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tv   [untitled]    July 14, 2024 8:30am-9:00am IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. good morning . welcome to the capital market news. the managing director of tehran stock exchange announced the acceptance of the most modern refinery in west asia in the capital market. according to mr. gudarzi , persian gulf star refinery was admitted to the tehran stock exchange as the largest gas condensate refinery in the world with an area of ​​about 730 hectares, 25 kilometers west of bandas. mr. guderzi said about the importance of this refinery that star of the persian gulf is the largest gas condensate refinery in the world right now.
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it plays a strategic position in the energy balance of the country and the region and has been able to import iran to turn the gasoline manufacturer into a potential exporter of this strategic product. mr. guderzi added that due to the size of persian gulf star, this company will be among the first five companies of tehran stock exchange in terms of market value and sales volume. 2 months until the deadline. the supreme council of the stock exchange has left to hold the meetings of provincial equity companies, but so far only eight provincial companies have held their meetings, according to the advisor of the head of the stock exchange organization in matters of equity shares , the supreme council of the stock exchange should extend this deadline until the end of the year. sam, i don't have justice , nor do we ourselves, who don't have justice since 14 11
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to answer the demand here, the remainder of the equity shares. the law on the allocation of equity shares is approved in the budget every year, but after 3 years, there is still no news of its implementation. in order to check the latest status of the approval of the allocation of equity shares to the survivors of the 23rd of july, this issue was discussed. mostly, our governments do not want to give up their assets. every year, we transferred this to the next year without actually making a more serious decision or correcting our own decision. in the first stage, it was supposed to be given to a group of equity shareholders , which is 4,700,000 people from the population. they form the country, allocate shares , we don't have a single command in the shares, we don't have justice. at one point , the work was done by the self-build organization, at one point , it was done by the stock exchange organization, and at one point
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, it was done by the depository company. there is a government that has an asset of 500. justice equity affairs mentioned the issue of holding meetings of provincial equity investment companies. four provinces or companies have held their own meetings, and approximately four or five other provinces also have their dates determined , including isfahan, kurdistan, qom, and several other provinces , assemblies that after 3 the year is now being held and it was supposed to be the meetings of the entire province. will be held until september. now that we are actually one month away from this approval, we have reached about 8 of them. in fact, with all these efforts that have happened, we were able to reach 8 of them. in my opinion, the organic council of the stock exchange has done a short work, in any case, they should have convened a meeting immediately in the first 6 months and let these assemblies feel the problems. according to mr. hajivand, by the end of the year, the assemblies of all provincial equity investment companies will be held. after 3 years, the symbol of these companies
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will be reopened. maryam fadaei, sada news agency and sima the managing director of iran's foreign exchange announced the start of initial public offerings in the noafrin market in the coming weeks. according to mr. shirazi, a company that is active in the field of manufacturing telecommunication and communication equipment was included as the second symbol of the innovative market in the knowledge base board of this market. mr. shirazi said july 17. the textile company was also listed as the first company in the growth board of the innovative market. according to mr. shirazi, the initial offering of shares and the official start of trading of these two symbols will officially begin in the coming weeks . the managing director of the foreign exchange also said that the market the innovative company for accepting mid- scale scientific companies was launched last year in faravos, and so far 5 companies are on the scientific board. and two companies
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were accepted in the growth board of this market. the total and equal weight indices in saturday's trading are in the negative direction. on this day, the total index reached the limit of 2 million 200 thousand units. the indices of the glass hall started decreasing on the first trading day of the week. the total index of the tehran stock exchange reached the limit of 2 million 200 thousand units with a negative yield of 41 hundredths percent equal to 997 units. equal weight index also decreased to the level with 308 units, equivalent to 43 hundred percent. on this day witness hand the acquisition of 5 billion 600 million stocks and financial bonds in 235 thousand transactions was worth 483 billion tomans. the value of khurd transactions also reached 3054 billion tomans, which
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shows a decrease of 42% compared to the average of the previous week. but the symbols of kechad and beh mellat, foulad and fars have the most negative impact on the red-clad people. they had a total index , and in contrast to mobin's symbols, shabdis sefars and parsan prevented further reduction of the total index. on saturday , the net change of legal to real ownership in the market was negative for the fifth consecutive day, and 394 billion tomans of real money was withdrawn from the stock market. most exits real money came from the groups of stock funds, basic metals and banks. the most real money entered the groups of petroleum products, food products and products. had a dedicated computer. the condition of the symbols of the glass hall also indicated that 248 symbols were positive and 491 symbols were negative. for the market to see 66% of its symbols become negative. also, 36 symbols were encountered with the buy page and 97 symbols with the sell page. the total value of shopping queues is 170 billion
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tomans, the total value of sales pages is 190 billion tomans. ghazal arab gul of sed and cima news agency. marketing for brokerage companies it will be implemented soon. the head of stock market supervision of the securities and exchange organization said: the subject of the trading broker and the rules for the establishment of brokerage companies are being compiled and five steps have been defined for market management. mr. masoumi khangah added that the issue of ranking of marketers is also being investigated. marketers will be ranked based on their performance. and if discounts and assistance are to be given to these institutions, it should be based on their performance. in the transactions of the third week of july, the net inflow of cash to brokerages for natural persons was more than 2656 billion tomans. net cash inflow
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548 billion tomans were registered to legal entities. also, the value of commodity exchange transactions was more than 40,150 billion tomans. of this amount, more than 34 thousand billion tomans were allocated to commodity exchange transactions and 612 billion tomans to energy exchange transactions. in the third week of july this year, the value of stock trading and capital market preemption reached more than 16,341 billion tomans. the highest transaction value is in order for the car parts manufacturing groups. basic metals and chemical products have been allocated. also, the value of transactions in stock funds is included 37392 billion tomans of fixed income funds were registered. and from holding the meeting of
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the central province investment company to the daily value of the owners of the different equity sabbaths. today, 60 seconds with government shares. 22 percent of adalat basket shares were traded in the positive range on the twenty-third of july, out of 36 symbols in the adalat basket, 28 shares were in line with the downward trend of the stock market in the negative range and only 8 symbols were traded in the positive range. 490 thousand tomans to 7 million and 770 thousand tomans, 530 thousand tomans to 849 thousand tomans. and basket the shareholders of 1 million tomans reached 1698 thousand tomans according to the report of the central depository company , the ordinary general meeting of the shareholders of the central province equity investment company
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was held on thursday, july 21, with the presence of 878% of the shareholders and the members of the board of directors were elected. maryam fadaei of the sed and broadcasting news agency. goodbye.
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hello, welcome to the environment magazine. as usual , in this program , we review some of the most important environmental events of the past days. from rising temperatures and forest fires to air pollution in some parts of the country. the weather is hot these days in parts of the country to the peak. in the south-west, the temperature exceeded 50 degrees celsius , and a temperature of 56 degrees was reported from shabankare bosher station. at the same time as the weather warmed, electricity consumption reached a new level in the country and compared to last week , it increased by 6,000 megawatts to 77,000 megawatts. for this purpose, to prevent nationwide shutdowns of government offices in some provinces at the end of the week. they were closed. last year , the quorum of temperature increase on earth was recorded and 2023
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was the hottest year on earth. statistics show that this trend continues this year and the summer is hotter than ever this will also happen. from the middle of june to the middle of july , the temperature record recorded on the surface of the earth in this month and this year has been broken, which means that we are still showing that we have an increase in temperature. we experience higher temperatures than normal in some areas in our country. the secretary of the national headquarters for dealing with the phenomenon of dust also said that due to the intensification of the heat, it is expected that we will have more dust this year than last year. mr. tehamasbi said that extreme changes in air temperature are directly related to dust storms and in the last two days, due to extreme temperature changes
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, we saw dust storms in several provinces. the director general of the comprehensive monitoring office of the environmental protection organization also said that since the beginning of this year , the provinces of sistan-baluchistan, isfahan and yazd have experienced the most polluted days due to dust. according to mr. taheri , the air quality index in sistan baluchistan province is 36 days in orange mode and 20 days in red mode. has been registered to be major and the dust observed in the country was for sistan baluchistan province, which had a total of 56 days with an index above 100 and in the unhealthy range. after that, isfahan province with a considerable distance of 10 days and yazd province with a high index of 8 days, and qom province, which has recently been involved in this issue, recorded the best. until today
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, he experienced four days of index above 100 according to allende. the fire is still raging in the zagros forests. since the beginning of july , at least three provinces were involved in fires. in the past days, the protected area of ​​khaiz in staniloh and bhair ahmad, karkhe national park in khuzestan province , became part of the forests of ilam. earlier, in the first three months of the year , fires destroyed natural resources in other provinces including lorestan, according to the general director of natural resources and watershed management , the percentage of fires in the forests of this province has increased and since the beginning of the year, about 2060 hectares of lorestan's forests have been burnt. ali maleki angegaran, the commander of the protection unit of the forestry organization , also said that 98 of the fires are caused by human factors, while 94
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of them are caused by human factors. it doesn't exist, or if there is a plan, why doesn't it work, the reactions of the ministry will set fire after the harvest. with this view and with this hope that this land is ready for the next planting season and this is of course a crime. in the end , i will say goodbye to you by reviewing some short environmental news. director general of environmental protection kahki loya vebur ahmad announced the identification of two new species of long-eared porcupine and white-breasted porcupine in this province. with the aim of providing research opportunities and venom production needed by antivenom producers, the environmental protection organization
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signed a memorandum of cooperation with the center for excerpting and breeding venomous snakes. according to the officials of the general department of environmental protection, chaharmahal bakhtiari, since the revival of talib gandman until now, the diversity of species animal life has increased in this wetland and the reproductive species living in the gandaman wetland are in good condition. two delinquent fishermen who tried to sell four sargape fish in an online store were identified and caught. the director general of environmental protection of yazd province announced the registration of four successful births of iranian yellow deer at the reproduction and breeding site of bagh shadi khatam forest.
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speaker of the islamic council after the trip. countering unilateral us sanctions is one of the goals of the brics member states. most of the sanctions that are imposed on some countries today they are also members of brics . unilateral us sanctions have happened, which means they are approved. there are no international laws and international organizations , there are special sanctions of the american government, the brics group, their decision is that they have parallel institutions that are part of the international institutions that are acting under the influence of the united states , such as financial messaging systems, which
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are now known as swift, so today this financial messaging systems called. there is a trace in this group . exchanges started in this way on the sidelines of the brics summit . one of the meetings it was a bilateral meeting between the speaker of the islamic council of iran and the president of russia. in this conversation , it was emphasized to fight against unilateralism and strengthen the relations between the two countries. one-sidedness of the west, god willing. the works in the civil sector are progressing at the same speed as in the fields of security and defense . i am very happy to see your excellency here and i wish the best to the supreme leader seyyed ali khamenei and all the people of iran. the most important issues that were discussed , especially in the meeting with mr. putin, were the discussion
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of the north and south corridors. and related discussion energy transfer with the priority of gas discussion and naturally commercial discussions that should have been done. strengthening multilateralism, fair global development and security, and expansion of economic relations between the brics member countries were the focus of the bilateral discussions of the head of the mughneh power with his other counterparts at the brics summit. for example, in the meeting with the speaker of the house of representatives of tajikistan , economic relations and the use of energy and knowledge were discussed, roads and dams, electricity and energy, and you should take each of these to the agricultural issues . in this room, the chairman of the state duma the russian federation and mr. qalibaf
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sat around a table to use the capacity of brics to increase the volume of trade exchanges. financial obstacles and the development of activities in the field of transit and energy were the subject of the conversation between iran and russia. the bilateral cooperation between the two countries has its own characteristics and is completely different from the policy of the european union and the united states, because we cooperate we build cooperation based on mutual respect and friendship. a government and a congress force and impose sanctions on the whole world, and naturally the governments, parliaments and people of the countries are against such lawbreakers. international and such a crime and such one-sided decisions , we must stand up and fight
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. other bilateral meetings were also held . the development of agriculture and transit was emphasized to strengthen the connection between countries. it does in different fields. well, one of them is economic, transit is very important. one of them is business issues. the rotating presidency of brics for 2024 has been transferred from south africa to russia. presidents of brics member assemblies at the country's invitation at the two-day brics summit in st. petersburg, russia, they discussed the role of parliaments in strengthening the principle of equality and a just world to strengthen brics goals . among the important measures followed in brics is dollarization and the use of alternative currencies for trade between members, which
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will cut off one of the main levers of american pressure on emerging economies, expanding cooperation in determining money transfer processes between member countries, and developing corridors. commercial for the transfer and services of brics members is one of the important capacities that must be pursued and activated by the member assemblies. finally, the presidents the parliament came here to hear mr. putin's speech about the brit summit. in order to maintain its domination over the world, arabs resort to blackmail and unilateral sanctions and options.
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new financial and commercial routes. one of the almost common topics that brace members raise . the dollar is devalued and the dollar is passed in order to weaken the western sanctions against these countries. in this meeting, the memorandum of understanding of the protocol of the brics assembly on the issue of confronting unilateralism was signed in the presence of the speaker of the islamic council of iran. the summit at the same time a joint statement to it was signed, and if you look at that joint statement , you will see that the countries are united. the ruling order of the world's financial money is actually a declaration of disgust and the agreement to
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work together with the national currencies and in fact the financial exchange networks of the brics member countries was emphasized by fatemeh ali khani of sedav and sima news agency. it was not similar to today's takayas, and it was used only for the display of equipment. the building was similar to an amphitheater with a covered area of ​​more than 4,500 square meters. the construction of this support means the support of the government and these photos are the only souvenirs of that piece, which is no longer a trace of it, but since that time, the construction of
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takayas next to mosques has been booming, especially in tehran, there is a 200-year history of
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building them here, and then these old columns are all removed from here. a friend named ozgol brought it from here with his colshon and this piece of imam hossein became daher, the area of ​​takia is 1500 square meters and it consists of the central court, the diameter of the west brick circle is 20 meters , around which there are 10 cement columns covered with walnut wood. and this taekya was registered in the national register on the 25th of mehr 1383, but tiki niavaran is the only old taekya tehran is not at the end of
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a form of tamiya, which is used for traditional, ritual, religious and house-like display, or ta'ziyeh. mazloum hossein jan. the month of mourning was here. 60 nights. they give dinner from the first night until the night of arbaeen. it was bloody ta'zia 10 nights when we were children, for example in 1972, i used to read analysis for 10 nights. thank you that everything was in order. neferabad piece
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another piece in the city of rai, tehran, which is nearly 400 years old, our elders, of course, my father , were responsible for this. in addition to being friends , fellow townspeople, acquaintances, they all helped each other and set up a mourning tent to preserve the symbols. the long service of this support for several hundred years is one of its main features, its roof is made of tents and a flag is the main pillar. it supports the roof. some of these old pillars are on the verge of being forgotten . they were changed or destroyed in the past years . the preservation of the old rituals and traditions of the mourning of hazrat seyyed al-shahda and the preservation of these historical pillars are not unrelated. azadeh salmani of sed and cima news agency.
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yes, it is walking, we were washing by hand, we were heavier , you didn't buy household appliances from the city, no, unfortunately , no, unfortunately, no, why buy household appliances, why, because i have quality, discount, discount, discount, no discount amazing discounts for all hats in the specialized reference of household appliances in the city of household appliances.
9:00 am
good morning, dear and respected compatriots. the danger did not go unnoticed by trump. former us president donald trump in his campaign speech in the state. pennsylvania shooting victim injured but not killed in early sunday morning shooting in butler, pennsylvania.


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