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tv   [untitled]    July 9, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm IRST

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in the name of god, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the world. today, as always, on the 27th day of the end of the war in gaza , we start the program with the latest images and developments in palestine.
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al-shaq, or shabab, or shabab, or shabab
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, the path or shabab of god, means the dead, the dead, or the dead, hasbi allah, hasbi allah. go ahead in the streets, najri , night, in the streets, najri, all the time. where is al-arabiya? do not say to us, "i am ghad, and the souls of ghad, and then the most high , and i am bijuna, i am here, and by god, we are one , and we are one , and we are proud of him, and we are buried in the same way as we are alive. we will be buried in the third hour of the night, the second and the second half of the night. adtna, or uncle of ihramat tzbarb and small airplanes, this al-kobutr
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knows the duck on us all the sides, not the mystics of the right or the north , the hezbollah of lebanon once again showed off its intelligence aristocracy. the islamic resistance movement of lebanon has released the second part of the images recorded by the hodod uav, which their intelligence elites have on the base it reveals the military and security issues of the zionist regime . channel 12 tv of the zionist regime reported. these pictures show the hezbollah drone.
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he flew without any obstacles in the residential areas of nahariya, akaf, jolanan and al-afoura and recorded information . the recording time of these images is not known, but according to some indications, they were recorded in the last 9 months. the media of the zionist regime read the strength of hezbollah in lebanon as worrying and said that it is clear that hezbollah has more capabilities and can move a series of vehicles and will do so in the event of a war. zionist tv security experts asked how many additional f-35 fighters we should buy in order to stop hezbollah drones. less than a month ago, lebanon's hezbollah revealed this capability by publishing images.
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i will start tonight's program with a piece of news. prime minister of india met with the president of russia. narendra modi, who went to moscow for a two-day trip for the first time since the start of the russia-ukraine war , met with vladimir putin at the russian presidential residence. today, the official negotiations of the delegations of the two countries were held, and the two sides discussed economic issues, cooperation in the energy sector, trade and also. production and supply of chemical coatings . the amount of trade between india and russia is more than 50 billion dollars annually. to further investigate the visit of the prime minister of india to russia, we would like
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to talk to mr. amin rezainejad, an expert on indian issues. hello mr. rezainejad. in the name of god. i also say hello to you and also. the noble people of iran, i also offer my condolences to the members of sayyed and salar martyrs and i am at your service, mr. rezainejad . what has india put to russia? the relationship between india and russia during the soviet era and in fact the era after india's independence. also, during the time of the soviet union , a lot of aid was given to this country so that it could maintain its independence, for example, a large part of the indian army is actually a russian structure or the traditional structure of the soviet union
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. the relations between these two countries are one the relationship has been very strong and india's constant approach to the west and even the increasing relationship between this country and the zionist regime has not weakened the relations between these two countries in these few years, but mr. modi is coming for the first time. he puts himself in russia and has a message for the new era that india has entered. you must remember that mr. narendra modi was the first prime minister of india who made a visit to the zionist regime and this is possible. a common season is actually a new season to increase the relationship between this country and the west and to see this country with the west more wrongly. but this issue did not gain for india, even though this issue made the view of the countries of the south and the south of the world
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to be somewhat distorted. in my opinion, india is trying with this visit of mr. narendra modi , especially the bharat janta pararti party. ruler he is trying to show a turn in the field of foreign policy with this trip, although this may not mean india's distance from the west, but we are now realizing the priority of india's foreign policy, even in 2024. we can see from the discussion of trade exchanges between the two sides that the visit of the prime minister of india to russia has increased by about 20%. this is done while at the same time the spokesperson of the us foreign ministry publicly said in front of the media that the us authorities are monitoring this trip with concern. zelensky also about modi and putin they hugged and talked and
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described it as a great disappointment and a devastating blow. what is the root of western countries' concern about this trip and increasing relations between russia and india? it seems that india is trying to establish itself in the framework of new multilateralism. both brics and the shanghai cooperation organization are new frameworks. there are those who are shaping the new world order in the age of non-polarity that we are now living in. well, india definitely does not want to be left behind, because by using that one-way initiative, china will be in a strategic dilemma. he does develop its own imac corridor in order to overcome this bottleneck, which means that india is in a situation where this situation has forced this country to slightly strengthen its orientation to the east in order to be able to take
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its position in these new frameworks. to establish its position even in the future framework that is likely to be created , well, this will definitely be worrying for the united states , it will be worrying before, on the other hand, well, this issue of russian isolation , which the westerners wanted, is widespread all over the world. it has a certain amount of action. the trouble of traveling to russia is one it is a very important issue now in the west in north america that india as an ally of western countries , at least in the indian ocean, we know that it has very deep strategic cooperation with the united states . some of this concern , their concern and this problem, we can better understand why. he says that we are following this trip with concern because i told you that the relationship between russia and india is not a new relationship at all. even
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the indians are constantly buying weapons from the russians. they used to buy weapons before. but this issue, this discussion of new frameworks of cooperation and the weakening of the position of the united states in the age of non-polarity in which we are living, has caused the united states to worry to some extent, and of course its concern is worthy of attention . about this trip, it breaks the taboo of relations with russia during the post-war period of ukraine for officials of important countries to visit this country. there was an interesting point in modi's speech. we will go deeper, what is the plan of russia and india. to increase their relationship, what changes in global equations are they looking for from this relationship?
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to complete your comments, i would like to say that there is a star figure in india named mr. netaji chandra bose, who is actually considered by the ruling party thinkers, the main cause of india's independence from britain, and this. the person had very good relations with the soviet union, this issue makes us better understand that there is an emotional relationship between the ruling party and moscow , and what they can do to increase the relationship, one of the biggest challenges. the ones that exist in the world now are the dollar-based monetary order that brics is trying to break this monetary order. brics has three very important institutions. and the fourth entity, which is actually shared width , is testing it, and probably, maybe in
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the next one or two years, the shared width will come to the market. well , look , there is a large volume of the market with a large population, which is two/thirds. we can say that the world is covered, both in terms of population and even in terms of size. de-dollarization of this relationship is perhaps the most important issue, and maybe even the russians are looking for the dollar much more. i feel these we will definitely hear this more in the future that russia and india will move closer to each other, that is , exchange goods for goods and make more dollars from their relationship until brics comes and replaces the dollar and also replaces the euro in terms of security relations. these two countries are very important for india's missile force as well. the structure of the indian ground forces is completely in line with that of the russian army. the obsolescence of weapons in the
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indian army is a very important issue, and certainly the purchase of weapons from russia can meet many of russia's financial needs during the current embargo period. solve it and also that it can solve the military needs of the indians to create a balance with china . i feel that these two issues happened very quickly, that is, the removal of the dollar from the relationship regardless of the emergence of brics and also that new arms deals are likely to be signed. thank you, mr. rezainejad, for this conversation. please, the us ministry of defense informed sentinel of the continuation of the qarpima ballistic missile development program to sentinel, despite its high cost, and announced that the cost of the sentinel 81 qarhamai ballistic missile development program is higher than the initial estimate.
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but the development of this program continues. according to american laws, if the cost of a weapons development program exceeds the initial estimate by 25% , the continuation of that program will be limited. it has also been announced that the initial cost of implementing this missile program in 2020 is about 95. billions of dollars were estimated. but now about 65 billion dollars have been added to it and it has reached 160 billion dollars. an indian army vehicle was hit by hand grenades in the katoha region of jammu and kashmir, as a result of which 10 indian soldiers were killed and injured, and the condition of two indian soldiers is critical. also, 6 young people yesterday kashmiris were killed by indian security forces in kulgam district. earlier, the indian army conducted an operation called siege and search, and during this operation, they threw chemicals on a house.
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nigeria implemented strict plans to increase its oil production. nigeria is the most oil-rich country in africa, but in the last two years, it has not even been able to produce the opec quota. nigeria's oil facilities are facing structural problems. in the last three years, the nigerian government has allocated more resources to increase the country's oil production, but its efforts to it has led to a slight increase in production in this country. senegalese companies are looking to build software to compete with google's translation tool using local african languages ​​wolof, which can convert a text in french into a voice message in the local language. in senegal, the official language is french , but the majority of people speak wolof. but most of the site and official documents are available in french. it is difficult for mohsen people to use it, and they seek to translate these documents into wolof language. but with this software, there is no contact
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for translation using the platform directly do their jobs turkey's first communication satellite named turksad 6a was placed in the earth's orbit. this turkey-europe satellite will cover north africa, the middle east and asia and will provide emergency radio, television and telecommunication services for four and a half billion people. the number of flood victims in india has increased to 85 people. disaster management authority of india announced. the floods have destroyed the lives of more than 22 million people in the northeastern states. india has disrupted and damaged more than 18 million people. so far, more than 345,000 flood victims have been accommodated in tents are given and now the second case. on the 7th and 5th anniversary of the formation of the north atlantic treaty organization or nato, the heads of the member states
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will go to washington for a 3-day meeting. a meeting that has a special period. the war in eastern europe continues, ukraine has been kept waiting for nato membership, european officials are very worried about the instability of america and the return of trump and his threat to withdraw america from nato. we start the report.
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america's all-round support for nato in the government must first be in complete contrast to trump's america, and now with the poor performance should be in the debate with trump, many in nato are worried about the return of the american businessman. i will not protect you nato members in the same way. even on those days, i encourage them to do whatever wrong they want, you have to pay, you have to pay your share. that is why the german foreign minister emphasized the military independence of europe from america in his speech on the occasion of the anniversary of the founding of nato. nobody knows. what will happen in the coming weeks and months? what we know, regardless of the outcome of the us elections, is that nato must become more european in order to remain transatlantic. but worry only from
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not on america's side. there are also british elections. similarly, france and the weakening of macron's position. schulz does not have a strong position in germany either. these are all influential members of nato and this. it was published that he criticized nato's aggressive approach and warned that the continuation of this process will lead to nato's suicide. the nato summit
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will be held in washington from tuesday to thursday, us time. mohammad kazemi, sed and broadcasting news agency. for more analysis and analysis of the nato summit in washington , we want to go directly to washington, dc, america , with mr. garland. nixon, expert and analyst let's talk politics, mr. nixon. hello , i say good night to you, and thank you for inviting me to your program. mr. nixon, 75 years have passed since 1949, when the political leaders in the west established nato. .
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in fact, the problem is that it used to be thought that the us navy is the strongest military force in the world, and if the us navy ever starts and is used, no one can stop it , but now we see that this is actually being violated. we do this in war in ukraine, we are seeing that even though the american ships and ships, this organization
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does not actually act on behalf of the nations and people, they are actually looking for other agendas, they are thinking about it. they do not act to help the people of nations , they have a series of military goals , they have a series of security goals, and they seek to dominate the world. some countries create and this is because of the warmongering mentality of the nato leaders who use violence and actually put pressure on reach their goals mr. nixon, you mentioned some of the challenges. there are two challenges and issues
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that i want to talk to you about in the current situation. one is the situation in ukraine. in the last two or three years, nato member countries have provided special military financial aid to ukraine, the value of which is estimated to be at least 380 billion dollars. nato has actually placed itself on one side of this war. what approach and actions do you think should be taken in this meeting regarding the war between russia and ukraine ? is nato moving towards a more direct conflict with russia or the extent of nato's involvement in this war? the current level will remain the same. my argument is that the only way nato can actually enter the war directly is to openly bring in its own military forces and weapons.
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i mean that american empire and imperialism . i mean america's attempt to dominate the world, and i think that they are actually using all their power against the americans in the middle east, they got caught in the axis of resistance, a lot of energy has been taken from them, and now they don't have the necessary power in the issue of ukraine. they want to enter with all their strength
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and take action. so they are american they are currently involved in three fronts, one is the middle east, one is ukraine, and one is inside the united states , where they are facing opposition, and i think that if they had the necessary military power to enter a military conflict, they would do it i think that what i think is that nato's military power is worn out and reduced, and now it cannot actually play a role in that war , and the military limitations that nato is working on do not allow it to achieve its goal. thank you for this analysis , there is another challenge to worry about, the future of nato, according to media reports that non-american military officials. they are extremely worried about
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the return of trump , who considers trump to be ineffective and even threatened to withdraw the united states from it. in addition, some former nato generals expressed concern that the united states and the european union will enter a period of great economic problems in the near future. what do you think about the future of nato?
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america and the economy that is under the guidance of the united states put pressure on the people of the world and bring them under the control of the united states and do not allow them to do their own work, but we see that many countries in the world they are inclined to the east towards brics and the organization.
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germany and france are facing each other because this cuts off the flow of energy to europe to the detriment of the germans and the french. therefore, we see that they have conflicts of interest within nato members, and each of them tries to gain superiority and leverage against their competitors and, in fact, against their own organizations. so we now. we see, and in my opinion, there is a situation where europeans have to face the reality. america wants to actually do something to stay nato members he wants to attack their infrastructure to weaken them. so i have a bright future for nato.


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