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tv   [untitled]    July 17, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm IRST

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well, after all, it is a new experience. every new experience has some trial and error. of course, we tried to use scientific methods and management methods to choose the best options, but one thing i must say is that the choice of ministers is the right of our president. we are a consulting arm that is actually consulting the president and suggesting some options to him . dear network one , let's say goodbye and i invite you to follow our news network if you are interested in watching this conversation . good evening. and
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he is talking about the steering council for the selection of members of the 14th government cabinet. do you agree, mr. doctor ? please tell me about this process. based on what mechanism were chosen and after what mechanism are the ministers introduced to these committees , i would like to inform you that we have formed a steering council. that this council is not finished yet, this council was a process , it started with the heads of working groups, first we created 5 working groups. we divided the government's work into 5 groups, and now it was a secret, one could have done it in a different way. this working group
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includes the ministry of interior, the ministry of defense, the ministry of information , the ministry of justice, and the atomic energy organization. because i do many of these things myself, i made that chart myself i was on the computer and the ministry of information had missed it. this is the point i would like to say that the vice president's staff apart from the women's vice president is not on our agenda at the moment because there is no reason to say scientific vice president at all. we are currently investigating the atomic energy of the shahid enan foundation. but
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we have set up a headquarters for the deputies for the procedures. now, some of them may need to be elected faster, for example, like the parliamentary deputy. some of them are not in a hurry. for now, our focus is on the organization and especially the ministers, which should be presented to the parliament by the president and the next working group that our brother, mr. dr. tayyeb nia , taking the trouble to form this working group consists of four committees , the committee of the ministry of economy and finance. the central bank committee of course, the central bank has a legal framework that we are aware of that this should be done in a process, but we are preparing for the president to have a choice for the future of the budgeted program organization committee and the committee of the ministry of industry. ministry of mines, trade, i heard that i went to the working group to tell you about the economic presence.
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we have a cultural working group under the responsibility of dr. salehi amiri, which includes the ministry of education there is a ministry of education, i would like to tell you that there is culture and higher education at your service. now, if the vice-chancellor of science is to be reviewed somewhere , it will be reviewed here, but it is not on the agenda at the moment. there is the ministry of guidance, there is the cultural heritage organization, and if i am not mistaken, the ministry of sports and youth, i think that now my friends can look at my chart on my twitter. and
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there is the presidential women's deputy, there is the environmental protection organization and so on if i'm not mistaken. there is the ministry of roads and urban development, there is the ministry of communications, and they guide it, which includes the committee of the ministry of oil , the ministry of traction. now again, it is possible that there are many members of these committees . 2 non-academic experts , now the experts who are in the private sector are appointed by a committee. in the case of a university professor
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, for example, who should they be? there is a committee, no more. these forming then comes the steering council and this the committees are approved, there is a combination of ethnic groups , there are women, there are representatives of the private sector, there are representatives of organizations other than you, this composition is observed in all the committees . there are many questions about what the members of these committees are. until today, we were consulting about membership in these committees , while some committees started their work and began to review or even consider their own special criteria because we established a series of general standards in the working group, some of which are the veto criteria, such as adherence to the foundations of the islamic republic and upper-level documents, or
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adherence to the speech of the new president, which is a justice-oriented discourse, and other points are more pure than the so-called foundations of our veto criteria. the clean hand of honesty means that if someone doesn't have it, we won't check other parameters about it at all , it's enough for you, it's all over, i'm just another , national attitude, not having a tendency, of course, all of iran is a rainbow of different groups and ethnicities, and that's why it has made iran very rich and beautiful, but if someone wants to have an ethnic tendency or tendency it has regionalism, this is also a factor in batu, now all this has come and formed in a group , this group is going to be approved by this steering council and then it will be introduced, so people don't worry, it will be about 400,450 people. these will be introduced, but
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the reason why we haven't introduced them yet is because of several points: one is that it is not finished yet, and the other is that we approved it today, and i informed you in the morning that in order to avoid conflict of interest , if a person who is currently a member of the committee is nominated that person will be removed from any organization or organization that committee and his place will be taken by a similar person , that is, if that person was a university professor and was nominated, he will leave and another university professor will take his place. now, if this list is published in the future, while it is not yet finalized and all the speculations and names that have been given are invalid , it has really
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worried the people and the minds of the people. since we are still receiving the list of candidates, this is necessary , i might say good. we gave a call, there was a discussion to give a general call, we saw that it is not possible it is possible that a large number of so-called biographies and proposals come to us beyond our capacity, and we cannot deal with them, and then this will make people feel that they are not being taken seriously, so what did we do ? from the two groups, let's make one of the national personalities of the national personalities. mr. khatami , mr. rouhani, mr. haddad adel , mr. qalibaf, mr. jalili , mr. dr. tabashi, dr. mezikian's competitors in the elections, we
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requested that you nominate your candidates, the second group of civil society institutions, that is, from everyone. parties we requested from the coalition to the reform front. whose candidates are from active trade unions, active scientific associations. for example, we may have more than 100 scientific associations in the ministry. culture and higher education, but most of these are inactive associations, associations that according to the so-called ministry of science and technology are active , we invited them, trade groups, as well as the chamber of commerce, we invited all of them to nominate candidates, although the end means that the deadline for receiving these candidates was the 2nd of the 5th, but because the process started a little late and the notification was late. we have extended some time until tomorrow
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we will review the candidates that come to us and then we will send them to the committees, so even we do not need our committees to be finalized yet because we have not yet received the candidates from the civil society. the process is a process in which we have put several layers, mostly for the purpose of making sure that one, this process is transparent, two, this process has no filter, that is , the filter is the same collective wisdom in these committees, and thirdly , there is no conflict of interest, and that is why we say that if someone, for example, i am a very person i have suggested a good thing for the political committee or the committee of the ministry of information as a member, but a person of a civil society organization. as a minister, he should propose that as soon as his ministry is scheduled to be investigated, he should go beyond these
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points that we did. i would like to say one more thing that is very important. we said that we have no lobbying behind the scenes, everything should be investigated in the committee. therefore, today we informed the committees that any member of the committee who attends a meeting with a candidate outside the committee will be removed immediately until we can, god willing, work together as a group. it may be difficult to start a transparent process. i am already saying that this is the result. be optimistic about the result of this work. we hope for the result . we really intend to start a new process . we hope it will be a good experience of participation and democracy for our people. show that they are ready to patiently follow this process,
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don't judge prematurely, we still have until the day of the president's inauguration , which is the first opportunity, and we hope to be able to use this first opportunity to introduce the cabinet, although the president will be almost 10 days after his inauguration. he has two weeks to introduce vali because we want the work of the new government to start faster, we hope to be able to do it sooner. let's do this. let's do this. they will be with us during this period . hopefully, in the end, these people will be appointed by the president. we will present between 3 and five candidates to the president . you will not impose an advisory opinion. we cannot do this, and the dignity of mr. doctors are also famous because of this , and you, who were present in the debates with them , saw that they do not give in under the burden of forcing anyone , which is one of their distinctive characteristics. their bravery and their freedom, therefore, we are an arm of ours
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we know ourselves, we want an advisory arm to help the president-elect, who, god willing , can use this collective wisdom, so next, the president who nominates people will go to the parliament to examine these people, of course, we are headed by the honorable president of the parliament, the board of honorable presidents. honorable house of representatives, we are sure that according to the emphasis of the supreme leader that the era of competition is over and now the era of friendship and cooperation has begun, with this order we have moved forward with this order. let's move forward and, god willing , we will be able to create a better future for the new generation of the country. mr. doctor, in this ruling, your excellency, mr. dr. bizikian, the president-elect, emphasized the use of different capacities and talents in political groups, and your excellency , you have now mentioned that farakhani
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you have asked everyone to introduce their options to you from the upper left to the right. the question is whether they welcome participation, cooperation , cooperation with you, different political groups, as far as i know, because this is not my level. he goes to the secretary's office and the secretary keeps these in the so-called these working groups are placed in the virtual space of working groups, but as far as i know. different people, different personalities and different groups, that is, many different political groups , give us suggestions, trade groups give us suggestions. a number of personalities guided us, both regarding the criteria and examples, and we received suggestions. yes , this process has been welcomed so far, and i hope that we will also be enlightened and show our friends that the suggestions they gave we checked this point, i can say that no one
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has the right to remove any suggestion, that is, everyone proposals must be submitted to all members of the committee . naturally, not all proposals will be voted on in the committee . it is possible that a proposal will get a lower vote and a proposal will get a higher vote. well, this is the review process, but no proposal can be vetoed before it goes in, and maybe for many questions. okay , how can you have these different types of politics together in one cabinet, no, this cabinet will not be a coalition, i will tell you this. this cabinet will be of national unity, but not a coalition, as we have two bases, we believe in and adhere to the values ​​of the islamic revolution and the above documents, and we believe in the president's speech means we don't want to have people there who don't agree with the president's speech . after all, the people of iran will vote for this president
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. we said to introduce candidates who are ready to work within the framework of this discourse. this is not a coalition cabinet. people vote for one person and this one person will bring together different people from different points of view who are ready to accompany that attitude and with that tendency, that is, with that discourse, but i emphasize again. we are not looking to form a coalition cabinet because it is characteristic of the people of raishan, secondly, that the atlafi cabinet cannot work, it must be a coherent cabinet , but a cabinet that benefits from all the forces, and that is why we asked all the groups to nominate us some of you based on these criteria. now you remember to
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name more of the political groups and parties that i will tell you in two factions . they have also been invited to nominate a representative .
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i sent some of them and you mentioned that some of the indicators are veto indicators. in one part , we have four veto indicators, and you mean the red line that cannot be crossed, that is, in that form, our form is automatically eaten. if someone does not take that indicator , his score will be zero, which means that the score will be changed. all his grades are also those of adherence to the principles of adherence to the principles of the islamic revolution and high-level documents, adherence to the president's speech. honesty and courage and finally having a national attitude away from ethnic and regional tendencies and then non-veto indicators. what is the most important thing, the most important of them are the behavioral abilities, the party should have the ability to manage , have the ability to work together, respect the bachelor's work
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, let it be young, that is, the younger you are, the higher the score, if you are over 50, you will not get any score below 50 the younger you are, the higher your score is. if you are a man , you don't get any points . if you are a woman, you get 10 points. if you belong to, for example , the majority, we do not have a minority majority in iran. to take in case if from the official religion means to be a shia muslim , you do not get points here because we want to give one point that we can from others. we will use ethnic groups and groups that have less participation and women and youths. this is a mechanism that , of course, we also said that we will try. our effort is that
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60% of the cabinet members are cabinet members for the first time. if they have experience in the ministry, this is a negative score. it gets negative, it has a negative score . we rate someone's experience, but his experience as a member of the government has a negative score, which we want to appoint new members. we want from former ministers let's use it as a consultant. in the ministry of home affairs, for example, when i was the minister of foreign affairs , we created a mechanism called the steering council. like the steering council we have now. our leadership council consisted of former ministers who were formed at the same time as me. at the same time, my martyred brother, the late dr. amir abdullahian. three or four of those meetings were held, and all of us, from the servant, from mr. velayati to the servant, went. we participated in those meetings and advised mr. dr. amir abdollahian, may god bless his degrees, so we want to put these mechanisms in all the ministries of housing.
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this accumulated experience of the so-called past managers should be used, but a new blood and a new attitude should enter the government, so we said that we should try to have 60% of them be under 50 years old and 60 not have previous experience in the ministry. these are the efforts we are making. i hope that by introducing the candidates that we can, we will get out of this closed circle that has always been in the management cycle of the country, as the supreme leader said, we can use the youth, we can use the fresh forces. this is our goal, i hope that the people who are introduced to us also have this possibility we can achieve this goal. very well , doctor, in the composition of all workers, now i don't know what has been published in cyber space , do you confirm these combinations
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, whether they are representative or not? however, it is not final yet, not because, for example, the share of university professors, for example, this number is this characteristic , and a part of it is considered correct as the share of the reform front, mr. dr. mezikian, you know that i am not affiliated with any party or faction, but the fact is that mr. mezikian reform front candidate it means that the reform front has nominated three candidates , mr. dr. bezikian was one of those candidates, and i went to different cities and gave speeches . usually, the friends who organize these speeches are the children of the reform front, the parties of the reform front . there are many fundamentalists and we are a fundamentalist group. after the second round , even some of the staffs of some of the candidates who withdrew in the first round came and did us a favor and
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helped us, so as i said, a rainbow of political groups are present. the fact is that we put a share for the reform front in every committee as those who worked hard in this process and participated from the members of the staff of mr. dr. bizikian, we have a representative here because these are people who have an attitude of presence in the people. they know the people , they know the concerns of the people, and they actually reflect the concerns of the society. to us , the members of the headquarters are people who go to people's houses and talk to people one by one, and therefore they know what the people's concerns are, so this is a request for a share. not really. a transfer actually concern considerations and the preoccupations of the people who have been in contact with these friends of ours in these three weeks or four weeks, or sometimes some
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say that, for example, this list should finally be approved by the reform front. i talked to them myself, i know. that they are not at all involved in guiding but not interfering with other friends and elders of the reform front. you also heard that mr. engineer nabovi made a funny tweet today that let the government be formed now , don't look for a share. this is the attitude that i i saw elders from both the reform front and other elders , which means that an empathy has been created, alhamdulillah. that everyone wants us to move the work forward and we hope that by the grace of god, with the help of the people and with the special look of hazrat baqitullah, we will be able to.
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let's move this work forward, god willing, the criteria for selecting the final people in the working groups is the score. you said correctly , it will be the criteria, not the members of the working groups. today, we have appointed four people . ministers are given a secret vote for each minister. i put the form on cyberspace friends can download the form on my instagram or twitter. now, excuse me, i'm not anywhere else , but here is the form, the form is in cyberspace , look at my scores, each candidate must fill out one of these forms and it goes secretly into a computer system, and this is aggregated, the grade point average is calculated, and that is the final result. it is up to the chairman of the working group to see that, for example , let's assume the minister of foreign affairs. what score did he get, and
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then i entered this, how much did he get for his specialized criteria, how much did his degree get, i don't know his management ability , his decision-making ability, his responsibility, that's all. the scores, mr. doctor, are such that you may assume that a person has high scores in all these indicators or gets a good score in most of them, in the end, but feels that he still does not have the necessary weight and maturity for the ministry, for example, there are mechanisms here that you can mess this up, or you see, we went and looked at the management model and put those metrics or indicators here, which are quality indicators , which actually mean how much the party has the ability to work as a team , how much the party cares about work and expertise, how much the party pays attention to, for example he can manage a group.
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these are actually the same needs that you need for a minister or for a head of an organization . we will definitely make mistakes, that is, without a doubt, but i also wrote this poem by sheikh ajl in the virtual space, which says, "what does he say, to follow the path of badiyya, to stop sitting in vain, and if i do not find the meaning , i will try as much as possible. what is the rule of the quran, god forbid?" we are doing our best and this effort it is really an honest effort. we want to start a process that, god willing , will be improved and corrected in the future
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. god willing, we have less than a minute. how many people will i introduce to each working group as the ministry's option? to mr. president, at least three and a maximum of 5 people will be introduced to each working group, which we requested should be closer to 5 people. he examines these and introduces 3 candidates to the president. a candidate working group has given us coverage, that is, 5 candidates given, but one of them means that four of them should be covered , we will reject all five, and we emphasized that, that is , some of our friends are worried that these working groups will be arranged in such a way that a candidate will come out of it, i assure them that this will not happen, there should be 5 candidates if they don't do this, they will leave all their candidates and ask the question sir.
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khorram, by the end of july, which the president-elect has specified for them, these names will be extracted and given to the president. we made friends with ourselves until august 3rd, and until august 3rd, as mr. president, i don't know whether august 8th or august 9th is the day of their inauguration . i was so busy with this work that history. i forgot, until then, they are in rome for a few days, mr. president , they should work on these candidates, in fact, the necessary checks should be done, god willing, we will do it, very good, thank you very much, mr. dr. zarif, i wish you and your colleagues, especially in this council, the best of luck. and i am feeling better. i am very grateful for your kindness and for the kindness of radio and television that gave us this opportunity . thank you for your presence and let me know that god willing, about the steering council for the selection of
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