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tv   [untitled]    June 29, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm IRST

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my request is that friends should come to the exhibition, and then the service provision is based on information technology. yes, yes, they definitely do this by using information technology tools. play the exhibition. thank you for your sales in the program. thank you for accompanying the viewers.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, in the name of god whose memory is peaceful and peaceful, dear viewers , hello to the world. welcome today. i am vahid modareszadeh, reviewing the most important news and developments in the world. i will be with you. the speaker of the us house of representatives called for the removal of biden from the presidency of this country. mike johnson described the current situation of biden as dangerous for america and said: according to the 25th amendment to the us constitution, the presidential cabinet should remove biden due to his inability to dismiss the administration of affairs. according to the 25th amendment of the us constitution, if the president is unable to perform his duties, the vice president takes over. the wall street journal also reported.
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biden's poor performance in his first election debate with trump it has caused the democrats to worry and they are thinking of replacing him. after biden's poor performance in the debate on thursday, some democratic lawmakers demanded his withdrawal from the election campaign. however, biden has announced that he will participate in the next election debate with trump in september. mr. dr. hossein houshmand, the senior expert on american issues, is here . mr. doctor, i say hello to you. welcome . please tell me what happened in the first debate between biden and trump and how do you evaluate this debate. in the name of god, i say hello to you and the viewers. dear mr. biden, as expected , not doing well in the debate means that the competition process has been going on for several months. an election has started and in these few
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months we have seen mr. trump make various accusations against biden that he is old and does not have a good mental health and is not capable of being president, and many times it was said that this is a kind of psychological warfare and it is not true, but this debate has caused some of these issues to wonder if it is possible to replace biden with another candidate. whether it exists or not, we mentioned the whispers that are being heard the journal also mentioned it, tell us what direction this poor performance of biden will go in the end, will they be forced to choose a replacement for biden in the continuation of the debates, to continue the competition with trump? enter mr. biden and his team. writing and recommending that
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mr. biden should withdraw from the competition or , for example, thomas friedman wrote an article in new york toms. we have seen that these pressures are carried out in order to change mr. biden's opinion. well, we have seen that in 19. friend, that means in two months, less than a month and a half, the national convention of the democratic party will be held, and according to the law, mr. biden himself must announce his withdrawal until he is replaced by another person in that convention, which means that the democratic party officials cannot cancel his so-called nomination. because the delegates vote for them in the primaries, the only thing that can be done is for the elders of the democratic party
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to reach a consensus on whether to continue as candidates. mr. biden's candidacy or to replace someone ? well, after the debate, we saw that mr. obama, as the main leader of the democratic party and the popular face of this party, immediately took a stand and announced that biden did not perform well in the debate, but he defended him again, asking for courage. what we will see in the next month is that people like mr. obama, ms. pelosi, chuck schumer will have to make a so-called decision for the convention whether to replace biden or not, and this is also a point that should be coordinated and according to mr. biden's own consent, it should happen now these 3 years have been the time since president biden . does the democratic party itself have an evaluation of biden's performance or not? just because of the weakness he showed in these debates, his stuttering, the distress in
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his speech, and the stumbles and falls, is it just this? is the debate a factor that has worried the democrats or do you think that it is not biden's performance that biden and trump are so close to each other, that is, in two recent polls, biden is ahead by 1% in one and trump is ahead by 1% in the other before the debate because they are very close to each other, but after the equation debate, there are no new comments, of course we also had a poll in which 67 viewers thought trump was the winner. we also had a poll conducted by the congress in which 60% of voters wanted biden to withdraw from being a candidate . now we have to wait for other reliable polls to see what the results are. among the voters, mr. biden's main negative point
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is his age and the fact that he could not behave well in the debate and had a good performance, which is what most of the republican and pro-trump media have been manipulating on him in recent months, even by cutting videos in some places. or using artificial intelligence they are showing that biden's situation is very good, of course there are problems, but from now on, the democrats can't say that all the movies were a disaster, because now millions of people are watching mr. biden's poor performance live. biden also realized this in his speech in north carolina . he admitted this yesterday. he said that i may not be able to walk and talk as well as i should, but i am in front of a person who is a liar and i want to tell the truth . this is the first confession because he always tried. to show the case so-called normal, but this time it was the first time that biden himself admitted that
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he is old and has problems, but he is the best option that can defeat trump, so far, the democratic party has been looking for the same thing, well, from the economic point of view. the semester has decreased, unemployment has decreased, mr. biden also had this performance , but this is a negative point, and many democrats and republicans are maneuvering, and now it has become the main issue, that is, mr. biden's age has become the main issue and a series of dissatisfactions, such as about housing prices. or there is the price of gasoline, they also cause the voters to be a bit hesitant and to maintain this close competition, trump himself is not that young. three or four years younger than his age, he has also been criticized. do you think that yes, in the campaigns that mr. trump's speeches in the last few weeks, for example , he talked about one issue, then immediately went and said something else and showed, for example, that to some extent , he does not have the so-called mental coordination, but
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in the debate, his situation was definitely better. the next debate will be held until september 10. well, it is very unlikely that trump, even though he is old and he also has problems, but in no way these problems of mr. biden's stuttering and, for example, his mental ability discussions, well , much better, very well, mr. houshmand , we will continue our conversation with your excellency, but well, on the 8th of july, at the same time as our beloved country, in 138 places in the world , the painting work was done by iranians living in foreign countries, my colleagues from the participation iranian compatriots in the election. the election that was held in america to elect the 9th president in the 14th term of the presidential election on the 8th of july , let's consider the preparation of this section together .
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we attack with the people of iran in the continuation of the martyr's way a boss we knew it was our duty to participate as an iranian in choosing our own future , the future of our country's youth, i am here for the love of iran and my intention is really good, i hope that i can make a small contribution to the future of iran. i have been here for almost 9 years in america , now this is no
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, of course we should vote because as citizens we have the right to vote and we should participate in choosing the future of our country, it is the duty of every iranian. there is that behind the province and for the sake of our country, so that we can
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have a strong country and have a strong iran, we should come and vote for the iran of martyrs. i myself am crazy about war. i feel very happy and proud that i was able to do a very small work in front of the huge work of the people in iran, and i am struggling to do a body of soil, a mirror of faith, i was in the shelter of lotf yazdan, iran. you , who are boiling tulips in your lap
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, wrote hail from your eyes, my homeland, o hearts, your crazy sentence, intoxicated with mountains and deserts, plains, and the same as my land, the creator of the homeland is far away.
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have a good time. you are the viewer of the world today program. on thursday, the first debate between donald trump and joe biden, the two election candidates the presidency of the united states was held, mr. hossein houshmand. here in the studio , they answer our questions about this debate. mr. houshmand , we came to the discussion of replacing biden, considering the poor performance of what you mentioned in the debate. first , he could not get the satisfaction of the democrats very well . do they have any possible options on the table to replace joe biden? yes, now of course we have to wait for the polls in the next month to see which direction the atmosphere will go and which one of the faction. they can form their own opinion, but if mr. biden agrees with the withdrawal of the democrats
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be careful because it says that their preliminary elections have been held and the convention should be held on august 19. the different factions of the democratic party should reach a consensus on an option. well , the democratic party has several options that every faction is looking for, for example , the progressive faction of the democratic party is looking for senator bernie sanders to introduce bernie sanders. because he was mr. biden's opponent in 2020 and mrs. clinton's opponent in 2016 , he is 82 years old. yes, but they are not comparable to mr. biden and are very complementary they can attract the votes of the young people and the votes of the workers to themselves and they
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are one of the most important figures and politicians supporting palestine in america. mrs. clinton has a lot of problems with them, and maybe because of this power struggle that will take place, they may not allow mr. sanders to become, but the establishment wing or the main wing of the democratic party have options . of course, mr. biden's deputy has low popularity but, in terms of their abilities in debate and these , they can handle trump, and considering that they are women and black, they will be a very attractive option, that is, if they become the candidate of the democratic party. they can be the first female president of the united states and the second black president, and the problem we have now is the drop in votes among black people, and they can compensate for the problem that they have, yes, and a very attractive option for it will be the democrats, apart from them, there are other options, for example mr. gavin neesam, the governor of california or ms.
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gretchen whitmer, the commander of michigan , are also options that are capable and can compete. let's do it with mr. trump, but we have to wait to see which direction the space will go, so the democrats have stronger options than biden, but it is risky, and of course they don't have the weaknesses of biden, and maybe it will be better for the democratic party, very well, mr. houshmand, now on the side with the age of these two candidates , we can see that both biden and trump are involved in various financial corruption cases and other issues. trump himself is more than that. joe biden has a case and charges, so why the charges against his son? the american people are left with two options , they are in such a bad situation, at least in terms of law and all the corruption they have, and considering the issue of age that you raised , surveys also show that half of the
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american people they are not satisfied with this either, because the american people are stuck in this situation and have no way out except for these two candidates. yes, well, the two- party structure of america is such that the democratic party and the republican party compete with each other. the rank of the people is clear. yes, my question is about the republican party. the republican party is completely in the hands of mr. trump, that is. none of the options that are against trump could stay in power in this party, ms. lischeni was in the house of representatives, mr. adam kenzinger was in the house of representatives, both of them failed in the republican elections due to their opposition to trump. there is no other option available to trump, and trump's popularity among the republicans is also high, and there is no problem with that, but in the
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democratic party, because mr. biden was able to defeat trump in 2020. and he won, well , so-called gambling that they should enter the competition with this option, but the options they are better, and this gap has also arisen in the party itself, and those who are, for example, the opponents of the gaza war, the opponents of israel, well, those who are dissatisfied with biden's performance, or the young people under the age of 30 who are extremely dissatisfied with biden's performance, they definitely want that one person someone else will replace biden, but okay. the atmosphere is like this in the democratic party and there are these gaps in relation to the accusation cases that mr. trump filed, only one case has been convicted so far with 34 accusations, which was his easiest case. that is, the case of financial issues and the right to remain silent that he gave in new york. important files that the case of january 6 and the attack on the congress and
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the case of interference in the elections in the state of georgia are still pending and may not be resolved before the election. it means that those cases may not be concluded before the election and there are very important and serious issues, but the voters are finally faced with these two options. finally, tell me your conclusion about the upcoming elections in america and the continuation of the debates , which direction do you think it will go? well , before the second debate, which is on september 10, we have to wait for the convention of the democratic party to see the atmosphere of the democratic party in the remaining month. which direction will it go? will mr. biden agree to abandon the so-called candidacy and be replaced by another person? i am not very sure , that is, i give the possibility that the space will go in a direction, maybe mr. biden again. continue, this is really not clear now, maybe we have to wait for a few more days or weeks. if he remains as the candidate of the democrats, then we
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will have this close competition between biden and trump until november , and it depends a lot because the distance between them is close. now , in the average polls published by p site , mr. trump is ahead by 1.4, that is, with all this the problems that mr. biden has in terms of old age are trump. the distance is close. this point is also very important . the reason why the so-called difference between them is so close in the polls is that mr. trump did not increase his votes compared to 2020. this means that these are the republicans who are strongly in favor. the point is that the votes and biden's fans have decreased due to the dissatisfaction that exists in the democratic party itself and among the independents, that is, mr. biden, if he wants to hand over the elections, he will not hand them over to trump , but to himself, and that he could not. those people who voted for him in 2020
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should be persuaded to vote for him again, that's why he has to correct his problems and increase his popularity in these 5 months, otherwise he will face problems in the upcoming elections. another short question comes to my mind, one is to tell me whether the party should be the decision maker or not. the democrats can persuade him to stay or go . mr. biden has to decide this, that is, because he has the power to do so, yes, because he lost in the primary elections and those sentiments they are committed that until he resigns, the democratic party cannot choose another candidate according to the law, but because of the aristocratic influence that a person like biden has on a person like obama, if they want something to happen. the senior members of the so-called democratic party will satisfy him and this will happen in a friendly atmosphere. they cannot be forced
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. the final point and conclusion of his highness is about the voting method in america. what is the story, what is the summation and what should be done we know that yes, the presidential election system in america is such that it is the electoral colleges that determine it, but in what way? electoral colleges are like points, which means we each have 53,535 electoral colleges in all 50 states. each state has so-called electoral colleges depending on its population, for example , a state with a large population like california has 54 electoral colleges, the total of these electoral colleges, any candidate who reaches 270, i.e. 50 plus one electoral college, wins the election. and in such a way that the law that wienertik aleh means any person who even
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if he wins a state with a difference of one vote , he will take all the points of the electoral colleges of that state. for example, in a place like california, maybe mr. biden will get 4 million votes, and mr. trump will get 3 million votes because he he got 3 million votes and no electoral college will be allocated to him. and all those 54 electoral colleges will be given to mr. biden and the winner, and for example , it is the same in other states, that is, in a state like texas, where the republican will win, mr. biden will not get an electoral college if he gets 2 million votes. and in general, it is the electoral colleges that show which candidate can win, for this reason, because we have some states that are traditionally republican and some are democratic , there are about seven states where the competition is very close and competitive. there are those who determine who will win the election, and for this reason, the two candidates focus a lot on those states, and their election campaigns and
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revenue discussions are focused on those states so that they can make the election results their own. very well, thank you very much, mr. houshmand thank you for accepting our invitation. the speaker of the us house of representatives called for the removal of biden from the presidency. mike johnson considered biden's situation dangerous for america. an election with trump has worried the democrats and they are looking for his replacement. french parliamentary elections will be held tomorrow. the french president had requested early elections. the request came after the far-right party
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was defeated in the european union parliamentary elections. the french tomorrow, you have to choose one from among moderate, extreme right or extreme left accounts to choose the recent rains in the indian capital broke the 88-year record and caused a lot of damage. it rained 236 mm in one night in new delhi. the movement of cars in the capital was different in the situation that citizens do not have electricity in many areas. after collision a car crashed into a beauty salon in new york, killing at least 4 people and injuring 10. according to the police, the car stopped at the end of the salon and caused a lot of damage. more than 150 firefighters and paramedics were dispatched to the scene, but four people died. and the injured were taken to the hospital with serious injuries were transferred following the fire in the forests of the state of arizona, the authorities of the state
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continue to protect scottdale, and the efforts of the firefighters to contain it have been unsuccessful. forests in the mountainous region of fresnocounty in the state of california also caught fire. this fire, which started due to electricity , has also damaged radio and television receivers. researchers. humanoid robots with silicone skin do not sweat and heal wounds, but researchers from the university of tokyo have created a movement similar to a natural smile by gelatinizing the tissue and smoothing it in the robot's cavities. this the researchers say that their next goal is to investigate the possibility of repairing the robot's skin. the metro safiye subway car
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is made of carbon fiber. it was unveiled in qingdao, china. due to its lightness, stro is effective in reducing energy consumption and is more stable and advanced compared to normal wagons. the invasion of the occupying forces to another safe area in qadha. in a sudden attack, the israeli vehicles attacked the tents of al-mawassi area, as a result of which dozens of people were martyred and injured. hasbi allah and naam al-wakil. the time of the northern areas of the gaza strip is also the target. repeated attacks
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by the zionist regime, including dozens of people in different areas of gaza city were martyred in today's heavy rains. also, media sources reported the attack on the al-brij camp in the center of the gaza strip and the martyrdom of at least 4 people. ministry of health.


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