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tv   [untitled]    July 10, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm IRST

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they are sent to the sub-reservoirs . at 8:00 a.m., the sub-repositories will be opened again. in the same way, it will take several layers to reach the doubtlab table . the answer sheet is in a plastic cover. unfortunately, this path is someone who usually , if you pay attention to the news today, how many channels have the fata police arrested? yes, 114 people have been arrested. one question was not discovered. facing
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the editing work they do after the photo volunteer they will get a document that if my question is not a question tomorrow, they will have taken away your right to complain , they will do something wrong, so i ask you to know that in july of this year, compared to ardi behesht , the work has become much tougher, tougher and tougher. we took a total of 35 people in ardi behes month. they brought equipment with them that they were supposed to use, but they didn't use it at all, and with the help of scientists, as we saw in the report , we built a device that monitors every radio wave or bluetooth wave that is active there. the person to whom this wave is related is us at all. the field that i said
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, how many of these devices are there in all the fields, it is not one or two, it is the first generation that we made , we updated the first generation this year, that is , we updated the equipment a bit, we have the second generation, we have the third generation, and the third generation is very efficient. it has an upper part , you just enter. you won't be recognized at the door , you go and sit in your seat, this device is turned on immediately, the relevant official and expert will come to you, and he will make you show yourself, that is, the person who gave this device , naturally, you will be banned for 10 years. facing we do not consider them as criminals , we consider them as offenders, they are our youth, but the agents
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who cooperate with them behind the scenes or ensure that they move in this direction , they are criminals, they will be immediately introduced to the judges on duty. and the judges on duty are immediately sent to prison for up to 5 years, so the security is complete, and i told our friends to follow this trust especially this year, because we are on the verge of a change of government. and it has its own sensitivities, and god willing, we can do it in many ways it is worthy to present the path of the students who will be elected in the next government, god willing, so that they can use the good feelings and dignity. the internet will not be cut off this year. there was no need for it. we have cut off the internet since the first year.
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we didn't have this tool, now we have so much layout of our notebooks that even if a photo is taken , because you can see that they are forcing a number of agents to take a photo with the equipment at the meeting and send it implicitly that the year is in erdi behesht and last year. whoever took a picture was arrested a few minutes later, that is , before reaching the second or third page, he was caught as a thief, so to speak. to if he wants to return to the meeting, this answer is not valid for anyone, because they have different answer sheets, and immediately, since we have the photo, the key that he wants will come. we did not receive a single case of network fraud in erdi behes. from number 35 to number 49, there
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were 5 and 9, about 14 people who brought notes with them. shun means in the traditional style, in the traditional style , now they have written a note of the formula, which is useful for them to bring the note themselves. it destroys their concentration, they expose themselves to factors that become something because there is no peace anymore, anything that you bring with you other than the things you are allowed to bring with you will destroy your peace, that is, if you can score 50 now with in fact, the questions are different, the notebooks are different in
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terms of the possibility of taking the equipment or using the equipment. there is no cheating because i don't know last year or the year before, you showed in one of the press conferences that these were very small , that is, were they discovered in the following years? well, it didn't work. he had brought it with him hoping that something would happen to him. whatever you expected, nothing happened to him. well, friends. they will be discovered in the first few minutes of my exam, and unfortunately they will lose an opportunity of several years. you said that it is not considered a crime for those who actually commit this violation
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. what kind of interaction do the networks that are being taken now have with them? are they criminals? criminals according to the taqfat konkur law will be sentenced to 5 years in prison and heavy fines for them, and in the so-called path of the respected judges and guardians of those who candidates who are not guilty, but are violators , are placed in the way of the assessment organization and the council or the violations board , which are banned from participating in the exams for between 1 and 5 to 10 years. well, they will follow this so-called cash crime and up to 5 years in prison on their own criminal path. dear doctor, one of the truly national tasks that
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involves all the institutions and organizations is the transfer of these notebooks to the districts. how did you manage this so that god forbid it happened? you see, now , anyway, the questions must be transferred in physical form . in the near future, we are going, of course, in the exam the smaller questions will be transferred electronically, and we have prepared a piece of hardware that the question will be placed on, and the volunteer will answer when we reach that point, so the transfer will not take place, but now gradually, we are going in that direction and we are trying to persuade the companies of private sector scientists
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to come and provide equipped halls that have the necessary hardware and we are united. in a long-term period of time , we should provide them with numerous tests, which is the organizer or the test operator, that is, a specific place for this is because i thought, for example, like these bank messengers, which actually transfer money, but due to the security it has , there will not be any problem, see, it is a method of testing. there is one that can be done at home, called the home version or co-edition , which conducts the exams. we also got permission in iran to conduct co-editions for some of our international exams, but it creates a very heavy cost for the applicant, and a lot of
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cameras are required. install these cameras around him to be controlled online by the organization, the device he is doing with the devices javresh is a very heavy software process , the cost of which is very heavy. our device is being installed and god willing it will be installed. all our notebooks and our answer sheet will be smart, which means that every person who sat
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for the exam has his own special answer sheet . all the pages have encrypted keywords that this page belongs to this person, and if he does not protect this page, he will be considered a cheater. no matter how he does not guard, they will claim him anyway . therefore, we are moving in this direction we should make both our paper and paper tests smart and have our paperless tests based on a secure electronic platform to the extent that our facilities will be increased and we will be able to implement other devices involving the private sector . god willing, this success will increase . . do you hold exams? in total , we held about 179 exams last year
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, the total of national exams , recruitment exams, international exams, all of these are combined. there were a thousand people, our largest population was 600 thousand it was almost due to the fact that we cannot take the exam for 2 months , it is not possible to hold a part of our exams in the month of ramadan, and on occasions , we are practically involved in conducting exams for about 45 weeks, and we have several exams every week, that is, like this it is not that there is only one time, this nationwide exam is a five-time exam because each of the exams is independent for itself and it is planned to be held in two days. a question that you may be able to answer or only you more expertly
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can answer that it is not better to remove this test at all, that is, to remove the entrance exam. two years ago, we moved in the direction of elimination, which means that there must be a logic behind it so that it can be replaced . tell me from tomorrow. if not, what do you want and what do you want to do
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? the percentage of the national exam is 50% of the national exam, what has been removed, practically removed , when you get your educational records , apply in us according to the process that we have adjusted with education, the training tests have been taken for him, and there has been an impact. dear friends, the preliminary results will be announced from next week they will have a review period for the test results and god willing, they will give us the results in august and we will start the grading process , a combination of academic reward and the national exam in an equalized form year by year, and then a so-called ranking. . we
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will have up to four valid exams this year, which means that a person has four valid scores, two valid scores last year, two valid scores this year . not be it is up to the individual to choose which group of criteria it's your choice and we also have a score from education. education scores are taken year by year , so it's not like we have a score every year. now, if this score has been restored , it will turn off and tell us that it has not been restored . well, our score is the previous one, we will take it again and act on the basis of it . i will let them take part of the education exam this year, no, it's not like that, every year
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is unique and as we say, 50% of the whole exam is a combination of these two, and naturally, the whole exam this year we want to accept based on that, the combination of the national exam and the academic swab test is the initial report card that the candidate can take three majors based on. we will give him one for shooting later. based on the grades of education that we got, these two grades will be used to make a grade. considering the two weeks that were created in our work , there was a delay, the reason of which you know better, with a delay of one or two weeks in late mid or the first half shahror, i should say, you know that children choose their majors
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based on their choice of majors. god willing , we have a test section. this will lead to the production of test results in the first half of october. there is nothing new, we have three regions, one, two, and three, and we also have the so-called selfless logic, which is stable 5. there is nothing else. excess capacity means excess if there is. there is no plan to reduce or change or adjust this land, except according to the mustobe of the cultural revolution council which we have been implementing for two years, the council is obliged to review it and they are reviewing it.
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they have not yet reached a final conclusion on how to act. how is your cooperation with the ministry of higher education now? well, as you know, our organization was promoted to the national organization for assessment and evaluation of our country's education system. voluntary service means that we have to say that this university is guaranteed by the government with this quality, we have quality assurance, we have quality measurement. we have a ranking system to promote the universities . the aim of this is to promote the
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university . that is, you must be able to have a device that monitors, monitors, grants credit, guarantees quality, so the organization will move in these two directions, as an independent institution, it has its own activities under the supervision of the president, but it is a heavy continuous work. with 3 main home ministries, education, ministry of science, ministry of health, and the responsibility of managing the implementation of all these tests it has the devices. now in the form of tafeeel. or it will act in a shared way and the responsibility of accreditation will be given to their internal evaluation, they are responsible for internal evaluation , and the external evaluation is in the control of the assessment, and based on the external evaluation, there is a so-called ranking issue , a quality assurance issue.
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the work has multiplied and i needed it, i need it here. let me remind you of our martyred president, who pursued this issue with a hundred times more motivation than us , who said that our country deserves to be the first in the region in this direction, we are almost among them. we are the last countries that have come to the conclusion that we have a device that monitors outside of the internal organization because everyone naturally says that my work is good. my work is good in internal evaluation. the confirmation of this internal evaluation is done by the external evaluator, which is the national evaluation organization, which i must mention anyway. from the honorable president , you spent a lot of time on this path, worked hard , approved the constitution, followed everyone, helped, and alhamdulillah, the verdict was delivered to me, and
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it was one of the last verdicts issued by god. save your time and we have 20 seconds to tell us how many scholarships there are this year. see, the scholarship has started from parsa and is increasing year by year. the relevant institutions still have time. until the selection of the field that they want to announce their capacity for scholarship through the student affairs organization, we will include it in the book . thank you very much. we wish you success for this book.
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they don't use it, but it was actually seen like this . i often recommended them because it is he always said that i don't get tired, he said that i don't get tired from work, he really didn't get tired, he really didn't get tired, he was surprised that he came back from a foreign trip in the middle of the night, and in the morning he was in some place , for example, karaj, some place to meet people. we didn't hurry, why did we sleep after the prayer ? don't be tired, mr. john, it's good. he really believed that we can
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solve many of the country's problems by relying on our internal capacity. one of the most important characteristics of mr. raisi is that he is a people person. he paid attention to the people , he was respectful to the people, he was present among the people he was touching the facts, this is exactly what is meant by islam. i said these incidents in order to be recorded as a model to show that someone who is the head of the executive branch of a country can collect this. he should have practical, intellectual and heart qualities and these together and follow
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the opinion of dalak or hussain, may allah bless him and grant him peace, or abba abdullah al-salam ali al-hussein and ali ibn al-hussein. here, our shah, here, his mahram, along with the sadness of his heart, his house and his family, also wears hossein in black. all the neighbors in this device are in the same corner. he takes the work, one pairs the shoes, the other the carpets he sweeps, someone pours tea, a small support, now
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there are some very magnificent things. yatar hossein in the houses of my city, everyone grows tall on the path of hossein, thank god for this success. this year, when we are again in this device, we can serve here, the city of pir gholaman is in love .
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no, it didn't make a difference. it made a difference. no, it didn't make a difference. yes, it made a difference let's enlighten ourselves.
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wow, i can't believe it. yes , it was only a while ago. if you wanted to buy something, you had to spend a lot of time to go and look around. then you get to the market . every one has a one-way market. i said that here are all
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the specialized markets. the only branch of sarai irani in tehran is sarah afsar. unbelievable prices for long-term contracts and without advance payment in the big iranian store in the cities of qom, isfahan, and the only tehran branch in sarah afsariyeh.
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instead of cleaning the dishes, it makes the dishes dirty . it was a good question. no, why buy from the city of household appliances, because it has both quality and discounts, discounts, discounts, discounts , amazing discounts for all hats in the specialized reference of household appliances, the city of household appliances. hey , dad, he's behind again, okay, let me see if you know anything about dr. tammin's special sales plan, dr. tammin, you have to apologize , we had to close the business due to financial issues, so that 's no problem, if you allow me, i'd like to introduce you to dr. tammin, special sales of products. mpg building with long-term repayment, special cooperative.
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i greet you in the name of the great, merciful god the viewer the conditions for the passage of foreign nationals from iran to iraq have been clarified. the head of arbaeen's central headquarters stressed that citizens living in iran should insure themselves like iranian pilgrims. to insure


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