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tv   [untitled]    July 10, 2024 4:00am-4:31am IRST

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if you change your car, your pad makes a sound like a train whistle . it is obvious that it wears your disk. i will put tandis pads on your car. hello, at 4 am, according to the managing director of iran's national refining company, the capacity to export catalysts to neighboring countries has been provided. mr. salari said at the technology transfer conference for the localization of catalysts in the refining, petrochemical and gas industries: a large part of the catalysts in the petroleum industry. it has been domesticated and the field for exporting
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the catalyst of the oil industry is available. inside the country, there is now a need assessment, now there is a capacity inside the country it can actually be provided for the competition . on the other hand, the countries of the region also need a catalyst. well, my dears, they said that the company actually said that we are now exporting to another group . that this access inside the country, the production inside the country, the cost is much lower than if we were able to solve those distortions and those congressional debates. candidates for the second round of the national exam, i only have time today to refer to the website of the national organization for the examination of admission cards. receive the second round of the national exam this thursday and friday week it is held all over the country at the same time. in
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this exam, 63% of the registrants are women and 37% are men. the preliminary results of the national exam will be announced at the end of june. in indonesia, landslides have killed 35 people so far . continued rain makes it difficult to provide relief in this area. heavy rains and landslides in the suwawa region of gorontalo province, located on the island of sulawesi, indonesia, caused the destruction of an unauthorized gold mine , several residential houses, a transportation bridge, and the death of dozens of workers and residents near this mine. terrible knowledge of the land of the workers at work in the mine , the rescuers first dragged the bodies under the mud. they found 12 mine workers
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, but in the continuation of the search operation, with the discovery of other bodies, the total number of dead in this accident increased to 35 people. the search operation is hardly completed due to the deep cover of mud on the road surface and the continuous rain, so the rescuers have to walk about 20 kilometers to reach the place of the landslide. a total of 85 people were discovered and five people lost their lives.
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there is no information about the missing worker of this mine and the search operation is still ongoing, most of the residents of this area were moved to temporary accommodation camps. the bid movement is 19 years old, a global movement whose goal is to invite the people of the world to boycott the purchase of zionist goods by two-thirds of british households. after that, the south african authorities questioned the officials of the aldi store on this issue , of course. selling zionist products with the name of
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other countries is not exclusive to aldi. this french-speaking lady says that she came to buy fruit when she saw this. they wrote a lot of production with paper. in the country of peru, the boxes were said to have come from the occupied territories, but why the sellers hide the names of the zionists from the buyers is for the same reason. dds is a global movement that invited people to boycott zionist products and companies that support zionists, and many like this lady accepted this invitation. this indian lady also says that she has decided to go to mcdonald's nerwood chain stores to eat . see these two people. by installing these programs on their mobile phones, they first check the product. if
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it is made by the zionists, the program will warn and find the product. others say that some of them started boycotting companies that support the zionists by making this dabs mesh. this boycott and protests in front of the store and companies that support the zionists, some of them have been brought up to date. the user published this image and wrote that this empty store is the largest starbucks representative in qatar. another says that this is the situation here on a busy night in istanbul. mcdonald's stello restaurant, maybe seeing pictures like this made mcdonald's and starbucks the subject of cnbc's report, the sanctions have done their job, the business of these companies has been damaged, mohammad javad
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, the guide of the radio and television news agency, revealing part of the information about joe biden's parkinson's disease. it attracted the attention of the american media the new york times announced in its exclusive news that only one parengson specialist has visited the white house 8 times in 8 months. four months before the us presidential election, the disclosure of new information about joe biden's parkinson's disease has become the focus of american public opinion and media.
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trump is still going on, that debate and especially biden's unprecedented weakness and inability are being criticized by the american people . i asked a number of new york citizens their opinion about that debate. i am really
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sorry for us as the american people. what are they talking about? biden was very slow. of course, from this point of view, trump's situation is not much better than biden's, and nearly 50% of the american people think that trump lacks mental health and diagnosis for the presidency of the united states. they know, ali rajabi , new york broadcasting agency, thank you for your cooperation.
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shahidist to you in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello , dear fellow citizens, welcome to the first page program. in this program, according to the routine of another servant of the iranian nation , they stand in front of the camera to talk about policies, strategies and of course decisions that can help in the growth the economy of the country is effective. subject related to. mr. engineer shah mirzaei, honorable deputy minister of oil and also the managing director of the national petrochemical company , welcome to the program on the first page of bismillah rahman raheem. that our dear viewers all over the world, wherever
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they hear the voice of iran, and i offer my condolences to the days of mourning for sayyed and salar of martyrs and 72 faithful friends of mr. aba abdullah al-hussein. the framework of the 13th government is presented and we want to have a work report, the most important in the field of petrochemicals what was the strategy that was adopted in the past 3 years in the field of strengthening the petrochemical foundations? yes , you remember that the petrochemical industry is an industry that is about 65 years old in our country, while the emergence of oil
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started 60 years later when the first tea was boiled in the naftun valley of suleiman mosque. petrochemical activities were in our country, that is, in 2017, the implementation and objectives of the morbadasht shiraz petrochemical began and continued until the victory of the islamic revolution, in total we can say that there are 6 petrochemical complexes with 100% affiliation, yes, 100 affiliations . there is also, that is, mr. engineer before that they used to sell crude oil , they actually exported oil in crude form, and then petrochemical industries, that is, within the framework of the same policy, they were inside the country, but
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all its infrastructures depended on big countries like england and america. technical knowledge means license, the need for goods and equipment, the need for design and implementation, the implementation of a technical unit is operational. after the construction is done, you want to enter this technical unit into the feed and get a product from the other side, that is, before starting the road. launching and maintaining the community after launch practically, it means operation and when necessary , repairs and continuation of those goods and equipment that are needed during operation. in almost all of these chains, only in the field of human resources, we
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employ part of the human resources from iranian children in the facilities. they take and do not allow to enter until one radius from the central core, so that iranian engineers, iranian experts , can enter the campaign . it was ready to be exploited since the revolution and it was being exploited with performance , that is, our actual production is about 1.6 million 1.6 10.1 million and 6 thousand people were reported in 1956. this was our situation before the revolution. now we had a revolution . what should we have done? where did we get to? and today , my question to your excellency is what is our strategy after 45 years of 456 years. the winner of the islamic revolution , well, quickly after the victory of the revolution, despite the war, sanctions, coup and the so-called unrest in
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the first two years of the revolution, and after the war and sanctions. we planned a number of these units and petrochemical products in the country on a massive scale, they have been developed, but in the field of products that have added value, there is a maximum. unfortunately, due to the sanctions, the neglect that was inside became negligent in any way, and we were lagging behind, mr. engineer, one of the places that actually had the most severe sanctions against it was the oil industry, including petrochemicals, which is within the framework of the damato law. saying nowhere, any country that invests even 20,000 dollars, we actually sanction it. yes, on this basis, as you mentioned, because the important position of our country
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was to have huge reserves of oil and gas, which could be converted into products with greater or maximum added value means the highest petrochemical final product it has added value that it becomes a raw material for the industry that produces final goods, for example , the audio-visual industry, the leather industry, the textile industry, and the so-called automobile industries of various industries of the country, which in every country today exceeds 90% of the raw materials of that country's industry, relying on products and the production of petrochemicals, either they should be imported or, like our country, which fortunately has technology, we own oil and gas reserves. crude oil goes to the refineries, it is used for heat and
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energy consumption, so to speak, it is used as feed for petrochemical units. or gas after processing is it done initially, or is enriched gas coming into the complexes of the petrochemical industry layer by layer and becoming the final products of petrochemicals? well, this is the disadvantage of our country, the supply of our country improves our country's economy and actually guarantees the employment of our country. the one who is malicious to us, the one who works to overthrow us, is trying to target the throat of the country's economy, where the oil industry is the most important guarantor of the supply of resources, in fact, it guarantees and supplies the country's capital. therefore, the sanctions you mentioned, including damato, were aimed at the oil industry aiming at the oil industry and investing in the oil industry, where more than 20 million dollars of
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foreign investors are subject to serious crimes and so-called issues. america's embargo becomes an engineer . before we get to the current situation, we were in 1956 or rather 1957 when the islamic revolution took place. 10th million tons of total petroush production. of the 6 complexes that were open in iran at that time, how much is the installed capacity today ? fortunately, we have 95 million tons. we are talking about more than 96 million tons, but it means how many times, but it will be more than 60 times , which means that the yield of mash will be more than 60 times, and by the end of
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this year, mr. doctor, it will reach 12 million tons. it was put into operation, which was able to increase the amount of petrochemical production in the petrochemical industry. yes , as you mentioned and our intelligent people know, many projects were left half-finished due to various reasons, some of them had problems with legal ownership, and some of them were due to financial resources. partly due to the so-called lack of proper study when issuing the approval in principle, so it was necessary to revise it
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those projects that could be implemented and moved , we came and put them in the review process. the trip that the supreme leader of the revolution took to hamedan was still a racket plan, and it was activated in accordance with the principle of agreement, because of the country's needs, and in 1402, it became a picket fence. its implementation started , it has more than 30% growth and physical progress, some like zanjan petrochemical complex had legal issues
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, there were more than 96,000 honorable shareholders in that area, but legal issues had arisen and it had been abandoned for 10-11 years. clarify his task and announce the last word for this industry. fortunately, with the will and determination of the 13th people's government, with the guidance and strategy of our dear martyr , the noble leader, and the follow-up of the honorable minister, this work was followed up, and 2 other powers came to work, which means all the powers of the honorable president. judiciary as well as the honorable speaker of the parliament to follow up through local representatives. finally, we were able to overcome this 15-16-year standoff, and today the major shareholder was identified, and it
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is currently being implemented, mr. engineer , it seems that a land-use plan was intended in the field of petrochemical units in the country, such that, for example, in central zanjan, in ilam, in kermanshah, in various places that may be far away from the sources of raw materials production , what is this policy within the framework of the policy? mainly, both energy and water, and capital , so providing capital does not make a difference whether it is in the south of the country, the center of the country or the north. it's a country, but let's go to water supply and energy, we have to take care of it so that we
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don't needlessly place a project in an inappropriate area, so that later we have to take the product hundreds of kilometers or thousands of kilometers back to the waters and want to export from there. we should move the same complex next to the wharves or ports that have access to open waters and produce there and export from there, as well as water resources. there is also an abundance of energy production resources due to the fact that our oil and gas reserves are mainly located in the persian gulf and in the southwest of the country , so our energy sources for electricity production and possibly other infrastructure and ancillary services are easily accessible from there. fortunately , for example, we had a plan defined in the morche khurd area of ​​isfahan, which after re-examination , it was decided that due to the fact that the product should also be sent to export destinations, it was returned to the main area and it was announced that the labor orientation that was supposed to be in
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these workers should stay away from this native area they can go from here to work there, and actually have the benefits of industrial activity. maybe one of the reasons is that isfahan is suffering from water stress, and both isfahan and fars province. climate or in other regions of fars province , a plan of this kind was also defined, a plan like zanjan, which
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was also stopped in 12 years with 85 thousand. by the grace of god, with the efforts made , the local officials, the governors of golestan province and the governors of zanjan province all came to work in hamedan as well, and this great work was done, that is, the burden and work that was done, for example, in hamedan, oi hamedan, around 19. and it was half that it was stopped or in zanjan and golestan were 11-12 years ago, this also started to move, and today the people who are shareholders here are witnessing that if they accepted in the 80s , today they are witnessing the movement of these plans and projects, which , god willing, are being prepared one after the other , but in the relations when, for example, was the closest complex built and the executive operations started in this.
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the persian gulf, which is located in the howeiza region in the azadegan plain, is one of the projects that also has environmental benefits for us, because the gases that you see whenever you travel in the southern regions and oil and gas regions are like this. the fuel from those burners is collected, it comes to that refinery, it turns into ethane products , heavier than ethane, and a part of it is the same natural gas that comes into the network. finally, the output of that refinery , which invests in petrochemicals and is considered part of the petrochemical chain, sends the rest. for our port area, mahshar, and there , it will become hundreds of products that we know today as the production products, as well as elfin gesht saran petrochemical geshtsaran, which, well, a long time
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had passed, but it was expected that due to the time before it was past in the next ten, 10, 15 years, people say that this plan will not be completed, but thanks to god, with a jihadist determination, the diligent follow-up of the plan in the national petrochemical industry company with the strategy given by our martyred president and the follow-up of the honorable minister in the company all the managers of the persian gulf holding have to be in a jihadist mode and in a pastoral mode, all the capacities should be concentrated and we started there last year with the arrival of the president and by the hands of our dear martyr mubarak. the same burning gases that when it burns, it means our environment our air, our land, our water, our soil.
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it pollutes our breathing and actually people's lungs and nature's lungs because raw gases contain toxic substances when they come and after the so-called combustion and sometimes co, which is among the polluting gases and known as greenhouse gases. it can be harmful to both the human species and the environment and the plants. all of this has been collected and is being collected. these plans actually create multiple added value for the country. they destroy our environment and health they do, and that property is directed, it creates employment, it becomes capital, and for our country, it becomes
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the so-called resources in the treasury of the country will eventually accumulate, which means that it will be beneficial for the country in several dimensions . thanks to god, the sanat petrochemical company entered. with the guidance of the petrochemical company and the strategic plan of the ministry of home affairs, we moved to hamdallah. then the gasses from east karun, so to speak, will go to the gas refinery called bid bland there. it is separated and it comes from the beyd boland region near behbahan in the gajzaran petrochemical region, which i mentioned before. this crispness is a blessing and there it turns into ethylene and ethylene comes into the next units and turns into polyethylene and so-called polymers which have different uses. to another part of the petrochemical industry.


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