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tv   [untitled]    July 13, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm IRST

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according to the reports of the meteorological organization, with the formation of an unprecedented thermal dome in southwest asia , the average air temperature has increased by 3 degrees compared to the long term. we expect the warm weather to continue in our country. according to the officials of the ministry of energy, this issue caused a 15% growth during peak electricity consumption in the household sector. this figure is average in the past years. and on the 20th of july, the quorum of electricity consumption was increased to more than 77,500 megawatts. it was the fifth time that we surpassed last year's record this year . tuan was sure that the electricity of the household subscribers would not be cut off if the cooperation of the former komaf was like the previous years, without any worries about electricity. we will provide it, but if
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the costs increase in the same way, we hope that the ceo of tavanir company will not say that the reason for the excessive increase in electricity consumption in the domestic sector is the use of cooling devices that are not suitable for different weather conditions in the northwestern provinces of the country, which was not common before. use air conditioners and for example a number around 15. the percentage of using this number has reached about 30. now, experts in the electricity industry say that in this situation, domestic customers can by installing a canopy for water coolers or using these coolers in the distance and gas coolers with a maximum temperature of 24 degrees, reduce their consumption, and also do not use high-consumption devices at peak times, i.e., high-consumption devices such as vacuum cleaners. and irons should
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be used in hours except 13:00-18:00 and 20:00-23 :00 . it can be lit by using new and low consumption led lamps instead of old ones special electricity for lighting up to 90. this city in the west of kermanshah was controlled after 24 hours with the efforts of more than 300 people and relief workers. in ilam province, he is also the head of natural resources and watershed management of dereshahr city. he said: the fire
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in chenare heights, which flared up again this morning , has now been contained. kianfar added that people and relief forces are present in the area to prevent the fire from happening again. the seventh month of muharram is known as yom al-abbas in khuzestan. simultaneously with this day, in the presence of hosseini's loved ones , in the memory of qamar mounir bani hashim peace be upon him, gatherings and mourning groups were held in different cities of the province. abu abbas makes his vow every year on yum al-abbas. the day he named his son abbas. we came to serve and i left my son to fazl abbas because of the holy name.
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let's refresh hosseini's poem
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. hosseini's enthusiasm of more than 50 degrees is more visible and his voice is heard on the day of al-abbas. the young man here talks about the bravery of the young man of karbala. and brotherhood should be eternal . the great sign of brotherhood and shiism and islam is that if there is a way and formality that the owner of this day gives us. the mourners of yam al-abbas after this ceremony they are preparing for the big gathering on the day of ashura, and after that they will host arbaeen hosseini pilgrims from all over the country. mehran nindish
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of ain do ahvaz sed and sima news agency. the saga of ashura and anti-tyranny are intertwined in the history and culture of iranians. one of the rites in the days. the funeral of imam hussein (peace be upon him) is held. shah hussein is a goyan of tabriz, which has been registered in the national register. this ritual is famous in the local dialect. the songs and laments that rise from the soul and sit on the soul of the sky. his ears are constantly listening to the sound of the people's devotion to their martyred imam for centuries. their lives muharram is burning, when the people of every city and country come
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, according to the tradition that they have in their chests from generation to generation, they put on the clothes of torment and send their hearts to karbala. which has reached the national register, zainab zainab, the reputation of the haid family. ghasemi, which became popular among the people of west and east azerbaijan from the safavid period, shah hossein goyan means we are in love with imam hossein, it means we are his followers, god willing, may our life be husseini and may our death be husseini . 72 people this night among the companions of seyyed al-shahda, led by habib bin mazahar. when they see hazrat zainab peace be upon them, they come out of khiyaan and clash their swords or say hussain to show their readiness and support to aqeela bani hashim hazrat zainab peace
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be upon them. ahl al-bayt haram say sir, you don't have any problem, we are at your service, we are sacrificing our lives for you.
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in july 2019, an anti-terrorist operation was carried out. in this statement, it is stated that these terrorists wanted to attack several provinces after the accident of the president's helicopter and at the same time as the presidential elections. commit terrorist acts. during the confrontation of the ministry of intelligence with the terrorists, some of the terrorist elements and their supporters were arrested and 560 bills of all kinds of military weapons, about 42 thousand war cartridges and 9 bombs were ready to be discovered and destroyed. in this series of operations , a number of terrorist elements were ambushed and killed before entering the country and on the eastern border of the country , and some were arrested. the ministry of information
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announced that separatist groups based in the north of iraq wanted to take advantage of the existing conditions by sending a semi-heavy military cargo through the northwestern borders. country to commit terrorist acts, but they were caught in an ambush, and after an armed conflict and exchange of fire, the entire cargo was safely handed over to the forces of the ministry of information. the ministry of information also announced. 6, the operative cell connected to the hypocrites was also hit and all the active elements in those cells were arrested. knowledge -based corporate experts help the new generation succeed. design and produce a negative pressure wound healing device. this
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device, whose manufacturing technology was owned by the united states, england, france, and china , is used for the treatment of internal wounds caused by burns. localization of the new generation of negative pressure wound treatment device or vacuum therapy of daneshmian company specialists in isfahan scientific and research town. after 2 years of research work, they managed to localize the seventh generation wound treatment device with controlled negative pressure. the capacity of the device is limited to the fact that it can be used individually for silicone dressings, and if it has acidic dressings , medium-sized foam dressings can also perform this task . one of the features of this device is its small size, easy portability for the patient, and less energy consumption. portable. wound treatment with negative pressure is a method
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which use controlled negative pressure to accelerate the healing process of chronic wounds and burns . we have produced about 3,000 simplex type vachem therapy devices that are operating in all government and private medical centers. before this, the technology of producing wound treatment devices with negative pressure was available to countries like america. france and china used to be efficient, but not economical , because foreign countries count in such a way that , for example, their device works for 7 days, and after 7 days you have to buy it again. the full answer is you, if your dressing gets bigger, this is easy to answer . economically, our device is about a third of the same foreign device. all the equipment of the iranian device for treating wounds and negative pressure is produced in the clean room of daneshbanian company. we managed to exploit
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our class 10,000 cleanroom, which is related to the production of medical products with the risk of class b. localization and production of wound treatment and negative pressure devices have created jobs for more than 200 people. mohammad ali sohilpour, isfahan broadcasting news agency, deputy. the operation of the traffic police is beyond the implementation of rates the new crimes of traffic violations announced today. sardar salimi stated that the fines include 174 violations, which are divided into three categories: big cities, small towns, and villages, and said that the increase in the amount of traffic offenses is also different for all violations. for example, speeding fines based on the level of speed. one thousand tomans to 500 thousand tomans. the second stage of the persian gulf treatment plant
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was put into operation this morning in the south of the capital. with the opening of this treatment plant, withdrawal from underground water tables will be reduced. the fit of the second phase of the persian gulf house is 5 thousand cubic meters, which according to the conditions for creating this phase can be upgraded up to 7 thousand cubic meters. the implementation model and implementation system of the second phase of tasvieh khona is with the spr model, which is one of the new technologies in the construction of sewers, with the lowest cost and the highest efficiency , with the highest efficiency in a small space, with the lowest possible energy consumption, the highest output, god willing. will follow reporter's field observations. our findings show that jewelry sellers who are required to receive product ids and tracking codes
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are still not complying with the law. the deputy minister of the position emphasized the implementation of the planning of goods it is legal, the type of color can be recognized, they cannot be recognized. i, for my part, can distinguish between 30 and 40. i am so the cleaning of this coin, which even the experts do not recognize, of course, with the implementation of another plan, there would be no trace of this kind of goods in the market , people should also ask for an invoice from that seller when they want to buy a coin or gold artefacts at the next stage. the official system of the trade community and the tracking code and product id of that product have a plan that according to the anti-trafficking law , all suppliers and sellers of artifacts gold and coins were required to receive product identification , its implementation platform is in the system of trade society, this
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transparency is for us to fight against smuggled and counterfeit goods. it also has a legal obligation. 4 article 18 has also been notified and i must do it. while the emphasis is on law enforcement. but how do we do it? the upper hand does not work , how can the lower hand be able to hit? every time the wholesaler that i bought the material from gave me a code, then i can follow my customer. this is despite the fact that it was announced on 5/15/1401. now, almost 2 years after the promulgation of this law, there is still no news of its implementation is not. product recognition is not good because gold products have a special variety, it needs a review and a specialized work for the future of all the products of the country's gold and jewelry industry, so it is not possible to issue product recognition for gold and jewelry, but the deputy minister still believes this plan
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must be implemented and the market that everyone expects to be the safest market is no longer expected . it is easier for customers to buy quality original goods at a transparent price. mehdi anari, sed and broadcasting news agency. the guaranteed purchase of wheat exceeded 7 million tons. executive of wheat project. the ministry of agricultural jihad says that this amount has increased by more than 13% compared to the same period last year. mr. sohrabi added that 45% of wheat farmers' claims have been paid and the rest will be paid gradually.
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it is the season to harvest golden wheat ears from wheat fields in different regions of the country. from here in the wheat fields in the northwest of the country . in the total of more than 570 hectares of agricultural lands of this city, the strategic crop of wheat has fallen, 24 to 25 tons, as we estimated , we have harvested up to the zagros region in chaharmahal bakhtiari province, where this year there is a 20% increase in wheat production. we plowed one and a half hectares of land and harvested between 7 and 10 tons . compared to last year , we bought about 78 tons of this year's crop, and compared to last year , we have increased our purchase by more than 700 thousand tons. alhamdulillah, it is good to buy
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wheat from farmers in the province. khorasan razavi has grown by 20%, until now it is about 420,000 tons. we bought wheat from the provincial level in sistan baluchistan province, more than 61 thousand tons of wheat were purchased and 70% of wheat farmers' demands were paid so far, nearly 71 billion tomans have been paid, and almost 340 billion tomans are left . farmers in different provinces of the country deliver their wheat to the government silos. about 40 centers in remote villages and cities of the province have purchased wheat at a price of 17,500 tomans. so far, 6/52 of the effort has been paid and about 445 of the farmers' claims have been paid, and follow-ups
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are being made to pay the rest of the claims. and our needs will be met internally, according to the deputy minister of agricultural jihad, the harvest of wheat from wheat fields throughout the country will continue until the end of september in haratian. the news agency of the new government of england in the disease of two of. british politicians, especially the opponents of the war and supporters of palestinian rights, want to know what the new government's policy is regarding the aggression of the zionist regime and the war in ukraine. undertakes the new prime minister of england who
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took power in this country a few days ago with the slogan of change. on the sidelines of the nato summit in america , he announced that whenever necessary, he will provide at least 3 billion pounds of military aid to ukraine to win the war with russia. the government in britain changed, but no change in support it does not come from ukraine. the new prime minister of england , who as soon as he won the election, called ukrainian president zelensky and assured him of london's continued support for kiev, during the ceremony of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of the nato military organization, he also spoke with zelensky, emphasizing the increase in military financial aid. england pleased him to ukraine. thank you for your support since the beginning of the war , military and economic aid. especially in following the american policies
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, it provoked public reactions at the very beginning. shame on those who blindly follow only american policies. starmer he should know that he did not vote because of his party's policies , but because people were unhappy with the conservative party. therefore, the will of public opinion should be considered . the continuation of supporting the israeli regime in the invasion of gaza and the increase of the military budget from two and a half to three percent of the gdp are among the criticisms of the previous british government, and the new government is also moving in the same direction according to observers. since the beginning of the war in ukraine, the british government has promised about 12 billion pounds of aid to ukraine, which was announced to be more than 7 billion pounds of that war. military software and equipment. mojtaba ghasemzadeh of sed and broadcasting news agency london.
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22 students were killed after the collapse of a two-story school building in plateau state in northern nigeria. at the time of the incident, more than 150 students were present in the classrooms. most of the students were 15 years old or younger. rescuers saved 132 students in this incident. they took him out from under the rubble and took him to the hospital for treatment. now, some muslims have suffered a serious accident. china has sanctioned 6 american companies. china's foreign ministry announced that beijing has sanctioned six american companies active in the arms industry and several of their executives. china beijing has emphasized these companies following washington's decision to sell weapons to taiwan. china has announced that the entry of the executive directors of these companies into china is prohibited and their property will be seized in this country. while picken
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protests us aid to taiwan, washington has just approved the sale of a significant arms package to taiwan. heavy rains, floods and storms caused damage to the building and destroyed it. roads in parts of the cities of new hampshire and new england in the state of vermont in the northeastern united states. local authorities they announced that so far two people have died due to the flood. flooding since wednesday has caused the destruction of agricultural products and the destruction of houses, bridges and roads in these areas. in the state of arizona in the southwest of the united states, there are at least nine houses in the exclusive red skin area. san carlos apache was destroyed by fire. according to local authorities, the fire started on thursday afternoon and
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spread to this area, which has more than 10 thousand inhabitants. the american network cbs also reported that after the storm in the city of houston, texas , the electricity of many subscribers was cut off on monday. is. in the name of god salam, the iranian youth football team became the champion of kafa society for the third time. in the final match of this competition, which was held last night in jalalabad, kyrgyzstan, the under-20 football team of our country won with three goals against the host team and claimed the championship title.
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all three goals of the iranian team were scored by reza kandipour , the iranian youth had previously won this tournament in 2019 and 2020. in the classification match of this competition, uzbekistan defeated tajikistan with three goals and reached the third place. tajikistan took the fourth place. also afghanistan and turkmenistan to stand in the ranks the 5th and 6th went the same distance, and this game went to penalties after a one-point draw in extra time, and afghanistan was able to finish eight out of seven games in its own favor . in the matter of trap mohammad biran.
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our country's olympic milliposh reached the first place, and mohammad majid iqbalianan and amirhossein aghazadeh took the second and third places. mehdi tarmi, the striker of the previous season of the porto football team, officially signed a two-year contract with the inter club and joined the blue and black team of milan. khuzestan ali steel club nemati hired the defender of press police football team for two seasons. mahdi limuchi, a player of last season's iraqi aluminum football team , joined sepahan with a three-year contract. in the 13th stage of tourdo france cycling competition , belgian jasper phillipsen from alsin team crossed the finish line earlier than his competitors and became the champion. and in the semi-
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final stage of tennis. in tehran, the sunset will be at 1921 minutes, maghrib call to prayer will be at 19.42 minutes, and sharia midnight will be at 23.19 minutes. dear viewers, while saying goodbye, i invite you to be a viewer of nimrozi conversation with my colleague. mr
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in the name of god , i offer my greetings to your respected colleague, mr. sadeghi . i offer my greetings, courtesy and respect to all the viewers of the economic desk program. let's talk, you know that the allocation of justice shares to the survivors is an issue that has been raised since 2009, of course , it was raised before. the government came to talk and made promises, but there are differences over the stock portfolio it was supposed to allocate the 10 million that was said to be allocated with priority to people covered by support institutions such as the relief committee and these . it was supposed to be a basket of 10 million tomans. and all this led to the fact that until now, while we are talking, nothing has happened, but there is still an allocation
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, we want to talk about this with experts and experts in this field, if you are interested, i invite you to finish this discussion. please be with us and follow us on the news network thank you. you are with the economy desk. i told you that the allocation of swam adalat to the survivors is also in the 1403 budget, but the last comment made by the honorable minister of economy was that there are still differences of opinion on the swam basket that is supposed to be allocated to the survivors. we want to talk with mr. mousavi, a member of the economic commission of the parliament , and mr. hajivand, the advisor to the head of the stock exchange organization in matters
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of equity shares. let's do it and last.


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