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tv   [untitled]    July 12, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello, dear viewers , we are at your service today with the news section at 17:00. simultaneously with the first friday of the month of muharram, shirgan hosseini world conference was held in 8500 places in iran and 45 countries. in this ceremony , mothers held their infants in their arms and shed tears of mourning for the six-month-old martyr of karbala and showed their love and devotion to the hall of martyrs .
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minister of interior to make the necessary arrangements for the movement of arbaeen hosseini pilgrims.
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shalamche bashmagh and tamrchin informed about the borders of khostroi mehran kozabeh. mr. vahidi said after visiting sharmcheh border foreigners will only cross the crater border in a concentrated manner. we made a joint plan with the honorable minister of iraq to visit the borders together , check on both sides and issues, and if there is anyone, we will deal with it and... god willing, the necessary decisions will be made and resolved this year too, mr. governor. and all the colleagues at the provincial level are doing good work. let's see these and talk again. if there is more work to be done, with the service of the governor and other friends, the necessary decisions will be made, god willing, the reduction of blood reserves in the capital of tehranis. . blood
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do not donate , referring to the emergency situation of blood reserves in this province, the general director of blood transfusion in tehran announced the issuance of a call for negative blood group donations and said that due to the decrease in the amount of negative blood group reserves, there is a need to donate blood of negative blood groups, especially we are a and him. the general director of blood transfusion of tehran province stated that the use of blood has increased compared to last year due to the increase in medical centers and the increase in the number of surgeries. the managing director of tavanir company said: if people cooperate , we will spend this summer without blackouts. mostafa rajabi mashhadhi he added that the company has no plans to publish a blackout schedule. ceo tawanir announced that there is a 10,000 megawatt electricity imbalance in the country, which will be compensated by moving peak hours in various sectors, including industry, agriculture, and administration.
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the spokesperson of the country's electricity industry requested the subscribers not to use high-consumption electrical devices during peak hours including 13:00 to 18:00 and 20:00 to 23:00. remove additional coolers from the circuit and set the temperature of the gas cooler to 24 degrees and above to help provide stable electricity. according to this official of the country's electricity industry , there are 8.5 million electricity subscribers so far. that consumes electricity they have reduced themselves compared to the same period last year, and they were eligible to receive a spending bonus, among these people, the electricity bills of 900,000 subscribers, which is equal to 11 of the household subscribers , have been completely free. the head of the department of natural resources and watershed of mehabad city of west azarbaijan province said that in recent days, more than 8 hectares of pastures in tomeh city were burned. mr. hosseini pointed
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out that there are 20,000 hectares of moist and 1,000 hectares of forest trees in this area and the possibility of a fire occurring and continuing , he asked the citizens if they see it. report any fire to sources with the 04/15 system naturally inform. natural resources experts check . the most important reason for this is to estimate the filling during smoking. unfortunately, many of the microorganisms that are necessary for the foundation of the environment and are not visible to the eye are lost due to these fires. the islamic council emphasized that changing the border in the neighborhood is iran's red line. mr. ghalib, in a meeting with the deputy speaker of the armenian parliament on the sidelines of the meeting of brics heads of parliaments in st. petersburg, russia, added that iran's definitive policy is to expand relations with its neighbors. in this meeting, the two
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sides emphasized the expansion of bilateral cooperation. mr. qalibaf in his meeting with the speaker of the parliament of belarus, also referring to the closeness of positions and views. hai tehran , minsk said: the two countries should use the available opportunities to increase cooperation in various economic fields. the comrades of haj ahmad gathered to honor his memory and the diplomats who accompanied him after 42 years of his abduction. hello, chaja . hello, god bless you, wherever you are, don't be tired. his situation is with a commander from imamzadeh neighborhood of seyed ismail in tehran, who remembers him well. one of the characteristics of haj ahmed, whom we call him as a commander, is eshon. he was a leader, that is, along with him
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, he brought people, he promoted them, he gave them a spiritual boost, and then, in the so-called military, political, and cultural terms, he promoted these things , he is the number one man. paveh and ghazs describe marivan and kurdistan in this way . it was before the islamic revolution that he set foot in the bloody region of kurdistan to defend the revolution. shed , his comrades and friends, who are sitting together in his memory , talk about a man standing in the dust. what does not fit in the military standards, exists in the field passage in a very short time, he founded a brigade under the registration of muhammad rasulullah.
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i will immediately start the training and organization of the combat unit and the fatah al mobin operation will be done successfully. in the future, haj ahmed is the agent of shiite salvation. it will be lebanon, i took them in the same presidential room, when the supreme leader told them that you were assigned to help the people of lebanon, he raised his hand to the sky and said, "thank you, god, and he was sent there to establish hezbollah." lebanon played the main role, certainly if ahmed metuslian.
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cyber ​​driver to the relief centers of this regime notifying and warning that the communication lines of the zionist regime's fire and relief organization are disrupted and it is not possible to contact them. with the start of the zionist regime's invasion of gaza on october 15 last year, cyber attacks on the zionist regime's infrastructure, including military, security and urban centers, have increased. not long ago, hackers also attacked the website of the zionist news network vala. and they took it out of reach. dear viewers. thank you very much for being with us until this moment. goodbye.
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i would like to greet you again, dear compatriots . have a good evening. in terms of temperature , i would like to inform you that for the next 3 days in the south-eastern parts in the southern and southwestern parts of our country , we are still witnessing this trend of temperature increase in these regions and the continuation of the heat in this direction, until tomorrow in the southern parts of the caspian sea, the southern slopes of alborz , and the northeastern parts of the country, the temperature will drop by 1 to 2 degrees. falls into consideration it will rain tonight, we will witness rains in the southern parts of the khazb sea for the provinces of mazandaran, golestan
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, the northeastern parts of the country, the provinces of north khorasan , the northern parts of the province of khorasan, razavi, the albert highlands, for the provinces of albert, tehran, semnan, the southern parts for the northern and eastern highlands of hormozgan province. and we are in the southern highlands of kerman province, where the rains in these areas are in the form of torrential rains . we are in semnan and also in north khorasan, due to the intensity of the rains , we are predicting the flooding of public roads and the rise in the water level of rivers and canals in the eastern parts of north khorasan province and the northern regions of razavi khorasan province, so we recommend that our dear compatriots tomorrow , refrain from standing on the banks of rivers and canals in these areas. tehran. also, mazandaran province continues. in the northeastern parts
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, we witness the rains for the eastern parts of north khorasan province and the northern parts of razavi khorasan province, and in the southern parts of the country for the southern parts of fars province. on sunday, rains are expected in the highlands of ardabin, gilanan and mazandaran provinces. there is no news of rains in other areas, and on mondays and also on tuesdays, we can almost say that in most parts of the country where we see a stable situation , we expect wind in the northeast parts of the eastern parts of the south parts for the next 3 days. in the eastern part of the country, in the southern slopes of alborz and to some extent in the central areas, we can witness the phenomenon of dust, which reduces the quality of the air and reduces the visibility. also, due to the wind , we predict that the eastern parts of the oman sea will be rough in the next 5 days. thank you for accompanying us until this moment.
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by allocating a preferential width to the import of medical equipment , if they want to allocate a preferential width, it should be allocated with justice and knowledge. this preferential width should be allocated. various reports we examined the issues related to the allocation of width to the import of medical equipment with the issue that the dollar is cheap. let's face the importer of medical equipment or bring the same subsidy and explain it through the insurance companies
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. anyone who wants to invest in the field of any technology will surely be discouraged when he sees that he can do business with different widths and different methods. this is at the risk of the preferred currency due to the structure that exists for the allocation of width and for imports. it is not acceptable to anyone. no let's go to reform the currency policy, listen to the voice of domestic producers and support the industry medical equipment the board of ministers was prompted by ardi behesht this month to amend the foreign currency allocation policy for medical equipment in a resolution based on which the preferential width is allocated only to the import of medical equipment that does not have domestic production. which is domestically produced. it can, yes, it should be valued , 4,200 tomans, 285 dinars, whatever the legislator
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deems appropriate, should be given. subsidized currency is a source of corruption, and this source of corruption, in fact, will eventually hit somewhere. in the same currency as goods it is similar to domestic manufacturing, with the removal of the preferred import width in the medical equipment industry. the role of insurance organizations to reduce the pressure on patients is becoming more prominent. the advice we always had to the ministry of health of the government was that the width should be preferred to the discussion of equipment. remove the doctor and take the support they want from the patient to the insurance and actually the direct support they can have to the patients . those who have paid insurance premiums have supplementary insurances, they must state if
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there is a price increase , increase the percentage of their coverage accordingly, which is an additional cost. add 5 new products monthly to the product basket, actually medical equipment. last year, about one and a half billion dollars of foreign currency was allocated for the import of medical equipment, with the recent approval of the council of ministers. domestic production will be more supported and the amount of supply in this industry will decrease. mehdi mohammadzadeh, radio and television news agency. these glass rectangles are supposed to help solve the electricity imbalance in the country. the plates that
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were introduced as energy storage in solar power plants. but sometimes on the side. electric energy boom in order to solve this problem and any disturbance in solar energy production, a knowledge -based company has designed a system for real-time monitoring of solar power plants. one of our companies is a reliable data-driven company that works in the field of smart industry solutions. we produced a product there, the monitoring and monitoring system of the solar power plant. it is known that this product is at the cost of one-tenth of the similar foreign model. now it is installed in khursheed jarghouye power plant in isfahan. in fact, it is related to its productivity, energy radiation , sunlight radiation, a large number of meters
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measure these and provide them in a system, in fact, in egypt, the person who is exploiting them, so far in the country. this system is similar to the system that is being used , it is a foreign system and for the first time we were able to produce this system and implemented it in several power plants. monitoring solar power plants through this system has advantages over traditional methods. this software is used to monitor the status of solar power plants. well, the power plants solar power plants need to see how much is needed, which is important to them for the maintenance and repair of power plants. this software provides this data to the power plant operator, and they can easily
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make the power plant operate at a high level for a long time. they can manually take notes from the devices themselves and prepare manual reports that this software makes the work very easy. it can create monthly, daily, weekly reports and any data they need according to their own wishes and those reports. prepare solar power plant monitoring system with one tenth the cost is compared to the similar foreign model designed and produced. this product is more complete than the foreign model. this software is owned by the access software institute, which is actually one of the american companies. the cost was almost one tenth of the cost of this system. the production cost of this system is one billion tomans, and we have almost finished it. the cost is one-tenth of the cost that was installed in the first phase of this power plant, and in this second phase, we
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installed a domestic product. product development is considered technological. to become the darling of the tv news agency , every street in the city of zanjan should be visited for at least one day . the age of home fasting is as old as the age of sayyid al-shahda ali
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, along with hossein's passion, he also has hossein's intelligence. hello imam hossein, you know how much i want you , based on the home fasting of aba abdullah al-hossein , peace be upon him, who has adorned homes since ancient times. in the months of muharram, the main goal of maintaining the stability of imam hussain iii's death is that we have about 200 cooking presses, and about 200 households are covered by this delegation. over the years, i have seen helping the poor, preparing clothes for the students, even in the morning sacrifices , dividing the meat from the gifts of the bride and the groom, and educational work is also done here, for example , they teach carpet weaving, they teach clay weaving. we have qur'an teaching, we have interpretation of naraj al-balagha, we have home fasts of hazrat aba abdullah al-hussein, peace be upon him, with a national scope
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, and are also registered in the national list of intangible cultural heritage of the country . after more than 9 months of the gaza war, they still come to the streets of the occupied territories and shout slogans against netanyahu. i think the government israel is doing little to reach that agreement and that is why people should ask the government to take action and establish a ceasefire and return the hostages to israel. at the same time, the news of william burns, head of the us central intelligence agency, and ronan arrived. the head of the security agency of the zionist regime traveled to cairo to discuss the latest draft of the ceasefire agreement with the mediation of egypt. the latest round of action
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by the zionist security forces to free the prisoners, and if their prime minister was with them, netanyahu announced by publishing a statement that any agreement that the right continuation of the war against israel is ruled out. a statement that with walken. netanyahu's message is shocking. netanyahu's statement was accompanied by the reaction of yair lapid, the head of the opposition party of the zionist regime. what is the purpose of publishing this statement? we are at a critical point in the negotiations. the lives of the captives depend on it, and you issue such provocative messages, how do you want to the israelis by publishing these messages? can you help? netanyahu does not want to go in this direction of this agreement for several specific reasons, one is that he feels that if this agreement is signed, it is possible that his cabinet will suffer.
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collapse, but the intelligence and security apparatuses of the regime believe that this is a golden opportunity and a limited gate. at the same time as the negotiations, s. moutrich , a member of the cabinet of the zionist regime, holding a picture of yahya senwar, says that the signing of the ceasefire agreement means the victory of this military commander . the hamas resistance, by publishing a statement about the latest status of the talks, announced that netanyahu is facing more and more obstacles every day. creates for negotiations , escalates its aggressions and crimes and increases its efforts to forcibly displace the people of gaza, so that all efforts to reach an agreement make the the senior commander of hamas emphasized: if no agreement is reached during this period of negotiations, the resistance is still capable of continuing the war with the enemy. during the 9-month war, we were able to recruit thousands of new fighters, all of whom
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are fully prepared to join the battle when necessary. muhammadan nikmin of the shahr radio and television news agency, ya posh, imam hossein, peace be upon him, greetings to the flag and knowledge, greetings to the poems of mohtashem, greetings to muharram. every year when muharram falls , people show their love and devotion to the ahl al-bayt family and the leader of the martyrs by attending funeral processions and ceremonies. it doesn't matter what. do you have a job or what is your age? what is your job ? what are you doing here
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? we are all a family, muharram is a good opportunity to
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understand. the concept of sacrifice, martyrdom and don't leave us empty-handed seyede fahima hashemi , rushd tv news agency. it is better to pay attention to these points from wherever we are going to buy an appliance . what does the consumer price of the remaining cash mean? let's assume that the consumer price of this washing machine is 20 million tomans . now let's calculate the remaining cash if we pay 20% in advance. it can be 4 million tomans now we have to subtract this 4 million from the consumer price
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, that is, 20 minus four, so our debt will be 16 million tomans, so installments and fees should be calculated on the basis of this amount. also, be aware that the fees for installments should be from zero to finally 1%. city of home appliances why does kavir motor give its motorcycle buyers a free helmet? one morning they were passing by. at the factory, i saw a motorcycle rider had an accident because he didn't have a helmet, so i was seriously injured , so i decided to donate a helmet to all the great motorcycle riders in order to prevent hundreds of people from being harmed. take the other this work is a good outcome for me and kabir motor group. kabir motor with
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installments of 24 months and bank facilities of 36 months. in the name of god. hello fellow countrymen at 17:30 with some news from science and technology are at your service. the increase in medical admission capacity will be applied this year as well. the secretary of the science and technology staff of the cultural revolution support council says that according to the council's resolution, the ministry of health is obliged to increase the medical capacity in all university centers. according to dr. eftekhari, the necessary follow-ups to remove the obstacles and challenges of the implementation of this resolution is being done according to.


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