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tv   [untitled]    July 9, 2024 7:30am-8:01am IRST

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the continents have decided to form a council called the council of governors for studies on safeguarding intangible heritage. for several years, iran has assumed the presidency of the council of governors of central asia and west asia . today, its sixth meeting is scheduled to be held . their agenda is to discuss the one-year performance of this council. there is a discussion of program proposals for 2024 and 2025 from 12 countries. there is a representative in this council of governors, we cover 24 countries and it is a very active council and it is trying to get many members . we will address it inshallah, thank you very much, mr. zaadi, reporter of the sda news agency, and of course i should say that the editor of the cultural heritage group of sda and sda news agency
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, thank you. well, let's go to the glass news hall once again, my colleague, mr. kazemi, is ready to meet with someone else. talk to our journalist colleagues, mr. kazemi, hello reporter , hello again, yes, today, just like the third day of the month of muharram and the first decade of muharram, many of us attended mosques and funerals, and many of us planned for the end. week that close we are going to taswa and asha'i hosseini ceremony to participate in this many lovers of hazrat aba abdallah peace be upon him, but today there is going to be an interesting gathering and a special gathering in the so-called tehran, and the name of that attractive gathering is the gathering of ashura children. we want the necessary explanations about this program. let's hear from mr. amin fard what this program is, where it is and its coordinates. hello god. please tell me what is the program today and
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where will the gathering of ashurai children be held on the occasion of the third day of muharram, the day of hazrat ruqiya, peace be upon him, across the country. it is possible at 7 o'clock in the evening, it will be held in tehran , the center of the 22th center of intellectual development of the moharram headquarters, and in fact , the arbaeen of the center of intellectual development all over the country. they will organize the gathering of ashurai children because they have the responsibility of the conscious role of teenage children in the discussion of hossein's upbringing, with the presence of the community of friends such as families and jihadi groups in this ceremony and gathering. ashurai children will also perform ta'ziah , ashurai painting and storytelling. ashurai and narration of
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ashurai will be held. yes, thank you very much for the explanation our colleague was mr. haminfar. let me remind you that on the friday of the first week of muharram , we have the shiran hosseini conference, where there is also a big conference that will be held, and also, god willing, that all obedience, worship, and mourning will be accepted by the lord. thank you very much, madam. you gave us this opportunity to show some of the programs that are going to be on sedah news agency. i am at your service. thank you very much, mr. kazemi, to your excellency and other colleagues at sed and sima news agency . my heart is different because i heard your name. became soft
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in your tent, i felt warm like my father's mother, i drew a picture, i agree with you, and draw it with your finger, like the child in the story of shahid shaf. i know how to cry. if you buy me, i didn't come to play . i came to serve you. tell me what to do. we respect you . i know how to cry. if you buy me, i didn't come to play . i have come to serve you, tell me what to do, dear
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reib, my dear hossein. dear dil hossein, dear dil hossein. our city is different because i
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wrote a black folder for you on muharram. because darlade rangi took karbala, may god not spare him who took you from this world i know how to cry. if you buy me, i didn't come to play. i came to serve you. tell me what to do. we will respect you. i know how to cry. if you buy me , i didn't come to play. i came to you
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. what should i do? good morning . well, the news related to palestine and gaza is still at the top of the international news. let's go to mr. nikbin and see how the situation is in palestine. good morning, mr. nikbin . in the name of god, at your service and respected viewers. good morning, yes, today we are going to discuss the latest developments related to the occupied territories and the war in gaza let's examine it in the presence of mr. mohammadi thani, an expert on west asian issues. dear mr. mohammadi , greetings and good morning. today , news has been published about the visit of the head of the american black organization to cairo to follow the new round of ceasefire negotiations. considering that several of these negotiations have been held so far and each one
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has been unsuccessful, for example, the last proposal that the americans gave a text that they wrote and approved in the security council, but due to zionist sabotage , the difference of this round of negotiations and the draft version of the agreement that led to zionists once again what is the return to the negotiating table? greetings and courtesy to you and the viewers of the program. yes , as you said, william burns will probably make a trip to cairo today to conclude the negotiations . it is being followed up in parallel. a team is negotiating in doha, qatar, and a team is in cairo, egypt, and these two teams are actually seriously working on the latest draft version of this issue. by the zionist regime, a
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series of work-breakers, as you said , are being carried out by netanyahu in a clear way, tuvali. negotiations are in the new era of the regime's security apparatus, chairman shimbat. and the head of shabak has sent israel to the negotiations, which has caused us to see a gap in the last few days between the security apparatus of the zionist regime and netanyahu's cabinet , because netanyahu issued a statement the other day and protested against he released the head of shafa hospital in gaza and made a series of accusations against hamas and the resistance forces. well, the security apparatus protested because this statement was published suddenly without coordination with the security apparatus such as the security apparatus of the regime they believe that today there is a golden opportunity to sign a truce and they believe that
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because of netanyahu's personal interest in continuing the war , or in other words, if i want to put it better , the acceptance of the truce may cost the end of netanyahu's cabinet. they in the process of the relationship, lapid spoke today. and he said that he should go through it himself because zainaf is in these negotiations and will not allow the negotiations to be a normal process . we are at this point. we are at your service. mr. mohammadi, you mentioned the political divisions within the occupied territories and the cabinet of the zionist regime, considering that, as you mentioned, netanyahu will not negotiate a ceasefire with any kind of ceasefire. the opposition
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has been forced to participate in these negotiations by the other opposition parties. this internal duality that exists in the zionist regime can strengthen or destroy the chances of an agreement . see how many factors should be taken into account. a discussion that netanyahu is having is buying time because the american elections are close. i believe maybe he can actually enter into a new type of political communication with the new united states government and ask them for help in order to continue the process in gaza the way he likes. therefore, netanyahu has one eye on the american elections and one eye on the possibility of the collapse of his own cabinet. in the previous negotiations, as you said, we follow all the negotiations as they progress. goes through and reaches a point where it is necessary to sign from both sides, although hamas
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is willing to accept the agreement because this agreement will probably be a temporary ceasefire, then a there will be an exchange of prisoners, and later a permanent ceasefire, although hamas is willing to sign this agreement, it is usually netanyahu who does not allow these agreements to be signed. the upcoming american elections and a part of the northern front that is open to lebanon's hezbollah, and that is one of the equations that will definitely influence netanyahu's decision-making. after all, if this agreement is even signed, netanyahu will have to think about returning the displaced people. definitely , we should enter into a kind of agreement with hezbollah in lebanon confrontation and conflict in the coming days , so all these factors together are effective in netanyahu's decision, mr. mohammad, one of
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the factors that affects the fate of the negotiations is the military readiness of the zionist regime's army, on the one hand, and the resistance forces in palestine, yai lapid, the head of the opposition party the zionist regime has declared that the army of this regime is not ready for long-term wars, and on the other hand , abu obeidah, the spokesman of the din qassam brigades, has emphasized that thousands of reserve forces are ready to continue the war with the zionist regime. to what extent do you think the zionists and the resistance forces will affect the fate of the agreement? yes , the maidan component is definitely very decisive , as you said, not only lapid, but the rest of the figures in the zionist regime, former military commanders such as isaac brik and others. they gave an interview in the past days and had harsh criticisms against netanyahu. they believe that netanyahu
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is stuck in the gaza swamp, and by the way, in their talks , it is said that netanyahu has implemented everything he could on the ground of gaza, while there are happenings under the ground of gaza and in there are tunnels hamas has been able to maintain a large part of its tunnels and underground fortifications during the war that has been going on since october 7th until now. it is given and well , it is very easy to prove this. you just need to refer to some operations of hamas in the past few days in talal hawa, shujaiyeh and rafah neighborhood . on the other side, as abu ubaydah said, he believes that we have thousands of reserve forces that we have not called up so far, and if needed, we will call them up. it shows that the resistance is from the case itself. that is , i am taking the other resistance fronts into account for the time being, only the resistance in the gaza strip itself
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has a very high level of preparation, and on the other hand , as the zionist forces claim , some of these soldiers are separated from the army and interviews are conducted later. what is being said about the gaza strip is that the morale of the troops has reached its lowest point . they are experienced in military affairs in israel , they say to netanyahu that if you fail in this long period of time. reach a point of superiority with hamas and find the upper hand in gaza. how do you claim that you want to go to war with hezbollah when there are 150,000 missiles ready to fire in the missile and drone fleet and can hit israel from the north to the south? therefore, they warn
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netanyahu from entering a new adventure, and they believe that hamas is still the same as today. hezbollah has maintained its combat power in gaza, and hezbollah has several times this power i suggest that we should not include the other fronts in the equation , we should not include the syrian front , we should not include the yemeni front , we should not include iran, iraq, and the rest of the resistance fronts. only israel, which in fact has been destroyed by hamas in gaza, definitely does not have the ability to do this. entered into a full-scale war with hezbollah to the teeth. be armed, and all the military figures of the regime have noticed this, and in their interviews in recent days , i am mentioning this issue, mr. mohammadi thani, an expert on west asian issues. thank you, mr. nekoi, reporter of sed and sima news agency . well, dear viewers
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, let's go to chaharmahal bakhtiari, where there are going to be consultations about the export capacities of chaharmahal bakhtiari and nicaragua. mrs. amiri, reporter of sed and sima news agency. hello reporter. hello , good morning to you and good morning to all my dear compatriots. as you are aware , we have the visit of the nicaraguan ambassador to chaharmahal bakhtiari, who will have a meeting with economic activists and businessmen of the province today and review the economic and commercial capacities of chaharmahal. it is on the agenda. as you know, the most important export, the most important economic basis of nicaragua, is the export of agricultural and livestock products, and chaharmahal bakhtiari province ranks first in the country in the production of freshwater fish, as well as the first rank in the production of blue almonds in the country
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, as well as the production of aquatic feed and many capacities in agriculture and livestock sector. chaharmahal bakhtiari is the ambassador's trip , it is a good opportunity to learn about the capacities of chaharmahal bakhtiari province in line with the understanding that nikara had with the islamic republic last year with the presence of the two presidents, which led to three documents of cooperation and the memorandum of understanding for this trip is in line with that, and we hope that considering that the country of nicaragua, like the islamic republic, has sanctions in exchange. by creating joint banks and the so-called frequency of goods, as well as local weddings, we will be able to exchange financial transfers with this country easier, and it is hoped that chaharmahal bakhtiari will also have a share in exports to this country, god willing. okay, and in terms of
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technical, working and specialized personnel that nicaragua needs in this sector, chaharmahal bakhtiari province is one of the suitable capacities that can these countries can help in building the refineries that they want in nikar and goe, and this meeting will definitely be fruitful, which will be known in the next sections of the news, god willing. thank you very much, mrs. amiri, reporter of seda and simari news agency, you were not in the world, there was no light in the world. there was no god's religion, there was no light in the world, there was no god's religion, you would have been poor, had it not been for the month of muharram
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. hello and welcome to karbala with the daughter of shir god, welcome and
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at dawn with the moon of mustafa, welcome and welcome noor ali noor , peace be upon him, the king of all slaves. parvan shiril yelai hazrat amir.
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allahu akbar. the azan of pertlatla ho al-muhammad wal-ali wal-haq and ma-ul-ali. either ali or abol ali. the night of the hearts has come. greetings.
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you were with us this morning. hello reporter. today is the 19th of july 1403 and we told you about some of the news events that
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will happen today in tehran, the capital, and other parts of the country, along with my colleagues at the tehran broadcasting agency and our reporters in the provinces. we told you about masnui's intelligence organization, which will be opened today, god willing . the republic of the martyr president has been given , which according to the predictions, god willing , was in the 10th and it was emphasized on its launch and appointment. let's become the best country in the world, with the efforts of the artificial intelligence organization, which will start today. thank you for your cooperation, god bless you until tomorrow . together, together, with one flag , we stood in the heart of the homeland
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. even those who, even though age has taken away the strength of their voice, but their voice still burns the heart, hosseini gom shadm o rodam o roo, owe their success to hossein. when i was little, i said that i would get a certificate, get a diploma , get a job, get a wife, buy a house . from old slaves and
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the remembrancers were glorified in the month of muharram and madh, and in khorramabad , a group gathered to give the sign of habib to pir gholam ahl al-bayt . the former does not have the power to speak, but for years, the mention of his ordeal has become a memorial in the memory and hearts of those who listen to his voice.
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in the name of god mohammad hosni, i am from the city of bramin , the winner of the first prize of the second round of the lottery, one apartment, one car, one billion rials in cash and 10 years of fixed monthly salary . fahimeh abbasqali from the city of qom won the second prize. i am the washland lottery. i am sami once from the city of kurd. i won the third place in the second washland lottery. i am washland, a land full of prizes. wow
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, i can't believe it. go to the market , it's a one-way market, i told you that here all the specialized markets near me were good , we came to serai amaziye. in the big iranian house in the cities of qom, isfahan and the only branch of t you are very creditable , i will pay with tara's credit. tara is very creditable to us, tara's credit is up to 5 million tomans for everyone. dad, this
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dishwasher makes the dish dirty instead of cleaning it. it was a good question. i said there is a problem . why don't you buy household appliances from the city? unfortunately, no , unfortunately, no. why should you buy household appliances? why, because it has both quality and discounts, discounts, discounts, discounts , discounts. amazing for all caps in margel. specialized in household appliances, the city of household appliances.
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hi.good morning. continuation of the meetings of personalities , officials and national officials with the elected president. mr. mezikian's emphasis on strengthening cooperation in a telephone conversation with the heads of several neighboring countries, the people's message of gratitude to the secretary general of hezbollah, support for the resistance with power will continue. day
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of support


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