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tv   [untitled]    July 14, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm IRST

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they will be added, but before i start our discussion, i invite you to follow us on the news network if you are interested in this discussion until the end, thank you. now we want to talk about the increase in exports in the field of agriculture and the capacities that exist in this field. you know that in addition to the numbers that i have presented to you, our business in the field of agriculture is about 22 billion dollars, most of which is imported , which is about 15 billion dollars. it is imported from this business that i presented to you. its 7 billion dollars is just the export share and our trade balance is from this the direction is heavy in favor of imports, which are mainly basic goods, how to compensate for this dispossession
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, and we will reach it during the program. in addition to the points i have presented to you, a report by my colleague in the foreign trade group of sada and simada news agency , let's see it together . compared to the spring of last year gave with the realization of half a million tons of exports, our agricultural products have reached 918 million dollars, which we saw a 24% increase in weight and a 30% increase in value . the most important export crops of iran in the field of agriculture this spring are pistachio nuts, pistachios, tomatoes and apples. during this period, a total of more than 185 million dollars of pistachios were exported from our country, which is an increase. has a percentage tomatoes and apples
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are the second and third items of export agricultural products of our country in terms of value. from the beginning of this year to the end of june, 128 million dollars of tomatoes and 104 million dollars of apples were exported from the country. these three items had a share of more than 45% of the export agricultural products of our country in the spring season. with the official membership of our country in international organizations such as brics and signing the free trade agreement. with the economic union of asia , new markets have been opened for the supply and sale of agricultural and food products, and according to economic activists, paying attention to international standards and strengthening the country's logistics is the necessity of a stronger and more stable presence in these markets. the private sector should know the tastes and interests of the countries and its standards and adapt itself according to these components , even in the type of packaging currently used by a number of countries. packaging with a series of colors is not cooked.
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the ministry of agricultural jihad has taken steps to solve these problems and support the exporters . the supply of refrigerated containers, the supply of tractors, the supply of refrigerated wagons were among the issues that we followed up, and a series of interviews were conducted through sadad, the economic coordination of the government and dear first vice president, we got it. according to the officials of the ministry of agricultural jihad, the development of technological cooperation with the members of eurasia and birix also provides the field for the intelligentization of the agricultural industry. zahra tizcheng of sed and cima news agency. yes, the report we saw together. mr. qenazadeh please. you are more detailed than the statistics that we saw together in the report
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, i mentioned how much growth we had , what are the factors of this growth that we are mentioning. happy ashura hosseini days to all honorable people of iran. as you said, basically , the country's exports in the first three months experienced a growth of about 8% compared to the same period last year. we had growth in exports, and this positive trend in the field of agricultural exports should be accelerated about 245 of us have experienced growth in value in these first three months, most of which i would like to share in the order of the highest growth in the area of ​​qalat above 200, of course, the number is small, but the growth was a big growth in the area of ​​dry goods, 76 in the area. fruits and vegetables
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23, well, in the field of animal products, 6 in the field of flowers and plants, and now edible, ornamental and industrial products also had a decrease of about 30%, but in total , as you said , our exports exceeded 1 billion dollars in 3 months and 24 growth. 19% growth in weight, well, one of the main reasons is naturally the growth of our agricultural products in the last year, especially in in the field of dry fruits, due to the good season we experienced in the field of agriculture, naturally, the production also increased due to the growth of the export market . according to my report, we experienced a very good growth in the field of exports with the eurasian economic union, which was mainly in the field of agriculture. by the way, the growth
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of our agricultural items was about 367% compared to the eurasian economic union. to free agreement not converted. well, definitely, with our official joining of that free trade agreement and its implementation , there is a possibility that and there is a chance that we will see jumps in that area, parallel to it in the area of ​​our imports , a 17% decrease in the area agriculture , we experienced clearly in the quarter, which shows that the planning done by our friends in the ministry of jihad and in the government in order for us to be able to stockpile essential goods and to carry out appropriate imports in the past years has caused us to gradually we have this huge negative balance that year in the past, because we needed to develop the country's strategic reserves, this gap is closing. i said that we have 24 export growth and 17
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import reduction, which shows that the direction is right. and its elements are mostly together, mr. rezaei, please tell me where the main reasons for this increase in exports are. at the same time, sometimes exporters and producers have complaints in every corner, despite the fact that more exports mean more sales and production. yes, in the name of god, i say hello to the viewers and presenter respected, i would like to invite you to attend. there is an article related to the fact that we had an increase in exports. you can see that we also had an increase in the export amounts for the basic export pricing at the customs. on the assumption that pistachios have been added by more than 30%, considering that now the snow is in the world, which is almost 750 thousand tons are produced in the united states, and we
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produced 210 to 220 thousand tons this year in saudi arabia. they are sold at 5 dollars and approximately 30 cents in international markets, and the best quality is up to 6 dollars. our pistachios cost almost 7 dollars, this pistachio is in our country, now hashem is the reason, the reason is that we are out of the system. we do not use mechanized machines, i am sorry to hear that most of the provincial forces are used, the cost of fertilizers is too much for the farmer, and finally , there is a problem in our sorting systems that we have about 100,000 tons of pistachios currently in the country's warehouses. it exists and unfortunately it has caused that my new season will be in 2 months. the new season is in 1 month or 2 months and this year, thanks to the good weather , it is predicted that iran's pistachio production will be over 20,50,000 tons. what should we do with these problems? exports have increased. look at
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the exports that have increased last year we didn't do well because of the problems we had in the previous year, the pistachio was very weak the following year, which means we had an increase in production . since our eid, this has been a market courier that has been exported, but now, in relation to our saffron, the export has increased. we did not have an increase in the export of medicinal plants, and this is also the case last year. we must realize that the statistics we have now have 100,000 pistachios in the warehouses of my country a few days ago. i was sleeping in kerman. well, the exporters and farmers need this financial circulation. why
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did this happen? of course, i will say this in parentheses so that they can see that we have invited the honorable officials of the ministry of agriculture to be part of the discussion. agricultural products should be present here, but if they do not agree until the end of the program, which is approximately 34 minutes, it is possible for them to make their own statement and answer. one of the big problems of your presence is that all the exporters agree on the return of the value of the export. if there is a single rate this year, if there is a single rate, all these problems will be solved and whoever exports, the majority of the exporters are producers, which means that this money should be returned to
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how many changes were made last year , even though several changes have been made in the past year. from this side , the width for dried fruit and dry fruit export in front of a series of heads. they let, for example, the importer of car parts go to the exporter and get a quote . the automobile manufacturer in our country has become an exporter of pistachios. well, what happened? that side below the iranian market price in china is how much they are selling below the price of something, at least 15-20% below the price. he has a family, he has roots , you can see the name of his company for many years. the exporter
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always tells the same thing because he must have a history of his brand , but the simplifier who is related to, for example , car accessories , has no information about pistachios and export markets, and they change. in other words, how much profit do they make with a lower price , if we want to calculate the percentage, for example, from the same procedure that you mentioned for the return of the currency, if we calculate 40 and it is returned, it will be returned. or 50 tomans ok, considering the import of car equipment , i think it is about 95 tomans for them to make a profit of 90 to 95 tomans, which means that the difference is about 30 tomans per dollar. buying more of these will be exported. you are more worried about the fact that the markets may be damaged and stable exports may become difficult. it is true that this has happened because of the non-return of the currency that the government has announced and the exporter cannot
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bring it to its value. first of all, we are in there are sanctions, secondly, we have a problem with carrying cash, thirdly, i am grateful for your presence the manufacturer should have full security of the swab work of mr. qanadzadeh, they say that there is a problem of return, and companies whose specialized work is not in the field of agriculture, and because of these returned models , they are harming the farmer's market of our agricultural products. see how much this is confirmed . basically, i don't think the main issue is the return of width. the issue of land price is the issue. the return of width is a definite thing in all countries of the world. ultimately, they all have to return their country's foreign exchange resources. i don't think so. we are in contact with the issue of the return of their problem this is not our rate difference, which is in fact. we are punishing the exporter because of the price he has to quote in the system compared to
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what he is getting in the free market , so i think that the main problem is the issue of the exchange rate, fixing the exchange rate is one of the methods. what was supposed to help the exporters was to diversify the methods of returning width so that the exporter can choose for himself which one of these methods is better for him. well, in the field of agriculture, obviously, we in the organization are in sync with the private sector we believe that the agricultural sector should really diversify the methods of returning its supply , give it more freedom of action, you don't see that this is enough, i said that some methods are sometimes created that take the main exporters out of the market, exporters that are not in their field. and their benefit is not from the agricultural business itself , but it is different from us, god forbid. there is a self-importation , of course, this is a decision that
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must be made by the collector as well. in my opinion, now the ministry of agriculture, for example , is one of the methods that can be done, for example, the issue of importing gold bars. by the way, in addition to the many other methods that are currently being carried out in other collections, i would like to present some suggestions in this way. we in the organization may recommend. let's say that the agricultural sector should be helped, one of them is the percentage of debt settlement, which we proposed was that for example, for the agricultural sector , it should be increased from 90 to 80. of course, this proposal is still ongoing . the currency situation, if we can solve the main reason , how many of them are there, their rates , their return period, and the variety of their methods, all this helps. it would help them to find a bit more freedom of action , if there was a more concrete example, for example, you said that
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instead of 80 days or 90 days , for example, they should take 4 months. for example, instead of only being able to bring in bullion according to their width, we, on the other hand, the ministry of agriculture should accept this. this is a collection of the ministry of jihad and the central bank. help the activists of the agricultural sector to get a series of information and statistics based on these trends in those specialized working groups. there is no objection, i would like to say that these are the suggestions that we are looking for with the help of the private sector, which , god willing, will help. mr. rezaei, do you think it is good , it will be helpful if this proposal is implemented , see all over the world, governments always make decisions in consultation with the private sector, and the private sector is the executor and implementer, and governments make policies in our country, unfortunately, the government is in all
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there are many issues and problems related to the private sector. they have a lot of water-resistant products , this is very important. in the end , is it profitable to import them or not to export or import, even we can not import some products into the country? we can imitate many things that other countries do. let's discuss the extraterritorial cultivation. instead of planting wheat, let's invest wheat in other countries. let the private sector monitor it with good quality . now, let's talk about strategy . now, the country's food security will always depend on it. the same is true for our other products. you see, we are far behind the
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rest of the world in the discussion of modern water and irrigation, one of the issues is the cost of agricultural products. there is water above us and there is water supply, which we are very weak in this issue in our country i myself announced this issue to mr. bizikian in the chamber of commerce and asked that until today we have had subsidies and we have given them free of charge, but have we come to think about this liquid of human life? . the liquid of human life in our country has been done in relation to especially agricultural products, when we can have food security in our country with extraterritorial cultivation, just like america, china, russia, the arab countries, saudi arabia and the uae, investing in african countries and many other countries. come in let them do what they need in their country
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, start cultivating tomato culture in our greenhouses in china with mr. d , the best production and export , as well as the best supply for their country, with the lowest costs. thank you, mr. qenazade. the first question is that in the previous discussion , when we were talking about exchange , there was a series of news that agriculture, in view of the problems that are mentioned, this exchange, for example, the return of width that is taking place, for example, for car parts , how much do you want to close these? do you confirm this issue and how much do you think is a desirable job ? well, see according to the law of expectation of the ministry of jahad agriculture
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has made plans based on internal analysis and its suggestion is that if tahatari wants to happen , it should happen in the same area of ​​the agricultural sector, that is , if the exporter of the agricultural sector imports the agricultural sector, this will not make the situation worse, according to your opinion. it makes it worse, at least now we have to see what the analyzes are that lead the friends to this point, but the minimum is to make the methods of returning the width as limited as possible , we also made the range of the private sector's authority smaller, and of course their satisfaction is less. we have to do this, friends according to their analysis, the ministry of jihad will tell you. why did it come to this? very well, the ministry of jadam, we do not have a point. now we are discussing the export of water-bearing products, one of which we have here , for example, watermelon. this has two aspects , one of which is positive. as we are talking about, the increase in weighted exports is a value, on the one hand, its critics are talking about maintaining sustainable water resources . which side do you think we
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should pay attention to? the export of water-bearing products , especially those that were wasted, has a lot of water like the example you gave, it is not desirable and i have been charged for the export of water products . the price gap with the countries where it is being exported is large, which is still cost-effective, that is, even with the imposition of those taxes , it will continue to make the same effort, otherwise it is definitely not desirable, with this perspective, with the statistics that we talked about now and increases that has taken place, do you think the trend will be positive until the end of the year or not, there is a demand for changes, no, well, look, we are already in our rainy seasons, we have already passed a part of it, and i don't think so. may our growth in this field of products be fruitful after this. hopefully, it will be in the khoshkar area , because mr. rezaei said that finally we have a lot of reserves of khoshbar products, not only the post of other
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khoshbar products, but also a lot of reserves have been created. at least the direction of food should be in this direction and i think that the export growth, if any, will be in that area, that is, our exports in general. the product is rotating, one of them is pistachio, which we talked about , tomato and potato, what could be the interpretation of this the fact that most of the products that we export , i have two or three pennies, can be summarized as to what harm or what opportunity this can bring to us. the relationship with the country's agricultural industry , the government has thought of different policies and is implementing them. it means that a family's father dies
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, they have 5 hectares of land, they have 6 children, and these 5 hectares are divided among these children. he planted one hectare, one didn't kill it, and one went into the garden field building a garden, building a villa, building agricultural land , unfortunately, we have a weakness in the workshop or dairy cow factory , not being able to create and manage that rural cooperative. they go to a point of a small town, there are several small towns around and
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they work on the mint season, they just all work on the mint, and their cooperative company comes and provides the best mint with the best quality from the farmer. the problem is that we should invest more in the agriculture of crops that are low-yielding, such as saffron and pistachios. like a rose like medicinal plants, now our medicinal plants can change the quality of iran. recently, we were in china. we were the president of the chinese pharmaceutical manufacturers association. we came to announce that we have researched in iran . they said that your country has room for up to 5 billion dollars to import medicinal plants from iran to our country. well , we the total export of our medicinal plants in relation to saffron and all medicinal plants is approximately 550 to 600 million dollars. we could not change this gp
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. i hope that we can achieve these goals with a proper long-term planning. i am sure that pistachio saffron medicinal plants can it will even replace our country's oil exports, and god willing , i hope one day the door to our oil wells will be closed. i was talking about the fact that we have the first free trade agreement in asia , how much can this be useful and effective in the field of agricultural products that we are talking about ? these five countries, which are members of the vaqadi alliance with asia, and during the same period we signed the temporary preferential agreement with asia, from the government, or rather from the 97 before signing the agreement, until now more than 140 has grown, we are 97 until now it is 402, 140.
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then, we had growth in the field of agriculture, on an average annual basis, so this means a big market, and then our tariffs in the field of export will be almost zero , all items in our agriculture field, but we have created negative rows for imports in the field of agriculture in order to support domestic production. that is, we have the most code of negative deviations that we have created for the import of the agricultural gate . we do not have a ban in the field of export with arathi in the field of agriculture, so it means a large capacity i made a 400 billion dollar market, which is a unique market, in my opinion, when it goes to the zero side, it means that the wall is on the side and you are creating that price position to enter that market . well, similar to this, we have other agreements. currently , we have about 20 agreements in the country, we are following up , our free trade agreement was signed with syria, and
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we have almost no other negative goods there. we have free trade with eurasia, god willing, it will be approved by the parliament soon we will have a free agreement and agricultural items can definitely be exported to that big attractive market. the preferential agreements we have with different countries, with pakistan, with indonesia, with uzbekistan . azad, what is your preference? it is a very large capacity that the private sector can use very well , and it should go towards it. the next issue is the halal issue. a lot of market it is great that now the concept of halal brand is taking place in the world, and countries, even non-muslim countries, do not
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believe in the issue. and they are using halal brands in the world, that is, the topic of halal brand in countries other than ours is becoming a situation, well , it will create a very big market again in front of us, which recently also held a summit on the sidelines of the food industry exhibition. we have organized countries that are very progressive in the field of halal work, such as the uae and even saudi arabia . it should have a pavilion so that we can consider the food industry as one of the sectors of the halal sector, because you know that halal is in all fields, even in the financial industry , we have a halal brand. iran is among the specialized pavilions in the field of agriculture in the world, and with the cooperation of wazit jihad, we have identified about 10 and 11 of the prominent exhibitions in the world at the gate of the food industry and agriculture, and we intend to
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have pavilions in all of them. we have to participate very seriously in order to be able to develop this let's shape the market, of course, at the same time, we have to deal with the internal debates that were discussed in part today, and the incentives and motivations that the government needs to create in order to do so. hello, mr. jafari, please tell me how long we are talking about the free trade agreement. how much do you think this can be? put it on our merchants so that they can increase their production and then increase their exports . greetings, politeness and respect colleagues, dear guests and dear people , i would like to express my condolences on the occasion of the martyrdom of hazrat aba abdullah hussein and his loyal companions , that you see that we increase our exports first to
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the eurasian area. or it depended on three factors. one issue is that european countries are leaving the russian market, and this created an opportunity for our suppliers . one was the signing of the preferential trade memorandum in november 2018, which was signed. and the third issue is the movements of the public and private sectors in the last two or three years in the field of transportation, holding events, and shows. and it was recognition of the potentials of both sides, especially in the field iran and russia, i can truly say that in these two years, we had a 300% growth in the field of these events, and we should say thank you to mr. qanadzad and his colleagues in the trade development organization, but we have a series of problems and we all know that as mr. korandzadeh said, there are four markets in one market


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