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tv   [untitled]    June 25, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm IRST

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in the name of god, the most merciful, the most merciful. greetings to you , dear viewers, at 16:00 , we are at your service with some news. the 10-kilometer eid ghadir party will begin in the next hour in the capital . people's reception and cultural procession 211
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city stations and 26 lighting stations are ready to serve the people on the way to the eid ghadir party. we came here from half past five in the morning. darling, god willing, we are getting ready for eid ghadir khome to welcome our dear friends and good people is the host of the dear people of iran , we are the hosts of the amir al-mu'minin, we are impatiently waiting for your report , may god willing, we express their service for the love of amir al-mu'minin, the fifth and last debate of the 14th presidential election cycle was held a few minutes ago with the theme of making the government more efficient. debate with economic, social and cultural issues before. and foreign policy
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was aired on various radio and television channels. the election of the 14th presidential term will be held on friday, the 8th of july. election campaigns of six candidates of the 14th the presidential election period will end at 8 am on thursday, july 7. in one sentence, the opinion of the representatives of the presidential candidates about politics. it is foreign. this topic was discussed by our reporter behind the scenes of the fourth presidential debate. the topic of the fourth debate of the presidential candidates is foreign policy . while the candidates were debating in the text of the program , on the sidelines, the representatives of the candidates talked about the importance of foreign policy to iranians. well, iran is an
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old civilization, it is a long-standing civilization, the people of iran have always wanted honor for themselves, dear people being a large and vast country with international regional influences, honor and authority, at the same time wise behavior is desired by all people and people can see its effects and consequences in their lives in our foreign policy on the threshold of the flourishing of the new islamic civilization. we are on the planet . it is very difficult for these people to feel that this historical pride is threatened by an enemy or questioned by someone. people, well, their analysis in the field of foreign policy is an accurate analysis. they know that if we can communicate well and efficiently in relation to different countries. let's establish to solve the problems inside the country it helps people feel that part of the problems and part of the economic problems are part of the smallness of their table. caused by the lack of interaction with the world caused by
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the failure to solve problems in foreign policy. but less than 72 hours to the 8th of july elections, the compatriots tell about their enthusiasm to participate in these elections. we will all participate, god willing. i vote because i want to be healthy in the pride of my country. god willing, elections. we have to vote to elect the highest executive of the country, the more our participation in the elections , the more stable our security will be. god willing, we are strong. elections are a religious and nationalistic necessity. i vote for my leader
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, my country and the future of my children. our duty is to participate in the elections and finally make a decision for ourselves for our country, iran. and khuzestan , arabna, and mashaykhna all need to vote. as an iranian, it is my duty to go . if i am soft , i will vote. the acting president today coincided with eid al -ghadir by attending the house of the martyr commander of the president's protection with the family of martyr seyed mogdi mousavi.
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met and talked. in this meeting, while congratulating ghadir eid, mr. mokhbar said: the protection of the president , whose management method was popular and field-based , needed someone like himself. and to face difficult and unexpected conditions, and martyr mousavi had these qualities perfectly. mr. mokhbar also said today while attending one of the mosques in tehran: everyone should work for the maximum participation that guarantees the security and independence of the country. qassam pots, the military wing of the hamas movement, from targeting a military vehicle. using the red arrow guided missile and attacking qassam fighters with the use of rejum missile system was reported to the zionist military in the west of the arab trap area in the city of rafah in the south of the gaza strip.
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the occupiers released pictures of the seizure of the ovomax uav. this uav was filming and throwing bombs at palestinian homes in the center of the gaza strip. flooding in southeast central china displaced millions. heavy monsoon rains flooded the streets, houses and agricultural lands and stopped the movement
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of trains in some metro stations. the intensity of the rains is so high that the china meteorological organization has announced that the red alert for floods and landslides is still on strength the philippine government has released pictures of the clash between chinese coast guard sailors and a chinese navy boat in the south china sea. the clash took place near strategic reefs in the south china sea, which is disputed by both sides and where an abandoned warship of the philippine army has remained since 1999. philippine forces. the installment of having this equipment should be delivered to the gunners who were present on this ship when they were confronted by the chinese coast guard. in this conflict, the chinese sailors confiscated or destroyed the equipment of the filipinos.
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researchers have built a robot that collects data related to it sends the condition of the patient's internal organs to the attending physician in the form of a video. a small robot named: pillbot, which enters the digestive tract by being swallowed and examines it, then collects data related to the health of the internal organs and reports to the doctor. this robot is about the size of a vitamin pill and is equipped with small cameras, sensors and wireless communication facilities. all components of the pillbot are covered in a body-compatible shell. and by making this shell, the manufacturers have ensured that it is safe for patients to use. dear viewers, thank you very much for being with us you were with
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the arrival of an unknown shia in the front of the earth. lanixam says it's broken, what do you mean better? that's right, it's ronix. romix. ronnie the last tool you buy.
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worthy of your home with these discounts, why not more discounts for a better life in the chain stores of oghok koresh, ladies and gentlemen, now is the time to go to the city of household appliances, buy the floor, well, well, well, i don't have a check . will you be my guarantor? my guarantor doesn't want to pay in advance. he doesn't want to pay in advance
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. he doesn't want to pay in advance. a special purchase for the dear retirees of social security from the city of household appliances. household specialized reference for household appliances. please be present at the company this weekend. did you also buy a plane ticket? yes, the money was also burned. yes, but my money will be returned. how did i get my ticket from fly to date when i bought a plane ticket in fly to date without talent service? i chose the fine , i will cancel it now, i will get my full money back , the plane ticket is free, you bought a truck , you bought a truck, you bought treasure , you found treasure, i didn't find treasure, so what are these things , my daughter? you bought them all in one place. i'm serious, dad , i was joking
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there is a wide variety of items, the designs are as you wish, you wouldn't buy all the dowry in one place, why buy in installments, as you want , the big iranian store in the cities of qom, isfahan, and the only tehran branch in sarah afsarieh.
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in the special news interview of hojat al-islam wal muslimin, mr. mustafa pourmohammadi is one of the six candidates of the 14th presidential election. thank you very much for watching tonight's special news talk. as i mentioned, mr. mostafa pourmohammadi is with us in the studio . dear, greetings and good night. i am happy to be in your presence, honorable nation, god willing
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, we will have a good, intimate, convincing and informative conversation . i am at your service, god willing, like the previous nights, and of course, what we mentioned in the introduction , we will start from the seventh plan, the six five-year plans of mr. pomohammadi in the approved and compiled country , please tell me which programs you had a role in compiling and approving and the model of the program at all. how useful do you consider 5 years for the country? in the name of god . yes, i am in the 6 programs that have been edited so far. i think it was the second program and the fourth i had a role in the fifth and sixth programs. of course , i was no longer involved in the planning of the first, third, and seventh programs, but
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i was present in the three and four programs that i mentioned. and how useful do you think the model of the 5-year plan is for the country? look at the problem we have now in the 5-year plan and in the country's planning system in general , the supreme leader of the revolution mentioned in one of his speeches that our reports indicate that , for example, 305% of the plans have been implemented. even for example, they estimated the sixth plan, which is below 30%. i was the inspection organization of the program we evaluated the third one and prepared a report . we optimistically evaluated about 42-43, while other institutions and other institutions
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estimated between 37 and 323. so, it is a serious issue, so the plan is to be implemented. why is it like this? well, sometimes they say that managers are not disciplined, they are not careful, they don't pay attention to the plan , they are just following their own normal tasks or goals and policies . it is wrong to face these successive failures. we found out and then we will think about this. well, look at program one a series of accessories has requirements, those requirements must be provided, it must be realistic , the conditions and platform for the implementation of the program must be provided
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, both material and human tools, as well as social capacities , the possibility of realizing the program. face us with external conditions that can affect the plan, we must pay attention to them and make our plan according to them. sometimes unexpected events happen, for example, there is an earthquake , there is a flood, there is a war, now in the country or abroad. from the country to the region and all this affects the plans. usually in planning systems they predict and design different scenarios so that if there are different conditions , a suitable risk plan is considered for it and they can
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track its decrease or increase with a reasonable percentage. well, this is one of the issues that i think we should think about a lot . one of the other issues is that now in the world , 5-year and 10-year plans are somewhat obsolete. in some places , they set goals for 25 years, then they set 3, 4, 5 goals since the program should be small, it should be adjusted with the budget , usually 2 years or one year. they adjust the year, i didn't see it . now, maybe on the third day of my life, for example , it is done, because the art of the program is to adapt it to the budget, and it has to be adjusted with him, because the general rules that have nothing to do with the program, he has his own special rules, the program wants to be implemented, and this is in in the contemporary world, the speed of changes is so high that
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you cannot predict what will happen in 10 years and what will happen in 5 years. it means that we are faced with the events that are happening in the world quickly and all relationships are falling apart almost the planning system in the world realizes this meaning, for this reason , it adjusts the program and schedule of the programs on the basis of one year or two years . now, another problem that exists in our country is that we write the 5-year plan by a team. a government. a parliament is set up and then it goes , for example , it is recognized and adapted to the general policies in the assembly. we now have disputed cases, the parliament insists, it has gone to the resolution assembly. well, now, fortunately, there is a time when we have an agreement to approve it.
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well, look, now a program has been written by another person, that is, another parliament and another government. the government of my dear brother shahid raisi, may allah bless him and grant him peace, worked hard to compile this program and give it to the previous parliament. it has been approved, now we want to give this program to the new government, which was approved by another parliament and another government. well, the government has new slogans and the candidates have different slogans, and then the people will prefer one slogan to a middle priority. they vote for this man, this candidate will win, sometimes this candidate's slogans are compatible with the program. the complete adjustment is not accurate, so how do you want to implement the expectations of the people, how do you want to respond , because these calculations must
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be budgeted and scheduled in the program, but it is promised that after the program , it is legal, then to implement the program. it creates execution and we are now faced with this program system. that we have created, the matching of these spaces is creating serious problems for us, and now , interestingly, in this same program, we have a supplementary article, i saw that we have it in the program, and now i mention it , it is the seventh in your service program and it says that article 35 the addendum in the same program says that the government is obliged
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to take the necessary measures regarding the following matters within one year at the latest after the entry into force of this law, so it means to regulate these matters and deliver them to the parliament within one year. i read a few titles , resource mobilization program. finance to achieve growth 88 programs to resolve macroeconomic imbalances, 25 % growth requirements for non-fatty exports, programs to strengthen and advance the knowledge-based economy, programs for the microfinance system , programs for the realization of tax justice, programs for the promotion of figures of justice, indicators of social justice, i don't know on the back, i read up to 25, well , that's all the program, nothing is specified. in one year , the government of any government, the previous government or the new government , will bring these to be approved, so what is the plan , this is the plan, it should have been a number, well, this
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is the basis of the plan. we didn't have a plan, it took two or three years for this plan to be set, so the plan is set for two or three years, and the government is continuing the previous plan with no planning . from my side, we say that it has not been realized, then the government will put a program in another parliament it seems that another government should implement it. well , apparently , we should not look too far for the reason for the non-fulfillment of the clarifications. why has it not been implemented? this program is screaming that it cannot be implemented, so we have to think that we cannot just blame the managers. we should hold the experts responsible. we should hold the government officials responsible . you are not implementing the program. you are not regular
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. you are not disciplined. he didn't just go to the parliament he insisted that the parliament came to recognize it. now it is more interesting that our dear brother, mr. raisi shahid aziz , pointed out that there has been a lot of manipulation in this program. give hayat his own life and implement the program that he suggested, he says that there are many changes in this program and it is not applicable for me. see, with these changes , these are structures in the planning system and this weakens the infrastructure of the implementation of regulations in the country. tick ​​and perspective. in the program system scheduling time makes it difficult to implement them, and we constantly have to give negative marks to everyone, saying that
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everyone is unsuccessful in everything. the programs are weak and we send negative messages to the people, and i think we have no right to send a negative message to the society with this style of planning. the program can be well organized, it can be implemented, it can be scheduled , it can be implemented, it can be implemented with a positive feeling for al-qam society. and i think that this is a serious problem that we are facing now, we don't know when the assembly is new my diagnosis, give the program as soon as possible, god willing . i just told you what to do with article 35 of the annexes . 25 important topics of the program have been referred to be adjusted in another year. so, they are not in the program . now i will tell them case by case. i will pay them. mr. pomohammadi, you made a diagnosis of the failure
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to fully implement the plans. now you mentioned the third plan. it is the 14th government and the first year of the 12th parliament what is the position of the 7th plan in your future government, and since you mentioned the pathology , you mentioned some things, what is the solution for the full implementation of the 7th plan. see, i said that we must abide by the law. if something becomes a law , we have no right to violate it. this is a principle . if there is a problem, we must fix it through legal means. i believe that we will be forced to amend it. now that article 35 i said i was interested, for example
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, he gave a serious reference. to give the government a program , this has opened our hands, this is the weakness of the program, but it is in the interest of the executives that the program itself is the law he pointed out that sir, take the time to review and make your suggestions. i think we should prepare all the equipment related to the implementation of the program , and we will do this. the discipline is necessary in the implementation of the program, and i am strict. multiple judgments. we were trying to control the implementation of the program, and i believe that now if there are other occasions, i will explain it, but apparently, with the situation we are facing in the program , we will be forced to make amendments to the program, and of course, in the future, i hope that it will be enough. a letter let's move with operational accuracy, calculation and monitorability control, it's an infrastructure move.
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it is an infrastructure, god willing, in its proper position, we must do this work, god willing, both in the general policies, the main priority and the main focus of the 7th plan is on the issue of economic progress with justice, the economic growth rate is 8 percent, and of course, the issue that is emphasized increase the efficiency of the future government of his highness . first, we must define our macro and fixed policies , that is, let's say, for example, about the inflation of land prices the liquidity of the tariffs that we want to give, the support that we want to do from the capital market, this
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is our duty. if our task is not clear about these, we can say a satisfactory rate, it is an order , we will say once, we will release it, the float of the market will adapt to it, we will say no, we have to determine, but how will we determine, until we press somewhere, will the spring be released or it goes up quickly and we try again. at some point, we keep it. well, instability is one of the serious crises of every country. this is the field, especially the economy, which is extremely damaged in this regard his policies


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