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tv   [untitled]    July 18, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm IRST

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would you like to follow this conversation ? follow our news network. thank you . yes, well, about the details of the used car import regulations. i heard that i am discussing a report with mr. mr. deputy minister of transportation industry of the ministry. mr. mr., my friends, let's see the preparation of this report. we will come back and continue the conversation. the model of 2019 and above, with the world standard , has been released for all dear iranians, there is no need for it anymore. there are no previous procedures that must be carried out by automobile manufacturing companies or by transferring technology to natural persons in iran.
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dear iranians inside the country, dear iranians abroad by the country, what exactly is meant by all iranians? can any iranian person who has a national code enter himself, which in this case is a clear contradiction with the import and export law approved in 1972, the law on issuing commercial cards in 1958 and all other regulations chamber of commerce's letters are the most important point, but the provision of land for these cars, sources of foreign exchange must be approved by the central bank. the amount and the methods of securing the land of this menu are subject to the discretion of the central bank . a person can import himself, why should our people not be able to use this? in this process , there are many people who don't need dollars to say that they have dollars. allow them to enter this car with the dollars they have.
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the used car import regulations are taken from the bill to add materials to the automobile industry organization law . today, people want a cheap car , they want a high-quality car. now, for no reason, foreign cars in our country are almost 78 times the price of the same in neighboring countries. it was approved by the minister in march of this year. he said in the past that he was against importing cars it is not used, but
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yes, thank you to reza safari, the reporter of tahrir sanat. well , mr. minister of state announced that he is worried about the import of used cars. now, how did it happen? look at our reality. the policy that was made in the ministry of state is in line with the implementation of the law to organize the automobile industry , which is aimed at competition. accepting the production in the country was the issue in several. the front was actually followed, its most important issue considering the circumstances that when the bill was proposed, in fact , this law was being proposed in the floor of the parliament. car imports are limited to the reason for the horizontal problems in 2016-2017 is that we
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have restrictions on car imports due to the lack of currency and then due to the sanctions that are happening, our communication with the world is actually limited regarding the car industry, and suddenly our car production will decrease by almost 50%. yes, and we will go from one and more than half a million cars to 700,800,000 cars, and we will continue this process two or three times , which means that we actually have a written demand in the market due to the lack of car imports and reduced supply. to the market, this causes the market to become inflamed and ultimately the price in fact the price of the car is false, while due to the inflationary conditions of the country, a number of people actually buy it.
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their capital goes towards buying the goods like the car as a capital good and actually keeping this collection of materials. and the situation of the parliament is pulling in this direction that during a plan, in fact, the plan to organize the car market , which later in the year 1400 was actually depicted in the parliament under the title of the law to organize the car industry . in the country, well, this goal has reached here , and now this regulation has been promulgated. let's come in this law, one of the important issues is that all iranians can import a used car. how does this work? it means that anyone who has a national code can import themselves . now we are talking about other issues such as mobile phones and in fact
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we have this process for other goods that are not prohibited from entering, now in the regulations we also have the issue of order registration, which is related to the companies, my importing companies , from the companies that are actually transporters and the companies that are actually importers. there are cars and the statistical registration is related to the general public individual applicants who can import this , register statistics at the customs and then clear the car by paying the entry fees and customs fees, which means that it is not necessary for people to get a business card, no , there is no need, no need.
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it means that the car actually enters the customs area, the person does this and then pays. in fact, these cases have not yet been detailed, but it seems that the process is such that at the beginning of the work, according to the conditions of the exchange of one car, the import of one car per person is allowed, then there is a limit
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, which is now 250 ok or higher or lower in aynameh, the issue of car import is actually mentioned correctly and so on. he explained completely that the cars that are imported are between 3 and 5 years old. they have current european standards and global standards that actually show compliance . this is one of the conditions for importing these types of cars, and there is a limit that exists. it means that the engine size of the cars should be below 2500 cc. then , regarding the loan provision, it has been said that it must be approved by the central bank
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, what is the origin of the loan, can they do it now, is it someone who has a loan at home or an iranian abroad who has a loan? he can import, or you see, the basis of this regulation was actually the supply of currency and the control of the foreign exchange market , which was the concern of the central bank. well, now, in fact , it is mentioned in this regulation that we do not want the process to proceed in such a way that we comply with the currency regulations of the central bank. disrupt the country's foreign exchange market , but in fact, the location of the land can be from the result of the export, the export of goods and services can be currency. it should be a foreign investment and all the currencies that are approved by the central bank, which are of foreign origin, as you said, the bidder has a foreign currency account outside the country, if approved by the central bank. in fact, it can come with that offer, choose a car, import it and
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use it for personal use. well, one of the issues that the experts mentioned in this report was the same issue, that the approval of the central bank also takes a very long time. it does, and it usually doesn't get approved, how will this be , that's why they say that these laws usually remain on paper, and they won't be implemented like that. we are in a different situation right now . we have regulations for the import of buses for arbaeen that the transport companies are importing. i would like to say that for the well-being of the pilgrims , in fact, arbaeen hosseini, the government passed this resolution , and the transport companies, considering the lack of buses these days and the fact that there are a lot of trips during these days, are allowed to import. transportation companies have been given
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a regulation for the veterans, which has been passed by the government, and it is allowed that the dear veterans over 50% personally import the car themselves , they must follow the rules, that is, both the veterans and people who are entering personally , the rules are also mentioned in the regulations, including that the standards actually include the car. european countries, japan, and south korea, and the high standards of environmental pollution, which are actually clearly specified in article 4 of our clause p , if they comply with the standards and get that process and approval, there is no problem, so the central bank is now in the conditions current because the source of currency is with the person himself or the width. which is the result of his own export or foreign investment, it should be clear that this
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place is his place if it is approved by the central bank, not this place, which means that someone who has 30 thousand dollars in his blood, for example, has 40 thousand dollars, no matter how much he has in his blood he has the blood, he can also go to import the width of foreign origin, which means that this width must be exported, that is, the width that is outside the country, very well, yes , a limited amount will be more limited . you see, the reality is that when you want to buy a second-hand car , you have to go to the market of that country, that is, you don't go to the car manufacturer or dealer, you go to the market to buy the car from the showroom , so you go there and the land pays the amount right there. therefore, if someone has land inside the country, it should be according to the bank's rules center can withdraw this desire, now we have those restrictions on the withdrawal of land in the country. if he has foreign currency or has a foreign currency account that he can show that this currency
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was actually there, he can use that currency to buy a car and enter the country . they should explain the issue and make it more clear for the people, but they are not satisfied to express and answer and say the same things that are in the regulation, they will implement the same thing , mr. mr. the issue of after-sales service for these cars how will it be, should car manufacturers accept this or not? this is not intended at all, and it is not mentioned in the aymanah at all. why do we, both in the new car import regulation and in this regulation related to used cars , properly talk about services? the sale and supply of spare parts is mentioned. according to the law of import of new cars , companies that are importers whose
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qualifications are actually approved by the ministry of home affairs should refer to the after-sales service desk of the ministry of home affairs and pledge to provide after-sales services and spare parts and complete this process. you used cars because we are faced with 3 categories of importers, one of those importers are importing companies , which are companies that have an after-sales service approval from the ministry and on the condition of providing time after-sale service guarantee, they can bring a second-hand car, their own companies , the same companies can, yes, the same companies, because they import them themselves, they must actually provide confirmation and after-sales service guarantee. having the spare parts can actually
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provide this to the people of chona for imported cars they import and sell to people, then they can also bring used cars. yes , how many can they bring? they use another order registration, that is, a business card and based on quota , and then you have a limit for them. their limit is based on the same discussion. there is no limit to their width, there the limit is based on the quota of the commercial card. it can be done and the foreign exchange ceiling that they can provide now with foreign investment, but now we are actually importing companies who are doing this right now to import new cars, that is, our company. we have some that import a large number of cars in the same systems , electric and hybrid cars and gasoline cars are being imported now, and they import and supply for the second category of transport companies , where we also had other approvals for import, for example. trucks, trolleys, buses, etc., which
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are actually here with the two goals of providing cars or public transportation in the country, both in urban and suburban areas. these transportation companies are allowed in the suburban area. they can enter mostly for taxis and such they must get the approval of the ministry of interior, the municipal and rural organization of the country, and they can actually provide after-sales services. carry out the import in this category of import in the law, it is clearly mentioned that because this category of import is for providing public transportation , they cannot change the license plate to become a personal license plate for up to 10 years. the third category of people are actually
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natural persons. there are those people who enter for their personal needs, with their national card, they can record statistics, they enter here in the regulation, which is mentioned in order to comply with consumer rights. regarding the announcement of the list of brand names of cars that currently have after-sales service in the country and can be provided , we suggest that you choose from this category of cars. the country exists and has already been imported. it is recommended to import cars from this category, so if you don't want them, don't ask them to buy them . after-sales service should be discussed, or they should sign a contract with the companies that import these types of cars. well, not if they are those companies. which entered from these roads what are you doing in your list? yes, it is already known that if they are not one of them, then it will be very special. the issue of supplying parts
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is not enough. the commitment is not enough. they can do it right now . the body means expressing the commitment to the ministry of home affairs and guaranteeing the supply of parts after the sale and service is allowed, then an if is given , which is definitely not possible. if it is not sold, it will be a car that will probably remain in the middle of the street after one or two years no parts and nothing. in fact , there is no support for it. when you want a car with those high european standards, now they have consumer parts. this should be discussed about the supply of parts . the main concern is that the final consumer, because most of this sector is imported, is in this direction. i am going to offer it here to the public, the final consumer
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, whose rights should be respected, that is the question of providing services . since the end of last year, we have been focusing on the import of electric cars. in the first phase, we were talking about the supply of public cars and taxis. some of them came to the municipalities and they were welcomed. in some cities like karaj and tehran , some of these were used. in the second phase , it was for the general public. it was very well received, more than 140,000 people registered, and the goal in the
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first stage of the ministry was to solve the imbalance of gasoline and reduce pollution. let's go to the import of gasoline cars, electric cars and hybrids, which is correctly mentioned in the budget law of 1403 in paragraph 9 of note that the regulations it is being prepared by the ministry regarding the import of new and used electric and gasoline cars, where , by the way, we are talking about the reduction of tariffs. the discussion of importing electric cars is defined as 4e and hybrid 15. in other cars, like other gasoline cars, the definitions are based on engine size and price. in fact, it has been determined that in the law, the definitions are specific, based on the same , they are applied to vehicles of the type for self-functioning
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, that is, we actually give more discounts to electric vehicles and to electric cars, mr. aghaei , anyway, it was a strategy that the minister mr. ali's position abadi followed him hard when he came , but as it should be in zeres. the constructions are not what should happen and the speed they should have. in any case, the infrastructure must be clear first, in this case, we will come to the electric cars. now, let's try to import them. in fact, they should create a plan now, and we have held good meetings with the ministry of interior, with the municipality, and with the ministry of energy regarding the provision of electricity for a large part of the infrastructure. the companies that import electric cars themselves are actually responsible for both providing
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charging stations and electrifying the main lines, for example , the tehran highway, mashhad, tehran, isfahan, tehran , tabriz. it is possible, and some of them are at the charging station. of course , this is not being done at the level of the company's announcement of readiness , that is, the project has been started, some stations have actually been done now, and we think that most of this will be done this year, considering that we supply cars. electric ram for the general public if we have it, then there should be these facilities as well. we are also talking about this, and this car manufacturer that is offering electric cars is because its own brand is ruined. don't you have to provide those services regarding the provision of our services, just as we have discussions about parts and after-sales services in our gasoline cars
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, the same thing can be done in our electric cars , charging stations, providing chargers, etc., where commitments have been made here and there and the companies themselves have to accept it. regarding buses, public transport vehicles, now these are charged in special places , but in any case, people's private cars they want to use this infrastructure first, it must be ready to a certain extent, then we will register, and i welcome that now you know that in the supply of electric cars , a home charger will be delivered with each of our cars, and you will be delivered with a charger. at home, you can charge at night, that is , when there is no peak consumption, you can do it within 6 to 8 hours. well, that also has challenges, and you want us
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to build solar power plants and wind power plants at night , and give part of the electricity that is provided there to the grid. and we will take another place from the network , we hope that it will be formed with cooperation let's solve this problem, you see, we have to go in this direction anyway, according to the estimates made in the world by 2025, finally by 2030. most of the cars are moving towards smart electric cars , then we have a challenge considering the current situation where we have dissatisfaction and so on, we have to go in the direction of
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using clean fuel cars . your price is a matter of price valuation . in fact, when it is imported, we have a valuation committee that is in charge of the customs. when the goods are declared in the customs, the goods value is there. it will be set and based on the valuation that is done , the entry fee will be set aside. anyway, this car has been used, how is it valued? we, the committee , anyway, you don't have that many experts to test every car. it's a three-year-old car. the type of use has been included in its bylaws, which is actually its age. based on the vehicle identification number or the via that is assigned to the vehicle, which model is actually the year and so on, the age can be determined from that
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. it is actually one of the documents that comes with the car according to the european standards imark standards or the standards of the persian gulf countries or european countries are based on it, and the pollution standards are based on the input materials that you say . it is valued up to 5 years after it is imported, which means that this is not something that is only happening to passenger cars. there is an evaluation committee that the ministry of customs and the central bank are actually there, according to a recipe based on the age of the car and the price of this type. the car is reduced by a percentage they do and give a total value to the car, of course
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, based on the mileage of the car there. in fact, that committee determines and the team that is there is actually written there that there are inspection teams, they physically check and evaluate in terms of standards and environmental conditions , and if it is approved, they will be released. but that's just the basis of taking the tariff and these things . if he comes into the country , there's nothing else at that price. whoever brings it will come at any price or sell it, yes, yes, the market. we tried to satisfy the thirst of the market with a few basic steps we tried to fix it, the first issue was the increase in production
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last year. with the promulgation of these two new and used car import regulations, monopoly does not mean much anymore. i hope that the competition council, which actually monopolizes and prices the car according to the instructions , will remove the pricing issue altogether. now we are talking about electric cars, in fact , it is completely out of the competition council's instructions
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. we had thousands of vehicles that are imported. until july 20th , we have 8,257 clearances confirmed. this total is close to 19,000 and 5,200 vehicles have been sold. in fact , about 24,500 of us are in the process of discharge and will be discharged soon. since the notification of the regulations in january of last year, until now, which is about 6 months, we are about 25,000, sir. these 25,000 are compared to those who did you register in the first round of the hundreds or thousands of people who came to register, put 500 million tomans and make a block, etc. in the first round of 1401, we actually had 30,000 people register, but i can tell you that in the circumstances
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with paying attention to the current situation, for example, in 6 months , we were able to bring 25,000 cars. more than 90,000 orders have been registered in the field of new cars, and there are about 19,000 cars in customs. how many people are in safan now ? the second round, which was registered just last week, was 130,000. but our process is such that we draw the number of cars that are actually cleared.


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