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tv   [untitled]    June 26, 2024 3:30am-4:00am IRST

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they are shouting and sitting in their own circles saying that we want to do legal subversion . legal subversion is a strange thing. we don't know anything called legal subversion. any movement and effort that is made with the intention of subversion is the beginning of muharibe . . it's not just for us, we have so many enemies, we have so many enemies , we have this kind of economic and propaganda lecture in the world, we should be more concerned, but others think the same way. the ministry of interior announces the date of registration of candidates for the presidential election on may 12. eye activity groups and political parties
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they show self-esteem. some groups are trying to attack the guardian council to pave the way for some actions. in his trip to gilan province on may 12th, the leader of the revolution spoke about the efforts of the enemies to distort the election and called on the people to participate intelligently and consciously and for the candidates to compete for the election candidates who will enter this field. i would like to say that the election in our country should be a competition for service, not a competition for gaining power. islamic elections are for the leader of the revolution, as always, the health of the elections in the first priority is for ayatollah khamenei to respect everyone. correct electoral ethics
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invites. the election environment should be a healthy environment. in the same way that some people should not pollute the space with their pen and speech. some people should not vote for this or that candidate by expressing their opposition to so-and-so or supporting klanx. polluting the atmosphere , spreading mud against this or that candidate, slandering and unfounded revelations about individuals, all these are my secret actions, prohibited actions, actions against values, and actions against the policy of the islamic republic are against the right.
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the world has sad days and good days it's sweet, yes, they say the truth, our old people have ups and downs, life has ups and downs , don't get tired, bear these hardships. in short
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, believe that we can. good days are on your way . look at the smiling sun. say hello to tomorrow. hello, look to the future. say hello to the smiling sun, hello to tomorrow, hello to the future.
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first of all, chalchelli irane, who says our faces are old. after the new people's revolution, the cat of our map has been milked. the cat of our map has been milked. together with one flag , we built our homeland. there is no opponent in the world. as long as we are together, look at the sun. you laugh, say hello to tomorrow, hello to the future, look
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at khurshid who is laughing. say hello to tomorrow. hello to the future . after the leadership position of the president, if the presidency is good, it is that. service to the nation but the rejection and the generation of this side reject the vote of the nation and they are right with the help of god and following the prophet until the time that i swear by them. the ministry of interior
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announced the advertisement period for candidates from may 29 to 16. people register for the presidency, and finally the guardian council approves the qualification of 10 of these people on 26 may. ahmed tawakli, abdullah jasbi seyed mohammad khatami, seyed mansour razavi, seyed shahabuddin sadr, hassan ghafouri fard, seyed mahmoud kashani, ali shamkhani, seyed mustafa hashemi taba and ali fallahian. you think you will vote, if i didn't think i wouldn't be a candidate, it is the duty of the iranian nation to stand up against lawlessness and it is a huge burden for the system and for the officials to devote all my efforts and strength to serving the people. all people
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are obliged to so-called respect the rights of the government. any government that comes to power is responsible for all iranians everywhere. the country should be able to implement these constructive steps of the society and contribute to the development of the country.
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there should be a person who can implement all our ideas in the country. address the basic issues of the country and refrain from dealing with peripheral issues and side issues. it is to listen to the words and hearts of the people to reach the pains of the people. i am an independent candidate, and while respecting all fronts, groups, and parties, i must say that i entered this election campaign as an independent candidate . one of the criteria of merit, cooperation, and faithfulness is thrift. a worthy manager should save, in my opinion, the best thing that a president can offer as a program is to say that he is a servant of the parliament's approvals, the general policies announced by the supreme leader and other laws.
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i want the regulations to be properly implemented, one of the problems that appeared in the country in the past few years. unfortunately, this was the case, that is, the widespread advertising of election candidates, which raises the question that someone wants to take responsibility, why should he spend so much money. the members of the cabinet are those who, with a plan that we have named the storm of maksas , we select people who are leaders in terms of experience , in terms of intelligence, in terms of trustworthiness and having initiative. hopefully, people are based on merit and not on the basis of dependencies will choose he took care of all the work. the government is not the government. the government has both its capabilities and its responsibilities and powers within
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the framework of the law. it must work to the extent that it can . it cannot go beyond its limits . it does not have all the capabilities. i want to say this clearly. i am worried about the fate of my country and nation. why? worried. let me tell you that my intention is not to express the problems and draw a version as a superman, i think you people point your finger at injustices, dishonesty, incompetence and stupidity with fairness. i think you are right. passionate election campaigns with some
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breaking norms and marginalization continues. ayatollah khamenei, during the anniversary ceremony of the death of the imam , calls the elections false and the enemy's plots and strengthens the motivations to attend. elections are both the people's right and the people's duty. it is the right of the people. that is to say that the person who is the executive director of the country should be elected, and it is the duty of the people, because with your presence , the system will be strengthened, with your presence, islam will become dear, with your presence, the rule of islam in the world will be glorified, with your presence, the enemy's conspiracy. he accuses islam of separating from the people's opinions
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and is invalidated. the country is ready to hold the eighth the presidential election has been held. i think all the conditions are ready to hold a democratic election and we have prepared all the work systems in this regard. the eighth term of the presidential election of muhammad, every vote that is given today is actually a vote for the islamic republic system and the constitution, and this is very valuable for the country . and that's why you can see that the foreign bells
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are all trying their best, maybe they can make the elections less prosperous, but they won't be able to. with the end of counting votes, it is determined that 28,1930 people participated in the elections. seyyed mohammad khatami with having won 21 million and 659 votes , he has been elected to the presidency again. ahmad tawakli, ali shamkhani, abdullah jasbi, mahmoud kashani, mansour razavi, hassan ghafouri fard, ali fallahian, shahabuddin sadr, seyed mustafa hashemi taba, are placed in the following positions, respectively. the revocation ceremony of the presidential decree of the 8th term
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will be held on the 11th of august 1380, and the revocation will be read by hojjat al-islam wal-muslimeen hashemi. it is the right place for every moment of the time of officials, elites, and trustees of the nation to be spent in service and sincere effort, and everyone's determination and effort towards the end of justice. and promotion of knowledge and spirituality and the opening of the economy and public livelihood should be focused and poverty, which is the product of the rule of ignorance, oppression and autocracy for a long time, should be removed from the life page of the iranian nation. in his speeches, the president explains the central role of leadership in protecting people's votes and rights. leadership in our system, which
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exists as the legal guardian of society. he is the embodiment of the axis of our system and the first position of the country, the person who guards the islamicity of our system, the defender of the constitution , the guardian of the rights and dignity of the people, who are the owners of the revolution of our system. ayatollah khamenei also reminded the officials of the principles of the revolution to promote the system the country is called religious faith. the factor that can keep the iranian nation strong and stable despite the lack of many equipments that the great powers have is religious faith. religious faith in people should be preserved. so that
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these people can maintain their resistance, so that they can stand up, so that they can support the officials , so that they can protect themselves against the dangers. we support people on the international stage against storms is. with a detailed understanding of the needs and demands of the people, the leader of the revolution declares that the main priority of the government is economic and employment issues and
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calls the authorities to double efforts in this field. today , the most urgent task is to seriously address the economic issues and the livelihood issue, and above all, the employment issue. ayatollah khamenei , anticipating some incitement , considers the controversial goals of creating political incitement in the society to be very harmful and calls the country's officials to counter these efforts. let's give a recommendation to the rest of the officials and political activists, especially to those who are on the podium there are things at their disposal , take any tribune from the pulpits, newspapers, radio, assembly, friday prayers, etc., to
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take care of every tribune in every corner of the country. be that as it may, political agitation is harmful for the country , it is not useful. the atmosphere must be calm and balanced so that the government and other officials can fulfill their duties . even the simplest tasks will become difficult in the tasks of politically agitated and tense conditions. do not contribute to political incitement. nobody. one of the worst faults for political activists is to seek division and separation. and making excuses from each other.
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the following days and weeks are speculations to choose from ministers and cabinet formation in the political environment. the country is rising. some experts believe that in mr. khatami's second cabinet, there should be no place for extremists affiliated with a particular sect. the 14th of august has been chosen as the day of the presidential inauguration ceremony. but due to the non-election of legal members of the guardian council , it is postponed in the parliament. the difference between the parliament and the judiciary is caused. the leader of the revolution should submit the matter to the expediency council, and finally, with the announcement of the council's opinion, the inauguration ceremony of the presidency will be held on august 17. live and directly from the place parliament of the islamic council, i am talking to you. today , we will witness the inauguration ceremony of the presidency with the presence of military and country officials . with god's help and following the prophet
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of islam and the imams of athar (peace be upon them) , i will protect the power that the nation has entrusted to me as a sacred trust, as a pious and selfless trustee, and leave it to the nation's choice after me. the parliament will start the work of reviewing the program and qualifications of the ministers on august 28. the main question is how the honorable minister of the country wants to be included in a group of honorable ministers whose program implementation natural and forced create a class gap in the search for dealing with the causes of the social objectives of this. the days in the past 4 years. for his ministry, he has to prove that he can be a good minister for the country. i feel that a disaster
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is about to happen in the oil industry and it is happening , so i express my opposition to mr. zanganeh's ministry, who are old friends, and finally, after holding several sessions of the parliament on the 3rd of shahrivar he gives his vote of confidence to the proposed ministers and the government officially starts its work. the minister of agricultural jihad, mr. hojjati, cast 261 votes gladwell. therefore, mr. hojjati was also elected and again
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received a vote of confidence from the parliament. two days later in the government week, the government delegation will visit the leader of the revolution. in a strategic recommendation, ayatollah khamenei advises the government to use the experiences of the past and correct knowledge. weaknesses and strengths are considered very important. your ancestors had strengths and weaknesses . the past governments and your predecessors, those who were in this sector before you. find out their strengths and weaknesses . build on increasing strengths and reducing weaknesses. provided that in knowing the strengths and weaknesses don't make a mistake. i am referring again to some artificial and mainly
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imported cultural propaganda waves that try to pretend that some of the strengths of the previous governments are weaknesses. if we had ministers at that time, after the term of their ministry was over. on friday, when they wanted to go to prayer on a two-wheeled motorcycle, they were gassed with their wives and left to ride nawaz . this is one of their strengths. this is one of the honors of this group. it should remain . it means a minister like this. the previous points are one point. has been if we had little administrative discipline there , we had little skills, we had little experience, these are the weak points , we have to fix them. the leader of the revolution
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explains the indicators of the crimean government and asks the government to move towards these indicators. the crimean government is a proud government. he has a firm belief in the impenetrable path that the constitution and the duties and policies of the system have set before him . in the past four years, unfortunately, some neglect has been the source of some seizures and inflammations. ayatollah khamenei stopped the government from doing other things they do not necessarily and create political inflammations, sometimes some of the brothers of the government say a word or take a position , they make a political issue in the country, they make a political society a nonsense.
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there was no need to say it now, it will be said later on foreign radio and domestic radio, and i don't know, so-and-so newspaper and so-and-so people are trying to destroy the ministry of housing . don't bring people who act like this. i have ordered some friends. i had talked about this issue, but not listening did not bring good results . one i give friendly and brotherly advice to some friends if they act for their own benefit, some do and some do not, unfortunately , in my opinion, the ministers themselves spend their time on party work and this should not be spent on me when mr. hashemi's time the party of these gentlemen, brokers , was created. one of my main problems was this
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. i said, well, the party wants time. you should spend time. you should sit together, talk. this amount of effort and time will not leave any impression on you either the government belongs to the minister who doesn't have 8 hours of work. in the home ministry, the full-time minister belongs to the home ministry. the leader of the revolution expresses his unlimited support for the government and ministers, but this support is conditional on the government's movement in the main directions of the revolution. i am from the government. . and your friends who are in the government support each and every one of you, but this constitutional support is conditional on you complying with this jihad. no , there is a way that is contrary to the right way. the right to
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express the constitution and policies of the system and islam for us he has moved, i will not support him anymore , if necessary, i will confront him, this is my religious duty and my legal duty.
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who calls himself not that when braking , it is important to choose the correct modern brake pad . a revolutionary government is one of the most frequent keywords in users' writings. in 1964 , many participated in the presidency.


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