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tv   [untitled]    July 5, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm IRST

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the eternal name of the country, the hope of the country, sing in the sky like a seal.
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everyone with the same name shows the difference of every color and language. everyone with the same name shows the difference of every color and language. everyone is happy and cheerful. the strength of young iran is the essence of iran .
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sellers are like the sea and like a strong mountain of iran , the land of honor and the cradle of dignity and the beginning . live and honor the proud flag of iran , your noble soil is imprisoned, your holy name is my cry, this is your seal with all the foundations of ira, it seems to me to be love. zalal is your link. that the world has become dull, the glory of my soul is sacrificed
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for the courage of my child's heart. o patient hero of iran until the day of resurrection.
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the best choice for the future of islamic iran all over the world and of course for the next four years with these ballot boxes and the votes you cast, let's go to the ministry of interior, mr. eslami. i greet you . we are waiting for the latest announcement greetings, respect , respect, service. ms. emami , dear viewers, dear media colleagues based in the country's election headquarters. i am the notification number 22 of the election headquarters of the country to summon the honorable people of iran i read in addition to thanking the honorable nation for always being in the stage of islamic iran and appreciating all the hands involved in holding the second phase of the 14th presidential election. in cities
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all over the country, it informs about the received calls regarding the request to extend the voting period again. with the approval of the honorable minister of the interior , voting will be extended for another 2 hours, i.e. until 10:00 p.m. taken and that's it long queues in different provinces. in various cities of our country, the voting period was extended for another 2 hours, that is, until 10:00 p.m., and according to the announcement of the guardian council, in this period of elections, which is the second round of the 14th presidential election period, even one more vote is very important, it is a good day
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to attend . people of the day company, people of the active day. the participation of our dear people in an important political matter of the country, namely the elections, i heard that the people's passion and interest is more than qibla, may god let it be like this, and if it is like this , it will be gratifying, and god willing, our dear people will succeed in voting and choose the best and in this at the stage of the people, their effort should be more because they will finish the work. tomorrow , god willing, we will have our president. god
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, god willing, will make the nation successful and prosper the country. thank you to all of you , dear ones, who make iran prosperous always and always. at any point, it is important for you and for your family . today, women's wives encouraged men, and the zealous men of iran, along with their children and wives, went to the branches of the specialization of the funds today, filling the funds with votes that each of them respect and honor. it makes iran proud, dear. thank you very much for being with the national media since this morning . voting started at 8:00 am and according to the announcement of the ministry of interior , it has been extended for two more hours, that is, until 10:00 pm. our country must become like a paradise again thanks to our efforts. the sign of all hymns in the name of iran's dam.
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we are both raging waves and flames, our sea of ​​fire is on the way to your homeland, on the way to your homeland. arshim's generation on the site happy blood siavshim on the way to your homeland, on the way to your free homeland, proudly, proudly, proudly, your flag
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is always at the top and a shining light from countless silences , your heart is full of hope. your name is proud, i sacrifice my life to you o lasting name, o proud border of iran, o proud border of iran. let's cover the blood, make the soil of the homeland, when will we think, on the way to your homeland, on the way to your homeland,
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we are standing together, we are singing, we are on the way to the mountain of will.
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i breathe your sky until i die , wherever i go before i am away from you. i will tie your air to my chest, i will leave the world with me , your streets miss me, everyone knows us from your flag of three colors, men, you are one color, when
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i sit down, i look at your dust, at this blue roof over my head, hold me and my beard tight and you are my heart
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for your love, the herds grow tall, i see spring and you hands for love in my beautiful iran, in the plains, the world is mute. you are good, exactly like my mother , your shoulders are sad, your fight is a world for me and your people, how good your name is on me, i breathe your sky, i breathe your sky until i die , wherever i go, before i get away from you, i will tie your air, i
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will go anywhere in the world with i miss you in your streets , everyone knows us from your three-color flag that you made men one color.
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god is the witness that muhammad is the messenger of god, god is the witness that muhammad is the messenger of god, and god
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is the witness that he is the prophet. hai ali al falah hai ali al falah hai ali
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no. dear fellow countrymen, the second round
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of the 14th presidential election began at 8:00 am today. and according to the announcement of the ministry of interior, according to the long pages of special voting branches inside the country, these 5,864 voting branches have been extended, but we had 34 voting branches outside the country, which started voting at 8:00 am local time. the ministry of interior has actually thought about the initiation of measures to be very active. it was for the compatriots who were outside of today, on the 15th of july, the country wanted to participate in the voting. mrs. maryam moazzami, one of sada vasima news agency's reporters , is with us in the studio. in the morning, she is at the foreign election headquarters located in the ministry of interior. tell us
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how she was doing there this morning. how was the progress of the news related to the holding of elections in these 34 four points in aksara? thank you very much. first of all, i would like to say hello to the viewers. of course, hello again , because once or twice we had live communication from the election headquarters abroad located in the ministry of foreign affairs , just as you mentioned the number of branches. i must say that the foreign elections of the 14th presidential term are actually held in 98 countries, except iran, that is, with iran, 99 countries, about 100 countries are currently being held, of course , in some countries due to the time difference. it has finished and it is continuing in some countries , for example in new zealand, the first country that started at 11:30 last night, 8:00 am tehran time, they started , they are finished, but for example, in america, until 4:30 am on saturday, iran time, which is their end time on friday. the election is actually going on . our observations there are actually in the first half of our time we settled in the headquarters for communication and video
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conferences with the centers of iranian representatives in khar. it started from the country of having, and there we saw that in many areas, compatriots were present, for example in kuwait , tbilisi, the capital of georgia. necessary coordination with the presence of mr. mahmoudi, the head of the foreign election headquarters from the country , as well as mr. big delli, deputy consular officer of the ministry of foreign affairs, and mr. kanani, the spokesman of the ministry of foreign affairs. in fact, it was done with these agencies the latest arrangements, if there was any problem , it would be dealt with, a point that was raised there by mr. big delli, deputy consular of the ministry of foreign affairs. talking about the high participation of iranians abroad, in fact , as i said, our observations also indicated the same thing, and mr. bigari said that the participation
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is more than the first stage . and it is necessary to mention that in the first phase of the presidential election abroad, when 98 thousand votes of our compatriots were cast, we witnessed a record of four times the casting of cast votes. from the country compared to the previous election periods it has been said that the second stage is actually more than the first stage, and mr. sohrabi, the director general of the supreme council of iranians abroad, was also present there and emphasized that all the conditions are ready for the voting of his compatriots, mr. mahmoudi, who is in charge of holding elections abroad. the last time we were returning from the extension of voting hours in many of iran's embassies abroad for the special votes of our compatriots. i said that the reception of iranians abroad was high. this is the point that you readers now have news about
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voting abroad in these 34 special branches. we would like to point out that there is a point that mr. eslami mentioned in his interview with the news last night about the number of aqs rai branches, which compared to 1400 abroad, i think if i am not mistaken, there are about 100 aqs rai branches, an increase compared to 2014. found and this is the proof of this presence that you mention, our good compatriots, the level of participation and the increase in the participation of iranians abroad in the 14th term of the presidential election, waiting for more news . it helps to get the votes of all the compatriots even for one vote either more or less, in all parts of the world , they have actually tried to remove these special ballot boxes . we saw that a country like canada, which now always claims human rights and democracy , etc., blocked both the first and second stages
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, the director general of the supreme council of iranians abroad, mr. sohrabi, pointed out that notes were exchanged several times because canada in fact, let these elections be held there, our compatriots can participate, but it was not possible, and according to mr. bagheri, acting minister of foreign affairs, canada was the only country in the world that held these elections. did not hold yes, it is true for iranians who claim freedom and human rights, and of course, in other countries where it was held, like the first stage, unfortunately, we witnessed immorality and in fact, insults and slanders were made against our compatriots who were present at the polls. mr. bagheri, acting minister of foreign affairs, also mentioned that the cases were filed from the first stage. for this matter, and in countries like italy, this has actually reached higher stages and through international assemblies, as well as the host countries, as the host countries
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, they are responsible for holding elections in other countries that now they are requesting that they want to hold those elections and they should prepare the conditions to prevent conflicts and attacks, and mr. bagheri said that we are following up on this, while today in australia 5 people have been arrested for these behaviors and insults and attacks. that the iranians who wanted to vote were arrested, which means that the australian police actually arrested them, and there is another point that we should mention, as i said in canada, the ban on powerjam and in fact the ballot boxes for iranians living in canada could not lamb region but in america two introducing the area where the compatriots can go. the explanation given about the merits and demerits of holding elections abroad
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is one of the things that will make the islamic republic victorious over its enemies . it can be seen in him, this liquid is the glory of the islamic republic. the eternal name of the country, the morning, the hope of the country, sing in the sky
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like. everyone with the same name shows the difference of every color and language. everyone with the same name shows the difference of every color and language. everyone is happy and violent.
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show the eternal name of the country, the hope of the country, in the sky you are like the eternal seal of my homeland,
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my passion and intoxication. all with the same name show the difference of each color and language . one name shows the difference of every color and language, everyone
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should be happy and violent. the dignity and the cradle of dignity and authority are borne by art from every finger of yours .
8:00 pm
you are a child's heart.


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