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tv   [untitled]    July 13, 2024 2:30am-3:01am IRST

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the third cultural axis and people-to-people dialogue, of course , in the same first axis, issues such as the fight against money laundering, the fight against the financing of terrorism, of course , without or by avoiding the application of double standards, and that brics itself is now, for example, the anti-money laundering group, the anti-money laundering group. it follows these by financing terrorism. moreover, in the economic field, the new development bank of brics has actually been formed, and now in the cultural field , student exchange is also discussed. one point that was emphasized a lot in this course was the formation of an institution between the brics. and in fact, accelerating the increase of its influence in the international arena is a long step in
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the direction of multilateralism, which requires more support from the people of these countries, so the parliaments, as actually the assembly of people's representatives , should play a role together more than in the past. thank you very much. as mentioned, in the last one or two years, the issue of dollarization in brics is becoming more serious . it is also being followed that bilateral monetary agreements can be established between countries. even the idea of ​​unit width was raised in this meeting you participated and how much was done to de-dollarization . look at an interesting point. today, i attended the second summit as a representative of our country and gave a speech. when i looked , i saw: in the speech of india, in the speech of china, in
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the speech of russia and other countries. as you know , new members also joined brics . or to put it another way, dollarization. of course, conditions between countries it is different, for example, russia and china as the two largest economies in the world. now china is the second largest economy in the world and it will become the first economy in the world much sooner than 205. and the fifth one , these have taken great strides, now china has bilateral monetary agreements with many countries.
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and russia in the same way, well, you must be expecting that the bilateral monetary agreement between iran and russia has almost been completed and that we will be able to use the national currencies to clear transactions, in fact financial and transactions. our commercial use has come to an end, even in the recent trip that the head of the central bank of our country had , we heard that in fact. we can use the messages of our national media and the messages of our and russian media, and now the russian messengers can actually exchange messages with each other , as long as our bank card switch can be connected to it, that is, our shatab network, and let's say, compatriots. when they travel to russia , they can use the cards issued in fact. but
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when one or two countries or several countries succeed in doing this, gradually, in my opinion, other countries do they dare to join these networks or create bilateral or multilateral monetary agreements. economically, you were involved in decision-making . you are now the head of the parliament's economic commission. what is the significance and impact of, for example, us being able to exchange with russia on the basis of rials and rubles ? when this happens , a country whose national currency is the us dollar and
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the european union's national currency is the euro will find this power. he either has the power to avoid or in other words to sanction the use of this money in these exchanges, then the problem we are facing now, for example, is that an iranian businessman actually exports to russia or a russian businessman exports to iran , these should be resolved. under normal circumstances, it should be done through the use of dollars. now, if these sanctions are actually second-hand, let's say secondary , we can't even use the dollar as an intermediary currency anymore . we can't use the euro as an intermediary currency. of course, they created systems in the past
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for example, creating a u-trine or a target, but also sanctioning it on us, and this causes that now when the commercial exchange does not lead to a financial settlement , these exchanges will gradually decrease, that is, when the united states and the european union value economic tools as a political weapon. they are using us to create a separate path in our trade with those common widths that are basically no longer subject to sanctions . you are now expecting to appear to us in many business affairs and even investment there are no sanctions outside the country or other countries inside us, but because this money transfer and clearing of exchanges must be done with dollars
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and euros, and sanctions are applied here, now you know a lot about these sanctions, which are beyond sanctions. in fact, international or , in other words, un sanctions, these sanctions are mainly unilateral sanctions, that is, sanctions that originate from the will of the united states and are actually based on american money, that is, companies or intermediaries, for fear of being sanctioned by the united states later. first, they avoid that banks basically do this not doing it means that after all, the banks that work in the world's monetary network do not do this. now, actually, one of the reasons is what you say, and if they do this , they will face heavy fines, and this is where we actually de-dollarize. that is, this is where the dollarization becomes important. perhaps, for example, a
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term is actually political economy, but the reality is that if we can implement bilateral monetary agreements with different countries. and now if we go in this direction to actually create a stability because that is what causes the countries avoiding implementing bilateral monetary agreements is that, for example, let's assume that russia is fluctuating, this is where our businessman is facing a risk, or our money is actually fluctuating in value, this is where the russian businessman is. there will be four fluctuations, so i want to tell you that there are other points, this means maintaining currency stability, one of the first, now that the central bank has an agreement to cover this fluctuation and reduce the risk of this fluctuation.
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this is where monetary agreements actually become important bilaterally or multilaterally. i what really stood out for me today or yesterday because i have been following and studying the brics issue for years is that it has become a voice and a public demand and has gone away, that is, maybe 10 years ago, 15 years ago, only us we wanted to, but now the rest of the countries, the rest of the countries, now russia is more worthy than us, china is more worthy than us, and well, for example, you see, china is an economy. great russia is a big economy and i have no doubt that other countries will join it, thank you.
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the foreign exchange reserves in the country will decrease, which means that when we exchange with these countries with common currencies , we will have less need to use our reserves in dollars. well, we have a eurasian economic union and how much do you think about the brics organization? do you think there is a chance that we can do this with other countries in addition to russia? yes, let me point out a point . after all, whether we have a surplus of foreign exchange reserves or not is a debate that will be returned. in any case, you are aware of our commercial suitability, even in these years when we were faced with severe sanctions, the overall balance of our payments has always been positive, and this means that we accumulation of foreign exchange reserves or now
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we have foreign assets. now the discussion is about how to maintain this surplus and accumulation. well, let's assume that one way is to maintain it, but in choosing and actually determining the appropriate composition of our currency portfolio , the stability of the yield is the same. and issues like this are the subject of criticism. it is important that we can use it on time according to our needs settlement well, when it is actually only dollars and euros , or now we can also mention other currencies along with it sometimes, but it is mostly dollars and the interesting thing is that you see at the end of the story , you have to assume that the euro will be settled with dollars in oil exchanges. that when we can actually exchange with other countries with their own money
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, our supply portfolio can be more diverse and liquidity can be more, and that sanctionability, which means managing foreign exchange reserves, will be easier. let's pay attention to the fact that these names are called multilateralism as people say beside him or alone. mill itself also has the issue of diversity , that is, let's assume that when we talk in the international arena , we talk about international relations, in treaties, now we talk about the international side. shanghai is actually a very commendable work. membership in brics, membership in shanghai now, or in fact
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another cooperation under the title of eurasia , we should see these as complementary, somewhere they will find synergy and maybe somewhere it will lead to bigger coalitions, for example in the summit the recent parliaments mean the 10th assembly of the parliaments of the brics member countries, only now brics to south africa and now the new members of this country, iran , the united arab emirates, and ethiopia, did not see the presence of the countries like kazakhstan , belarus, and these countries also attended and part of countries that are also members of the shanghai pact are now being asked where to join brics and now. the customer, or in other words, the subscriber , or in other words, the partners or applicants for partnership in
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the new development bank of brix bank, is increasing . this is where we can accelerate the domain. or the depth of the brics influence, let us find more hope, mr. doctor, thank you very much, you were tired from your trip , you came back tomorrow, i think you should be present in the parliament , we wish you strength and do n't be tired. be.
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fire insult the distortion of the opponent will not become the truth, and the third case after the us election debate and joe biden's severe weakness in this debate, requests for his withdrawal from the election have started, now whispers in the us indicate the possibility of
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the us president suffering from parkinson's disease. from any other time with pressure for withdrawal from the upcoming elections, which observers see less and less chances against trump. biden's conditions, poll results and his situation in key and decisive states have progressed in such a way that biden's campaign has come under severe pressure from voters, congressmen and donors. it is said that the democratic representatives in the conversation they had with bayden about the possibility of a terrible loss. saying in the election, but biden is still resisting the withdrawal , just when biden wanted to show his mental ability at the nato summit, once again. he made a blunder and praised russian president putin instead of ukrainian president zelensky . we can see this blunder by biden. "and now i want to hand it
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over to the president of ukraine who has as much courage as he has determination. ladies and gentlemen, president putin, president putin, he's going to be president putin, president zelinski, i'm so focused on beating putin, we got to worry about it. anyway, mr. president, you are hell lot better we are entering, we want to go to tennessee, america, to talk with steve gill, former consultant analyst of the us government. mr. gill, hello, thank you. in the last week
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, the white house had planned a lot so that biden could have a picture at the nato summit. he should show his strength so that the heads of other countries will understand that he has the ability to defeat trump . he should also show the american voters inside that he has the ability to continue the competition . now, according to the events that happened , what kind of situation do you think biden is in? their plan was to show world leaders on the world stage that this
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is very powerful, but it ended very disastrously . the opinion of american voters appeared very weak. this is the worst scenario that happens to the democrats and is actually a source of laughter and humor for the world. in fact, now in the camp of the democrats , we are witnessing a kind of embarrassment and confusion, as they do not know what they should really do. mr. gill, as you know, a few days ago , the new york times made a disclosure that the experts at the parkinson's treatment center in the last year 8 times. how serious is the possibility of biden's parkinson's disease coming to the white house for examination is an
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issue. there is an old example in america where they say that covering up is more terrible than the crime itself . there is something similar in iran as well, whether he has parkinson's or not . physically , physically and mentally.
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it is very terrible that we want to leave the country in the hands of this for a few weeks. thank you very much . there is another aspect that i want to talk to you about , which is recently the media. and the characters are getting it regardless of the outcome of the election, as you said, they say that biden's mental retardation and his inabilities are dangerous for america. for example, just a while ago, elon musk claimed that with the current state of america , it is as if it does not have a president at all, and some regardless of the election contests. the possibility of trump's victory will threaten the continuation of biden's presidency due to the domestic and global conditions. do they know what you think? it is definitely the case. in my opinion
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, what ilan mars said is close to the truth, that we do not know who our president is at all, who is running this country. manages what we know is that this man cannot and is not able to have the necessary coherence to perform his duties. the crises we are witnessing are out of the timeline and these talks. we don't know who currently has the actual guaranty of the president in america. they have no coherence. and it is dangerous that we have a shadow of the president , that the american people will not support someone who does not know what he is and what he is doing. a little
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about this increase in pressure on biden let's talk withdrawal. the new thing is that polls among the democrats themselves show that the majority of democratic supporters want him to resign. but after this public opinion, now the witness. every day , more and more democratic members of the us house of representatives and the us senate are calling for biden's withdrawal. their number is increasing every day, even some artists who are traditionally supporters of the democrats, such as george clooney or michael douglas, are in front of the camera or in articles. in the latest case , the american media, specifically msn, asked biden to step aside bc news barack obama behind the scenes. he is trying to withdraw . some say that the hours and days ahead are very fateful. what do
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you think about these pressures? in my opinion, the number of people from among the democrats who are trying to get him to resign is more than 20 or 30 people, and there are even a number of celebrities who are not doing their jobs as president.
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the biggest concern is that donald trump, on the other hand, is a threat to this is it. currently , this is the best opportunity they have and the democrats are trying to fill the void. from let me ask you a final question, if he has to step down , who do you think would have a better chance to replace him? in my opinion, the most views are on kamla harris, well, as it was said , he is already the vice president. you can continue this election campaign and organization for the november elections and you can't say that
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you want a new person, maybe.
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we must have heard something about the peak consumption hour or the so-called peak consumption hour. now that we are in the hot months of the year, the peak consumption hour starts from around 12:00 noon to around 18:00. due to the heat of the weather, electricity consumption is much higher at this hour, and from 19:00 to 23:00, due to the darkness and the simultaneous use of lighting devices, the consumption increases as the weather gets hotter and the days get longer , the electricity consumption also increases. what can be done to reduce the possibility of power outages? it is possible to use a vacuum cleaner to wash and iron clothes in the morning before 12 o'clock, or for example, instead of an electric samovar , use a samovar or a gas kettle
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, use water coolers in temperate regions, and go less towards spilt and duct spilt. in the office departments, if in the morning we can start the work earlier , we can use less electricity during the peak hour. what i said is not difficult at all, it just requires a little attention, and it is enough to think that our inattention may cause a blackout, and many people will compensate for the losses due to a power cut. inevitability will come to them.
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3:00 am
thousand tomans. to order the number. text one to 1065 70. hello, at 3 o'clock, the meteorological organization predicts the establishment of a stable atmosphere in most areas. the country warned about the relative increase in temperature and persistence of hot air in the center of the south and southeast of the country. according to the announcement of the meteorological organization, for 3 days at most in the regions of the country, the temperature and warming of the air are intensifying. khuzestan offices were closed today saturday due to the intense heat. the governorate of hormozgan has also announced the working hours of the offices in this


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