of the research center. being a member of parliament, and because of their responsibilities , they have a very good environment. in the past 3 years , they have actually achieved many things that many people thought could not be achieved, and in fact, in the implementation field, in various cultural, social, public transportation and all areas, there
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have been very good developments. in addition to all of this, the implementation of the administrative work of their administration in the tehran municipality is another problem that exists and seems to exist. it is very important that the discussion is actually about the health and cleanness of people's hands . okay, because he himself is clean-handed, and on the other hand , apart from being clean-handed, he actually has an anti-corruption spirit . what is the most important issue and concern of mr. zakani? people have really traveled to deprived areas. in addition to the times when they run for election and go for election work, yes, yes, they were always defiant during their responsibilities, where having regular trips to the province and always being a disadvantaged group was one of their priorities, and they paid special attention
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recently. well, they are in tehran municipality because their area of ​​responsibility is in tehran well, they pay very special attention to the deprived, injured, and weak members of the society. and they are running really good programs for people who are actually suffering from sleep cartoons and drug addicts, and these really have a special compassion . the last time i was there was several years ago , but there is a general issue about them. this is that in the work environment, whenever they see that there is something wrong with the people, and in fact, there is injustice happening to the people or vice versa. realisms are happening, well, they don't know
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what is mr. zakani's greatest strength and weakness. in my opinion, his greatest strength is his courage , and in fact. that when faced with people, the events that happen from anywhere are actually people of expediency and the calculations of this world and the loss of votes and in fact the decrease in popularity and those things are not on the side of the people wherever they feel that there is actually an injustice happening to the people. in fact , they fight with all their being, and i say that they are not the kind of people who read, do calculations, are the people of profiteering, and to be honest, they are the people of spending money and really many times. paying for it in their lives and the pressures are not small at all when things like this happen, now what about themselves and what about the family. who is mr. zakani's role model in life? in their lives? his model is the commander
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of their martyr, haj abdullah nooryan. what is the wrong image that some people have of mr. zakani? i think of an image, that is, what i see in the media and all this is formed by them, that they are very violent and now they may be into political fights and such, and they may be looking for, for example, such a discussion , if that is not the case, now i want to also their family atmosphere is also one of the friends who are with we know that they work. they are very , very kind. raouf's personality is kind and funny. of course , how many sisters do you have? we are 3 sisters. i am the last girl. can you tell me what kind of education each of you are doing? yes, my older sister actually has a bachelor's degree. department of history of culture and civilization of islamic nations, university of tehran, i studied the history of shiism. my second sister is a bachelor of computer engineering at sharif university, my major
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is in digital humanities at e-pif university, and i am also a bachelor of psychology . god willing, i am asking you for my doctorate . they are telling me that the child of a martyr is so many lies and strange things that they are saying. no, not at all, neither i nor any of my sisters are the children of a martyr. my mother is not actually the wife of a martyr. marrying my father and actually we have three daughters , you had another family margin. and to be honest, some of them are so disgusting that i am even ashamed i would like to repeat them, but i told you the procedure was that it was taken in this direction. but to be honest
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, they don't get many answers because dr. zakani's criteria are not these things. what are the activities of dr. zakani's wife doing? their mothers are social activities, having cultural work, doing mr. sakani in their lives, being renters , renters, why so much of their lives are renters, i think 20 years of their lives, that is, we more. when we lived with my parents , we lived in a rented house, even apart from the fact that we were living in a rented house, they were a part of their life in the beginning, and now they have the responsibility of mobilizing students and these things to earn a living. there has never been this kind of fun for mr. zakani . his fun is being with his family and most of all in the family environment. now , thank god, the number of his grandchildren is increasing. he plays with his grandchildren in the family environment, mostly with his son. what sport do they wrestle in? those who are interested in wrestling, that's
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why they wrestle with their children. yes, now this lineage is being passed on. their father is actually a wrestler and a referee. they are actually bed friends and actually a wrestler. in a way, maybe it is considered our family heritage. my doctor himself used to wrestle in his youth, but due to his injuries and putting them aside now, yes, it means that they have a western interest in wrestling. and now it's good to say that tv programs and such don't take much time, so watch various programs, movies, series, etc., but sports competitions, especially wrestling. they follow especially, sometimes, and now, for example , they watch the competitions of hasan yazdani and tilo with seriousness and enjoy them . please describe dr. zakani in one minute. .
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thank you very much for participating in this conversation, dear viewers, for being with us. in the name of allah, the merciful, the most merciful, according to the regulations , the presidential candidates must talk to the people for a few minutes . according to the same regulations , i consider the opportunity to be circumcised and i present my appeals to our beloved nation
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, first of all, from this opportunity. i use that to the service of our dear imam and our honorable and great leader who is dearer to us than our own lives , i would like to offer my greetings and greetings to the prophetic, decisive and path-breaking and sometimes miraculous leadership they had for the nation, and i, in these 4 years , as the person in charge. i have always benefited from them . thank you. the most important manifestation of people's participation in the administration of the country is the presidential election, or at least one of the most important.
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what do people do in the presidential election? they choose a person who is the head of the executive branch, that is, the head of the huge administrative apparatus of the country, this person is the one who appoints the prime minister. because this is the person who appoints the ministers and they are the prime minister and the ministers. who run the country by installing managers and are practically in charge of the executive of the country and shoulder the president who is elected by the votes of the people, a powerful president is a powerful president, a decision-making president few votes of the people, anyway, according to the law
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, a person becomes president with few votes, but a president who cannot speak for the people, cannot rely on the people. he cannot say that people want. just as imam said that it is a duty it is sharia. it is a political and moral duty, i want to emphasize that all people, all individuals should do this political and moral duty and this religious duty. vote for whoever you like, whoever you read. four years ago, in the middle of that year, when the elections were held in our country. in what condition was it? if i want to summarize in a few sentences, i have to say that on that day we had a country that was literally in turmoil, in chaos, with an extremely bad economic situation. the status of transverse reserves is
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impressive and terrifying. that i will not forget in the first weeks that i was elected and this i had taken the responsibility, one of the brothers in charge came and gave me a statistic that really hit me like a pad on my head. which is not at all worth mentioning for a country like ours with these resources and the dependence we had on oil and it was not made for us, it was really terrible , the security of the borders, the security of different regions of the country, even
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the security of the cities was very bad, people . wherever they were, they felt unstable , weak and incompetent anti-revolutionary, rejected and hated like a jackal those who howl are howling from around the world through the radios and loudspeakers provided by the global arrogance, and they are constantly singing rajz for these people and they promise themselves that they will return to this country in two or three months. and they were emptying people's hearts and making the situation look even more illiterate , what about our cultural situation. it was like that, we didn't have a university , there were no students in this country, the work of higher education, which is the foundation of the country's future
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, was closed and there was complete stagnation, of course, brothers and useful and dear elements were planning. to build the future of the country, but that day we had nothing, the state of war is really a sad state. our city was under the direct artillery fire of the enemy, ahvaz , the great commander, brave, resistant, deliberate musk , there were many other cities that were under the fire of the enemy's artillery, and the enemy was beating them. the government was an unstable government, of course, the cabinet of shahid rajaei, well, brothers. they were good, but with the cabinet of shahid bahnar, the brothers were good and dear, but with the martyrdom of shahid bahnar, this
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cabinet had a shock. given that the cabinet was there, it was a state of instability with the change of the cabinet . he came and the ministers didn't know how long they would be there. after we came and introduced the cabinet, the ministers who came didn't really know that they would stay for one month, they would stay for two months . this presidential term will last one month, it will last two months .
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look at the state of the country that day, america the economic, political, and propaganda blockade he had put on us is putting pressure on us from all sides. today , america admits that we are under political siege . reagan clearly declares that he is threatened by iran and several other countries. this means that we are america. in a calculation we are in a spiritual and political situation and there is pressure on this world-eating and hegemonic policy. on that day, even
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the third world countries did not give us any credit. with us, a good thing for countries and governments it is good that they are proud and welcome. today , we are a democratic country. today, the people feel that they are living in a peaceful and stable system. the officials also feel that they are doing the work of our revolutionary institutions, our government , the ministry of home affairs. they know their own business , the revolutionary institutions know their own business, the policies have been drawn, of course, i don't want to say that all these policies that we are applying today are correct, no, some of our policies may be wrong, they need to be revised, they definitely need to be reformed. this is how we do not claim to be innocent but popular. thank god, things are right. in the war that day, if 10-15 of our cities were under threat from iraqi artillery, today 10 iraqi cities are under threat
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from our artillery. whenever we want, we can hit 10 to 15 iraqi cities with artillery, that is, our land. so we penetrated inside the territory of iraq, today's military superiority is with us, in these 4 years, such a situation was found, anti-revolutionary analyzes and global arrogance, now anti-revolution, which i cannot mention, even politics. global political leaders and institutions sit together regarding the high officials , there are differences between them, conflicts that there is the same way they weave and talk , their words in the meetings of the leaders of the holes where we sit are among the jokes of our meeting that so-and-so is against each other, so-and-so is against each other, and we have that sincerity and purity that, thank god there are officials, i think they are rare in the world and among the officials of the countries. benazir alhamdulillah, the country is moving with a cohesiveness and this is the situation we are in today
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. not to me this concerns you, dear officials we are the ones who worked really hard day and night with their efforts, and especially our dear non-combatants in the fronts, who are the most proud of them. and thanks to the sacrifice of those warriors and divorce.
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fatigue, despair, thank you, god bless you, god bless you.
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the silk road, whose footprints can be seen in the old stories of this land. for many years, this road has connected the far east of china and machin to western europe from iran, and now it is the connecting point of many destinations. from the east to the west of iran, for example the north-south corridor that connects central asia from the northern borders to the indian ocean in the water borders of iran. development of the country's corridors. it is both income-generating and security-generating . be sure to specify the time in the projects in a clear way for both the executive and the supervisor as well as for the people who observe all public actions and behavior.
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the north-south route, one of the most important transit routes in the country, lacked a vital piece all these years. a part of the road, the completion of which is a prerequisite for the loading of the north-south transfer road. under the burden of the astana railway project, the causes of this route after years of delay, finally in the second month of 1402 with the participation the northern neighbor began. the negotiations and... the initial agreement was related to two decades ago or the last 20 years, but it was postponed for some reasons. it should not have been postponed. iran's position in the region is such that it can transfer the many capacities that exist in east asia to europe. connect and today with this agreement, this route is the north-south route.
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the safe and cheap route to connect central asia to the open waters of the world, which is the long-standing dream of the northern neighbors, is being considered. the wide iran pass is the best route for the neighbors. the attack load is reduced by 20 days and the cost is up to 40% cheaper more iran is a special priority for the development of its corridor. north-south believes and has made a huge investment. in addition, the corridor of china, central asia, west asia, and the mediterranean sea, which has high potential in the current situation, is considered an important part of the solution for the development of trade between east and west asia.


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