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tv   [untitled]    June 30, 2024 3:30am-4:00am IRST

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and his request to pursue him as the middle east arab-african deputy during the first term of mr. rouhani's presidency, and this also showed how important this area of ​​african-arab, especially west-asian arab, was to shahid soleimani, which caused him to exert pressure on himself. at least he should be at ease from this area because he has complete trust. at the same time, they put the field at the service of diplomacy and diplomacy at the service of the field, and that's why this duality did not form during his period, because basically in his personality, both of these were resolved. it was one of
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the most important achievements that, in my opinion, dr amir abdullahian has a direct role in the coordination and synergy of diplomacy and the field, which , in recent years, especially this duality, in my opinion, has been made false, as if diplomacy and the field are two things that cannot be combined, when, well, personally , in terms of science and opinion oh, and i will even say about a description that was said about the prophet of islam, that the prophet created the qur'an, they said that the prophet's morals were the qur'an, the qur'an was embodied, mr. dr. ahmadi abdullahian , his diplomacy was
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resistance . it was active what those related to whether it was resistance or non-resistance, with the west, with the east , with africa, with latin america, with everywhere, but you could see that he himself is an individual with a culture of love for resistance, and he has made this his priority in his daily work, the field of diplomatic activity in the turbulent region of west asia. or jumping into the heart of a battle that did not have much prestige and the usual leisure activities of diplomats in it. but hossein did not blame anyone for coming, nor did he complain to anyone when they asked for his excuse. he had a reticence that made him not contaminate his service and a politeness that did not blame anyone for detaining him from service. he is really oppressed and he is hajj and hayashm. who
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didn't show himself in the act of busying himself and showing what he was doing, maybe his character was not known until the moment of his testimony . we face many adversities, especially in my work. his morals, but he was able to spend all this time with his good character, saiya sadr , a collection of sincerity, purity, modesty, fairness, ethics, and what is interesting is that these qualities, which apparently have nothing to do with the expertise of diplomacy. they had artistically put it in the service of diplomacy and
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this had greatly increased their productivity and their success. to work with him, mr. amir abdollahian, even with the enemy who was talking, he spoke openly and politely and proudly. he was a great diplomat. at the same time, it was revolutionary. the islamic revolution has seen less diplomats in this level. next order, program review and eligibility. he is the proposed minister of the ministry of foreign affairs, but 4 years after asking ajr hossein from the ministry of foreign affairs, it was this ministry that favored him.
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never feel the need to consult with others. it happened that at the very beginning of his work , he started to form a think-tank board of the ministry of foreign affairs. first , when he got busy in the ministry of home affairs, he invited us to create a think tank next to the ministry of foreign affairs and help in the decision-making of the ministry of foreign affairs. we all sat together today and we exchange opinions and so on. therefore , our political views are not the same and this we were presenting our proposals to the honorable minister, i remember one time when we were talking to him about what is your goal with this think tank, he said, "i want to gain access
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to the thoughts of the country's elite society, sir . we should forget the elites outside the government. be used more. therefore, this think tank can become a consensus place where different elites of the country express themselves and i can actually benefit from their opinions. this delegation made the first proposal for brics membership. which was done and we became members during his lifetime. second item. there was the issue of the south and antarctica. in this delegation, he proposed this issue, which he sent to the supreme leader, and recently, with his order, it was decided that we
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should establish a scientific research base in antarctica. this was one of the things that this delegation did. that's all i remember about you. his last meeting was here, and he really encouraged us, and he was with the same feeling and character that he had and with the same kindness that, like most of the professors who are in the delegation, were his professors , and he really believed in goodness, character, and goodness. bavar said that i am waiting for your report every wednesday and
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i will read your report with interest and send it to high officials. i hope in line with balanced foreign policy and dynamic active diplomacy. and the smart 13th government will be able to have consultations and dialogues with peers in the regulation and development of foreign relations with all regions of the world and targeted countries. the late minister emphasized that the foreign policy should be diverse, balanced and all-rounded, that we should expand the portfolio of diplomacy and foreign relations, as the famous saying goes , and not limit it to a specific region or country, mr. amir abdullahian. to he brought up the title of grand strategy of foreign policy, which
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was also approved by shahid raisi, this foreign policy is balanced . in one place, you see the policy of looking to the east or paying attention to asia. in one place, you see the coordination of maidan and diplomats, or the integration of maidan and diplomats. in one place, you see the attention to multilateralism. you can see the main problem of kishreh in one place: lack of focus on one part of the world, a geographical point of the world , saudi arabia, central asia, pakistan, relations of about 60 the percentage of our economic relations has expanded. it is not a coincidence that
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they have had tremendous success in this short period of thirty months. solving the problem of our dispute with saudi arabia and also occupying our place in the south pole. if we want the foreign policy that he left behind for the islamic republic of iran in these thirty-three months , it was a dynamic , intelligent multilateralist foreign policy. in this format , there is no opportunity, whether it is a diplomatic opportunity, a field opportunity , an opportunity in the neighborhood, or a regional opportunity. international opportunity, both east and west opportunities . in fact, he did not settle for the national interests of the country. he had become a minister and he
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was more busy than ever. but if he could, even in this situation , he would have accepted the request of others. not as a job, but as a task. i requested that you, mr. doctor, can come here and give us a lesson. immediately i saw that they were inclined. in order for this relationship to be established , i gave them an explanation before that, in any case, in our academic environment, we want you to be here. even though i knew that they were very busy, their coming to the college was a big change, both mentally and in terms of the trip, their attitude towards international relations issues . it was about a month ago that i told them that if they were allowed please let me get your documents so that as a member of the permanent faculty of the faculty
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of law and political sciences of tehran university, you will become an academic member. mr. doctor said that i have until this ministry, i don't want any margin to be created for the system, as if i am abusing my ministry. i met him, the memory of the man of the battlefields is alive in his heart and in operation. sadiq's promise is more of a turning point of coordination and synergy of diplomacy to the field in operations. sadiq's promise, whether before the operation or during the operation, is one of the turning points of our foreign policy that we were able to manage the crisis on the night of the attack. to the iranian consulate , the national security council had convened a meeting and that
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an answer should be given. well, the irgc had announced that we are ready, because it was asked , "are you ready?" they said, "we are ready within 3 hours , that is, we can request this very night, mr. dr. amir abdullahan." you did a diplomatic job in order to be able to prepare the public opinion of the world, they first carried out the operation , well, you know, in any case , they wanted to compensate for their failure in some way, that is, the defeat of the zionist regime, they wanted to be compensated in some way for free, and when seeing that iran is determined to start threatening us, starting to threaten that war will happen and we will fight, and starting with these words, well, for our military, we knew that these are the words they are saying. bigger than their mouths , they don't have the courage, they don't have the ability , but look at our language, dear foreign minister.
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we were not on the side of the reckoning with them , but they had an argument in their mouths, the israelis were raising an argument that if iran responds, it wants to attack the civilian areas of israel and attack israel's infrastructure, i.e., power plants, water treatment centers, gas, and the americans. letter writing. the zionist regime also sent a message through turkey saying that now that you want to do this, do it lightly. see, if these messages happened with fear and trembling and with a trembling voice, they would not switch from threats to begging. they had explained that we did not go to civilian areas we do not want to attack. we don't want to attack the basement either. we want to two or three goals to several goals. how many military targets were involved in this crime ? these are the few targets that
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did this. they attacked these for 12 days. they are under complete stress and heavy pressure. the news we have is more than accurate news from the hospitals. the diet of more than 19,000 people, nearly 20,000 people, due to pressure. on the stress of visiting the hospitals after this operation and the nervous pressure came to them, see, this was all because of this introduction by shini, exactly when you do you want to hit one like this? you prepare it, he says, come on, finish it, put our mind at ease, but for 12 days, they feel that they are eating every moment, and they are tolerating the pain of having this. hit somewhere, for example, because they said no, we didn't come here, let's play here
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, we want to this insolent regime. they contacted sardar salami again and martyred amir abdullahian he called and told him that they are sending a message that we will solve the ceasefire issue, you should not attack. israel gave this message, and he said a cold greeting to them , and he conveyed this message correctly. grant that this peace will be established, we will make light of it. they were excited. they immediately called us to tell us how many days we have. we told them to tell us how many more hours you don't have. how many hours did they want ? they will take it to mirai, and in fact, it will go to negotiations and these discussions, which is iran
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his position was not this, it was a heavy diplomatic task, he even threatened at times. with the energy that came from the position and determination of the leader , they translated the decisive message of the leader very well diplomatically and conveyed this message. in any case, see that night, billions of people in the world were all awake waiting for this incident. kurd, i want to say that the operation of true promise, if it becomes a global operation at the level of the distinguished revolution , we owe it to our loved ones in the ministry of foreign affairs and to them, the martyred martyr amirab
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. to vahdat was honest about what unique events happened in the international scene, when both iran showed its effective role in diplomacy and even in the field of supporting the palestinian nation, and mr. doctoran was able to use a form of diplomacy in the united nations and in international forums in the region. it should follow that iran entered into a war and there was no war with israel. honestly, he did a good job and he was one of the first people who finally congratulated us and sent us flowers and phoned us right away . the previous ones were getting worried and you saw that they said that they would be destroyed by an iranian bomb. whatever
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we told them, they did not accept that they are not capable of such a thing, they do not have the courage to do so. there is no possibility, but he believed that martyr amir abdollahian was the minister of foreign affairs at the level of the islamic revolution, and finally that bitter day came. relief group.
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we blew, they saw that we were the claimants of the first trip . we all know that for years the arrogant world tried to make the islamic republic of iran hateful to the people of the world, blacken it and make it appear isolated. testimony he showed what luck is happening in the world from the islamic republic. you know , many american theoreticians
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are very sensitive about how the islamic republic, which we thought was an isolated and hated country, has become a popular and attractive movement in the world today. just take a look at the delegations that came to iran after the martyrdom for the appeasement ceremony of more than 70 countries , representatives of more than 6 billion people came to the world, which means 75% of the population. where in the world from latin america will they take their own private plane to our ceremony, the distance between the ceremony is martyrdom was not a day at all, not 24 hours, but
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they all delivered themselves. that for the presidents and for the president and the foreign minister and their companions who were martyred in this incident , almost most of the international organizations observe a minute of silence in respect of our president and the foreign minister. we stand up, they stand up
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, they are respected and at high levels and even countries that have no relationship with iran for more than 40 years. passengers and to present its condolences and sympathy to their families and the people of the islamic republic of iran. in haji. it was an unprecedented amount, and it was something that finally made the americans to take a serious reaction, which
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brought the us foreign minister to trial, the us senator , mr. tesgroves, why did you offer condolences, that is, america is forced to offer condolences, but the foreign minister says that we expressed our condolences. he wanted to justify mr. raisi in this way. i want you to see that this is the first time in history that the un security council has declared silence. this has never happened before . so many presidents have said this. you have not had 190 countries in the world. you should go and look at the history. you see, the un general assembly declares a minute of silence, this is unprecedented. seyed ebrahim raisi paid tribute to the martyr president of the islamic republic of iran, ayatollah seyed ebrahim raisi , for the third time at the united nations.
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it was over and they were lighthouses that showed the way morally anyway. he supported me with diplomacy with powerful authority for 3 years, milking me
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out of my mouth. i was innocent, i was oppressed , i was in solitary confinement for 5 years because i was from the system i defend and served the islamic republic. he stood at my feet with all the power that was available to him from the system and supported him in every way . he followed up so much, so heartily. shabal rooz accepted my son, my family accepted me, and finally he was able to. i wanted to come to visit him at all . i couldn't come from his grave . i look at the pictures when i go in the morning or at night . they don't believe mr. president. amir abdullah is not in our building now.
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when i come in the morning, i say, mr. amir abdullah , you are not in our building right now, you are not here, this is the door i look down at the security guard and say, "hey , i'm looking to see if this door opens or not, and i still can't believe that it's not him."
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makes i will put tandis brake pads on your car with itself , because it is not disco, the right choice of modern tandis brake pads. in the name of allah, the merciful. in a message of condolence for the martyrdom of ayatollah raisi, the head of the presidency appreciated the presence of the people at the polling booths. mr. mokhbar is also from various political groups, dispatch authorities, those involved in holding elections, especially the ministry of interior, the guardian council.


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