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tv   [untitled]    July 7, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm IRST

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deliver his base. it was a year ago that america and its european allies, including france and germany, set foot in niger. they had announced their goal to prevent armed people from attacking the people. after a few years, they established a military base in niger. in these years, the mission of military bases based in niger is espionage and air and drone operations in north africa and the region.
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niger was sent to europe to be used in nuclear power plants. france has invested heavily in niger's uranium and has been looking for new uranium mines for years. after 12 years, now with successive popular protests the work of the opponents of western colonialism turned back. the same thing happened in mali and burkina faso. the new heads of the alliance of coastal countries are based on expulsion. the colonialists left in the 21st century . it was at the end of march last year that the spokesman of niger's ruling military council announced the unilateral cancellation of the military cooperation agreement with washington and demanded the withdrawal of american troops from the country. ali lamin zain, the prime minister of niger , said in an exclusive interview with the american newspaper washington post: "american soldiers were present in our territory, but when terrorists kill people." and they burned the cities
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they were holding hands. this is not a sign of friendship. we have already seen how the americans act when they want to defend their allies like ukraine and the zionist regime. before the americans, the french hastily withdrew their troops from niger. now the process of expelling german soldiers has begun. the german ministry of defense has announced that the country's army will be ready in two months. he hands it over to the authorities of this country at his air base in niger. sanazo kahini of seda and sima news agency. now we are hosting mr. seyyed bahaldin hosseini, an expert on african issues let's talk about the withdrawal of german troops from niger. mr. hosseini, maybe until last year, few people knew that there is a country called niger in africa next to the famous country of nigeria, but it seems that these colonialists, the french, the americans
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, and the germans have known there for a long time and there is a military base there. the confusion of the french , which i remember being there for about 120 years, what drew them to niger, i would like to ask you that as you said, this country has already been colonized by western countries, especially france, although it was declared in 1960 he became independent, but in practice. it was still the subject of a new kind of colonization by the western countries because of the huge uranium resources that this country has , in order to benefit from these resources for their own nuclear energy, the western countries tried to keep this country dependent on them in some way , and therefore one of the their solution was to establish a military base and the presence of their soldiers in this country, which continued until last year. but since
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last year, due to the public protests of the people of these countries against the presence of western military in their country, the government in this country has changed and a people's government has taken over. it happened that it was against the presence of these western and colonialist forces and it can be said that these countries gained practical and original independence from last year in 2024 2023 ad. first of all, the french military from this country, exactly how did this process of decolonization, especially in niger, go during this time? since the new government came to power in niger, first the french soldiers were expelled from this country as the main colonizer of this country, and then the ambassador of this country , the french ambassador, was expelled from niger. after that , the americans tried to continue with this country they should continue to communicate for
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their own colonialism, but in march of last year, niger unilaterally severed its relations with the united states, and the american soldiers were also forced to leave the country's territory. and recently, just as it was announced , the german ministry of defense announced that the german forces will leave the territory of niger in the next two months, so it can be said that this country has achieved real independence, as i mentioned at the beginning of your speech. maybe few people knew this country by this name until now, and maybe nigeria was more famous than this country, but it's interesting. you should know that nigeria got its original name from the country of niger and ron. niger, which originates in this country , has taken and is now considered as one of the most important countries in west africa due to these political developments. thank you, and the final question is that yesterday , the three african countries mali, burkina faso and niger formed a joint anti-imperialist
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alliance, what is your assessment of this action? the beginning of the new government in niger came to work on the union. the economy of the west african countries , whose short name is ecobus, sanctioned the country of niger , and after that in the neighboring countries of niger. like mali and burkina faso, whose popular governments came to power, they were also threatened and sanctioned. these three countries supported niger in this sanction, and in order not to be under the pressure of the countries of the west african economic community, kwasas, in a preemptive measure, withdrew themselves. they announced the end of this union and announced the existence of a new union yesterday, which will be a replacement for the former membership of these countries in ecobus, and it is expected that in the future, due to the independence of these countries, other countries will be among
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their neighbors. like chad or gabon to this union join and be opposite to western colonialism for their independence as much as possible. mr. hosseini , thank you for your explanation. moscow officials announced that new defense agreements between india and russia will be signed during the two-day visit of indian prime minister narendra modi to moscow. one of these contracts is the production of special missiles for indian army tanks, known as mango missiles, which will be produced by russia. niger, mali and burkina faso, the three countries of the sahel region in africa , rejected the return to the west african economic bloc ecowas. these three west african countries have a treaty about this signed from 2020 to 2023 ,
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western governments were ousted by popular protests in niger, mali and burkina faso. the new governments of these three countries cut off their military and diplomatic relations with western powers and ecowas, which is dependent on the west. the research group of china's shenzhen university says that it has developed a precise and sensitive hunter to trap cancer cells. detection of genetic mutations in tumor dna circulating in the body has long been an important challenge in cancer diagnosis. the bodies of 14 other immigrants were found in the deserts of arizona, usa. since the beginning of this year, 57 bodies of immigrants have been found in this the area was found where most of them died due to heat and thirst. the biden administration applied to mexico a month ago. social activists say that the death of more restrictions on the entry of migrants from the mumir border of muhajiran reached the border.
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fourteen people, including a six-year-old child, died when a fuel truck collided with a minibus in western ukraine. two weeks ago , more than 20 people were injured in a road accident between a passenger bus and a truck in ukraine. at least 47 people died in nepal due to monsoon rains. these people lost their lives due to landslides and floods they gave. landslides and floods are common in nepal during the monsoon season, from late june to late september , and kill hundreds of people every year. floods in the north and northeast of india, lack of food and drinking water. denney has followed the health in these areas. torrential rains and overflowing rivers damaged many houses and farms in the states of assam and manipur in northeastern india. some people in these areas were forced to live with their livestock under a trip.
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at least seven people died after a building collapsed in western india. the incident took place in a village in gujarat. a few others too they were trapped under the rubble. the cause of the collapse of this building is still unknown. it continues to save the people under the rubble, and now the third and final case was the head of the central bank from the first. he announced the monetary agreement between iran and russia and said that in order for this agreement to become operational, measures must be taken by the two countries. mr. farzin, the connection of the card network to iran's shatab network from the first week of september has been read from the other clauses of this agreement and added with this card action. iranian coins can be used in russian atms. the first monetary agreement between the two countries, iran and russia, is the dollar
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remove it and work with our local money. the two countries have taken steps to implement this agreement and provide the necessary infrastructure. actions on our side actions that forgiveness should be in the width and gold exchange center with the opening of the offshore rial board. or foreign rials. the connection of mircea card network to iran's shatab network from the first week of september is one of the clauses of this agreement. in addition , iranian cards can be used in atms in russia. this plan or project has 3 stages. the second step is that russian cards can be used in iran. and the third stage this means that our accelerated cards and accelerated cards
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can also be used in the so-called network in their store acceptors. with this agreement, exchanges between the two countries with local currencies are facilitated and the risk of currency conversion costs for iranian businessmen is reduced. rizvan basfa , radio and television news agency. to further examine this bilateral monetary agreement between iran and russia. we are hosting mr. mohsen karimi, international vice president of the central bank. mr. karimi, what actions have been taken with russia, the outcome of mr. farzin's yesterday's speech and the announcement of this bilateral agreement has become monetary. hello, i am at your service . well, the mutual and joint measures taken by the central banks of iran and russia started almost from the beginning of the 13th government, and well. by the grace of god , it came to an end at the end of the 13th government.
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the central banks of the two countries had four important and strategic measures on their agenda, two of which had already been announced. the banks of the two countries have established brokerage and national currency relations between the commercial banks and the banking messaging infrastructures of the two countries, as well as sepam and spfs, well , they were connected last year, so all banks iranian banks have the possibility to exchange standard banking messages with all russian banks, such as e-havala banki barwat and other standard banking messages. another important action should have been finalized, an action to establish an understanding or actually sign a monetary agreement between the two countries , and another action is card payments for travelers, and these two actions have been finalized by god's grace and from the coming weeks. and the card action will be final, god willing, from the end of august
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it will be possible and it will be operational, that is, iranians in russia and russians in iran can use their country's bank cards both in atms and pos machines. especially in this situation of embargo , before i discuss the issue of card payments , i will first explain the monetary agreement. the monetary agreement concluded by a central statement is actually a type of liquidity exchange line between two countries, which is very idiomatic. you should know that maybe nearly a decade or a decade and a half ago, the contracts the currency swaps of the central countries were common , so this is an approach to de-dollarization, an approach to reduce the vulnerability of the risks of sanctions by the americans, in fact, it is an act of sanctions. it is a violation, but this action is unsanctionable
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, that is, it makes a country with unsanctionable money unsanctionable. we have a series of measures of its own national sanctions in the agreement of the central bank. one day, if we wanted to exchange with russia, we would have to use a third of the dollar. we used it and it was sanctioned, now with a common credit line between iran and russia, both countries let's have an exchange, at least with a specific rate that is defined between two other countries. now you have entered my topic, so i will explain more . see, all the countries used to work with the dollar in the past 6-7 decades. in the last two-thirds of the decade , the euro came and the countries traded with each other. they used to use the euro dollar, but since the past decade, when the countries have been turning away from the euro dollar, they have come to use their own national currencies. well, the national currencies of the countries are risky, and there are risk hedging tools for this. there are no in an innovative approach, the central banks started to sign swap contracts with each other and
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cover the risk of their national currencies for each other. well, iran, which is a sanctioned country, must first enter this space and environment. it was an operation that, by the grace of god, in the last two or three years, this approach was adopted by the central bank, which is important for the russian economy, the big economy in the region, and the economy of iran. it does the same as the russian exporter does in rubles. see the important point this is that when we say that we should go towards national currencies, the idea that was formed in the past decade in the 90s was that they thought, well. we should go and work with the national currency of other countries, no, we are looking for this pattern so that other countries work with our national currency and we work with their national currency , which means that our imports are done with their national currency and they their imports are done with our national currency, or in other words, our exports are done with our own national currency, and their exports are
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done with their own national currency. it was done with dollars, euros, but it was also done with rubles, but it was never done with rials . with this monetary agreement , the central bank of russia has agreed to take a position in rial , he takes a very high position in his rial account with us, and we provide him with a risk hedge , but he hedges the risk for us , so we make our money risk-free. for the use of merchants, merchants will use this now, when this infrastructure exists, then merchants will no longer need dollars, euros, we will use the rials that our exporters earn here. we call it a special privilege of the old time, the foreign rial , this can be expressed in the currency and gold exchange center , as the boss said. referring there to the agreed rate to convert it to normal rial and therefore an export incentive for exporters to russia will be provided in this way and this same line will then be used for card payments between the two countries because these card payments are also i want to ask you about this in the world it is common practice to use two famous cards, master visak card, which now iranians are denying all citizens of our country
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from having it. now this common network between iran and how does russia work? see, as i said in the issue of the monetary agreement, this was an innovative approach. in this regard, we spent an initiative and a creativity. see, as you said, all the countries of the world, when they want their card to be processed in another country, go to their master visa scheme. and therefore they can process their cards all over the world. well, when mr. visa and other western schemes ban countries, including iran, then should we sit down and hold hands? i want to tell you. . some independent countries of the world that industry they have advanced electronic banking, including iran , they have their own independent and native card payment network, now all countries , in addition to their own independent and native network , also use master visa's infrastructure for cross-border communications. we are one of the oldest countries
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in the network. we have card payment and independent lou bumi, who has more than 20 years of service, we brought this to perda network. the russian card, whose name is mir , is less old than our network, which means that even for this reason, we were the first to connect these two networks without using the visa code. it means that we have violated our own standards. now, in this plan, an iranian can go and shop in russia with his shatab card from the beginning of september, and one day he can come here with his own card, which means that we will not issue a new card with the same card. our own banking network is definitely needed, for example. our citizens and russian citizens were asking to get euros and dollars for travel. if you remember, it has been more than a decade that the central bank has always issued dollar bills for travelers, and hey, we got rid of the issue . we took a new step, that is, after this. towards this we will go to the same countries through
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their own bank card, the same horizontal share, for example, will go to khodaz. russia can receive as much as its horizontal share, rials will be deducted from its own account. let me tell you that this is a big project and it is not going to happen all at once from the first of september, since it has been implemented for two years now. the technical infrastructure is being prepared for it, the software writers are working on methods , and all these tests are passing , the first phase will be operational from the beginning of september, which means that the implementation phase will start. the first phase means that the cards shatab iran will work in atms in russia after until the end of the year. after this, after the end of this year. we will enter the third phase , when iran's cards will be sent to russian store acceptors, so from the beginning of september, you will not
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be able to shop with the card in stores. yes, i don't know, there are a thousand and one problems, whether anyone is going to that country , not going, that country is canceling his ticket, he wants to misuse this opportunity, which, although it provides, no longer exists here, that anyone he entered that country, it has two positive aspects, one is, as you said, a method of financial exchange that is not sanctioned. accepting the second one is a pressure and a burden from the current system that we have, due to the currency fever that is in the country , our currency will be devalued. now this can be done with other countries. there is something to be said. right now , i think 11 or 12 satellite countries are connected to the miri network of russia. it means that this miri network of russia was created by us, but in terms of its connection with the countries of its own satellite area. much ahead of us we went and connected with this core so that we can immediately connect with these satellites that they are connected to mir, which means
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that we can immediately promise that iran's shatab network will be connected to 10 11 other countries in a very short period of time. in addition , there are countries of the eurasian union, there are even countries like egypt that are connected to this network, but in addition, we have put this model on the table to interact with countries with which we have very high social expectations, such as iraq and afghanistan, you know millions of people. millions of iranians and afghans iranian and iraqi people travel between the two countries , so this model, god willing, can be useful there, especially since these countries that i mentioned have a banking industry and do not have electronics, and we can transfer technology to them and make progress. you are very kind , don't be tired, we are telling you to be healthy, please.
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i invite all
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the works of iranian friends and artists.
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psychologists say: when people face a crisis, for example, they lose a loved one , they have a five-stage reaction. they said that 8 million people participated in the iranian elections. it is estimated that, in the best case, 8 million people will go and vote. now look at these pages . the election pages just this friday, the total of all these people who voted for the islamic republic was more than 30 million, 30 million, 5300 and... 57 vote and this means that you were not one or two times but four times more enthusiastic than their estimates.
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the next reaction of these people is caught in a crisis of justification . now they have fallen here to justify the death of their ideas and predictions. it is the duty of the islamic republic, neither in a negative way nor in a positive way, with any amount of participation in this election, this election will not be known, even if 80% . in those people
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their participation does not change the rules of the game, and according to psychologists, after this stage , they are caught in despair, and now i cannot ignore the people who were disappointed and reached the stage of depression, what happened in the opposition and caused us disappointment, unfortunately in this election. we also failed , even the opposition that everyone said could not boycott. they find a commonality in this word sanctions , and the last group in the five stages of facing the crisis, these networks are forced to accept the failure of the iranian nation and the people of iran, the nation and the people of the wonder, who in any case created this wonder. not losing their trust yet, we still have a long way to go and this vicious circle in all these years
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of election. in iran, on these networks , history is being repeated on the wrong side, mohammad javad reza soltani , sed and sima news agency. from two people to 32 people , install the video call with the yes yes application and be in touch easily by sending one to 10082 yes, don't hurt your hand, put them in the fridge, how much did this hurt ? you didn't buy household appliances, unfortunately
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, no, unfortunately, no, why buy household appliances , because i have quality, discounts, discounts, discounts, discounts , amazing discounts for all hats in a specialized reference for household appliances in the city of household appliances. i am khoda mohammad hosni from bramin city , the winner of the second round of the washland lottery, an apartment unit, a car, one billion rials in cash and 10 years of fixed monthly salary. once i am from the city of kurd , and i am the third place winner of the 2nd washland contest. washland is a land full of prizes.
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in the name of god the compassionate. rahim, hello, have a good time , welcome to the football magazine program, let's go to the under 20 years of kafa, the victory of abdi's students in the first step in the framework of the group stage games of the championship of the member countries of the central asian football association, which is taking place in jalalabad, kyrgyzstan , tonight, from the youth team of our country, reza khandipour
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ali defeated the under-20 team of al-salmanistan with three goals.


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