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tv   [untitled]    July 17, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm IRST

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are you watching the half-day conversation , mr. karimi? you, this is apparently disrupting the process of my presence in your presence this year. passports, as well as a certificate with the arrangements made by our dear brothers in faraja last year , our borders will be equipped with a system that can create a single window on one side , that is, if our dear visitors enter the border of iran. after four seconds, they can check the visitor.
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let them get their passports stamped. these dear ones spend very little time on the iraqi side of the border. you must know that in the past years, dear pilgrims who were on the iranian side, their passports were processed and stamped within 4 seconds, but when they go to iraq. no, it would take a minute or two. yes , it would take a long time, and this would cause the crowd to accumulate. since last year, this did not happen on two borders, and this year, with the coordination of the ministers of the country, it was established that this would happen on four borders. it means dear ones on the iranian side that 4 seconds pass they make the iraqi side to be a single window and pass very quickly and no longer have this stoppage , which means that if we want to discuss with each other much more easily, when they are apparently leaving our border, their passports are checked once and then stamped. an iraqi can't be re-inspected, it's just stamped, right?
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what are the arrangements between the two countries ? since you mentioned the trip that the ministers of the interior of both sides had, what are the arrangements this year, which was not the case last year, because there is also a point in parentheses. mention it too, there is one or two months left arbaeen is always debated that we are trying to import buses, but those close to arbaeen , when will this issue be canceled, what will it be like this year ? they should add that by importing
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a series of buses in last week's meeting , mr. mokhbar, the honorable head of the executive branch, this decision was taken again and it was decided that the relevant ministers will do their best to increase the number of buses, but considering the size of the buses. the ones that are available right now , the transportation between two borders. it can be done, that is, you you know that our dear people, many of them enter the parking lots with their private cars. from the parking lot to the border, there should be a series of buses to take people to the border and again on the iraqi side . well, this was built to be done with a much better organization. our friends on the side of iran and dear ones on the side of iraq have decided to provide more of these degradations. can you tell me the number of figures
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? we saw that last year we did all the field transportation, that is, all the possible transportation we hired them to transport our loved ones . how many buses were there last year? well , it wasn't just buses, it wasn't just a few thousand buses, but you know, considering that the country is vast and these buses serve everywhere. last year, we used all the private sectors , like snap, like other sectors, in order to pick up people, and on the other hand , we increased the volume of parking lots so that loved ones who like to go by private car or many loved ones who want to go with they are leaving in their private car, thinking about how many people they are taking with them to the border this year, due to the fact that
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we have increased the volume of this work, they can transport a much larger number of pilgrims to the borders, so that a certain number of such connections will be provided . i think that about 400 buses in total are providing this possibility for the preachers . as of now, as we are talking, the bus that has not arrived for arbaeen is currently not. if something happens or the cooperation between the devices is still not desirable, i said yes, i said your order mr. mokhbar said that as soon as this work is done, it will be added to the fleet of buses according to the plans of the friends. they are trying to help the buses from different parts of the buses to move the pilgrims , and they are still doing it, but according to the experience we had last year, which cost 4 million, it seems that being sent last year means crossing the border.
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alhamdulillah, there was no problem with iraq last year with the planning to make friends and with the planning to make the people dear. i will explain in the next question that i will explain in the next section that people too with the management they do, they can help to solve these deficiencies that may exist. the 4,000 buses you mentioned are not for both sides, that is, only our side and the iraqi side have their own buses. on their side, something was prepared and it was decided that the entire transport fleet would be transported by bus. ohm decided to mobilize vans and other cars to transport the pilgrims from different borders. a number of them have been announced, of which the number of iraqis has not been announced, but considering that iraq is a country where pilgrimage is performed. and the holy graves of six imams are in iraq. iraqis
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have these facilities and do this according to the routine of every year, that is, as far as the road. allow them to carry out this transportation . in addition to the several thousands of buses that i mentioned, there are also a series of buses that carry out urban transportation, that is , they ca n't do intra-city transportation. actually, they work outside the city, it will be added to the capacity of our bus to transport people , i think it will cost more than a thousand, which will help to transport people. move these 4,000 buses . they are currently in stock for arbaeen. how much do we need? if we want to say that all people can easily travel by bus and perform their pilgrimages, how many more buses do we need to reach our desired level, considering that we are from first of
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all, we planned the trip for our dear people to be sent from the beginning of the trip, and also from august 16, they can also use their personal cars because of their capacity. it's very good to park the car of these loved ones in the borders, so i think that's the amount according to last year's routine, god willing, it will suffice and the problem is enough to think about. yes, of course, if the loved ones plan according to last year's routine , they should go from the beginning of the trip. the interviews we conducted with our dear people and the survey we conducted did not reflect a serious problem in this sector, because a good capacity was created in the private sector and private cars, alhamdulillah, and they were able to transport people to these 4,000 private sectors.
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you saw in it as you invited me last year the company and these are coming to help or not, this is only the inter-city buses that are working , the inter-city buses, the tuition fees are more important than the private sector and other sectors of our department. you managed the trip very well in the past, and considering that starting from the beginning of the trip, this increase in travel time will compensate for the problem of lack of vehicles, and you also have a plan for taxis and passenger cars, for example, with the municipality and so on. arrangements have been made for those vans
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to help. yes, meetings have been held with various companies that have vans. they are sending my name they also have a very good capacity to announce their readiness. the companies that you say are private sector or not , are you referring to municipalities, not private sector companies? how many companies of shahria are more related to the attack. they are short-range quotes, as i said, from the parking lots to the border or from the border to the parking lot of the opposite party . tell us a number for that. for example, how many vans or taxis did you arrange in the municipality for the same distance from the parking lot to the border we called a significant number of cars this year informed us that it will enter if you allow it in another section i will tell you the exact number, which was not wrong at one time, so now we are more detailed. we are in touch with mr. naudehi, the head of faraj passport department, mr. naudehi. greetings
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, please tell me that arbaeen passports will be issued this year as well, in the name of allah, the merciful, the most merciful, or abba abdullah . other organizers of the huge arbaeen congress across the country . we have the origin of the martyrdom of aba abdullah and his companions, and also the captivity that these days are associated with the sadness of all shiites around the world. please let's take a look at how the process of obtaining a passport is now , do you issue pilgrimage passports, arba'in passports or not, and how many people have come to apply so far, how is it going, yes, alhamdulillah, with measures. the good thing that has been seen in the faraja complex is in all matters
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of police services, one of which is immigration police and passport issues. with the measures of the honorable general commander of faraja and also the hierarchy of the police complex , police services have been tried to be provided in several departments. the issue of immigration police and passports we tried to provide services to our dear pilgrims in the issue of issuing traffic control and also services inside the country of iraq. normal or international , which are the passports of vol. there is a coffee that our loved ones can
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travel to all parts of the world except the places that are prohibited with this passport, now with the authorizations and visas of that country in another part, which alhamdulillah, with the good action that our loved ones did last year and following up all the operators. alhamdulillah and the good cooperation of the country of iraq for the pilgrimage passport. it was compiled with a blue cover with a validity of 5 years. alhamdulillah, this document is available to pilgrims and at the lowest cost, this document is available to our loved ones. well, we also have visa cancellation regulations with the country of iraq, and only receiving a pilgrimage passport is subject to it is that there is no prohibition for our loved ones to leave the country for personal problems. who is now restricted or prohibited from leaving or need permission to leave
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due to the relevant permits, now a wife whose husband must consent or a child under the age of 18 his father must give his consent to just get this passport after the procedures, then they can leave the country and god willing, they can reach their arbaeen pilgrimage . god willing, please give me the passport now. the cost of the pilgrimage passport, as our loved ones have mentioned, has increased so much this year compared to last year. we didn't have 65,000 tomans. well , last year, the contract with the post office was not concluded, and alhamdulillah, this year, with the follow-up that was done , the islamic republic of iran post company came to work and they have a good relationship and interaction with the police. just talking about the shipping cost is over the cost
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the passport came last year, which is more than 65 thousand tomans. our loved ones can receive this passport. how to get a pilgrimage passport . if allowed, how much will it cost to get a normal pilgrimage passport? . 65,000 tomans is the cost of a pilgrimage pass. our loved ones can get this passport in several ways . our advice is not to visit in person . well, there is a good capacity created . my police application software is available to our loved ones. they can easily use their mobile devices. mobile phones and their android and other laptops and other electronic devices that
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have the ability to connect to the internet can upload their documents , register their pilgrimage passport , right? yes, exactly by installing my police application , they can go through all the police services, one of them is the police, and one of them is the passport of the police . they can register for their international program in the same way. there is another system called sakha system that our loved ones can search on the internet and register using this system. the police.ayr portal is also from other portals there are things that our loved ones can do. our recommendation is that the best way to register for pilgrimage
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is to use virtual space and. and there is no in-person visit. well, you definitely said how long it will take . part of the work is in the police complex . there is a part for sending it to the honorable post complex . our estimate is that under normal circumstances , this pilgrimage passport is available to our loved ones for three to five days. take it and well, depending on the match. which is from the center, maybe now it will be a little less or at last 24 hours more, but our loved ones have put our best efforts since the beginning of the month of muharram to spend 24 hours they have been doing this for hours and there will be no downtime in the issue of pilgrimage passports and even normal and international passports, which, god willing,
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will not stop us in the issue of passports for applicants. saareen and also other travelers who , just like their loved ones, remember that the summer days are the peak days of requests, and our loved ones are trying with all their strength and with a jihadi work of the faraj collection , alhamdulillah, that, god willing, these services will be provided in the best way to our dear zahirs, because mrs. you mentioned, now women have to go for notarial consent to receive pilgrimage passports take it, bono , uploading it to my police system. well, it is really a big task to see the hierarchy of the police system. we have access to the previous systems of our loved ones.
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giving their husbands permission to leave. that they refuse to give it to their spouse, but if the husband still does not have a request, they can go back with the same consent as before and do the uploading in the systems with no for technology, yes , for the first time, they have to make love and this permission present the husband's divorce to his wife and upload this to my police station.
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this year, from the first of muharram until the end of the trip, the loved ones who are not of the eligible age, but for some reason have an exemption, now or student exemption , dear students and students, there is no need to give a bond like in some years , they can apply for them from the first of muharram. register and follow up their affairs in a systematic manner and, god willing , the pilgrimage passports they request will be issued to them and mailed to their addresses, and they will not be prohibited from traveling through the permitted borders until the end of our travel month. since the first of muharram, since you are mentioning that you have timed your first punctuation, until now we are talking to each other
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on the 11th of muharram. 900,000 volumes of pilgrimage passports should be issued with a validity of 5 years, which are available to loved ones and are still valid . dear ones who have this passport, there is no need to apply for passport renewal. we have a thousand requests in the subject we had pilgrimage passports, which, alhamdulillah , have been issued and are about to be issued, and we will give them to them, and i said that now, sometimes, in terms of the three-day courier time that we promised, we are doing it, which happens, maybe another 24 to 48 hours
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will be added to it. during this time and in the issue of traffic control at the borders, as our dear mr. karimi said, with the support of the honorable commander-in-chief faraja of the deputy complex. fawa, as well as the set of hierarchies that is in the so-called police set, has a good relationship with the interaction that was created with the iraqi side, and there is an online communication and effort. god willing, there will be minimal stagnation even on the iraqi side, and a good system will be created to load our colleagues in these four borders , which mr. karimi pointed out well, and to explain these special services. my last question to you is: you put a sticker on the old passports that had expired and things
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went on. how is this year? well, this is a question that many of our colleagues and clients ask our loved ones. it is transnational and this should be done in interaction with the opposite country it should be created. well, until this moment, the country of iraq has not accepted and they do not announce the acceptance . alhamdulillah, they accept the pilgrimage passport, and it is the best document available to our pilgrims . this is our recommendation, and we tried this through sms to our loved ones. let's inform. from the faraja system
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, i said that the loved ones who were able to visit the arbaeen pilgrimage last year by installing a sticker on their expired passports should try to apply for a pilgrimage passport or an international passport this year before reaching the peak days and requests. send an sms to each and every one of our loved ones has been affected, but sometimes, if their cell phone has been moved or given away, they have not received it. this is a recommendation for all the people who received the extension last year, until the time left, in these days when we are a little quieter, alhamdulillah. and upload their request online and without visiting in person, and considering that the previous records. they have passports , we will try to issue their passports in the shortest possible time and make them available to them by mail.
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do you issue a date, does that mean there is a limit or not? no, i told you that our pilgrimage passport has no limit and this work is being done throughout the year. well, this 5-year credit and other days of the year were accepted by the iraqi side, and this memorandum was signed with the officials of the two countries, and we do not have any restrictions, and they can use this capacity throughout the year for the time being until the iraqi country accepts. do it, my dear people , thank you very much. you and your explanation, mr. nodehi the head of the passport department, if there is one more thing that i want to say,
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it is the service of our loved ones in iraq, which is in four. consulate of the islamic republic of iran in iraq, our colleagues, god willing , will try to settle down, and if there is any problem, they will try to solve these problems at the moment and on the spot, our dear ones. they will, god willing, thank you very much, mr. nodei, what is our relationship with you? mr. chegini, an expert in central bank's market monitoring department, greetings to you please tell me how the pilgrims who want to visit can receive the offer. hello, i offer my greetings to you and my dear ones. first of all , i offer my condolences on the days of muharram, the days of mourning for the martyrdom of hazrat abu abdullah al-hussein , peace be upon him, and his companions.
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the country's banking center and network has the opportunity to provide services to the respected pilgrims of arbain hosseini. first, if you allow me, i will give a brief report on the quality and quantity of this incident in 1402 years ago, and then the process that i will present it to you for this year yes, please, in the year 1402, we started the sale of arbaeen land on the 10th of august , this process continued for about a month , and during this process , we were able to sell more than one million arbaeen hosseini pilgrims, the so-called horizontal demand. about half of these people made their purchases online and the other half went to the selected branches announced by the operating banks.
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we provided them with the need to visit. last year, 6 banks in total were responsible for the sale of arbaeen pilgrimage width. about 1431 branches of the country's banking network our colleagues worked hard and served the respected pilgrims . but for the year 1403, the planning that has been done , god willing, is based on the divine power of history. from the 7th of august to the 3rd of the month of shahrivar, the sale of land will be carried out by the honorable zahiran. the sale price of this land will be at the rate of iran's gold and land exchange center. for this year, 7 banks are in charge of selling the land, and one bank has been added , melli bank of iran, sepah bank. mellat bank, tejarat bank
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, saderat bank. parsian and postbank are the seven banks that are responsible for the sale . like last year, this sale is also online. and it will be done face-to-face, so the discussion of the platforms is currently about six active platforms of the banks providing services on the online platform . can you give the details, because the dear ones
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who do not have a national card between 5 and 15 years old should have a birth certificate for those dear ones. this so-called service will be provided for people who are over 18 years of age , it is necessary to have a sim card in their own name. respected applicants must first register in the samah system of the hajj and pilgrimage organization . our only request is that this registration complete successfully and see this message. after that our colleagues in the banking network will be at their service. now, dear ones who want to make their purchase in person, visit the selected branches of the operating banks that i have presented to you, and the banks themselves will inform about these selected branches. they make it clear that this card can be different cards.


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