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tv   [untitled]    July 8, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. greetings to you , the viewer. dear john, we present the 12 o'clock news section to your presence. the offices of qom and central provinces are closed today. qom governorate has announced that due to the continuation of air pollution in the province, the air pollution emergency management task force announced the closure of offices today. also, due to the emergency conditions of air pollution and the increase in pollution in the central province, the offices of this province are also closed today. the meteorological organization
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issued an orange level warning for seven provinces of tehran, qom, markazi, isfahan, south khorasan, sisistan, baluchistan and kerman, and warned of the possibility of strong winds. reported in parts of these provinces. according to today's weather forecast , there is also a possibility of flooding in the north and west of west azerbaijan, the northeast of east azerbaijan, the center and south of ardabil, and the highlands of mazandaran. providing 75% of device services in the national window of smart government services , according to the head of iran's information technology organization , 138 devices, i.e. 99% of eligible devices, have been connected to this window. a window where people can use the services of the devices with one authentication.
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48 million of them can use this system till today use it at least once. the consultant of the national testing organization said that so far more than 490,000 candidates have received the national exam card. mr. karimian advised the candidates to act early to receive the card and if necessary, to fix the defects in the second round of the national exam on thursday and friday this week. simultaneously held throughout the country. in the national exam
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of the second time, 63% of the registrants are women and 37% are men. the preliminary results of the national exam will be announced at the end of august. the ministry of science announced the change of the name of the technical and vocational university to the national university of skills. based on the approval of the higher education development council on date 3. 1403 the vice-chancellor of the ministry of science , research and technology has announced that the name of technical and vocational university will be changed to national university of skills. this skill-oriented university chooses its students from among the secondary school graduates of the new system of conservatories, work and knowledge branch, or the graduates of the four-year course of the old system of conservatories . 70% of iranian pilgrims to the house of god
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returned to the country, according to hajj operations manager tamattu , currently about 25,000 pilgrims from madinah are in saudi arabia. yesterday, the last iranian pilgrims in mecca left for medina until after 5 return to the country on the day of stay. this year, more than 87,000 pilgrims have been sent to the land of revelation to perform hajj rituals. the general director of medicines of the food and drug organization said that in the first 3 months of this year, amoxicillin capsules were the most consumed medicine in the country with 500 million worth of 120 billion tomans. according to sadeghian , the lack of clinical guidance increased the use of drugs . so that in terms of the number of
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cold medicines and metformin , they were the most used in the next ranks. in the upstream documents to prevent irrational drug prescriptions. implementation of clinical guidelines anticipating unprecedented heat in the west in addition to widespread fires in forests and meadows, america has recorded hot summers and erosion in these areas. a child died of heat stroke in arizona. about 130 million residents of the western states of america are affected by this.
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in addition to accepting the charge of conspiracy to commit fraud, boeing also pleaded guilty by paying a fine of 243 million dollars. by accepting this charge and paying the fine, the new case of the us department of justice against this company should be closed. the family of the victims of the max plane crash, but the case is settled with a compromise or agreement criticized the us department of justice announced in the middle of this spring that boeing violated the 2020 agreement to eliminate defects in order to avoid prosecution. the boeing 737 max first made headlines six years ago when two of its planes crashed in asia and africa, killing 346 people during the crash of two
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indonesian ethiopian airlines planes. the winning coalition in the french parliamentary elections announced that the recognition of the palestinian state is one of the first measures that the new government will pursue. jean-luc mélenchon, the most prominent figure of the left coalition in france and the leader of the french party unyielding said: at the international level, we must reach an agreement to recognize the state of palestine. mathilde pano, a member of the indefatigable french party, who has supported palestine several times before, announced. in the next 15 days , we will recognize the independent state of palestine. the palestinian flag had a prominent presence in the celebration of the victory of the supporters of the left parties and was hoisted many times. in the second round of the french parliamentary elections held yesterday . the new people's front, which is a coalition of leftist parties
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, 182 seats and a coalition towards the republic led by french president emmanuel macron. new people's party and towards the republic formed an alliance with each other to prevent the victory of the right-wing national community party. the end of this news section:
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bismillah al-hawr, bismillah, allahu akbar. akbar allah, akbar allah . i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god. i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god.
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i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god. hai ali al- salah hai ali al-salah hai ali al-falah hai ali al-falah
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hai ali khair al-alam hail ali khair al-alam , god is great, god is great
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, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row. the table in your eyes is a martyr, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. greetings and have a good time , dear and respected viewers. we are honored to be at your service tonight with another program on the front page. we hope that you have a chance
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to plan so that we can be at your service until the end, and god willing, this conversation will be of interest to you. in tonight's first page program, we are going to talk about agriculture . well, as you know, iran was one of the first countries in the world where agriculture and agriculture started anyway, which in research and various excavations have proved this important. in the fields of agriculture, now the fields of agriculture, horticulture, hydroponics, all these are cases in which our country has a significant history. of course, like in other countries, the agricultural sector has had a lot of ups and downs, and in recent years, like other countries, it has become one of the points of attention of the authorities. because the country has changed so that, god willing , we can
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be self-sufficient in basic products and strategic products on the one hand, and on the other hand, we can achieve the growth and progress needed in the field of agriculture. let's talk about the growth of agricultural production. in the studio , we are at the service of mr. alireza mohajer, deputy minister of agriculture, ministry of agricultural jihad. dear and all those who watch this program , don't be tired, i hope that i think this is the third time that we are at your service. it is an honor to thank you for accepting our invitation. well, if you agree , let's start with wheat, which is one of the basic and strategic products of the city. . at the moment
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, how are the latest statistics on the guaranteed purchase of wheat? yusuf and zuleikha's debate, which you also aired a very good series about, but i was paying attention to the story itself and the depth like the qur'an. karim brought up for us there, it is less discussed there , the discussion of the dream that was seen, how many clusters of clusters , how many cows, yes, you know better than me that some things happened there , one of them was the issue of wheat storage, which 1400 years ago, god told us his servants in the middle east through prophet muhammad, may god bless him and grant him peace, and his holy quran, that this region is a dry region
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, which means it has been dry for years, and that is the story of what happened. it happened and they said to go plant a lot of wheat and save it because there is a good year ahead and that sweet and attractive story of hazrat yusuf and zulaiqa . the last few hundred years were 1400 years ago, that is to say at least a few thousand. last year , there was a dry and water-scarce region in the middle east, and god told his servants and muslims to plant wheat and store it so that you will be less harmed during the good year
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. it was in wheat. well, after him, hazrat agha also had the same interest. fortunately, this happened and the country became self-sufficient in wheat, but unfortunately, our country has a fundamental problem that all the officials of the system must solve. the interest in importing is much more attractive than taking care of domestic production, so we mean, you know this as one of the main reasons. yes, i mean , one of the interests in the country is that we lost our self-sufficiency instead of maintaining it. if there is a shortage , we will import it and cause a crisis in production we don't need to plan, we don't have plans, but this country's culture is intertwined with trade and imports, and fortunately, if so, the supreme
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leader himself. their emphasis was not correct. maybe today, when i am at your service, i could not proudly say that in the years when we had a good year, in the year 1400 , our purchase of wheat decreased to four and a half million tons, that is, we imported 7 million tons , which was during the war. we had all of this together, and if god forbid we had a crisis, it would be irreparable. if you take a look at world war i and ii, you will see it is true that in iran, how many millions of people have died of hunger, mr. doctor, it is an important point that you are saying that despite the fact that we have the capacity and the position and can be self-sufficient, it fell into
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this situation. in 1400, we bought 4.5 million tons of wheat in a good year. and last year, which was another good year after another good year, we reached 10 million tons of bread wheat, and this year, fortunately , we have had a very good spring so far, but our good year continued until the end and served me. after that, god's mercy came down and with the planning that was done, god's mercy that god has in our thoughts and in his rain and in the blessing that he has bestowed on us, especially the hard work of our dear farmers, we will reach absolute self-sufficiency this year, there is no need for imports. we don't have it, maybe god willing we
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will have production opportunities when we reach absolute self-sufficiency. i will explain it in its own place, but now that i am at your service, your question was how much wheat we have bought so far. since i am at your service , we have purchased more than 6.5 million tons, which is 700 tons compared to last year when we were self-sufficient in bread wheat. we bought 1000 tomans more than 700 thousand tons more than last year, many from the western provinces of sarsir country. i would like to inform you that if i come to east azarbaijan kurdistan, west azarbaijan, this is just at the beginning of the purchase. we are going through a very good situation, wheat is being purchased
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by the state trading company, by our colleagues all over the country, the demands of the country, fortunately, until today , when we are at your service, more than 46 have been paid , the total of these demands is almost more than 133 hemat. about 53 percent of that has been paid now . we hope that in the next few days with help respected planning management organization, the rest of the demands of the farmers should be paid gradually, why is it late to pay my dream, the planning that i said, maybe this is an example of our farmer, when he needs it anyway. he got his wheat money. i would like to tell you that you and i are employees, if our salaries are cut at the end of the month, we will be in a lot of trouble
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. now you and i put ourselves in the place of a farmer who has been working hard for 9 months . now the costs are high. it is not enough, it means that they go to get a loan and then take this loan these noble farmers should pay attention to the call of their leader and the call of their officials , plow wheat, harvest nobly
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, and wait patiently. if we see it in the budget every year, it means that we will not plant corn for the end of the year, unless we see it in the budget. not in the budget , it was not wise to see the mechanism, to put the mechanism in such a way that if this happens , this will happen. this can be done in the case that for the purchase of our wheat , as in the same discussion that i presented, god also emphasized to us in the qur'an that storage. let's stand on our own feet , we definitely have to set up a mechanism to do it again. yes, this year , god willing
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, we should see conditions in the country's budget that will pay the money as soon as our product is delivered without any worries, but now according to you promised me that the esteemed organization of planning management, targeted organization of subsidies, said that we will get the money for the wheat that you have mentioned with the difficulty you mentioned. they should understand that they can maintain this chain of cultivation anyway, our farmers can maintain it and
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not get into trouble. well, mr. mohajer, we talked about wheat . let's go to raghani rapeseed this year. it was also a guaranteed purchase. it's true . according to the existing financial regulations , the ministry of agriculture formulated a plan to buy domestically against the imports of those who import oilseeds, or oil meal , which fortunately, now almost more than 90% of kerza seeds have been purchased, more than 50 i also meant that the plan was implemented, yes about 50% of your service is the farmer's money. it has been paid, but the only province where we have more problems, unfortunately, is golestane province , because the private sector that promised that
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god 's first mercy was multifaceted. he gave us the courage to say that even in good times, we can provide the country's needs internally. for example, one of the most important principles is nutrition . yes, these basic fertilizers are phosphate, potassium and nitrogen fertilizers and fight against pests and diseases, the right seed, which is all the result of our researchers, increased production, in addition to god's mercy. well, we also have a problem with this discussion. well , unfortunately , we could not give some subsidies to the producers according to the promise we made. then on time
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to. today, i have good news for them, the ministry of home affairs announced to me that soon this subsidy will be paid. it's great , the bank of agriculture has helped us a lot. we have a support service company that supplies our basic fertilizers, ali although this company. unfortunately, we could not support them financially , we did not give them the subsidy that we were supposed to give them, but considering the credits they had , they were able to provide a lot of fertilizer. the important institutions of our production are fertilizers. how much do we need in the country for our agriculture? yes, you see, we have
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three main fertilizers. we have nitrogen, which fortunately our petrochemical companies produce all of it domestically, and we need 2 million 500 thousand tons of nitrogen fertilizer every year, which fortunately in more than 7 million 8 million tons are produced domestically , nominally more than 8 million tons and officially more than 6 and a half 7 million tons are produced domestically, and we are one of the largest fertilizer exporting countries. and the second one is phosphate and potash fertilizer, which unfortunately , after the revolution, none of the governments, because i have nothing to do with their lines, unfortunately , did not take any action regarding the fact that we can produce this fertilizer inside, fortunately, since 3 years ago, we have i would like to offer you the help of the executive headquarters of farman imam of agricultural bank. konem and the
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national development fund and the private sector took action to meet the needs we need to supply short phosphate by domestic producers. now the preparations have been made. fortunately, the private sector has come in so that we can import 1 million 450 thousand tons of phosphate in the next two or three years. there is something like 500,000 tons of potassium fertilizers, and i would like to say that these farmers are also informed, but some farmers who are not informed , phosphate fertilizers have the role of increasing yield. yes , potassium fertilizers increase the plant's resistance to cold, heat , pests, diseases, and many misfortunes joey naqsh


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