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tv   [untitled]    July 10, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm IRST

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dear viewers of this program, thank you very much . with this short introduction and introduction of the guest of tonight's special news talk show , i will say goodbye to the dear viewers of one tv channel and invite you to join us for the beginning of this talk on khabar network . thank you very much for being with us , as you heard in the news and i mentioned it in the introduction, the exhibition of foreign policy achievements of the 13th government was held today. let's look at what happened in the thirteenth government in the area do foreign policy. and of course, it was planned to
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achieve other achievements in the 14th government of mr. bagheri. let's go to the exhibition that was held today. the importance of holding this exhibition and what happened in the government of shahid raisi in the field of foreign policy , in the name of allah, the rahman, the rahim, first of all , i offer my condolences, the days of mourning and the martyrdom of hazrat aba abdullah al-hussein, peace be upon him. and our dear friends and companions, we ask the almighty god to grant us success in these days and nights so that we can actually use the fuses of these hours and those more than before, as mentioned. you said that we are open today.
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we had the foreign policy of the government of martyr ayatollah raisi and the ministry of martyr dr. amir abdullahian. his excellency mr. mokhbar came to the ministry of foreign affairs for the opening ceremony of this exhibition in the hall of nations of the ministry of foreign affairs . had been prepared. god willing, in the near future, the mechanism for people to visit this exhibition will be announced. dr. bagheri explained the most important topics of this exhibition to our viewers. what subjects in? first of all, i must stress this point to everyone now let's remember the martyrs of ardibehesht flight once again, the names and memory of these martyrs, especially the martyr.
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ayatollah raisi and martyr dr. amir abdullahian were in fact the ruler in the atmosphere of this exhibition, and everyone was affected by the fact that, on the one hand , they were happy with all these achievements, and on the other hand , it was a sad atmosphere because of the loss. giving these dignitaries who are really national capitals and the islamic revolution, well, in this exhibition , there are many different topics for your presence, which are the achievements of foreign policy in 120 days of effort and activity of the government and the person of ayatollah raisi and the person of dr. amir. abdallahian was exhibited. one of the main topics of the 13th government's foreign policy was the issue of neighborhood policy. a significant part of it was dedicated to neighborhood policy, which i will now give a brief explanation about. it was multilateral and the international movements
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that our foreign policy had in this so-called period. one part of the discussion was the diplomacy of the resistance , which we saw a very special prominence and brilliance in this period, especially after the al-aqsa storm operation and the sadiq operation . another part. the activity and efforts and achievements of public diplomacy in this field were also activities and efforts our friends in tehran and the representative offices of the islamic republic of iran in the field of providing consular services to dear iranians abroad, as well as several other departments , which in any case included about 13 or 14 different aspects of foreign policy. in
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this course, he showed it. i think the main topic of this government's foreign policy was neighborhood policy. look, politics. in my opinion, it had a very important feature, and that is that this doctrine or this foreign policy approach of ayatollah raisi's government was actually collective , there is no opposition in the country, that is, anyone with any style. the so-called political taste and tendency that exists in the country. if the islamic republic of iran was able
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to shape a serious development in the field of relations with its neighbors during these three years, which has been achieved, our relations with our northern neighbors, thank god , are growing a lot, and with russia in different ways and in terms of in fact, the diverse and numerous capacities that both iran and russia have, well, our relations have expanded a lot over the past few years. mr. dr. bagheri , why did the 13th government go to one of the main topics in all activities in the field of foreign policy ? agreement on the development of relations and strengthening relations with our neighbors so that if we want to protect our independence, we know for sure that there are oppositions, oppositions, oppositions, in fact, this policy and this approach, and this is actually the so-called
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main point in the foreign policy of the great powers , led by the united states, anyway. the leadership of unilateralism in the world is actually in charge of the opposition. why, because he wants all fields of international relations to be defined either under him or along with him. if a country wants to preserve its identity, i.e. to have independence , it can be opposed to it, you don't need to get involved with it. get into a conflict, get into a fight. that you say that i want to keep my identity . my political identity, my cultural identity, and my identity , in fact, in your presence , i want to preserve a civilization and all of this, everyone has an interpretation that foreign policy means the loss of national interests , national interests means the loss of the identity and identity of our nation. then there is the islamic identity, the revolutionary identity and the national identity
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. well, when we do this , we do not allow the enemy to penetrate our identity. this is actually a healthy cell in the world, it is working and developing ideas , look at the same thing that happened with the islamic revolution, despite all the pressures, we are now clear about our capabilities and the components of our power over the whole world , for example let's assume that one of the components of our strength is military power. the component of our strength is scientific progress . the component of our strength is national cohesion. it is a lot of effort. or rather, there are hundreds of media outlets in the world with the support of this one-sidedness that will disrupt our national unity and national cohesion with different pretexts, this is a capital of this power component we are big, they want
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to put a line in it. now, my point is that the neighborhood policy actually creates a barrier to preserve your independence, that is, it creates a barrier to you, the enemies, if we can have an interaction with our neighbors. let's face each other and cooperate. as a rule, the enemy can't take advantage of the gap between us and our neighbors. i had this point. it is that these neighbors are not the same, for example, suppose a neighboring country we have, for example, in terms of the christian religion. a country, for example, is muslim. a country, for example , is sunni muslims.
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suppose, for example, he is a member of a security club or club in the world, for example, he is not, a country is a member of a club against him, a country, for example, is not, in the economic field , it is diverse. one interaction all. to build a stable and long-term interaction with others other actors who are acting in the international scene. another important point in the neighborhood policy is that we are a power, this is a fact.
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despite all the pressures and restrictions and prohibitions against the islamic republic of iran, especially in the past few decades, it has been proven in the military field, well, in fact, this progress. he should be able to bring power to the country because he is the author of our power. what does authority mean? authority means that it can benefit the people and the future of iran. you care well, this neighborhood policy has provided the basis for this, so when you as you can see, in the economic field , we were actually able to expand our interactions with our 15 neighboring countries. a neighbor of mine , let me just say this to us, there is a neighbor who
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is actually in this circle of 15 countries. in fact, with the mechanisms that had been prepared , the process of reviving our relations in this country was actually put on track, that is, we entered into one, so that we can, in fact, in the framework of the general policies that the system there are various issues that we should enter into a dialogue with this country, and we can revive our relations with that country as well . in my opinion, this path is the path ahead . therefore, we are with these 15 countries that are our neighbors with all the diversity, in fact, in different political, economic, military, cultural, and scientific fields. and a civilization, in fact, we were able to reach a discourse, in any case aligned against despite
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the existence of differences, look at this very important point. we do not know the persian language , it is an arab country, you cannot eliminate this difference but an important point that exists is that our enemies want these differences to turn into disputes, and they try to turn these differences into conflicts .
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it was that in fact, two sides, that is, us and the other country that is our neighbor , reached an agreement that we do not want our differences to turn into differences, we want to resolve our differences through political platform and dialogue, that is, it does not mean that let us say that our differences are over, our differences have disappeared, no, no, no matter what, let's go ahead of it. one there is another issue that may actually be disputed, but the path is actually in front of us, and in my opinion , these conditions have put very good and positive conditions in front of the country, and the 14th government has created a very suitable and favorable environment for advancing foreign policy goals. in fact, it is ahead. the last point in this section is that now, by leaving behind the neighborhood policy with these 15 countries, we can, and should
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, coordinate the various axes of what you mentioned as the achievements of these 3 years in the field. let's examine the foreign policy and let's talk about other issues because it's important now. between your talks, the subject the authority of unity and unity of the islamic republic of iran in the field of foreign policy was also the issue of our people . in the past days, we witnessed a large turnout of the people at the ballot box for the election of the elected president, mr. masoud bizikian, and we want to examine the impact of this in the field of foreign policy, because now the achievements and achievements of the 13th government, you mentioned
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, let's pay attention to the participation of the people at the ballot boxes in consolidating the issues. how effective was our different foreign policy, how much does it strengthen the issues that were set up in the 13th government for the 14th government? it was a shame and it was a loss for the country and in fact our people, but the saga of the presence of the people in the mirror of the election itself was actually a component of our power. elections will definitely be a very strong support for the advancement of foreign policy goals, so you look at the news today , i was listening to the news tonight, the number of phone calls to mr. masoud bizikian, the
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honorable president, to be honest, the number of hand. and even from the beginning, the congratulations of the different countries of the presidents the republic of different countries for us in the ministry of foreign affairs , in any case, we are preparing these things. now , in fact, several heads of state are in line. now, some of the heads of countries could not speak because of this congestion . maybe some of these countries may be two or three days now. are in line because of this situation, therefore , the conditions that the islamic republic of iran has now, because of that support and because of the people's actually informed and intelligent participation in the elections, in my opinion , have provided a very good platform for advancing the goals of the foreign policy in the 14th government, and this bastar can definitely provide national interests and progress of the country ok, god willing, the discussion of economic diplomacy when iran became a permanent member of shankai or in
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the brics issue, many people think that these official memberships are only in name and in appearance, and maybe nothing will happen in the field of practice, but the result of what we have in the field of politics we have seen abroad, we have seen that it was effective in various fields, including our economic field , tell us about these achievements, look at our presence in international mechanisms such as shanghai or brics, these actually have short-term, medium-term and long-term effects. his long-term works are more serious in my opinion. more effective and more important our presence in these mechanisms and standing next to the big powers in the world, such as russia , china, india, south africa, and brazil , will actually mean that we are their partners in the decisions.
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we will be big of these in various economic, political, security and commercial fields, for this reason. it provides a great power for the islamic republic of iran . on the other hand, since we are a power, we must be able to advance our own interests and policies in the international arena. basically, we are actually a single country and actually a separate country. from the rest of the international mechanisms, either we cannot do this or it is very difficult, but if we organize our policy in the form of a multilateral system, it will be much easier to advance our view and policy . during this time, we have seen first hand in the mechanisms that are in the shanghai group and in the brics group , the islamic republic of iran has had an effective and serious presence , for example, the mechanisms of each of these two groups , perhaps during each year that a member country is president of
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it, is actually a group. maybe more than 200 meetings at the level of leaders or ministers are actually appropriate or, in fact, at lower levels, in different subjects . in fact, if you look at it, can you give us an example, for example, the achievements that have happened during this period, now the foreign policy has made a lot of efforts to achieve it in some areas. for example, in this recent meeting , mr. dr. mokhbar participated in the meeting of leaders last thursday in astana canteen. the shanghai cooperation organization, well , it was of great interest to other countries as well, and finally, iran , which is currently in the transition period, and the day they participated. doing it a day before the election means hours it was before the second round of the presidential election. one noteworthy point for me at least was that this issue was of concern to the countries present, especially
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the chairman of the meeting, who was from kazakhstan, in the name of iran, and mr. mokhbar personally thanked him for his presence, he sat there, for example various documents were approved and signed by the leaders during your presence, one of which was the energy document on energy cooperation between these countries, because look, for example, in shanghai, we have the largest energy producers and the largest energy consumers. iran and russia are among the largest producers of energy, both oil and gas, in the world are. china and here are the biggest consumers. this energy document is actually a mechanism that can create a synergistic interaction between the supply side and the demand side. it is true, in fact , other groups or other players in the so-called supply of oil. and gas and demand for oil and gas exist in the world, but due to the volume of energy exchanges they have, these countries can have an impact on other relations and even multilateral mechanisms
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that are related to energy issues in the world during your presence. there are now opec or non-opec or other mechanisms or other groups in the so-called western world , there is energy management anyway, so i would like to say that these mechanisms and protocols can provide very suitable grounds for the alignment of these countries in various issues of health, environment, agricultural industry, even issues cultural and scientific can provide this. in fact, this weekend we have the meeting of brics presidents in st. petersburg, russia, that is, in fact, in all fields. these countries are entering into a mutual interaction and this is the relationship and convergence between these countries and the role that the islamic republic of iran can play in that format.
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it will definitely create a platform for many benefits for the islamic republic of iran and the people. mr. dr. bagheri, in these 3 years, when we have seen various activities and various achievements in the field of foreign policy, where have the sanctions lifting negotiations reached and how far have they progressed in accordance with the strategic law of the parliament? look at the sanctions lifting negotiations and its compatibility with the so-called strategic law of the parliament. i can clearly say that the process that the negotiations went through had no friction with the strategic law of the parliament, and in fact all its provisions were taken into account, and this is a matter of course, that is, the law. majlis 1 is a framework anyway it is required
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which led to the war in ukraine and this war in ukraine caused a break, maybe the westerners thought that, for example, in the process of the war in ukraine, they could reach an achievement in front of, for example, their opposite party, which is russia, they themselves gave a break in the negotiations, then when in fact, nothing was achieved for them, the negotiation process continued again at the end of the spring of 1401 and summer, and we reached the final conclusion in the negotiations at the end of the summer of 1401 , and therefore, the agreement was actually
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made after the elections of the american congress. in fact, in the middle of november 1401, between the foreign ministers of the four countries in addition, one should be signed, but the so-called disturbances in some parts of the country actually misled the western countries, especially the europeans, and they miscalculated and tried to delay the process of finalizing the agreement. because something else was pictured in their mind, but when they finally saw that in the end of fall or early winter of the same year , they did not achieve any tangible achievements that they wanted. not actually coming back to enter the process of talks, but this time actually the necessary seriousness was not observed on their part, but we
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this and that issue are actually being followed up. of course, because the negotiation process is a confidential process, this process may not be very clear to the authors, but what i can emphasize is that the path ahead in the field of negotiations to lift the embargo is a forward path and efforts we are at the remaining stage anyway until the government takes office. 14th
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, we should be able to provide suitable grounds for a serious move in the so-called new government, mr. doctor , we have 3 minutes , there is an important issue of resistance diplomacy, and a very important point besides this issue is the role the diplomatic system of our country is honest in strengthening the legal and of course the diplomatic aspects of the promise operation . it is based on the vote and view and the so-called desire of the people of the region, and this is a blessed phenomenon , the so-called basis of which is the birth of the islamic revolution, this is a fact, therefore , the approach of the islamic republic of iran has always been to stand on the side of the people, whether in countries that are we remember what crimes the terrorists
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committed in syria and iraq in the islamic republic. iran was on the side of the people and stood against the terrorists, therefore and now whether it is the resistance in lebanon or the resistance in palestine , which in any case is standing in front of a full-fledged occupier and a full-fledged aggressor of the so-called president , the important point of resistance is that the resistance in the field, especially after the al-aqsa storm operation, will be successful. in my opinion , this is the point that, after 9 months, the zionists, using the most advanced weapons that the westerners, especially the americans, provided them with, still achieved a tangible result, a definite victory, a success that they can stand behind and don't rely on him to get the first place in the field in fact, the political, legal, and public diplomacy of the resistance has actually reached a significant maturity, and thanks to your presence in
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various fields, they can and will do whatever it takes to protect the interests of the so-called people. provide resistance to those countries and the people of the region, so you can see that now in the process of indirect negotiations that the resistance is doing with the other side, which is america and israel, through the arab countries, now the upper hand in the field of negotiations is also with the resistance, the reason is this if you remember, the west and the united states , in fact, with the efforts of the islamic republic of iran and the independent countries vetoed this resolution . now the resolution that the westerners are actually finalizing in the security council is the resolution that the demands and
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demands of the resistance. it is in you, and the so-called terrorist trend that they used to say and was vetoed is not in it, and i think this is a very big success for the resistance in the political field, mr. dr. bagherkinin, thank you very much for your presence in the voice of vijeh news and what you explained. i am saying goodbye to you. as always, i am grateful for your good company. good night and god bless you. thank you very much, mr. doctor. in the name of god the compassionate.


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