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tv   [untitled]    June 25, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm IRST

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i have served you since the day i was born. since i fell in love with you , i have served you. the islamic revolution leader's emphasis on the importance of broad participation in the elections and the choice of weapons, when the participation is high, the tongues of the slanderers are shortened, they cannot blame , they cannot. be happy, the enemy will not be happy.
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ayatollah khamenei's advice to the candidates, whoever thinks that it is impossible to work without the favor of america, will not be a good manager. the person who has an angle with the revolution, with imam rahel, with the islamic system, he is not of any use to you. arriving at the fateful day, 35 hours until the end of the election campaigns, candidates' headquarters seek to make the most of the remaining time, and people follow the words and programs of the candidates with high sensitivity . the fate of this country has always
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been and is important to us, regardless of any color, any race, any ethnicity , any language, let them express one hand on july 8 at 8:00 a.m. , ali vali shadi funds of iran. in large gatherings and public celebrations of ghadir eid all over the country in tehran, people celebrated on a 10-kilometer route, the main manifestation of the religion of islam, wilayat and imamate, that we come here to show our acceptance of wilayat with amir al-mu'minin again. let's make a pact to keep ghadir alive. the love of ali bin abi talib in your heart is much more than this warmth that is there now. in the name of allah, the most merciful
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, the most merciful, o allah, peace and blessings be upon muhammad and the family of muhammad, and the speedy death of them , greetings and good night to you, dear and respected countrymen, we are in your presence . the islamic revolution this morning on eid al-ghadir, in the meeting of thousands of compatriots , they considered the incident of ghadir as the basis for the continuation of islamic rule and the continuation of the islamic life model, and emphasized some of the virtues of amir al-mu'minin ali, peace be upon him. we have learned from our master that the islamic system is popular and believes in the influence of the individual presence of the people in the destiny of the country. hazrat ayatollah khamenei
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, referring to the very important elections on friday , has listed the maximum participation of the people and the choice of weapons as a reason for the pride of the nation and the islamic republic. they called the people to explain the characteristics of the candidate of the islamic republic of iran to the voting booths and emphasized that everyone is interested in a strong and proud iran and everyone who believes in supporting the regime should participate in the elections. the leader of the revolution congratulated all the iranian nation and muslims around the world on eid-ul-akbar eid sharif ghadir folk celebrations in the streets. they called the public a very good initiative, and the despondency of the infidels from defeating islam, the very prominent interpretation of the qur'an in the matter of eid al-ghadir and the announcement of the caliphate and the governorship of amir manan, peace be upon him, they mentioned the continuation of the political rule of islam in the light of
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god's command to announce the succession and imamate of the amir of the believers from it is because of the blessed language of the prophet, may god bless him and grant him peace. they considered the disbelief to be infidels and added: the continuation of islamic governance and politics, which in imamate is the manifestation of the continuation of the spirit of islam. the leader of the revolution considered the position of imamate as one of the most important positions of divine prophets and higher than the position of prophethood they added: in the mission, the prophets express god's commands to the people, but in the dignity of imamate, the prophet conveys god's commands in his heart, thoughts, actions and functions. it makes people flow. hazrat ayatollah khamenei listed the continuation of islamic rule in the light of imamate and wilayat as the reason for the continuation of the islamic way of life and said: the goal of the 250 -year struggle of the imams, which some shia elders also followed later
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, and in the present era, with the efforts of imam rahal and the people of iran. the rule of islam continued, which led to the expansion of life. becomes islamic in the society. he, in explaining the main lines of the islamic way of life, to justice, ashda and alikfar, rahma and binham, understanding of the suffering and hardship of the people from the ruler of the society and the companionship, obedience and help of the people pointed to islamic governance and added: ghadir is the foundation for the realization of these lines of excellence in islamic life. and with this view, it can be a source of unity for all islamic sects and it should not be considered as a point of difference between sunni and shia. in the second part of his speech, the leader of the islamic revolution emphasized in explaining the virtues of the pious mullah:
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the human eye and deep thoughts are not able to understand the spiritual beauty and rank of the mullah, peace be upon him, and at most he is able to draw a general picture in his mind. may by referring to nahj al-balagheh, which is one of the great blessings of god and is not exclusive to shiites , tuan learned the basics of criteria and methods from the amir of the believers and got to know his virtues. he recited all the virtues of the holy prophet (peace be upon him) at the top and cited the nahj al-balagheh and added: certainty and yes from a grain of doubt and doubt, being sensitive to each and every person of the people of any religion and indescribable justice, being deceived by the apparent softness of the enemy. not eating and being completely alert in front of him were considered among the most prominent virtues of imam ali bin abi talib (peace be upon him). ayatollah khamenei also has a deep belief in the people
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they called the existence of the government and the mutual rights of the people and the ruler among the virtues of amirmanan and said: the complete peoplehood of the islamic system is from its master and the quranic verses. but some people wrongly say that the islamic republic has learned elections, democracy and democracy from the west. he, giving importance to people's words and advice, while the knowledge and wisdom of the imam (peace be upon him) was connected to the divine reservoir, and emphasizing the presence and influence of the individual people, even the weakest of them, in the fate of the society and the country. they recognized another virtue of imam (peace be upon him) and added: nahj al-balagha is the mine of discovery and understanding there are many different aspects of amirmanan's personality and it is appropriate that people, especially the youth , read nahj al-balagheh and get familiar with it and learn unique lessons from it. in
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the next part of his speech, the leader of the revolution discussed the very important presidential election and said that in 3 days, the iranian nation will face an important election test, which is more than ever. and they have considered the interest to be rare in the world and expressed hope that god will bless the iranian nation in this election to glorify high participation, which we insist on , is because the most important effect of high participation is the glorification of the islamic republic. sir, the system of the islamic republic has had fierce enemies from the moment it was formed.
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do whatever they can against the islamic republic. they are still busy. they regularly plan that i talk differently. i explained and talked about these plans. we were able to expose some of these plans to hamdallah. children, what to do, they are busy now , the islamic republic has an enemy, one of the things that makes the islamic republic overcome its enemies. in this election, if the good participation of the people is observed, this is the pride of the islamic republic. allahu akbar, allahu akbar.
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pointing to the fact that whenever the participation in the elections was low, the language of criticism of the enemies against the islamic republic was raised. whenever the participation rate in the elections has been high , the tongues of the naysayers have been shortened and they could not blame and rejoice, so another reason for insisting on high participation is that the enemy should not be happy. and underestimating elections, they said that elections are not only for cities but in all villages and parts of the country. people should participate in the elections so that the islamic republic
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will be honored in the world. the leader of the revolution said: what does the choice of weapons mean? whose weapons the best person is the one who first of all believes in the fundamentals of this revolution and this system . ali baisarat and ali seqin, as we said from the words of amir al-mu'minin , let him believe in this way. this is our late president . 3 years old presidency. his republic also met with us regularly. it was completely specific.
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he moves with his heart and soul, with conviction. one must have faith. the second is to be efficient. it does not know day and night. look for a job. have the ability for work. hazrat ayatollah they added: an armed person with these characteristics is able to use all the diverse and numerous capacities of the country for progress. he did not consider the previous governments to be the same in using the country's capacities and said: the 13th government was one of the governments that used the country's capacities well and if this government had continued i was very likely to solve many economic problems. leader. in expressing the important capacities of the country, the revolution said: the large number of young and educated population,
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iranian innate intelligence and talent, huge and diverse mines, geographical location, long water borders, high number of neighbors, large regional markets, 80 million domestic market, climate diversity, rail and road networks, technical capabilities of young people in housing, roads, industry, free trade zones, and cultural and civilizational heritage are among the capacities of the country. he added: the people are really believers . are very important even if some they do not show proper adherence to sharia. emphasizing that the islamic republic , by god's grace , has traveled the path of progress without favoring foreigners and despite their musings and challenges , he said: in the future, the iranian nation will not allow its destiny to
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be written by others. some politicians. in our country , they think that they have to depend on this power and that power. you can't move forward without hanging on to some big famous power of the country. some people think like this . or they think that all the ways of progress go through america. no, they can't. these people who do not see these capacities beyond the borders of the country, when they don't see, when
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they don't appreciate it, naturally they don't plan to use them . one of the reasons why we say don't look outside is that when you don't look outside, you are a human being. these internal capacities enable him to see, understand and recognize the leader of the revolution by referring to the illusion or misinterpretation of some people from emphasizing the use of internal capacities to fencing off the country and cutting off communication with the world. they said: from the beginning, we were looking for communication with the whole world, except for one or two exceptions, and by the way, in governments like the government of martyr raisi, who strictly adhered to the fundamentals , strengthened the international relations of the country. he called turning a blind eye to foreigners as the meaning of courage and national independence and said: despite these two
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components, the iranian nation shows its ability, character, strength and respect. it will increase in the world . at the end, ayatollah khamenei gave two important recommendations to the people and candidates. the advice to our dear people is that we said iran is strong and proud. this became the slogan. strong iran has many fans. iran's strength is not just about having all kinds of missiles alhamdulillah, we have all kinds of weapons, we have them , we have them, we have them, we have them, we have them, we have them, but it is not only that, getting stronger has various dimensions, it has scientific dimensions , it has cultural dimensions, it has economic dimensions
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. this is a sign of strength. so everyone who is interested in a strong iran should participate in this election. everyone believes in the necessity of supporting the islamic republic system. it should be doubled. pay attention to this. this is our advice to the people. he is in the next recommendation. addressing the presidential election candidates, they said: i am to these gentlemen respected, i would like to make a promise to god that if you are successful and manage to gain responsibility
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, you will not choose your agents and agents from those who have an angle with the revolution. the one who is with the revolution with imam rahel with the islamic system. if he has a bit of an angle , he will not be a good colleague for you. he will not be a good colleague for you . he is a person who has america's heart and soul and imagines that without america's favor, you can't move forward step by step
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in your country. he will not be a good colleague for you. he will not use the capacities of the country, he will not manage well, the one who has the strategy of religion and ignore the law. he will not be a good partner with you. choose someone who is religious, religious, revolutionary, and has full faith in the system. if you honorable candidates make such a covenant with your god, know that everything you do for the election will be good. if you have such an intention. if you make such a covenant with god , you can do election work, a good deed will be rewarded by god almighty.
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the last round of the debate program of the six candidates for the presidential election was held in the national media today the election of an original person has been very effective. now let's go to the election studio and join my colleague , mr. zahorian. last week, 75% of the content produced by foreign anti-iranian groups
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was aimed at angering the officials and candidates of the presidential election , despite this, with two days left to the 8th of july , the people are going to go to the polls. hour by hour until the date of the fourteenth session we are approaching the presidential elections and the people of islamic iran are saying
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, ``watan mi, jan shirin mi, hamadm,'' in the struggle to choose a weapon , it is one hundred percent of our national duty to participate in the elections. i think it can determine our own destiny title.
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i participate as a citizen , i know it is my duty. as an 18-year-old young man , i want to tell my elders or my peers that they should definitely participate in the presidential elections on july 8 , any race, any ship, any tribe, any clan, any dress. we have to stand together with each other because the issue is the fate of the country in order for the enemy to understand that we will not give up our religion, we participate and we will participate and we will advise people to participate. .
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i participate in the elections, every single vote and every presence of one person at the ballot box is free for the country, our nation and our culture. for the destiny of our country , let's choose a person with weapons. it doesn't matter whether it's a village or a city, we must all come together. i am a woman . i will take part in the elections and choose the president of aslah with our own votes and with our own participation the presence that we find will make our country 100% proud. we will vote with aslhan . with our elections, we will create a transformation in the country and for our country to be safe and peaceful, regardless of any color, any race, any ethnicity, any language, let's express one hand. they should be proud of their country's honor and pride on july 8 at 8:00 am at the foot of the color documents. the fifth and last debate of the candidates
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of the 14th presidential election period was also held . see a report from the sidelines of this debate. the last debate an election with an economic theme. in the next few moments, 6 candidates will prepare for this debate. eid ghadir , the smell of eid and happiness in the corridors of the building, debate , no, dad, we are going the same way , what is your winning card today, serving the people, talking honestly with the people, and being able to bring the people to the stage, we are the winners , expressing the main problems of the country. and presenting
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the main solutions without slogans. we have seen that i have 5 specific priorities that are completely manageable and actionable . god willing, we can win people's trust . we can talk to people honestly . may if you were doing this , you can't see the controversial reports bro.
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the debates are not the end of the conversation with the people . there are other programs that are available to the honorable candidates . there is a program on camera that will be broadcast on wednesday , which is tomorrow, god willing. let's take a pill , give them some information, but they are all fine, mashallah. and this is the end of the debates, youssef salami , sada vasima news agency's reporter, according to the announcement of the sada vasima research center, the debates were the most talked about election programs. reporters radio news agency during mana


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