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tv   [untitled]    July 21, 2024 11:30pm-12:00am IRST

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let's look at this american political scene from a distance , he believed that it was rigged, then his supporters attacked the whole system of a candidate in the previous election, the congress failed, some of them were arrested, they were imprisoned for a long time, trump himself came and was forced to appear in various courts in some cases he was convicted, in other cases he is still on trial. he has a case and is considered a criminal. now, with four months left to the elections, we have an assassination attempt, a last-minute cancellation of the entire american political scene and electoral system . what image do we have about it? i still personally i think that they are the main rulers of america.
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they don't want trump to become the president, they still want trump to fail and a representative from the democratic party to come because trump finally has some abnormalities or he has some characteristics that he is not willing to hide from the demands of those rulers. america sometimes disturbs them and creates problems for them, and in general, trump is not a reliable person for the secret rulers and rulers behind the curtain of america and will create challenges for them, maybe internally and to especially from a foreign point of view and in relation to america's relations with different countries of the world and important countries for them, including china and russia.
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it causes problems, and now this is happening, i think, in order to ask for a stronger candidate instead of biden, or a candidate who can present a person who can stand up to trump now or with the shock that comes. he can win the election and defeat him. now, in various fields, those secret rulers have problems with trump , including domestic politics and foreign programs, and now we have to see if these events that happened mean the assassination last week and the incident of biden's resignation, can it change the results based on what the secret rulers of america want or should we not do it? well, now the problems and in fact
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the plans that the americans have, one of their main problems is the economy. we should also keep in mind whether this is actually an economic program, which one of these can be promoted more, the gaza issue is definitely an important issue for the americans because they have to deal with the foreign crisis as well.
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therefore, this issue must be resolved, otherwise we may witness that the internal politics of the united states have an explosion inside. thank you mr. hughes for participating in this conversation. i thank you too. well, we come to the end of the world today. i say goodbye good night
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let's bring the flow of life to all of iran from house to house with the optimal use of electricity, with you , iran is bright. first, the discount tower in the peak. a thousand goods from the 31st of july to the 4th of august, chain stores of afogh korosh. dear and respected retirees, we have an appointment here in an hour. they told us that everything can be done in installments . yes, it is with the floor price. as i said, i do not have a check. i will go in the car until you come.
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saying that he doesn't want a check, he doesn't want it, he doesn't want it, so give me five coins, i'll go and see if you have 1 toman . gentlemen , there is no need to go to the bank, a special purchase for dear retirees, social security from the city of household appliances, purchase in installments without checks, without guarantor, without advance payment, without the need to go to the bank, city of household appliances, specialized authority for appliances. my house is after azadi square, facing tehranser , my name is khoda mohammad hosni, from varamin city, parandeh, the first runner-up of the second round of the washlen lottery, an apartment unit, a
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car, one billion rials in cash and 10 years of fixed monthly salary, the winner is from the city of qom. second place in the second round of the draw. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello , welcome to the football magazine program . we started the program a little late due to the changes in the world
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. many management and infrastructure problems are faced. the only representative of mazandaran in the premier league who is in limbo. the most popular north team and one of the rooted football teams of iran these days are involved in the financial adventures of ownership and we do not have the financial capabilities to be able to participate in this league. he has served for 65 years we don't have a practice field. in this situation, an important meeting was held in tehran to make decisions. there is a need for a professor. all of us should join hands to take the space once and for all, and while the owner of the textile club is not very interested in your team , there are 12 to 13 teams, they are government , what is wrong with adding another team? football has no income
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, football must have income and be able to spend for itself, football must have 51 percent of the team's own income, 49 percent of which must be provided by sponsors, but it is zero in the iranian league. by maintaining the textile brand and name mazandaran, let's assume that financial institutions and their departments receive assistance until the twenty-fifth of august, the start of the twenty-fourth season of the premier league. there is not much time left. in your opinion , nasaji will be ready for the premier league at this time. thank god , mr. ada. . yan, not to give up the work , how to continue the work with strength , they are moving forward with this promise
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, we want to get into tonight's discussion with this report. tonight's case. we are going to examine about ghaemshahr textile a rooted team that has important passionate and attractive fans in iranian football, who have found their place. during the past years and it is a shame that this club and this capital that we have in qaimshahr in mazandaran has been lost from our football, for this purpose we invited mr. eizd seifallahpour , vice chairman of the textile club of mazandaran, to ask why the textile club has reached here. what solutions are going to be put in front of this club to get out of this situation that it is stuck in . welcome, sir. greetings and courtesy and good night to you and everyone be safe, dear viewers, sir
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, let's start with this withdrawal. this withdrawal is just to attract the attention of the provincial officials, the fans , or now, like the rest of the clubs, are the wealthy fans expressing your help, or not, mr. haddadia really wants to hand over the team, yes, as you said. no, this is a serious decision by the respected owner, mr. haddadian. and from the rich fans and supporters of this team, i must tell you that so far nothing has happened in the 5 years that mr. hadadan has been the owner of this team, even though i have to say that this team has been guided in the best way and supported in the best way in these 5 years , there has been no support from the ownership of this team and everything has been good, but unfortunately, as
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we have seen in their talks, we we are participating in a competition, a war of inequality, most of our teams are government, nasaji shamsazer is a fan, and this year khyur khorramabad has also added a tractor to the number of private teams. features of hard hardware finance the authority of the clubs has not been set in any way . today, we see that the head of our federation, mr. ait taj , is looking for the problems of the esteghlal press police club. he is doing the right thing . these are the representatives of our clubs . mr. asia club, we all must support but what if the textile club is not one of the six most popular teams in iran. in any case, nasaji showed that in the knockout community competitions, azadi stadium
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was filled with the people of mazandan province, but when we see that there is no support and there are only government teams that use government facilities, government equipment and they are using the government's money easily and we cannot have a healthy competition with these teams in this competition . do you want the authorities of mazandaran province to allocate the rest of the provinces to other clubs and not to you, mr. arabi , see where the sepahan club gets its income from the government of zubahn club, golghar presplis esteghlal club, we are not talking about asking god. we didn't say why this team is being paid, so here is the tag now it's private to you, nestaji is named after a brand of a company. anyway, in a province, if you
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say that we cannot use government budgets, but we can use the facilities and resources of the government, look at a province like kerman, with at least 5 to 6 ready stadiums and the conditions for holding league matches. even asians have it, this is a very good job, but is it a teacher? mazandaran has so many stadiums with so much potential, the olympic competitions will start in five days, most of our stadiums are from mazandaran province, but are the hard facilities of caesarea and even a stadium that we want to start the competition in 25 days, 30 cases have been taken about watani stadium, and if these things are not done, it will have to be carried over to nasaji house like two years ago. this is one of the main concerns of mr. hadadianeh. the second concern of the discussion. the support that you said, our third discussion is that watani
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is managed by you, it is owned by you, or you can see the ownership of the governorate, which is the responsibility of physical training, whatever the cost, in the past 3 years , the textile club has done for the asian competitions , the meeting that in the time why, like azadi company stadium development and equipping is not included in the equipping of the place , you can only do the grass field, which was of very poor quality. this year, the textile club has taken over all its expenses in a meeting held when the governor of the time, mr. hosseinipour, was present. and it was supposed that we and the general directorate of education in the governorate would prepare the stadium for the asian games. all the obligations of the ownership of the stadium were for you. perhaps it was natural that the expenses would be for you, but like azadi stadium, which is now for independence and perseporis and other teams that play there they are paying for it, the watani stadium should be prepared for you in some way , the watani stadium should also help dozens of sports inside
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, mr. minister of commerce mr. hashemi said that see the var for the watani stadium, even though it is not our duty, but we will do it. we do not want a situation to be prepared for the fans, who are passionate fans , to be able to play their games with the stadium. one stadium, one field at the expense of mr. engineer haddadian for 5 years, nearly 3 years, four governors are still allowed to move, despite the fact that this the land is owned by nastajiyeh club the document is in the possession of the textile club, sources. of course , he took the rent of this land from the nestaji club , but he did not give the permission to build it to the nestaji club, then how do you expect an owner to spend 300 to 400 million tomans a year for a team with the best of luck, mr. iraqi. in this football , we should be allowed
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to use the facilities that we can use, see us in the discussion of environmental advertising. it is not clear and the income was mostly for esteghlal police teams until now, now it is normal for me to forgive him in any case, the basis of the table is the table and the teams with the most viewers in european football and the world. the honorable minister is coming up with his own solution. let's look at the issue of environmental advertising that should be addressed to highly-supported teams. let's say that as these revenues are earned, the share of the clubs will not be included in the discussion of shirt sales, which unfortunately cannot be done here , our last discussion is player sales and ticket sales advertisements. we see the problems of those people , we know that those people are willing to express 5 years earlier, far from being fair, most of the games
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, according to the order of mr. haddadian, we will make them free for people to use. you see, it is very difficult, very difficult and alone to have a decent team for 5 years. i think that it really takes extra energy, which mr. haddadi has done so far . i have a duty to thank him. we were the first team that, despite the fact that no other team had these facilities during the corona period, we were one of the flights they are used exclusively for the team . mr. iraq, give this club one rial to anyone. no, we are the only team that does not have any disciplinary hole in the disciplinary committee, but when we see that no one is willing to help this fan-favored team, in any case, a year or two later, it will definitely lead to lack of motivation and at least a lack of motivation, and it is understandable , but this is the story. we are fans of nasaji , we are also worried. you also told us about some of
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your troubles and problems and you said what is the solution. even yes, a meeting was held yesterday at the ministry of interior in the presence of mr. engineer haddadian , the honorable governor of the province, the honorable representatives and the director general of physical education, and promises were made. the demands of the club . i said that we are ready to sell and the club's program is based on this, but i hope that the promises that have been made, the facilities that have been made available to the club, you will always say at least three or four of the promises that have been made to the people of ghaem shahr. and the people of mazandaran know what it is and if there was a demand and demand from
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their own representatives now in every part of the various institutions that they are. in general, shahid watani stadium was prepared and after this complex was completely prepared and prepared for our problem is that we are ready to provide for the maintenance and that resources are provided to the textile club, which we do every year by the private sector of this team. it is being directed, but these resources can cover some of those costs, which unfortunately has not happened so far. leaking from
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a bottle of mineral water, now you think it can be solved and mr. haddadian will have a club. i said again that according to the latest news that i have , they will definitely lead the team until the day a customer is found for this team and they will not let go, and the best way is to tell you right now that our team is in a 12-day camp in the country. turkey will be present, the players of the team have all their appointments closed, the eliminations of the previous year have been done, but we have to accept that we can deal with the teams that sign contracts with players worth several hundred billions, and you can see it yourself. you hear that every year we talk about the right to the ceiling and the ceiling, first of all there are so many players and
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they don't pay any attention to the private teams and the teams that don't have them and can't compete with these teams, which i hope will happen as long as we don't use the rules of the world for those things that have passed the test like fair play. financially, now the youth of financial manhood, if we don't use it, how much is your income based on it. let's face it, we will have these problems, god willing, one day our football will get to the point where it will get out of this story and it will be the justice that you want, as the famous saying goes, but now you have got a new player in this field for the new season, yes. god willing, now babak madi has been added to our team. fortunately, we were a team that had the main structure of the team before next year and not many players left our offense. we have lost one or two of my players. tomorrow , they will definitely be unveiled by mr. baindoyan, the respected ceo, and mr. haddadian, and i must also point out that if we want to
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follow the discussion of fair play, there must be a balance in our football, which is not there if we want to. in order to observe fair play , we must maintain a distance between the referee and a football player in such a way that those incidents do not happen and the news of arresting and taking someone as a referee who does a lot of art during a year can judge 20 games, our best referees like the heydari brothers or mouad fadi only more than 20 who can't get 5 million at all.
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qaim shahri and mazandaran don't worry about their club for now and you and the club are trying to find a solution for the various situations of the club so that it can be resolved. i would like to say something to the good and intelligent fans of mazandani . it is the province with the most medals in olympic and world competitions, but it is not remember, until the day that mr. haddad is in this team, they will be at ease and the work is going well. we have a good head coach . we have a good team. we have an energetic team
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. we have a young team. with the inspiring silence of his good staff, the management of mr. haddadian, mr. baindorian, and myself as the smallest member of the mazandaran community, you can be sure that we will have many conversations on the ground, but god willing, after this program, my officials, we all promised yesterday that we will deliver the stadium. i personally met with mr. barvand mr today i spoke with mr. roshank, i promised that we will prepare this stadium, but this stadium should not be prepared by the textile club, it should be prepared by the provincial authorities, like azadi stadium , now just one word, if watani stadium is not built, where will you play in watani stadium, that is you definitely want it to be right there. if it is , your training is very good. i wish it was there, that is, in the middle of our training. now, you look at the team of shahrada nowshehram in league 1. there is no field to play the game. yes, this is a disaster. for
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a province where a team in the premier league is a team in the league 2. there is a team in league 1, but it does not have a field to hold its matches. thank you, dear mr. saifullahpour , for being present in this conversation. insha'allah, many good things will happen for the football of our country, nasaji qaim shahr. good night, god bless you.
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the leader of the revolution's emphasis on the constructive interaction of the parliament with the new government and playing a role in removing and softening the sanctions of hazrat ayat. allah khamenei is the joint responsibility of the elected president and the parliament to form an efficient, religious and revolutionary government. the person who is trustworthy, honest, pious , should be promoted to the islamic republic, to the islamic republic. believe in islam.


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