tv [untitled] July 3, 2024 4:30am-5:00am IRST
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chamet kord is a field for business in the country in various fields for entrepreneurs, for those who are hardworking and hardworking. we have 512 home jobs. in the past years, the license of these home businesses sometimes took up to 8, 9 months to be issued. now 95% of home business licenses are issued openly. the approach supported by president shahid in the 13th government of home businesses increased the share of this area in the business environment. in 1401, we were able to reach 10% of the country's employment by creating 13 thousand jobs, and this year, for 1402, our goal is our investment was 15% share with 150,000 and that 's how i managed to get a loan. anyway , they gave us 150 million loans to develop the workshop, so that we can buy equipment and the children can
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work at home, which was supposed to be done in 1402 15 behnaz qudsi of sed and sima news agency , according to the statistics of the system, this field exceeded the expected number by registering 220,000 licenses. yes. several important events happened in the field of home businesses in this government, as well as broadcasting in this clip, shahid raisi himself in the meetings of the supreme council of ishtreh emphasized this issue . let me explain that we have an idea to look at small and home-based businesses . an attitude is that small businesses and spending at home is not important for them , it does not lead to economic growth in the economy, but this attitude
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was not accepted at all in the government of shahid raisi , home businesses are both low-cost, high-yield, quick to open, and can provide at least an average income stream for the family. in these three years , what is the share of domestic employment in the country's employment sector? how many percentages is approximately the average share of domestic employment from the total employment in the government of shaheed raisid to ten. let me give you a number. in 14021, 3 thousand billion tomans were considered as impacts for the field of household appliances. in 1402, 4 billion and 800 billion were considered. 48 thousand billion tomans were considered. in 1403, which we are in now , 5 thousand billion tomans were considered. actually.
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it has been considered that this increase in credits in the field of home businesses and on the other hand the reduction of the time for issuing permits means that more credits were paid to the home workers and the permits were issued quickly in an instant and registration-oriented manner. it is being exported, this caused the desire and enthusiasm of economic activists and the production of domestic producers to increase in the field of household goods. 80 is a significant number. 80% of the licenses and 80% of the credits in the field of domestic problems are given to women, which means that it is as if this is a special field for women, which has received special attention in this government . another measure was also taken seriously in the field of labor market development. the problem of having mashalkhanas, and they still have them now, but it has become less, is that they say, well, where should we produce, where should we sell, because it is necessarily someone who produces at home. it is because the shop does not have the
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market, the physical development of the market, more than 1,500 seasonal and permanent markets were only launched in 1401 and 1402. recently , the ministry of labor has launched a project in cooperation with the ministry of labor, which is now in the experimental stage. about 100 bakeries are being tested . it was opened just two weeks ago, and uniform shelves will be placed in the home producers of the same neighborhood by signing a contract with the bakery, which is completely two-way between themselves and their products. sell it there god willing , it will expand nationally in the next few months. another measure that took place in the field of home businesses was the development of sales of home businesses with virtual platforms . and from that place, like basalam
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, like rubika, these are the famous ones, mr. doctor, in home jobs, don't you feel that we are divided, because you see, now, for example, the foundation, for example , the welfare cooperative, the aid committee, now there is the issue of employment in the irgc, they are all helping each other. they are giving you a job now villages, cities, and different provinces are starting to strengthen. sometimes you see a person going to two places to get training, and the important thing is that these facilities are not targeted, i mean in the jobs we need. it is one thing that we need to take all these things in one format in a purposeful and managed manner . for a very precise point, the law has devised this
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issue. i say categorically that the law was not taken seriously before the administration of shahid raisi. it is arranged that a secretariat under the title the secretariat of the headquarters for organizing and supporting home jobs should be established in the ministry of labor. before this government , the meeting of this secretariat was not taken seriously at all, but we organized at least four or more meetings of mashalkhangi secretariat
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. all these devices that you have mentioned, in the form of this secretariat, now , arranging credits, making policies , etc., credits only happen through the secretariat. all of them are members of its secretariat, the ministry of position, the ministry of heritage, the ministry of jihad, the relief committee itself, the organization itself, which is completely targeted, one of the most fortunate events, this supervision that you you see, for the first time, the minister of economy and the minister of labor have jointly notified the governors of the directives for monitoring domestic jobs, that is, monitoring allocation of credits to people in the field of home businesses came to the top of the priorities of the province and to issue a directive that these credits finally have the minimum deviation . there is a characteristic of credits in the field of support institutions and home businesses, contrary to
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these and contrary to the general mentality that i mentioned, that is an attitude. who is not looking for jobs and is not at home, injects this into the society of education. the field of home businesses and support institutions such as emdad barkat kam behzaizi organization and the builders of the construction package, and these have the least number of copies and the least deviation . go and compare the number of deviations of very large construction jobs with the number of deviations of small constructions. you see, mr. doctor , we have to prioritize here as well. let's manage, let's take this purposefully on the way. the development of the memory of the hayat tayyaba foundation, the scholars of the islamic world , you can almost say that they coordinated all of these and put them under one roof and brought home businesses under one roof, and all this space that we want to manage in home businesses.
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they did and signed an agreement with the ministry of labor, this means going to seman and getting help from people's organizations. let me correct it. in a previous episode , i said that it takes 11 months for the license of free and independent technical and vocational schools . i was wrong. this number was 8 months in the previous government . let's correct it to ensure fairness. thank you. see, to solve this problem, we have a literature in the home business law under the title. household support. who is the support of the home torch? that is, the person who leads the production chain , from identification, skill training to sales undertakes under the support, a number of independent people are engaged in the production of household torches. this
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support person, whether he is a lady or a man, is also responsible for selling products. one , we forced 50% in notification 1402. it should be allocated to the area of supporters so that both the deviation comes down and the problem of selling them is solved in the relationship, that is, in fact, institutions like the foundation are managing this space. similar to this model , we have it in welfare, we have it in mobilization for construction , we have it in the relief committee, and we have it in the domestic work law under the title of support, so that someone can see this issue. another issue that actually monitors and implements the entire value chain of home businesses is the supply cooperatives. what does the county cooperatives mean? a provincial cooperative is formed among them. these provincial cooperatives are forming a union of cooperatives to supply the country's needs
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in the field of heavy machinery . what is good about this pattern? the good thing about this model is that, firstly, the cooperative model is the best and most desirable mode of sharing economic benefits between zainafan cooperative ie. it is important to contribute in a cooperative. no, yes, it is important to work in a cooperative. in a cooperative, it is only important to bring money. my opinion is that the cooperative model is both more islamic and in accordance with the culture of our country . this is more important than the government coming along. the government can't do anything else in this area except to monitor the deviation. we have formed 31 cooperatives for the needs of home businesses in the country in these three years
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. i hope it fell in a few months in the future, now that the provincial cooperatives are formed , it is time for the national union of cooperatives to meet the needs to be formed, god willing, and that is the complete chain that you gave as an example. well-being and the basij construction organization, we have the same model and the government supported this model a lot. well
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, we discussed almost everything that was needed about domestic problems. i want to talk about the slogan of the year, but before that, the report. colleagues prepare to see each other again we are at your service. young people should play a role in the production process in the country. playing a role, this is done when it is felt that the work is valuable. this is another point about the issue of people's participation in production. well, we said how does the jump in production happen with people's participation. now, imagine a person who wants to participate in the production leap, how to participate, that
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should be taught to him. this is what i mean. one of the important duties of the officials is to consider the areas of people's presence and people's participation in production in production work. explain and prepare the fields now one is cooperative, for example, the creation of production cooperatives , one is helping with household chores, one is helping with manual work, one is helping to create knowledge-based companies , and of course there is another point that is related to the government , now bank loans are also directed. today, of course, this is not the case. most of
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the bank loans and bank facilities should be directed towards production, which bank officials should pay attention to. well, the slogan of the year is the leap in production with the participation of the people. when i give an explanation, when we have the slogan of the year. as determined by hazrat agha, in fact, we have a kind of strategic narration in any case, the government decides to adjust its governance system in that direction. and wherever we are talking about the people and the presence of the people , it means that we want to solve the country's major issues outside of the government. anyway, how can i say the socialization of the country's major issues, this is separate from the issue of employment in general from the base it is very important that we also have to assess the capacity and prioritize and divide the tasks
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. you also said in the previous program that you have a special program for the slogan of the year. what did you do in the ministry of home affairs? what is going to happen now? what happened in the past 3 months, god willing, may the intercession of mr. shahid raisi include our situation , the government of shahid raisi was truly a people's government, a government among the people and for the people, none of the measures that we took in the field of employment and entrepreneurship, let alone in the employment meetings what other meetings that were followed by the government, he always emphasized the role of the people. in fact, with his revelation , you can see that he was always among the people, and more than him only in the year 1401, in the first year of his government, 37 having a provincial trip and traveling to some provinces 6 times in terms of everyone's popularity, i would like to ask
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if it is possible for a government that is popular , with a popular president, whose members are popular , and not have a plan for this field. this year, when hazrat agha decided the slogan for the year, which actually determines the general direction, the delegation immediately the government passed a resolution of the cabinet with one or two months of detailed expert work. in the secretariat of the government board, it was communicated to all the institutions that what each institution should do for the production leap with the participation of the people and set the task. it was the first time that this government did so much quickly to ensure and reach the goals of the slogan of the year of action, we always had the slogan of the year, but the
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road map and this became the operational road map, not just the general ones . specified facing in fact, he divided, that is, he himself wrote the executive regulations for himself, for example, in the ministry of cooperatives, dr. mortazavi immediately communicated the transformation document and the production leap assignment document with the participation of the people to the sub-committee that every deputy of every organization should do what you need to do every month. according to a
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system in the ministry of labor, i will give an example ministry of home affairs. with the emphasis of mr. minister, an online system has been launched, which is tracking the percentage of progress of the tasks of fulfilling the slogan of the year online, from the planning center of the ministry of labor, from the vice-presidents and organizations, but i would like to say a few things about the tasks for the ministry of labor cooperation and welfare. social media was notified and what duties were assigned to him . a major burden was placed on our shoulders, one of which was the establishment of job-creating public bases , which was approved by the supreme council of employment, and shahid raisi himself emphasized on its implementation. in the year 1403
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, let's start a job-creating people's base. what is the job-creating people's base? it is a base in which the issue of skill training, the issue of licensing and financing for starting a business in the form of a cooperative is pursued, which for the first time in this government last year, approximately about 200 people's bases were set up for the realization of the slogan of the year, which includes the cooperative format that hazrat agha said, as well as participation and production jump . knowledge base is necessary for the leap of production and people's participation in line with this task, the problem of reducing the unemployment rate significantly. the work of the graduates has been included as part of our duties, the deputy of employment itself, which means that no matter how much the share of graduates in the labor market
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increases, this means the development of knowledge, this means that the leap in production will also happen at the same time . what did we do ? now, in the three months that you mentioned, what happened in the field of student unemployment? a number of causes of the supreme council of employment were announced. for the first time , the government of shahid raisi has 25% of the share of created employment as you know that the promise to the people that one million jobs will be created every year and by the grace of god they have fulfilled their promise with accurate and validated statistics, i can report to you this year for the first time in line with the realization of our slogan of the year. we forced 25% of the share of created employment to be in the field of graduates, this number is a very significant number, because only during the past years, at most 78% of the share of
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created employment was for graduates , for example, to realize this in the contracts agency of the ministry of economy in cooperation with the ministry of economy in order to provide education, priority is given to graduates or employers, and i want you to see that in this 3-month period, the percentage of progress in our monitoring system is ahead of last year, by the grace of god, and in the field of educational vacancies, this is the same doctor, because we have very little time. we don't have time until the end of the program. one of them is the discussion of the document to realize the slogan of the year now, or to compile it instead of producing it with the participation of the people. now , how exactly do you monitor
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? do you receive a report every month that they are proceeding exactly according to the plan? i did my planning center only ministry of labor i would like to inform you that the planning center of the ministry of labor has an online system that can be accessed 24 hours a day by the internal system of the ministry of labor. because in every meeting of the council of deputies, at the first of every meeting of the council of deputies , the order of the minister, the percentage of progress of the approvals and the realization of the slogan of the year is read, which deputy is behind, which organization is ahead, it means that you are so strict. the ministry of labor was presented. we achieved about 15 advanced tasks in our own assignments . okay, one more question that was raised in the questions. regarding the issue of legal foreign press, how do they get
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permission now, in what fields can they get permission, even if the employment of foreign press is completely legal and has its own procedure and there is no problem, we are now in the government of mr. raisi. . the whole process of employment permit for foreign nationals is online, that is, before, you used to go to the employment offices of legal foreign nationals . what do we call legal? a person who has a residence permit in the country, and a person who does not have a residence permit in the country, is not subject to the granting of a job permit at all. previously, in front of the pages work departments. we had a long list of foreign nationals who, in order for their books to be stamped, all this money is collected in these permits . see in which fields they are given in all fields
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. we have two models for granting foreign permits. in fact, it requests that i work for a certain employer and their license is renewed year by year. another situation is that large foreign companies import skilled workers into the country, both cases. by referring to the systems of the ministry of work , it can be fully realized and strict monitoring is being done for it, and the eye document how do you evaluate the outlook for 1403 until the end of the year? well, according to the slogan that mr. shahid raisi gave to the people, this year we also pursued the issue of realizing one million jobs. according to the national code, what kind of job is offered to whom at what point and with what service is being monitored by the ministry of labor
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. there was also a meeting of the supreme council of employment, where every progress of our provinces and institutions in the government of martyr raisi was more than 160. one thousand billion tomans was paid for the field of employment, only for education, and a significant jump in the field of employment, i will just say that what i said was a payment, it was finally paid, and in this field , alhamdulillah, i had a significant jump, and in the field of education , in our field of education as well. we had the progress of the technical and vocational education organization, both the technical and vocational teachers of the ministry of education and the technical and vocational education faculties of the ministry of science, alhamdulillah , have carried out extensive and significant transformational measures , the result of which is what you see. thanks to god, the unemployment of faragh students was also reduced.
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excellent, thank you very much. i want to talk about article 44 because we need to pay attention to it, but we have run out of time. if you can shorten it to 30 seconds, i would be very grateful . they were with employment , they were effective in realizing the slogans that we had. here , i also invite the dear people of my country, god willing , on the 15th day of july, god willing , determine the foundations of your destiny , god willing, the same path as it is with more strength and power. keep it up, thank you very much mr. mahmoud karimi pinaunand, deputy minister of employment , labor cooperation and social welfare, thank you very much for your visit and explanation, and we are especially grateful for your presence and companionship with the first page tonight. peace be upon you. god bless you
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5:00 am
in the name of allah, the most high, the most high, at 5:00 am , the spokesperson of the country's election headquarters said that those who did not participate in the first round of the presidential election can also vote in the second phase of the election . cast into the box and participate in the elections in a different place and region from the first stage. spokesperson of the headquarters the election also said that in
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