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tv   [untitled]    July 5, 2024 2:30am-3:01am IRST

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presidents and those who have been working for the country for many years, perhaps i think that shanghai, which has been for two decades, applied for brics as well, but personally, i remember the days before brics. there was supposed to be speculation at that meeting whether they would introduce iran or not, and now i was following up with a series of journalists , i remember shahid raisi calling me many times on the phone with the per capita of the brics member countries, china, russia, india , especially, it is very important to emphasize if iran's membership is confirmed, this is an achievement in my opinion it is great that the series of foreign and farsi-language media at that time, before this membership was announced , said no, such a thing will not happen, yes, after it happened, it is not important to say, if the world is enough , you can search in latin on google the importance of brics in the new order. international, yes. naturally, these
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things take a long time to bear fruit, for example , it is not the jcpoa that if you lift the embargo , the bloc's money will become more severe in the country, and then you will bear the risk of having a double embargo again, but you will be a member of an agreement and an organization that the future, especially the country we don't remember 3 last year, the maximum pressure was on us. 3 years ago , it was believed that iran was going to be isolated . before, it was believed that the islamic republic should collapse. 3 years ago, it was believed that it would not be able to sell 100,000 barrels of oil, and would not be able to support its allies in the region. don't forget what conditions we were in 3 years ago, 4 years ago, and what conditions the 13th government was in. and this development is a very important development. we hope that this path will continue in the 14th government. in fact, the heritage will be preserved . we hope that this decree will be under him again.
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trump last week was held in a significant way the americans themselves say that biden was a loser . even now, evaluations and polls show that trump has debated better than before, to the point where it is even implied that he won at all. the possibility of trump's return to power in america is higher than ever before. what do you think about this story? yes , the probability of trump's return is very high in the polls , especially after the first debate, and trump's helpful point is that he should not be too weak, that is, one of his chances. what trump is trying to achieve is that biden is appearing in front of him very weak and many democrats are trying. they do that
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they should change their candidate today, i read that biden said no, i will not step down and many are now trying to create fear of trump, just like the speech that you said earlier, that fear of war was created in the country, there is a lot of fear of trump , more fear of trump is created. what can it mean now that biden has kept all the trump sanctions, what else can happen, well, it is the same discourse where you humiliate yourself by saying that something is going to happen, be careful if we are at the peak of trump's sanctions. we found survival when the international order he was an american, now that the transition has taken place in the international order, now the war in ukraine is the war in gaza , china's rivalry with the united states has expanded a lot, and naturally, trump can't have the effect he wanted to have on iran in the past, the same effect he was able to have on iran in 2008-2019. an
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international security researcher says that trump, who wants to come to power, with the current american , will no longer have the influence he had 4 years ago, 8 years ago. well, it's different, but it is if we want to compare, it won't be like 4 years ago, but there is a threat that i, as an expert, face. and i know that my mission is to warn . the threat is that we want to confront trump based on our speech 10 years ago. if we want to face someone who is threatening you in public speech, we will again talk about an agreement that is dead and failed. and he left it himself , he split it, he doesn't accept it, he doesn't want to go back to it, and we want to start again based on that discourse. let's revive the jcpoa so that the revival of the jcpoa
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will remove the shadow of jango from our heads so that we can face trump i really think these talks are useless and unfortunately they can even be dangerous. if we can expand the same procedure that we have taken now to weaken the sanctions and to communicate with aligned countries and find our own interests in other places, it is definitely trump. it will fail in front of us. thank you, mr. bazargan, for your presence in the world today and the diverse range of international issues that we were able to cover. well , now the second case of tonight's program is the holding of national elections to appoint parliament members. commons and the next british government, the results of polls show the defeat of the ruling party in this election, the conservatives are telling the story of the next government of england, while the results of all the polls
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show the historic defeat of the conservative ruling party, the right-wing party that has been in power in this country for 14 years and on five occasions. the leader of this party has changed the prime minister of this country, the last one being rishi senak. of course , i understand that difficulties have arisen for all people in recent years. the main rival of the conservative party is the other left-wing labor party, maslat party in this country. i think the economy should be returned to the main path and to the health crisis be dealt with but both parties show no promising program. the official reports of think tanks and parties in england showed that the next government will inherit crises, some of which, according to them , have reached the alarming limit, the number of patients waiting for treatment in british public hospitals has exceeded seven and a half million people, the increase in crimes and household poverty
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are also the highest. has registered now the state of the country is like after the war. it has become the second world. everything is messed up and everyone is looking for a fundamental change. instead of the government reducing people's taxes, corporate and rich people's taxes reduced the closeness of the views of the major british parties in supporting the israeli regime has caused a large number of people to turn away from them, despite widespread popular opposition. the leaders of the main british parties give political and military support to israel. and this is contrary to the will of the majority of the people and is anti-democratic according to the british parliamentary system, any party that can get the most seats in the house of commons of this country will be appointed to form the new government of this country , based on the results of all polls, the
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conservative ruling party in this country the election will suffer a hard defeat and the power will be forced to go to the rival party leave the labor party to mojtam qasimzadeh today british news agency is experiencing the early elections of london radio and television well, as you have noticed , there is a parliament to get the latest details about the holding of direct elections, we are going to london to talk to our reporter mr. mojtaba qasimzadeh mr. qasimzadeh hello hello , i am at your service, mr. ghasemzadeh , tell us about the holding of the election, when and how did it start and what is still going on. is the election ongoing or over? well, the general election in england is to be determined the members of the house of commons and the next government of this country
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started from 7:00 am local time, i.e. 9:30 iran time, in 40,000 voting stations in 650 constituencies of the four regions of this country, namely england, scotland, wales and northern ireland, and it continues until 10:00 pm. about 47 million people out of more than 68 million people of this country were eligible to vote, so we are probably in one or two hours until the end of voting . there is a problem with the preliminary results or the speculations based on the final polls. ask us. share yes, see as i said. up to 10 at night, that is, 30 minutes on friday morning, voting continues and after that, the counting of votes will begin immediately, and the result will be announced gradually, but the final result should be announced by saturday morning
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, but according to several polls of the conservative ruling party, approx. rou will win in this election period, while the other labor party , meslat , will win about 40% of the votes in this country. thus, the ruling labor conservative party has endured one of the heaviest defeats in the last 200 years, according to according to some media of this country, it will be forced after 14 years the power should successively hand it over to the left-wing labor party led by stormer and he will be appointed to form the next government on behalf of the shah, if
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these things that i have presented to you actually come true , mr. ghasemzadeh, starting this morning at 7:00 a.m. london time. since the elections have started, so far , there is a special point . differentiated from the previous periods, the issue of palestine is well , different groups of people from different religions and nationalities have been expressing their anger and disgust every week in london and other british cities for the past 9 months. the zionist regime and supporters of this regime expressed many times with different methods in addition to demonstrations , including the preparation of petitions. asking the british government to stop providing political, military, weapons and financial support
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to the zionist regime, but the conservative party, which is the ruling party in this country, actually rejected this request according to the civil institutions. and this angered the people and the people announced that they will take revenge on the conservative ruling party and other representatives who supported israel and ignored the rights of the palestinian people at the polls. took, and muslims created a campaign for this issue, based on which people vote for representatives and candidates who support the rights of palestinians. thank you, mr. ghasemzadeh, for the information you gave us about the british elections. well
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, we are mr. mustafa kamrani, an expert in english studies, in the studio of the news network. the minister and leader of the ruling conservative party decided to hold early elections now as if it were a gift he is giving it to the labor party sooner rather than later. what happened to this defeat that is likely to happen? nish sonek decided to hold early elections in the name of god. greetings to you and the viewers. maybe we should go back a bit when we want to follow up on this discussion. at the beginning, when the conservative party took power in 2000 , many crises are now caused by some of them and others. he is involved with it because of what is happening in the world. the first problem
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he deals with is the debt crisis, which happens in the framework of economic issues and as a result there are situations in scotland where they raise the issue of termism, even a referendum is held, but what happens in the end is that none of these issues prevent the conservative party from continuing its power. . one of the things that happens in the following years is that the conservative party decides to cover some of those domestic and economic debates by raising the issue of brexit and leaving the european union. in the continuation of that discussion, it will actually lead the society to a different direction to distract them from economic issues, in fact , the continuation of these adventures will end in various issues, including the brexit debate, but two fundamental things will happen. in fact, britain, which leads to this decrease in the popularity of the conservative party, is
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the first problem. yes, the first problem was the covid crisis that started in 2019, and britain at that time, under the leadership of mr. johnson , had one of the weakest managements of the corona virus in western europe. he was criticized by many and even the pressure caused him to resign due to the fact that at that time they had left corinth and the second case. there was also the issue of skyrocketing inflation, which happened in britain along with the energy crisis after the ukraine war, and caused in fact , many criticisms were made regarding the issue of household and energy consumption by the people and the cost of living . they will be in the last 200 years. considering this issue
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, what do you think rishi sunak got from the gamble he made? he added that what happened in the case of sanak was that his goal was that with this work, maybe batone is transferring his power right now , but the opinion was that he might be able to return this power again in the short term, so he doesn't want to shock you. in fact, in the british elections , we know that elections are held once every 5 years. in the new law , elections must be held unless the parliament is actually dissolved at the request of the prime minister, what happened just recently, rishi senak's opinion in this regard was that probably with the presence of the labor party and with the problems that this party actually faced in various discussions from including the discussion of the increase in living costs and the issue of inflation in the united kingdom and the issue of energy cannot continue, it is possible that another early election may be held even before the next 5 years , and at that time the labor conservative party can
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recover itself and come back in a recovered form. thank you very much. my final question is the short political future of england. how do you see this path? i said that in the previous point that there is a high probability that the conservative party will want to regain its position, but before this the labor party was a party that tried to achieve its goals and in fact its party manifesto. put it on the basis that it can win different votes from among the ethnic groups and in fact different minorities including muslims, but the performance of this party in the past in reality. the 7th of october and the attacks of the zionist regime, and the support it did not give to palestine led to the fact that it lost its base of votes that it had among some muslims, so what could happen is that we in the short term , we will see another parliamentary election again in the uk . thank you for your presence in the world. today, we
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want to go to london again, this time with mr. let's talk to ranjit brar, a political expert in england. mr. brar, the ipsos center recently published the results of its survey on the 5 main issues in which british citizens feel at risk : health issues, 41 economic concerns, 33 immigration concerns, 30 inflation, 29, and housing, 17 as the first question, why the issue of health has become such a challenge for the british people. unfortunately, we had successive policies from the conservative and labor governments in england, which caused
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the british health system in england. it is going to be paralyzed. first of all, the budget of this system has been weakened, and in addition to that, they have taken measures it has caused the poverty of the british health system, they have handed over parts of it to the private sector and this has caused many people to find it difficult to access the services of money . well, there are many budgets that are actually allocated. it is not allocated to the right place , there is a lot of money, for example , it is given to pharmaceutical companies and it
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does not perform the correct function it needs. we see that the whole system and the whole hospital are going into crisis in fact, we see a large number of elderly people in hospitals. there is no one to accompany them . it is because of the costs. well, the cost of accompanying them is probably heavy, and now. those english workers face problems when they face health problems , which means they cannot get the services they need properly. thank you for your explanation. in that list of challenges and concerns of the british people , after the state of the health system, the economy, immigration, inflation and housing
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, what is your assessment of these? what is the situation? well, we live in england. and england is probably the oldest imperialist system. they should make serving the people their priority. in fact, we now have a situation where the biggest, in fact, the majority of people in england
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are living in poverty, i mean, they have financial problems , we have students who go to school hungry every day, we have a lot of people who are unemployed, and we we don't have enough jobs, so the people and class. the workers in the world's largest and oldest imperialist system are in poverty, they have no work, and their government is trying to do what it actually does in such a way that it takes money from catch people and take money out of their pockets. the costs of energy bills, water and electricity bills, telephone bills and such things are very high. in fact, a heavy burden on the people. imposes and when we live in this system, a system whose leaders
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have no plan to help the common people and the common male class of their population, well these things happen, now we have the banking crisis in this country and we see that in england there is always a crisis behind there is a crisis and the governments change, for example, we had the brexit crisis and the poverty crisis. people and the working class, the cost of living crisis and then the conflict what has happened with russia now, well, now the ukraine war with russia has put russia against england in a way, and it has become a new problem for us and all of us. say that your problems with the rest of the world are not our problems. if you have a problem anywhere , you have a problem with another country , you have a problem internally, you have to solve this problem yourself, not let us pay for it, and we now
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have many minorities in england , pakistani, indian minorities and others. and the british authorities to instead of doing something to solve the problems , they create conditions for all of these minorities to face each other , face the majority and actually create a problem between the population instead of trying to solve it with unity and solidarity. solve the problems. well, in fact, we have groups in england, they really cannot benefit from the facilities and rights that are provided for them legally. thank you, we are less than. i have a final question for you, as an observer who is inside england , how much difference do you see in practice between the two main parties, labor and conservative, which have been in power for decades?
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there is almost no change between them. my answer is that this is what i was once in the party. this politician told me that you cannot make any difference between these and that you cannot separate them even with a piece of paper, as they are so close to each other, he meant that they have close and similar positions and actions. they do and we now , mr. starmer. although now it is said that he will probably win the election, but even if something special happens to him, if
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sanak's roots continue, something special will happen. real crisis it is that now there are fewer and fewer people who participate and actually hope for the future of their country and they are actually the people who want the leaders to reduce the pressure on the people and think more about humanity and raising the standard of living of the people. mr. brar, thank you for being in this conversation. well, we are coming to the end of today's world program . good night, god bless you.
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3:00 am
in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, the invitation of the taqlid authorities to the enthusiastic participation of the people in the second phase of the presidential election, the verses of makarem shirazi, nuri hamdani, javadi ameli and sobhani in the messages separately, they asked the people of iran to have a large and hostile presence in the second phase of the presidential election. ayatollah makarem shirazi asked everyone to complete the half-finished job and fulfill their religious and social duty in determining the fate of the society by electing a faithful and worthy person for the important position of the presidency. ayatollah nouri hamdani as well.


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