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tv   [untitled]    June 28, 2024 8:00am-8:30am IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad, may god bless him and grant him peace. greetings to you, dear viewers, good morning . we are going directly to imam khomeini's hosseiniyeh, and we have established contact with our reporter for the vote that ayatollah khamenei , the supreme leader of the islamic revolution, has made for a few moments. they will vote again. they operate in a mobile manner
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, in addition to 344 branches that will be in charge of the process of obtaining votes from iranians abroad in 95 countries around the world. in total, more than 800,000 people from different walks of life actively participate in the election process. per a branch according to what is specified in the law, between 5 and 7 responsible people in each branch. are present that the representatives of the governor of faraja guardian council and the representatives of the candidates will be able to attend the polling stations. now, at 8:00 am, with the official start of the voting process in the 14th presidential election, the supreme leader of the revolution arrived at imam khomeini's hosseiniyeh, may allah bless him and grant him peace, until after going through the procedures. the election is completely electronic, but
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the voting fee that will be available to those who are eligible to vote is a paper vote fee, and the voters choose the candidate they want on the ballot paper. they will write their votes and throw them in the ballot box . there is a place in these moments for the memory of the martyrs of service , especially the president.
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presence in iran will cover the 14th presidential election. also, at the same time as iran , the process of obtaining votes from iranians abroad will also begin in the embassies and embassies of the islamic republic of iran in other countries. in the next few moments, the supreme leader of the revolution will cast his vote in the mobile box 110 in the first minutes of the voting. with the mention of blessings upon muhammad and his family, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, in the presence of the most respected and wise leader of the islamic revolution. greetings, politeness and respect . good morning to hazrat mostatabi. may god grant him good health and good health. we
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honor the memory of the martyrs of our service, especially the dear president shahid raisi, who today, because of his absence, we are holding the 14th presidential election. on the 14th of khordad, you spoke about the saga of the elections , and on the day of eid al-ghadir kham , you spoke about increasing your participation and maximum participation for the pride of iran and a strong iran, and you emphasized this issue now that in the first minutes of the voting process we are in the presidential election considering the irreplaceable role of the president in the authority and progress of the country, the latest development of his highness for those who are still hesitant to participate in the elections or have not made a final decision, in the name of allah, the merciful, the merciful, for our beloved nation, from the almighty god , the best days and years and the highest
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i ask for his blessings. election day is a day of joy and happiness for us iranians, especially when the election is for the selection of the president, and the country will be determined by the people's choice for the next few years, but i think there is an important issue besides this. and that full presence. failure of the people and the increase and plurality of votes this is a definite need for the islamic republic. the name of the islamic republic means that the word "republic
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" indicates that the presence of the people is included in the essence of this system . therefore, the durability of the islamic republic and the stability of the islamic republic and the honor of the islamic republic and the reputation of the islamic republic in the world depend on the presence of the people. that's why we recommend our dear people to take the issue of voting seriously and participate in this important political test, and what you say, some people hesitate, i don't find any reason to doubt, it's an
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easy task that has important results . what does not cost, does not bother. there is no liquid, no time, no pressure. but it has many benefits, why should a person hesitate ? do not hesitate especially considering the point that i mentioned, that the islamic republic is based on the presence of the people and to prove the truth and honesty. in the system of the islamic republic, the presence of the people is a necessary and obligatory matter. i hope god almighty will choose the best and the most useful choice for this country and the
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coming years, god willing, will be good years. people should be satisfied with their choice. and peace be upon you, and god's mercy and blessings. bye. thank you very much the supreme leader of the revolution and the valuable statements he made and we thank all the reporters who are present in hosseini and recorded the moments of voting from the supreme leader of the revolution in hosseini and covered them in their own media. we pray for the health of the supreme leader of the revolution and all the servicemen of islamic iran, and we wish success to all the servicemen who
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will be elected in the 14th term of the presidential elections to work for the authority and progress of iran . imam khomein well , dear viewers, you are watching the 8 o'clock news as you have seen in the pictures , ayatollah khamenei, the supreme leader of the islamic revolution , cast his vote in the hosseinieh of imam khomeini, may god bless him, a few minutes ago, but the 14th term of the presidential election has started by the order of the minister of interior across the country. and let me inform you that the 10-hour voting, which will be extended by the decision of the minister of interior ,
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will start the elections in its 14th turn in the 14th period of the presidential election in 5864 branches inside and 34 branches abroad. this period of elections , given that there were only 40 days, thank god in this 40 days ago. the work has been completed and we are starting the elections today, and this is a task that should normally take at least a year, and this shows the strength of affairs in the islamic republic and the insistence on doing things on time , especially in the matter of elections. it is the manifestation of our religious democracy. from here, we invite all the dear people of the great nation of iran
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to be present at the polling stations in the early hours and to vote for the representatives and the candidates and those who want to vote for the dear volunteer that they want. that election in perfection it will be held in safety and in perfect health, and we have already issued simplified cards to 4684 branches for 4694 of those who have requested to be present at the cash registers by the daf candidates , and this indicates that the various supervisors in addition to the executive board, in addition to the representatives of the governorates, in addition to the supervisors of the guardian council
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, in addition to the inspectors, representatives of the volunteers are also present at the head of the funds, and absolutely all matters are under supervision and control, so that, god willing, we can hold an election at the level of the islamic republic once again, god willing. . well, dear viewers, let me inform you even though the voting started at 8:00 this morning across the country, many compatriots attended special branches before 8:00 in the big cities and small cities of iran across the country, so our communication has been established. with sedav and sima news reporter mrs. sohrabian, hello , good morning, which polling station are you in and
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tell us about the attendance of the people. in the name of god , i say hello to you, dear colleagues and good viewers of khabar network. i am in saadat abad jame mosque. since 69:00 in the morning, when the news teams are stationed in the branches, we are also here we settled in saadat abad grand mosque. from the same hours at the beginning, when the voting had not yet officially started, some people came and stood behind the door until the door was opened and they could cast their vote by calling at 8 am and i even asked them if the election would still start at 8 am. how early did you come? he said that there is a responsibility that we should come as soon as possible to fulfill this religion and it is much better to fulfill this responsibility that is our responsibility. let's come first when we want let's vote. as you can see in the picture, the same queues formed from the same starting hour from 6:00 am and even 6:00 in the morning
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, the queues even went to the street and next to each other, and there are people from all walks of life and they cast their votes in the box if if you have any questions, i am at your service. yes , i would like to thank miss sohrabian, the reporter of sada and sima news agency. well, now we have established contact with mrs. sadat hashemi, mrs. sadad. hashemi, hello , please tell us about the mood of people's participation in the elections. well, apparently, our communication is not established. of course, my colleagues are trying to it will be established and god willing , we will announce more reports from the cities for you . the president of the judiciary , the speaker of the house of representatives, and the chairman of the expediency council
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called on the people to attend the polls, stressing the importance of high participation and the choice of weapons. just as the supreme leader said that participating in the elections is a political necessity, pilgrimage is also a sharia necessity, considering that, sir, a so-called necessity is a serious necessity . themselves. share with the supreme leader khalaf saleh , the honorable imam, what are your orders today, the order of people's participation in various scenes, including in the elections , god willing, let us all participate in the elections and make the right choice, of course, the emphasis is that there must be a wide participation, everyone
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participates. everyone participate. iranian scholars and authorities to participate. ayatollah makarem shirazi said that by enthusiastically participating in the elections , we should fulfill our religious and social duty in determining the fate of the society. ayatollah nouri hamadani also stressed that participation in these elections is the greed of the enemies it will blind the nation. ayatollah javadi ameli
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also said that the attendance at the ballot box is a religious and islamic national power that the enemy destroys. the solution to the problems is to choose people or a person who actually knows the problem and acts, so to speak , is both active and actually a proof of the problems. choosing such a person is a kind of duty. the families of the martyrs also asked the people of iran to participate in the 14th presidential election to make iran proud. as the supreme leader said, the presence of people at the polls indicates the stabilization of the system. of course, people in the legalization ceremony shows their affection and love for the system, and i think their presence at rome's coffers completes
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the great work they did before. god willing , let's all hold hands together and a great election will be held, god willing, friday ghani will be held . god willing, the elections will be held in hammamz. god willing, three of my brothers chose their own path with love and passion during the holy defense period, which i am sure if they were here now, they would still be the same. being a follower of the province and continuing the same way, i must have attended. i have the statement of the ballot box. for religion for vote islam for god . i invite the zealous people of khuzestan and all the people of iran to come to the polls on the 8th of july and
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choose the main president with their own votes. it is our duty. i invite you, we must participate so that the blood of the martyrs is not trampled, the martyrs say to follow the leader , he listens to the leader, our leader told us to vote , he did not say who or whom to vote for, we will vote so that our country will know that we have a president. which should benefit the people.
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in my soul, i have a strong love for the country. it is a mirror of the sea. this passion i have is flowing in your soul. singing awakening with the covenant sky and we have a long-standing bond , our land is shofarihed.
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dear, we are going to isfahan, we are in contact with ms. sadad hashemi, ms. sadad hello , good morning . tell us about the election situation in isfahan city. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful . greetings and politeness and respect to you , dear viewers and dear colleagues of mr. sadeghi . we are in the hosseinieh of bani fatemeh in isfahan, a hosseinieh that dedicated 210 martyrs to the authority of the country. and from our beloved iran , about an hour before the start of the voting time, that is , at 8 o'clock, the people were present here, and we talked about the promise and making an appointment that on the day
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the funeral of martyr ayatollah raisi was closed to themselves in order to be present at the polls today . they said that there are more than 3 million eligible voters in isfahan province, of which 170 are first-time voters, and they are going to participate in the elections for the first time and in the future. their own country the voting branch all over isfahan province is ready and welcoming the good people of isfahan to come now and cast their votes in the boxes, god willing . i am at your service, dear ones. other news sections to be at your service thank you, mrs. sadad hashemi in isfahan. civil registration offices are active today. the head of the civil registration organization said that in order to hold the july 8th elections , necessary plans
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have been made to provide identity services, such as the inquiry of the national response number and solving the identity problems of the clients in the civil registration offices. according to mr. kargar , a contact center for national number identity inquiries has also been activated in all provincial registry offices. that the officials of the branches can contact this center if they see any discrepancy with the coordination of the provincial election headquarters take hashtag plus one became frequent in social networks. office for the preservation of the works of the supreme leader of the revolution, following his recent statements about the importance of maximum participation in the elections, one of the users requested at least. invite one of your relatives who has not yet decided to participate in the elections to vote for a strong iran and the islamic republic. 500 reporters from 150
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foreign media are covering the 14th presidential election. according to the director general of foreign media of the ministry of culture and islamic guidance, so far, media from 31 countries including germany and austria. spain profit, australia, france, america, england, italy, republic of azerbaijan, turkey, china, denmark, russia, japan, syria, iraq, oman, south korea and north korea requested to cover the elections. the spokesperson of the ministry of foreign affairs said: the diplomatic apparatus will do its best to hold the 14th round of presidential elections abroad. the work has taken its own actions depending on the population and the dispersion of
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our dear iranian compatriots in different countries . the ministry of foreign affairs is committed to the participation of iranians living abroad in the process of holding elections in the easiest way possible . iran's presidential elections are also being held abroad. due to the time difference between east asian countries and iran, voting in malaysia, indonesia, south korea, japan and beijing cities. the presidency of the islamic republic of iran
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at the iranian embassy in new zealand has started this morning. in addition to wellington, our country's presidential elections are also being held in auckland and christchurch, new zealand. election presidency is held in 100 countries and 34 branches. the arbaeen ceremony of martyr ayatollah raisi and his companions was held on thursday evening in the presence of people in masla, tehran. the participants in this ceremony asked the future president to be tireless like the martyred president and fulfill his promises. an hour ago.
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to pay tribute to martyrs , i am a bank employee. i am a doctor . i am a university professor. he was always the first person to
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stand by people in difficult situations. serving this society and the people, closing the clock and all that was not an issue for him, he wanted to serve the people, work day and night, rosi's courage, constant presence in the field was demanded and desired, and... you know, and he was tireless. he found out that if a manager in the field okay, let's be with the people. people love him even if they are in trouble. now there are many expectations from the future president. his actions and performance
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were above the standards. and it made it more difficult for the next president, the expectations of the people have risen very high and the next president will definitely be compared to mr. raisi our future president should be on the same level, maybe a president who is not really satisfied with these people , someone who wants to come, if he wants to work for the people and if he wants to win the people's satisfaction, he should have the same management method. the above means that anyone who comes must have all the abilities and characteristics of martyr hisi , and in fact, something new should be added to it. people should continue the path of this martyr by making the right choice. let's choose the one who has the best weapon with your maximum presence at the polls, the conscious presence of these people at
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the polls and the election of a gunman is the continuation of the martyred president. the meteorological organization predicted scattered rains in some parts of the northern part of the country. with this news , we go to the expert of the meteorological organization. mr. zarabi, hello , good morning, we are waiting to hear your report. in the name of god , i greet you, mr. sadeghi, and all the respected viewers of yes in the northern part of the country. last hour, there were reports of lightning strikes from morning until this time. it can be pointed out to areas such as nosheh kiasar plesfid, damghan shahroud, that at an hour with scattered rains are expected to continue today in parts of the northeastern part of the country, the region of north khorasan, the northern parts of khorasan, razavii, and areas of the coastal provinces of the caspian highlands.


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