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tv   [untitled]    July 7, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm IRST

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[000:00:00;00] we talked about this issue with different members of the economics desk, for example, we had a program about the mineral bottles that are currently in the world , they are using them, they are optimizing their use, we are still far from that ideal position . the most important thing is that we have to move towards new technologies . i told you that one of the issues of productivity is added value. many times, added value comes from this place. new technologies are actually studied. working on leftovers and turning them into final products, as well as new technologies are expected our country is in the field of steel and many basic metals, well, its production is more than domestic consumption, in other words , we are an export-oriented country, so to be export-oriented, we must be able to develop our market . the world is moving in the direction of
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green industry in many industries. he announces that in the next few years, the probability that the carbon tax will be imposed on many products is very high and not low , that is, from now on, we should go towards the industries that reduce the bottle and lower the energy consumption , or from other carriers. energy use , for example, in the production of steel, is going to what is the hydrogen side of hydrogen instead of
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consuming it? it has started, but we really need to work on these things more seriously , because if we don't work, in 5 years or 10 years , we will have to close another part of our company , because large numbers in our exports will be collected from us for the carbon tax, and all our companies will have to. only compete in the domestic market, so now we have 30-32 million tons of steel production, less than 20 million tons of domestic consumption. the rest of the exports of this number, let's assume that we can increase the productivity to nearly 55 million or produce 50 million tons. 45 if we produce a million tons, then it shows that our exports will increase . if this export is faced with a problem like the carbon tax, then it will decrease and all the attention will be
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on domestic consumption, and this is where the industry will invest the investment we have made. the benefit is low. how much do we need to invest in this sector? that is, if we want to use these technologies, we should bring ourselves closer to the world's standards. how much should we invest in the field of mining and mining industry ? and on time see, these projects are often ahead of the day compared to international standards. countries that have mines like us use this capacity. you see, considering that the dominant energy in our industry is actually gas energy, the world uses coal, so in this sense , i can say that we are 40% ahead of the world, but this should not make us feel that because we are ahead now, in the future , we won't have any problems. the world is rapidly replacing coal
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, and with gas, we are also looking for hydrogen and other carriers that can do this. give and create a completely green environment in terms of environment. if we don't focus on this area from now on, our company, our home ministry, our imidra organization, if we don't focus, it might be really late in 5 years, 10 years, then we have to do a lot of this. we should close the industry by ourselves, so that's why we invest. you see , the initial investment is very similar to your exploration operation. when you were doing mining exploration operations , the number is very small compared to the value of the mine, but the risk is very high. exploration may turn out two or three mines out of every 100 anomalies. you are exploring 97 places, but in the end you will not reach an economic reserve. this is it. at the beginning , we may feel that a big number is
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being spent, but this is the ratio. the number that he wants in the future is really a small number that we have to work on all this and this is where that applied research makes sense. companies, organs, even the laws of the government should support these. in my opinion, we should exempt companies from taxes in some places. go ahead and work on them . these are musts as you say, how much has been done so far, how much we hope to focus on these areas and do the work . we have formed a think tank of the entire steel chain right now because you know. i will give steel as an example, the largest industry in this field is the mining industry, we formed a think tank , we invited all the leaders of the steel industry in the private sector, in this field, the projects that can be
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done, whether the professors of the university or the industrial field, the field of our engineering companies come. and omid raham will try to finance it, how much work has been done so far, in this number, we are actually discussing. foulad sabz, if we want to move forward, the first step is perhaps close to a quintal need to be invested in this project, that is, something around, maybe i want to count in dollars, 15 to 20 million dollars at the beginning of the work, many companies may not go ahead and worry, saying, well, the numbers are correct, but this number is equivalent to one engineer of a big project of ours. so far , we have done something operational. it is moving forward. you see, it has been 3 years . i mean, the think tank has been for more than 3 years. that all these companies are coming, the routes have been determined, from which routes we can provide them, so how much output has it had so far, for example, if we want to name let's change it to riyal to riyal. you want to see that the number in riyal is still not significant, but on the verge
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of deciding that the green steel pilot will be launched , this pilot will be a big number if it is used in the field of other hydrogen carriers. anyway, professors of our university. they should study the thermodynamics, kinetics of the reactions, in fact , they should study whether our current furnaces can be the answer, how much changes should be made, all this will be determined there, how much investment we want in the future, the point is that we are in this field. we cannot be dependent on others because we ourselves first became one of the leading countries , fortunately in this field, anyway, we are in the field of iron measurement. we are technology, pellet concentrate sector , we have no problem, domestic steelmaking companies are fortunately able to enter, so we can almost say that the chain is a localized problem in terms of knowledge, that's why we have
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to move this issue forward until, god willing, the figures will be finalized, mr. zulfiqari. in the national productivity organization in the area of ​​madan, you also saw solutions for miners and activists in this area, that is, the investigations you were doing, anyway, you should naturally see the challenges and opportunities ahead of the exploitation and increasing productivity in this field. if you want to make a suggestion or have a guide , let's examine the challenges and opportunities. what do you call them? you see, if i want, i will now discuss two of the basic challenges in the field of mining in the field of productivity of the mining sector. let me name the main issue, one is the issue of added value in the field of mining, and the other is the high costs, the added value of that type, well, for a while , the issue of raw materials was high, the issue of conversion industries was low, and i think that it is still in the field of the ministry. position in imidro company is a very important point and it is one of the concerns of the ministry of position
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to expand the discussion of the conversion industry in the mining sector, that is, practically since the discussion of exploration and extraction is carried out, those minerals with different transformations and different processing, which somehow increase the value chain and the value chain industry chain, increase the added value in the field of mining and mineral products, it will definitely increase. well, this is one of those challenges and in my opinion, it is one of the weaknesses that we have in the mining sector now, which causes the increase in the total width of our mineral products to be not very high compared to the sector. another point is the discussion of costs a lot of what my doctor said. whether it is in the field of equipment and machinery or in the field of investment discussion, it means that if a good investment happens in the industry sector, that we can talk about technology in the field of industry, in the field
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of equipment and machinery, in the field of those internal processes, a growth will definitely happen. the costs will decrease accordingly, that is, the costs have caused the productivity of the industry to be very low . let me give you an example. in the past, we had some projects in the field of investigating energy costs in mines, which i might say now our study in the field of gold. there was, for example , the zarshouran gold mine or other gold mines that we were investigating this trend. well, the energy costs in these mining sectors are very high, which means i think we can do a little bit. if the country happens , there is a sector at its level, that mine and that mining complex, no matter how much they can do cost management on the issue of equipment and energy costs, they should do proper energy management. again, this
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can be related to environmental issues, that is, these how many different aspects can they focus on? well , no matter how much these energy costs are reduced , naturally, we can increase productivity on the subject . now, regarding the question that you said , see in our productivity organization, there are two issues in the field of the sector. currently, different categories are being investigated, one is the economic sector and the macro sector, which is the mining sector at the macro level. it is being compared with those authors that exist in the country. another area of ​​discussion is the agency itself, that is, at the level of the ministry and at the level of the state-owned companies , the productivity organization is doing this measurement. naturally, different reports and reports are being published. the reports are completely statistical reports based on the statistics of efficiency and effectiveness and the topics of productivity components to the complexes themselves . mining and government companies, which we
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are talking about now, because it is in the field of mining , it is given to the company in this field. well, the companies themselves can say by analyzing it and see in which subjects , whether we are present in the field of employment, investment, and growth. which of these issues can we use our capital better, and how much can we increase the added value in this issue? let's go to the productivity organization, maybe now in the government. thirteenth and the government of martyr raisi before, but now i have less information, but as far as i know, and now the studies show that maybe a lot of this topic is discussed in analytical studies, what are the causes now, well, we can find less information. the missions that were in the productivity organization in the last two or three years have gone to the point where we can actually reach the executive bodies of the ministry of home affairs, government companies, and the provinces. let's help according to the factors of productivity and statistics and numbers that exist
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let's say what topics you can find more input in. now you have done this for the mine. now, the issue of the mine is being discussed. the companies themselves should give a lot of help, mr. doctor, in your order , you mentioned this and this very important issue that if we can, in the field of mining, in a very specific and detailed manner, in the area of ​​increasing costs, investing in elite experts in this matter. to be used as an investment it is purposeful and well-planned, according to the 7th 5-year plan that has been announced, according to this, a lot of good growth can happen, mr. aghajan lu, we don't have more than two or three minutes. the last question for you is an election question.
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but regarding your 14th government, do you have a suggestion that you can give to the president? i ask for your presence. let me tell you that in the field of productivity , i would like to offer my service to you. the gas used in the steel industry and the mining industry is even less than 3-4%, the water used in this industry is less than 30%. the percentage
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of the country's annual consumption, but why is it that we prioritize these industries to reduce consumption, and we make it so that we are not able to reach its goals every year. this year, we have the year of a jump in production. the country's population should reach 40 million people. the fact is that with the current conditions in the electricity supply, i am very worried. i am worried that if we do not reach these numbers , we will be able to have our previous year's production this is what i want from the new government to put the basis of productivity as one of the main goals . anyway, we have an industry where we will have the most productivity, that is, an expert's view, which, as my medical doctor himself said, is an expert's view. can you come and see where we have the most productivity, productivity may be a financial gift, sometime you tell me
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that my employment is a part of productivity in added value or not. on sale. it is not necessarily a bad phenomenon we see a series of big countries in the world, advanced and industrialized, they are exporting iron ore, they are exporting crude oil, they are now competing with our country in the oil field, i want to say that in proportion to where we create more added value , i don't know what finance or what. in the field of employment, this can be done with a suitable bachelor's model, god willing, let's get the most benefit for the country. that the employment that has been created , let's put these aside. yes, we should export gas, but
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the fact is that i feel that in some places , our figures are still not accurate and professional. to be based on that. expert decisions were made . anyway, all the people of our country are showing you different problems. with the help of our country, as much as we can, we can produce more, export more, supply more, and finally , we will have more prosperity for our people, and this electricity and gas cut is such that maybe now you domestic discussion creates a prosperity, but unfortunately
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, 3 months later, it did not keep up with inflation. it is the 7th five-year plan. to be fair, we cannot necessarily say that the sale of raw materials may be negative, but the point is that when we can, we can create an increase in proportion. by creating a series of transformative industries and increasing investment in the mining sector, as much as we can increase this throne , it can definitely create a much greater growth in the economic contribution of the mining sector in our economy . well, this is a point. yes, well, many of us in the mining industry were less until now . the raw materials we have in the country are too much. we were really leading in this matter compared to many countries. from you, mr. zulfiqari, to you, mr. aghajanalo, everyone dear viewers of the economy desk, who
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watched us until this moment, we talked about the opportunities and challenges of productivity in the field of mining and mineral industries , thank you very much for staying with us until the end of this conversation. may god protect you, ali, how many friends. the islamic republic of iran
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has a very strong regional and global position, thank god, which makes the whole world look at the future president of the islamic republic , and that is what happened to the islamic republic of iran in the past days. be on the headlines of many international news networks. since the beginning of the elections , the participation rate of the people was below the number of these media. participation was relatively high so far. the mood here is different from the first round of elections. this issue is primarily due to the request of politicians led by supreme leader ayatollah ali khamenei and presidential sponsor mohammad mokhbar to ask the people to vote for the fund. have the best performance in advertising . the level of participation they say
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can be confusing for some observers of iran's developments. since the election has ended and our participation has just begun, the hard road ahead of us will not be smooth unless with the friendship and trust of the english media, a special reflection of the election results.
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they had in iran. some american media sought to decipher the way the president-elect looks at america, such as the american news agency associated press, which, in introducing mr. mezikian , once praised the revolutionary guards and on one occasion criticized their clothes in the parliament. he criticized america many times and praised the irgc for shooting down an american drone in 2019 and said that this action hit the americans hard and proved to them that our country will not surrender, but the way we look at iran's elections and the presence people vote in the media
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the regional and axis of resistance can be seen in the words of this arab-speaking political analyst, and iran has proven throughout history that it has never allowed interference in the internal affairs of foreigners, whether it is middle eastern countries or foreign countries, and it has been able to prevent america's goals in vaise region and hosni sadat shabiri news agency. radio and tv, some people who came, i think they have gained some awareness , it is clear what they have done, don't insult the donkey. blasphemy the people of iran may give up. don't continue to participate in the second phase of the elections, let them say that the number of their votes was so much that time and 5%
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came, the participation has decreased, but this time it is more than before that they are not the people of iran, they are islamists, they are terrorists, they are brainless , they are the sycophants of the system. voting is very rational. if voting and being responsible is a ration eater, i am the first one . it is really a big insult to us. we are neither traitors nor ration eaters. this is how they show their character. otherwise, we ourselves are all iranians. what is happening in iran, the story started a month ago, the wave of boycotting this election has become louder, until a week before the voting day for the same election that they said the people's desire for it was nothing, the election could not be in the center of attention or even they also gave statistics and said that eventually 8 million people will come to the polls.
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something around 20% is optimistic. these are the vote bases of the government. these are the ones who vote. it is estimated that at best 8 million people will vote. now the foreign language persian networks remain and statistics on their hands, the system of the ministry of interior shows that participation has increased in the second round, if we accept the assumption that they and the system will actually stabilize themselves with more participation. they guarantee, well , yes, this happened with the second round of the elections
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and the polarization of the election atmosphere of mohammad javad reza. the new british government should listen to the fact that the people want an immediate ceasefire in gaza and are not buying new justifications about it. we do not want our money to be used to provide weapons to kill palestinians. labor party because of supporting the zionist regime since the beginning of the gaza war and also expelling
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marginalizing the figures who support palestine from this party now. on the first day of assuming power , he was faced with demonstrations by supporters of palestinian rights. it is very important to show our compassion towards the palestinians. we have been saying in the streets for months that we are all human and we are all palestinians and we feel responsible for each other, but the politicians still did not understand this demand of the people. supporters of palestinian rights say that the demonstrations started nine months
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ago to stop the genocide of palestinians and punish them. the issue of palestine and the gaza crisis, which was ineffective in overthrowing the previous british government led by the conservative party no, now he can challenge the new british government led by the labor party, mojtaba ghasemzadeh , london broadcasting agency
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siraf, i will bathe you. sarah afsarieh , beware of the mistakes of men, sarah afsarieh , the largest iranian store, the only branch in tehran in sarah afsarieh, with unbelievable prices, long-term specials and no
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advance payment , in the name of allah , the most merciful . we present the news network at 16:00 . the second phase of the 14th presidential election was approved by the guardian council. according to after confirming the accuracy of the election results, the spokesman of the guardian council prepares the credentials of the president-elect with the signatures of the members of the guardian council and sends them to the supreme leader's office for the inauguration ceremony. after this stage, the swearing-in ceremony


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