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tv   [untitled]    July 19, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad and their speedy fate. hello, dear viewers , welcome to the news section at 16:00. the palestinian people's resistance committees appreciated yemen for carrying out heroic operations in the attack on the occupied city of jaffa . in the statement of these committees, the unique operation of jaffa shows that the zionists will not have any stability and security in the occupied territories. the palestinian people's resistance committees also asked all arab and islamic countries to follow the example of the fighters of the yemeni army.
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target the american zionist enemy anywhere in the region. forces in an unprecedented operation, the yemeni armed forces targeted talaviu with the new jaffa drone, which resulted in the death of a zionist and the wounding of at least 10 others. ebrizban news sources say that this drone probably reached tel aviv at a low altitude by sea. according to these sources, the drone was able to pass through all layers of anti-missile and anti-drone systems and hit a building in tel aviv . during the flight of this drone over tel aviv , no alarm was activated. the media of the zionist regime
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described this operation as a failure for the regime's defense systems. following this attack, the prime minister of the zionist regime canceled his trip to america. microsoft announced: a large part of the widespread disruption in the computer systems of some countries is due to the update of the systems of the security company crowdstrike. from before noon today due to the occurrence. the problem with computer systems running microsoft's operating system suspended flights in most countries, including the netherlands, germany, india, spain, australia, the united arab emirates, hong kong, china and across the united states. the london stock exchange, banks, medical services and british railway lines also suffered technical failures. a cyber security official in australia too said: australian companies suffer a shutdown. technically
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, they have expanded. microsoft said it was trying to fix widespread technical issues. however , the ceo of imam khomeini airport city said that the flights of this airport are being carried out without any disturbance. referring to global disruptions in airports due to microsoft's technical failure, mr. chalawari said in order to reduce the external dependencies of imam airport from parsa. it uses the internal software and there is no problem in this airport to carry out the flight according to the schedule and the situation is normal. according to the ceo of imam khomeini airport city so far, no reports have been received about flight disruptions at this airport, unless the destination airport in other countries has had disruptions in reception . dealing with expensive selling at
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the airport terminals, the tehran prosecutor announced that he sent the case of high selling goods at the terminals of mehrabad airport and imam khomeini international airport to the government penalty organization. mr. salehi said that due to the numerous complaints of people about high prices at the airport and the detection of these violations in the field visits of the prosecutor's office, while increasing surveillance with the violators. it is dealt with decisively. two the country is facing a very hot week. the spokesperson of the electricity industry, announcing this news, said that for every one degree increase in temperature, 1800 megawatts will be added to the country's electricity consumption. mr. rajabi mashshe emphasized that it is expected that new installations will be registered for the next two weeks. he requested the compatriots
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to manage electricity consumption on hot days . large industrial customers and major agricultural customers, other administrative customers and the public sector of the country must comply with the consumption management plans completely and accurately during these two weeks, god willing, so that we can pass this period. household customers who consume very much and badly , whose consumption is more than two and a half times the model , their number is limited, they must comply, in case of non-compliance, we may have to cut off their electricity. temporarily strong wind blowing and in some areas prone to the phenomenon of dust has predicted this phenomenon. from the middle of next week, the temperature will increase in the country.
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hello, dear compatriots, in the last 24 hours, the hottest place in our country is sush in khuzestan province. with a minimum temperature of 11 degrees between centers ahvaz is the warmest capital of the province with a maximum temperature of 50 degrees. in the next 24 hours , our forecast is that in the parts of the northwest of the country, the provinces of west azarbaijan, east azarbaijan , parts of the coasts involved in the caspian sea, north khorasan , the northern regions of khorasan, the heights will rise. alborz , also parts of the southwest of kerman province. areas of the center and highlands of kerman, southeastern fars province, northern highlands of hormozgan, as well as the southern regions of sisistan and baluchistan, may witness showers, torrential rains, and occasional strong winds. seven times the transaction between devices. according to
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head of information technology organization of iran, this increase in transactions shows the increase in communication between device systems and becoming smarter. the current government was formed in the service government from february 1400, and with the support that the honorable parliament legally obliged the government agencies to gradually connect and complete these services , today it is in a situation where more than 75% government services in the form of a complex, including services that have a birth certificate or services that are given in the form of union and non-union licenses , are integrated in this window and people can access them with a single entry. let them see, evaluate and use this service in the current situation , it includes about 99 government devices, now they are 1% of devices that
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are sometimes disconnected, sometimes connected or have technical infrastructure problems, the number of five defense martyrs. the holy place was discovered at the same time as the martyrdom anniversary of imam sajjad (peace be upon him). these martyrs were discovered during the investigation in the kamil canal located in the operational area of ​​fekah, the closest to the iraqi border . some of these martyrs had license plates and identifiable items with them, which will be announced soon. the gathering of defenders of family privacy on the occasion of the week. rafaf and hijab in different cities were established. women in different areas of tehran had an overview of the role of ashura women today in the group of defenders of family privacy. imamzadeh
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saleh, tehran, like several regions of the capital, hosted a meeting of defenders of family privacy. they believed that today families are under threat, as western and zionist thinkers say, we must root out the family institution so that we can dominate countries militarily, economically, politically, and security-wise , so strengthening the family is their main task. they knew that women are actually the education of the human race he is doing it, and that person
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became a member of the steering council of knowledge technologies through this woman . he said that out of the 21 complaints that this council investigated
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, three cases led to the banning of government companies from the market according to the law on the jump in the production of competitive knowledge bases. government with knowledge-based companies is prohibited by the decision of the steering council of knowledge-based technologies. state company, you can see how much import in the customs statistics. the government and the public sector, whether they like it or not, are always accompanied by monopolies. a series of government concessions exist everywhere. tenders are held. i am a private sector company. the government complex is my competitor or actually my equal in producing products. he comes with me and participates in the tender. one of the areas where some
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public and government companies compete with the private sector is the products produced by knowledge-based companies. iran was one of the 15 countries that had no problems with icu ventilators. in corona , we built 6,000 icu ventilators and gave them to the centers . now we want to stay alive. governments are competing with us. our request has been repeated many times. companies considering that they will be competitors of the private sector. they should and every leave the work to the private sector. according to the law of leapfrogging the production of knowledge bases, public and government companies should not compete with the private sector after entering into the production of a product. if a scientific production , the production of a knowledge-based product is carried out by a knowledge-based company, at the same time, a government or public sector or a group of government and public shareholders produce the same product, we actually call this issue the competition of the public and public sector with the private sector.
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in fact, we should consider the private case. recognizing the example of competition in this field is entrusted to the steering council of technology and knowledge-based products. we have actually received 16 cases and examined them. 3 cases have actually come to a conclusion, out of which two cases were actually recognized as examples of competition between the private and public sectors. government and public sector were limited. according to the announcement of the steering council of knowledge-based technology and production, out of 21 requests to prevent government competition with knowledge -based companies, five cases are awaiting the completion of documents, five cases are under review and eight cases have been rejected. narges meghazi, sed and sima news agency. and according to the deputy of the general department of cosmetics and health affairs of the food and drug organization, the shelf life of anti
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the sun has nothing to do with its high spf. dr. marjanian said sunscreen alone cannot fully protect the skin . it is recommended to use covered clothes and sunglasses in open environments. also time to stay in the sun, especially between
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does your washing machine work? yes, it works . we used to wash it by hand. did you buy, no, unfortunately, no, unfortunately, no, why buy household appliances at all, why, because i have quality, discount , discount, discount, not even. amazing discounts for all hats in the specialized reference of home music the city of home appliances
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in sirte barne is reciting. the land of iraq in the year 61 ah, on the edge of the desert west of the euphrates river, tens of thousands of people against one man. on the 10th day of muharram, a great saga takes place and they embrace the soil of god's blood. indeed, yazid's knowledge of umayyad banu's knowledge of hussain bin ali was an apparent knowledge of imam
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al-hussein, peace be upon him, who wrote the bathura and published the message . the men who went with hussain bin ali , no one came back except for ali bin hussain .
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and that's why you can see that after the incident of karbala, the umayyads have no more water in their throats. it does not die and uprisings because imam hussain (peace be upon him) disrupted that way of thinking, numerous uprisings took place in the islamic society , which ultimately led to the destruction of the umayyads. yazid, who sees the situation as dire , tries to
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avoid responsibility for the karbala incident. he blames obaidullah and punishes him. they marry him. the wave of awakening of the people of yazid palace also covers. yazid women , the daughters of muawiya, start to cry when they see the women of the family of husayn ibn, peace be upon them, who have been brought as captives to dar al-amara. protests reach yazid's ears. yazid under political pressure people give orders to tolerate the prisoners. and send them to madinah with better conditions . insan shat al-maa'ala al-khasisa, the children of the prophet's family, if it were not for islam, and if it were not for the prophet
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, it would have been possible for the family of al-umayyah not to have a place for them or anyone else. the blood of al-hussein preserves islam . the blood of al-hussein gives hope to the muslims, that they are victorious , and that allah, the exalted, is able to preserve the religion and reach his worship in this world . . until hossein returned because they had not informed medina yet, husayn bin ali killed them in the caravan. beyt (peace be upon them) are on their way to medina. imam sajjad (peace be upon him) sends bishr bin hazlam to medina early to
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inform the people about the martyrdom of aba abdullah and the arrival of the caravan . bishr, who like his father is fond of poetry , went to the prophet's mosque and wrote two lines of poetry on this theme. he sings, o people of yathrab , the news has spread quickly in the city, and the men and women of madinah are shouting and rebuking the women, rushing to welcome the ahl al-bayt caravan. he went to the pulpit of the messenger of god and said that the killing of al-hussein hussain was killed. he touched the corpse of the mourners. well,
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kushan said, "the caravan has come to the gate of kharjat al-madinah." all of them came, yes, the caravan is empty. the men who went with hussain bin ali, except for ali bin hussain, no one came back . it is certain that all of them were martyred. expressing sympathy for the caravan of captives of the ahl al-bayt of madinah is a form of mourning. he did it, but if they were on the job and had knowledge and had the love of the ahl al-bayt in their hearts, there was no such thing. after that, imam al-hussein's position was
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to protect the nation, even if he partially stopped the nation and explained the truth of the falsehood. the people gathered in front of the tent of imam sajjad, peace be upon him. they do. while tears are falling on his blessed virtues, the noble imam followed the orders of the prophet regarding his family. it is reminded and the mourning for the martyrs of karbala is made public. o people, we have been crushed, displaced, driven away from the cities. as if we are the children of relatives. i swear to god, if the prophet, may god bless him and grant him
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peace, had ordered them to fight with us, as he ordered this group to be kind to us, they would not have been able to commit more crimes than this. we are for god and we return to him. in this calamity of the burning women. we take refuge in god, the mighty, the soul of straw, heartbreaking, painful and suffering, and we bear all the sufferings in his way, and we know that god is powerful and avenger. imam sajjad the prophet (peace be upon him) addressed the people of medina and said: o people:
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yazid bin muawiya's plan and his political, religious and moral corruption. ahiwa amrna means that all those related to these imams and the person of imam al-hussein, peace be upon him , consider that i am the one who must be revived. the command of
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al-hussain al-hussain today is not to say that we should not start with a real islamic unit. during this unit, we should not refrain from insulting , insulting and taunting this person. let us not all agree that the killing of hussein is the greatest penalty in history. neither the sunni can say otherwise nor the shia say otherwise here is a real and important matter. are we not satisfied with the killing of al-hussain in this way
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? it is a sin because i did not participate and see how the islamic community goes in directions that are against the original islamic principles . "and therefore he eventually chose death instead of life, and he sacrificed everything for that, and he continues to live, you know, hussein died about 1500 years ago, nearly, and it is as though he is still living and struggle."
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ashura obtains the position of a permanent example for the islamic ummah. human history is still bloodless. the martyrs of abu abdullah
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, peace be upon him
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, are the heirs of this phone imam hussain (peace be upon him) mourns that the common memory of our childhood was the childhood of our fathers and the childhood of our fathers' fathers for example, when we were children, we used to go to the delegation from there, it started
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from there.


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