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tv   [untitled]    July 13, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm IRST

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we want to talk about this with experts and experts in this field. if you are interested , stay with us until the end of this discussion. follow us on khabar. please, thank you for being with the economy desk. i told you that the allocation of justice to the living is also included in the 1403 budget, but the last comment made by the honorable minister of economy was that there are still differences of opinion on the basket of justice that is supposed to be allocated to the living. here we want to talk with mr. mousavi, a member of the economic committee of the parliament , and mr. haji vand, the advisor to the head of the stock exchange organization justice stock affairs while greeting both guests of the program, before we start our discussion and get the latest news, i would like to go to the report of my colleague in the stock exchange group.
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we will come back , we will start our conversation, we still haven't got justice, i didn't know how to name an adjective , what to do, there is no equity, i don't have equity, now we ourselves don't have equity it was the year 1401 that, to answer the demand of the remaining equity shares, the law on the allocation of equity shares in the budget was passed it was approved to approve the transfer of the department. based on this resolution , equity shares will be allocated only to a group of survivors. 4 million 700 thousand people were confirmed in this identification under the cover of supporting institutions and the like. in 1401, despite the approval of the share allocation resolution. by the supreme council of main policies 44, the lack of
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valuable shares postponed the implementation of this resolution to 1402. the interpretation of the respected legal vice president was that misr steel and kharij fars petroshim companies are part of the 20% share of the government and it is not possible to hand them over. well, if these are removed from the portfolio , there are practically no more valuable stocks for the equity sector. enactment. allocation of equity shares to the survivors was included in the budget clauses of 1402, but legal disputes prevented its implementation during the year 1402, due to the fact that there were disputes in the legal field regarding the legal basis of the stock portfolio that should be handed over to the new beneficiaries. an inquiry should be made in this regard, the legal barrier should be removed, and then the stock portfolio for the new beneficiaries should be approved. according to
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the minister of economy, the law of allocation of equity shares is in place the remainder was included in the 1403 budget clauses, and whenever these legal obstacles are removed , 10 million tomans of equity shares will be allocated to each remainder. what's the news? exactly where have we reached so far today that we are talking to each other? let justice be distributed to the survivors. well, i also greet you, dear mr. mousavi , and the noble and dear people of our islamic iran. well , as you know, the plan to explain the shares of the administration the year 2004 and 2015 began in our country at that time, 6 deciles and 18 groups were identified, finally, nearly 50 million people got equity shares, gradually a number came, for example, members of the relief committee or the welfare organization, they had the conditions to receive equity shares , but in the round of shares the lack of justice is that over the past year or two, it was decided to
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give equity shares to the so-called survivors or new beneficiaries. in the end, as it was in my report and the honorable minister of economy said something, 4 million 700 thousand people were mainly identified. the members who are covered by the aid committee of the messisi organization and there were martyrs who were covered by these three titles but did not have equity shares, and in the end it was decided to give each of them 10 million tomans, something close to 50 thousand billion tomans of shares or capital that was allocated. yes, if we want to refer again to the latest news and comments of mr. khandozi, a few months ago, they said that this proposal is on the table of the ministers and they should create a formula and conditions for this allocation of shares to happen. thank you, mr. mousavi , in your opinion, the most important obstacle that exists is that equity shares, which have been promised a lot jamonde and i think that until now what has happened to jamonda is these fake text messages and scams that we have seen so far.
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what is the main obstacle? in the name of allah, the merciful, the most merciful, i have the courtesy to greet you , dear guests and viewers, and offer my condolences on the days of martyrdom. hazrat seyyed al-shaheda and the days of muharram , i am praying for our dear noble nation in these days and nights, the reality is as the doctor said, the dalt share discussion started in 2004, and today we sat down , and in fact, it is an operation. we still have it we are talking today, we should have discussed effectiveness and we should have considered those goals , whether they have been achieved or not . we are actually witnessing a sad story. with the spirit of the society, especially
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in these recent years , we have made some decisions emotionally and we could not provide an effective answer to them, because you are brief that the islamic council when it passes a resolution in fact, he must have consulted with the government, and if we say now, the year first, the dimensions of the case were not seen. the second year, the dimensions of the case were not seen. it has been 3 years that at least it has been mentioned in the budget law, and these 5 million people from our vulnerable sections, who are in a sensitive situation, especially in the economic conditions of our society today. we created expectations, but we didn't actually do anything. well, it was mentioned that the necessary portfolio for these shares is not available. well, bank mellat, bank tejarat , these were the cases where it was actually approved that the shares of these should be given to friends, but
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anyway, now. what should we do? every year, we carried this over to the next year without actually making a more serious decision or correcting our own decision. let's say that now the expectation has been created, you are expecting that the parliament is actually starting its work on the 12th, and almost the commissions have not started their work yet, but the respected representatives are always sensitive to this issue because we are witnessing a maximum participation of 5 million people in i hope that during these meetings, when the commissions had not been formed yet, the honorable colleagues will give the necessary notices to the honorable government. i hope that the 14th government should look at this issue with priority, the issue of shaq al-qamori it's not that the line is solved, the government has some income anyway, the government has the resources that can convert these into shares and
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put them at the disposal of the people. in any case, there is a resolution that has been created. don't you see, mostly our governments don't want to own their own assets. in fact, one of the main problems of the issue is the will to actually hand over the management of state property and state stocks is almost non-existent. secondly, these handovers are mainly faced with a series of challenges that if there is a will, it is actually obstacles that it was a mechanism anyway. it was not defined properly , the supervisory bodies were entering, the necessary courage was also taken from the managers in these transfers , if you remember last year, the issue of generating assets was raised. that
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this issue should actually be pursued more seriously outside of a framework. i see the main problem in the fact that the honorable government does not see the will to hand over its own property and assets, and by delaying this decision , we have actually challenged the implementation of this law. you agree with the statement that the government's reluctance to hand over management and shares, which has been talked about a lot in the past two or three years , has been the main obstacle to prevent this from happening. let's understand the matter soberly, but i think that now that we are talking about the survivors, that is, the new government of the new parliament, it would not be bad for them to do a pathology to see what happened during the last two decades, at least in the area of ​​resource allocation and giving shares to beneficiaries. there were damages . you know that one of the defects that we explained to the plan we get equity shares. it means that wherever we go, we give equity shares to income deciles
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, we gave them to population deciles, which means that a part of those who were employees said at one point that they should get equity shares. at that time, we had a deputy minister. we gave him equity shares , we had contract employees with minimum salaries, we gave him management shares , which means that now that we are talking , there are people who are doing well. one of the damages of delto's stock, which now leads to the discussion of the survivors after for two or three years, we still don't see implementation. in my opinion , we don't have a unit commander in adalat stocks. at one point, it was in the hands of the self-build organization , at another point in time, it was in the hands of the stock exchange organization, and at another point in time , it was in the hands of the depository company. what happened to this lack of a unit commander? in the past two years, a member of parliament came and said that we want to give justice to 20 million people, another came and said that we will give 5 million people justice, another came and said that we don't give you peace at all, and maybe an imposed psychological burden. he entered the 13th government because he had to allocate a resource. now let's ask for this damage
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by the way, we must say that perhaps one of the biggest obstacles is that there is a government that has to divide an asset of 50 thousand billion tomans among approximately 5 million people. on the other hand, mr. dr. mousavi's statement is correct that governments generally do not have the heart and soul to ask for an asset from themselves. i think that if we see adalat shares like this , it can be one of the ways to privatize or reduce government ownership. fatah and faroun government and the government in the general sense in our country has shares and assets and can do this. i will open a parenthesis and use your order. now that we are talking , there is no discussion about allocating equity shares to those left behind. people should not be fooled by fraudsters and the messages that are spread in cyberspace and other places. and the radio is used to inform. i want to say one thing , dear mr. bozormehr. you see, we are sitting these days or we have been sitting for the past two years regarding
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the allocation of equity shares to 4 million 700 or more or less. we are talking about the population to whom shares we gave justice, there are 1,800,000 people in all they have the job of doing their equity shares, but their names are not in the systems and unfortunately equity shares have not been allocated to them. now we come to my question here is that you are part of the government anyway . to the head of the organization, i would like to ask for your presence as a consultant. in your opinion , with whom was the command of the unit in the 13th government, and do you confirm that due to the unwillingness of the government to hand over its resources, this task has not been achieved yet or not? there are other reasons besides this one let's analyze why there wasn't a single command at all. you know that until 2019, almost all affairs of adalat shares were related to the core, and after the issue of liberalization happened, a part of these
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duties was transferred to the capital market and specifically to the stock exchange organization and this the transition period was a bit long and i think that this was not a single command , there was a situation where there was a voice from everywhere. equity shares have 50 million equity holders in addition, they do not have thirty million. justice shares. therefore, i think that there is a topic that should have a speaker and we should hear all the words from his mouth about saham adalat, which will not be subject to fraud and many other incidents. now, i want to ask you that in the last 3 years, the commander of the unit said that there were no transition periods. i say that this transition period caused a certain integration of duties regarding equity shares under the control of a management or a ministry of home affairs, which did not happen very well. this is what we are saying that the government is his heart. he wants to do something by himself, in a general sense in our country, we are talking about our governments, obviously , we are talking about the past four years, which is going
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to happen again, but you know that even if the government wants to give 50 thousand billion tomans , it needs an allocation of resources, a mechanism, and a government that with there is a budget deficit of several hundreds of hemtas. this is an implicit issue that i think both in the parliament and in the government and in the various organs have not always presented a single and consistent version for allocating shares to the survivors. thank you, mr. mousavi. what do you think? lt is. anyway, i said that this issue has been raised in the budget for 3 years the government saw obstacles, well, anyway, it should have announced these obstacles in the following year , it would have done a favor to the parliament, and it would have actually resolved them . we kept 5 million people hopeful, we showed them a mirage , unfortunately, we had no will for this to happen, because as i said anyway . we have about 50 million people of our country involved in this since 1984 until
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now, we did not have a single structure, we did not have a single spokesperson, we did not have a single organization. in the same way, well, anyway, we raised this issue , and of course we should say in parentheses that those who have the profit that has been deposited, it will not be until now, well , anyway, you see, 50 million people of the country are involved in this matter, this is a matter of heirs for a while. those who are dying now anyway. you see, every day was with new topics, that is , he wanted a structure, in fact, just like saying , he wanted a speech, unfortunately. in the privatization organization, for example , we didn't even design a specific unit of this issue to come and take this issue forward in the form of a consultation and so on. look at the extent of the work and all that, but regarding the survivors, i think that, well , a serious shortcoming happened through the last parliament
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. we are not going to hand over any shares , why are we interviewing , we say, now in 3 months, in two months, the approval of such and such committee, the approval of our committee, these are not really a guide for the people. let's do it. well, the government now has some property in its possession, hand over this property then convert them into shares of the companies , take these shares of the companies and let them go. this is one of the ways. you can actually think of a method, but anyway, i don't think there is any will . get it, coordinate with each other , then announce it. see, the parliament can't. i am the representative of the people. people are coming to us and saying that, sir, i am subject to bisist. i am actually seeking help from
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the relief committee. all of which receive due diligence on this person. pretend that they feel that the killing happened next we are saying that why has our social capital gone down, why has dissatisfaction arisen, with our same words, with my same words, well, i am a representative , the parliament and the government should solve these problems anyway , and i think that there are solutions, not if the government we came to the conclusion that we really don't want to implement this , let's announce it, dear citizen, you are not the only one with 5 million. there were 10 million people or 20 million people included, which we did not give to them. which, for example, is now included in the relief committee, and the base system is also included in them, for example, it has not been assigned to them , unfortunately, we do not clarify our duties with the people, and this is the case that, god willing, i think that with
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the sensitivity that i saw from my colleagues in this one month at the beginning of the parliament, that i gave and the follow-ups that have happened, god willing, with the establishment of the new government , this will be one of the primary issues and cases that should definitely be investigated and a task must be determined to at least close this case after 20 years, and god willing, we let's sit in the future and one of the benefits of these goals is effectiveness let's talk about this and see what measures should be taken to correct this issue. we should see the report of our colleagues together. only you consider this to be justified and do you think that this is the main obstacle or not? again, i do not reject this to say that, for example, foulad mobarakeh could not be sold. well, friends could not leave foulad mobarakeh . well, before announcing this, they would make an inquiry, sir . i would like to announce that i cannot hand over two-sevenths of the shares of saderat bank
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. i reached that red line that i can't attribute to. bank mellat tejarat is outside of the ministry of economy. now let's say foulad mubarak is with the ministry of home affairs, for example. now i have to find someone there and write a letter and have someone answer my phone. these are inside the ministry of economy. and we also see those aspects of the issue and declare that i feel that this was not the will, this will is also a general issue that governments do not care about, any government handing over property is a second challenge for them anyway , there was no will even now despite the approvals. different which has been in recent years to buy popularity , now the state parliament now wanted to say that we are actually doing this, but they do not provide legal and executive support for it, mr. haji
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vand, please tell me how much you confirm this lack according to mr. the expert and legal opinion is behind the case where the discussions behind this aspect of expertise were not observed. now, naturally , we can say that unfortunately in some of our markets or economic levels, we are talking without expertise. i entrust my general as my expert i was saying, let's assign a task to the 800,000 people who have stock certificates, all the work of giving them the documents was not done. then we can raise a more general question as an expert, whether when we came under. we implemented it. our plan was to come back once every 20 years to see if we can open the door and give them equity shares. the next question that comes up is to assume that we will reach 5 million people tomorrow. we asked, are these the new numbers that will be added to the aid committee of the organization in the next 10 years? let's stick to his problems, in any case, these
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are among the issues, let's not get to these questions, the question that was raised, mr. the point that mr. mousavi is referring to is really the points that have been raised so far, because in our numerous programs with you here. you sat right here in the studio of the economy desk . there was this lack of expertise before the announcement of the positions of your colleagues in the government . i see a media saying when a parliament member comes that we give equity shares to 20 million people, in a way , we can say that the government wants to put the government in an act that has already been done, but it is not wanted. in my opinion , these are not very ineffective. it was a post, it was a position, or, for example , he wanted to get the vote, he came and made a promise. i was a representative in a certain province . a plan with this population of ours now, equity portfolio, is the first thing in total
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there is a thousand efforts, a portfolio of a thousand efforts with a population of 50 million people, we can definitely say that it is not the case that a bachelor's degree is not done in it. i believe that if we want to give shares, we should do everything. let's consider the sources and then let's mediaize the issue. if not, then there's no need for us to confuse the public opinion and then sit down and talk about whether we were supposed to give justice to the survivors. or did we not see that there were also a series of provincial equity companies that were almost closed since 2099 ? what stage are we at now? well , as you know, in 1402, the supreme council of the stock exchange had a resolution stating that investment companies dalat provinces should hold their own assemblies. in my opinion, a good plan was thought out, the provinces of north khorasan and zanjan were selected as pilots in the first stage, and last year until the end of the year, we saw
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that on 23 bahman, yes, gilan was also this year, on 23 bahman last year, north khorasan, on the third of isfand, zanjan, and think on the 16th of farvardin, gilan province held its own assembly. on the thursday we passed, the 21st province of central province held its own assembly. the stock exchange organization of the province has held meetings to review, explain and explain the implementation process. there were cooperatives, there was welfare, there were investments , and there were detailed meetings . there are two more provinces that will be held in west and east azerbaijan next week, making 28 provinces, alborz , tehran, semnan, because of the problems they have with accepting them. it didn't happen. well, for example, when we gave equity shares, stanborz was not separate from tehran . we should
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tell you the latest news from the meetings of provincial investment companies. four provinces or companies held their own meetings, and the dates of almost four or five other provinces have been determined, including isfahan kord can you tell me the dates of qom province and some other provinces? i think we have isfahan in 24th of august, 4th , 5th, excuse me. 24th of august is kurdistan. in early august, we have qom provinces and isfahan provinces, and one more province and the rest of the provinces. it is getting done over time after all, it has been a few years since they did not hold their own assembly, some of them have audit problems , some of them have other issues that they are dealing with, we hope they will be monitored.
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it doesn't happen. i hope some of them will stay. some of them will be held until the first of september. i think that 8 or 9 provinces will hold their own assembly . the rest of them are doing their work . at least two thirds do you think these meetings should be held, mr. musa ? what is the process of holding the assembly now, apart from the discussions we had regarding the transfer of shares , as i said, i see the will again, that is, we passed a resolution last year to the supreme council of the stock exchange that by september next year , two-thirds of these assemblies hold their own assembly and you are brief that these assemblies were supposed to be held in 2019 and anyway there were preparations there due to the corona situation and such, now for some reason they say that the government should hold it next , but now we are actually one month away. by this our approval
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about 8 of them, in fact, with all these efforts that have happened, we were able to reach 8. some of them have not been audited. they did not have the necessary resources to manage these and they did not establish the necessary follow-up . in the first 6 months of the last year, which is actually the first 6 months of this resolution, two of our assemblies were actually able to implement their own assembly, and the organic council of the stock exchange in my opinion , a meeting should be held immediately from the first 6 months that he has done they gave and these assemblies felt the problems and returned the rail, anyway, it was predictable that when it reaches two in the first 6 months after your approval, out of twenty or so, for example , this one is predictable that
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nothing special will happen until the end of the second half of the year. this is the negligence that i mentioned and the lack of will. let's see his management until this election happens, the people will still not be satisfied there were points about the composition of these members , which causes it to slow down, regardless of the will you have, you are referring to who. we are actually with our friends to urgently investigate if there are legal problems in the parliament, and god willing, that is the time when these elections happen, that is the time when we can say that this poverty alleviation program through dalt shares, which is actually from in 2004, it can
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actually achieve its goals. mr. hajion , what time did you have in this regard? yes, i will make a defense of this, at least this meeting, because it is close i was involved in the issue. i think that both his determination and his will were really behind the scenes, that is, if we say that in the issue of equity shares, one of the issues that is being followed up very well is the holding of the assembly, and i say that out of the 28 provinces that should be assembled to be held in 26 provinces within the province, colleagues from the stock exchange organization, attending one by one, talking, taking their own time, this is the resolution of the supreme council of the stock exchange, the result is one. there is a one-year bachelor's degree in the specialized commission of the supreme stock exchange council and the supreme stock exchange council itself. we have the will. after all, these companies also know that we have been in the sky for two decades. we had never held the meetings of these companies . they said that in 1400 there was some interruption due to the corona issues, but it seems to me that it was a very good performance and a good diagnosis was made . a report was also presented about the issues of justice shares, especially the community
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. it should be in the heart of mr. mousavi's meetings and issues that you are behind the schedule. yes, you are behind the schedule, but overall, in my opinion, it is satisfactory. finally, there are resistances in the board of directors is not to hold an audit, since as you said, we have companies that have no financial statements for years. after all, it will take some time to coordinate these things, you need a budget , you will open them once , what was the biggest obstacle, if this delay that happened was supposed to be done by september, nothing was left until september, it was supposed to be done, but what is the biggest challenge? there were a few challenges of mr. mousavi. you said that this is not the will. in my opinion, the will is within the stock exchange organization of the supreme council of the stock exchange. you know that we have the highest level
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of approval in the capital market. in the supreme council of the stock exchange, for this reason, provincial investment companies are considered because there is a high amount of investment in these and worthy people must state that they are qualified to do so. we see that in some of these companies, if the party comes to hold the assembly it doesn't take the qualification in terms of academic degree, experience and many subjects, and this is one of the obstacles that does not follow the work. he did not update himself. not being accountable , they will want to do this at some point, and anyway, i said that these companies have not held their meetings for years and we hope that the chart that has been held so far , our prediction is that by the end of august, there will be four until it will be held again, and god willing, i think that if the supreme council of the stock exchange goes and extends this time, with the help and support of the parliament and the new government , we will be able to hold at least an acceptable number of these assemblies by the end of the year.


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