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tv   [untitled]    July 22, 2024 7:00am-7:30am IRST

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dear viewers, stay with us after the news segment at 7 o'clock with the continuation of the program. in the name of allah, the most high, the most merciful, good morning. the president of the united states has withdrawn from the 2024 presidential election. with increasing requests within the democratic party for joe biden's resignation , he announced that he will withdraw from the 2024 presidential election. of course, biden announced that the existence of withdrawal from
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the election contests remains in this position until the end of the presidential term. the old age and increasing gaffes of the american president are among the most important reasons for requests to withdraw joe biden from the election competition. from full harris as the possible replacement of the democrats instead of joe biden in the american election competition has been named. the meeting of the government board was held under the chairmanship of mr. mokhbar to review the performance of the ministers of the 13th government . according to mr. mansouri, 48 provincial trips were held in the 13th government and 60% of the reasons were implemented in the first round of trips. in the first round of trips, a total of more than 5,400 approvals with a credit of more than 424,000 billion. we had tomans, and in the second round, nearly
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2,000 resolutions with a credit of more than 181,000 billion toman series of provincial trips, rare events have happened, some of them have been economic and construction achievements , and some of them have been direct and unmediated communication with the people, along with this issue, the presence of ministers and members of the government opened big knots in the whole of the country. the minister of defense also said in this meeting: we had a two-and-a-half-fold increase in the amount of production of weapons, equipment and defense systems and providing services to the armed forces, and a three-fold increase in the export of military products and services. the minister of industry, mining and trade also said about the formulation of the system of industry issues. we need to know what the problem is. this work we did. a booklet has been prepared that will be published soon. the system of industry issues. even in this period
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, he analyzes how the situation of the elderly is, a situation , he presents a completely strategic analysis of the industry . 50,000 called the action of the 13th government in annexing 100,000 hectares of urban and rural lands for the implementation of the national housing movement unprecedented. we built hectare of land in urban areas for schools and 50 thousand hectares of land in rural areas in the villages of the country, it was an unprecedented event, not less than before, just to make a comparison. in mehr housing, which was one of the huge housing construction projects, we brought only 8 thousand hectares of land, in the urban areas and new cities, now we have brought 100 thousand hectares of land. pointing to the follow-up of the adoption of the declaration of nations to fight corruption and extradition
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of criminals, the judiciary said: in the 3 years of the 13th government, 13 articles of legal and judicial cooperation documents were signed with different countries. in this convention, mr. doctor, there is an article 44 for which we needed to get a resolution from the government and announce this to the united nations. the decision that was made, we have now signed 13 judicial cooperation documents with 36 countries that are members of this convention without having an agreement on the capacity of criminals. samara's processions started by holding a meeting to receive the pilgrims of the holy days in arbaeen sarwar and salar shahidan. in this meeting on the continuation of service. it was also emphasized after arbaeen.
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in 1995, a meeting was held in tehran. sir , no one has the right to go to samara, neither a pilgrim nor a servant. this speech reception of visitors after a few days of ashura here get together they start and tell about the type and quality of their services. we have 3 thousand breakfast presses. we have 8 thousand lunch boxes. in recent years, the samara route has undergone changes in the field of services, which
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have made the travel and accommodation conditions of visitors easier. the amount of passengers and the permanence of passengers and pilgrims in samar rah processions. it has increased every year and this year too, we predict that the floor of the floor, which is the least prosperous , will increase by more than a quarter of last year. the city of samarra has special conditions due to its distance from karbala and having warmer weather. the extent of the processions in karbala and through so we don't see sanbra there is a need for more coordination in this field, both in terms of the timing of the deployment of processions. in fact, the shift and the type of services that should be provided , both in terms of reception and accommodation, in terms of cultural activities and ceremonies, and in any case , the provision of medical facilities and equipment and medical services that, god forbid, will be needed for those who appear. you can use it
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. every year, samarra's processions are stationed on the way of pilgrims to the shrine of imams askariyin. we are near the shrine . house, lunch , dinner in each meal approximately from 4 thousand to 5 thousand we have a judicial promise. some processions also provide services for the satisfactory attendance of pilgrims . the soldiers are mostly doctors, nurses, nutritionists , psychologists, dentists, and surgeons. the leader of the people's group of girls of the revolution will perform the largest chorus of hijab song with the presence of 200 teenagers in this ceremony. the greatest singing of hijab song is going to happen in this community by our teenagers
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, just like after the incident of ashura, hazrat zainab was the messenger of the karbala uprising, thanks to hazrat. zainab, god willing. we are going to be the messengers of the will of our martyrs. the secretary general of yemen's ansarullah movement announced that tel aviv is no longer safe for the zionists. seyyed abdul malik badreddin said that the attacks of the zionist regime on yemen's hodeidah port were a demonstration of this regime to induce a great achievement for the zionists . the secretary general of yemen's ansarullah also announced that these attacks will not stop the yemenis from continuing to support the gaza strip. seyyed abdul malik badreddin said: we are happy that the battle between us and the enemy has entered the stage of direct confrontation and from the beginning of direct confrontation with the americans and the british. we were happy. in his speech, the secretary general of the ansarullah movement also
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talked about the coordination and cooperation between the resistance fronts and the expansion of the day to neutralize the enemy's plots and microsoft. announced that the cyber disruption that occurred on friday involved more than 8 million computers. these statistics were published while the english language network times new said that this disruption affected public air transport, hospitals and financial markets of 20 countries, including the united states and england. and australia has been affected. earlier, cbs news had written that some systems were damaged, perhaps in a different way cannot be completely repaired. thank you very much for your company. have a nice day. god bless you.
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good morning, dear viewers, in the first part of the program, i told you that today a number of projects of the ministry of labor cooperatives and social welfare are going to be unveiled with the presence of the first vice president in this part of the program, mr. mahmoud karimi biranvand, the deputy of the ministry of labor cooperatives. and social welfare are our guests to talk about this project and other programs in their field of activity. let's say hello, good morning, khushla rahman al rahim, my servant also greets you and everyone
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dear viewers, good morning, god willing , just as you said, today, god willing , the honorable head of the presidency and the first deputy , dr. mokhbar, will visit the ministry of labor and a number of projects in the economic fields of cooperation and employment during this period. it has been completed, god willing , it will be unveiled today in his presence. there are 425 projects across the country that i mentioned, including various cooperatives and economic projects of 60 pension funds and other economic organizations and the ministry of labor, with a value of 34 thousand billion tomans. for example, i have some projects. some of the projects of the cooperatives there are areas of clothing that create jobs, for example, a project.
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there are some important economic projects, such as gold mines in taftan, sistan, or development projects of isfahan iron and steel company, or barez rubber in kerman, or in the public warehouses of our pension fund, some development projects today, god willing, in the presence of mr. dr. mokhbar , we will unveil an information database in the field of occupation called the employment database of iranians. iranians have been notified of the general employment policies of the supreme leader and in the document on the transformation of the people's government , in the anti-money laundering law in 2017 , it has been pointed out and emphasized that in fact, a limited number of
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advanced countries in the world have this base . we have this as a tool for policy making in the field of employment, which no longer deals with the labor market on the basis of estimates and speculations, on the basis of information based on the national code , it actually analyzes and makes policies on the labor market trends. from the same point of the system, of course, now the projects if you rejected, we will get back to them, but please explain this system a little more about it, how it works, who can enter this system , what services can be received by this system in the first stage. employment information of original iranians. it is a governance tool for policy-making. what does it mean? for example
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, let's assume that we can estimate the number of unemployed people in the country based on the reports of the statistics center . it has always been the same. for example, how many unemployed people do we have? it is implemented all over the country, it says, for example, according to the forecast that i estimated that i did, we are 2 million 100. as long as we are unemployed, we don't know who these 2 million and 100 thousand people are, because the result is the same everywhere in the world , not only in our country. well, this is important for policymakers , if we have 2 million, 2 million, 100,000 to 3 million, any number of unemployed. where are these unemployed people from , what level of education are they in , which provinces are they in, which regions are they in, the employment database of iranians, all the information related to a national code. it means that everyone's national code becomes the axis the information that can
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show us the job status and skills of a person is collected from all the devices, the work done during these two years and based on the artificial intelligence algorithms that we defined , it outputs to us on the system that this person is he currently unemployed or not? for example , what will be one of the outputs of this work? we can announce the unemployment rate of universities based on the employment status of people. for example, we can say that those who enter this university are a. therefore, for example, the outputs of this university work. obviously, practical training it is better than that, for example, to university b , for example, or, for example, one of the applications that we had recently is that perhaps the most important challenge of our labor market is graduate unemployment, that is , the main problem of our labor market is that , according to the statistics center, a population of almost one million
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people, 950 thousand people, which of course decreased in the 13th government, what number did this number reach? about two and a half percent of the unemployment rate of tahsiran graduates decreased during these 3 years, but the most important challenge of the job market is still the most important challenge of the job market. it has both educational roots and the fact that our job market does not match the skills or knowledge that our students remember in the university . we have to ask for a percentage. how many percentages is it? it comes down to the fact that there is not a very good relationship between the university and the job market. now , if i say a percentage, it is based on my own experience and analysis , but i think the most recent one is the majority. it is not like that, or half of these conditions, yes, maybe it can be said that half, for example, analytically, i
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would like to say that it can be said that half of this issue is related to this issue, but there are other important issues. we also have another problem, that those who have finished their studies, especially at higher levels, well, maybe , for example, they don't fit into any work model, and this is not necessarily bad. do you mean according to their field or not? yes , finally get to work. for example, let me give you an example. assume that someone graduated from is it a field in the field of humanities or in fields for which there are few related jobs in the market, now i don't want to give examples, it is known that there are others, well, these are related to activities in the official and other financial markets. officially, a person earns money, so what motivation is left for a person if, for example, i go to the labor market
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to do an activity that, for example, is half of the income that i earn with my phone, by going up and down the charts, by asking, by talking, with suspicion, with prediction well, of course, this doesn't turn out right , it doesn't always turn out right, but sometimes it turns out right . now, i mean, well, this is a problem in itself , that is, it creates a motivation for a person. i want to say that the problem is not always whether i do this i was taught in the university that no one in the market sometimes moves towards the market at all mike. we have a problem in the labor market . it is everywhere in the world. it is not in iran. in the name of intentions , persian translations can be translated into them. non-employed, non-productive , that is, people who actually have no motivation to enter the labor market. this is a problem at the world level , which means that every for some reason , they have no motivation at all to enter the market and work. this does not mean that
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they have no income , they have no motivation to work in the ministry of labor. however, they are included in the statistics they have an effect on the fact that some time ago , i read an article in the united states that more than 52% of those who graduate and study work in low-income unrelated fields with their own field. then he gave an example. ate like a method like the financial markets that has nothing to do with jobs, i want to say that this issue is not unique to iran and we are facing this issue all over the world. now, this employment base for iranians, which will be unveiled today, god willing, one of its main goals is that we can provide free education to students. let's identify the unemployed and these in fact
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let me give you a number. now , the number of job opportunities that are announced by the private sector in a year means that it is announced that, for example, i have this job opportunity . it has been uploaded. well, these job opportunities are in the private sector, which are not the government. the employers themselves announce the job vacancies or on the scoob platform systems. the other internet sites that exist are the number of job opportunities that we estimate during one year in the labor market that i want labor from the number of the number of unemployed in the country, as identified by our system as well as by the statistics center, is slightly higher. now, i
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will not announce the numbers as it is a relative estimate. well, that means that the number of unemployed people is greater than the number of job opportunities that are available in the job market right now. we are announcing right now in many provinces, i have seen this myself from many trips that i had, and finally , this is our work, our job has arrived. these are the same issues. we have a labor shortage problem in many provinces . right now , there is a labor shortage problem in many industrial towns around tehran. in some places, it is becoming a serious challenge in semnan province . the lack of labor is becoming a serious challenge . why is this not being implemented? partly because of the same example in the field of intention and the non-employed, non -students, the part goes back to the field of education. it turns out that this matching is done. can it mean that the person who wants the job doesn't see it at all to see if i want to go for this job or i don't want to go for this job? yes, when we identify the unemployed, we also
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have job opportunities from this side. i want the unemployment rate of the universities. let me say that the policy space in the field of employment the country is changing . let me give you another practical example. how much time will it take for this situation to become effective? the government must decide. he should make his policy based on this information. if this happens, the policy should be based on the reality of the floor of nazeem market. he is telling him the reality of the bottom of the market. let me give you an example some time ago, about two or three months ago well, we had a test for the past two or three months , we were using it for governance . some time ago, one of the devices , i won't mention the name of the device, came to us and said that the community
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has a special audience. they told us that, for example, we have about 600,000 i was surprised that we have unemployed people. in the meeting , we talked with them. i said, after all, you have a total audience of 600,000. for the whole country , your population is estimated to be 2 million. for example, your audience is not enough to reach 600. there are a thousand people who are discussed now, and i said, well, there is no problem, you give us the national code of your target community, and we will give it to you. our estimate for you with the national code is no longer an estimate. we can tell you based on our system, based on all the economic information we received and analyze who we think is unemployed. there are 395 thousand people who are unemployed, almost half of them are now me.
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well, see how much it makes a difference for an organization that has a budget, has facilities, has powers , and wants to spend this on its target community. make a policy, well, when your information is not correct based on the events from the beginning, then you cannot have a correct policy, or for example one of the main functions of this system is that the government wants to make plans for the unemployed throughout the year, whether they are graduates or non-graduates, so it is important that this unemployed population that i have identified should be given priority to , for example, the deprived areas of group a, group a. for example, workers who are unemployed, married , graduated, i don't know the income level, i mean, i want to say that it can be done up to the neighborhood level and up to the city level. now
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, our system is like this. or, for example, in the field of facilities, who should we give corrections to? who should we give corrections to ? yes, no, i want to say that this system can be a reduction. we had the lowest unemployment rate in the spring after the revolution. we had the lowest unemployment rate last year. this happened while we had a decrease in the unemployed population and an increase in the working population.
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i would like to say that the employment policies of the 13th people's government have worked thanks to the grace of god and this path should definitely continue . we wanted to do it based on the national code, that is , we raised our information on people's employment status as much as possible. this system will definitely strengthen this approach and the 14th government , of course, it is the responsibility of the ministry of works to set it up, which means it must be used, god willing. in the 14th government, if data-based policymaking is used, the data based on the national code is not an event or a guess , but we can determine the extent of the government's powers and financial resources. solve all the unemployed well, this is the opposite of the case, so the government can have a portfolio
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of financial powers. he should use it in his own legislative model. i think that within the next year, by the grace of god, god willing, in the 14th government , god willing, this will definitely emerge and be used seriously in policymaking . thank you very much, mr. karimi, for your presence in the program. hello reporter, be with us, dear viewers , let's go to the glass hall of sed and sima news agency , mr. hello, good morning, greetings and greetings to you and the esteemed viewers of the khabar network all over iran and the corners of the world, which at this time and in this opportunity , i would like to send this network to you to choose for watching. today, my colleagues in radio and television are covering many programs in tehran and all over the country, some of the most important and
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perhaps the most prominent programs that can be mentioned with paying attention to the fact that we are in the month of muharram , there are programs under the title of honoring the old men of hazrat aba abdullah al-hussein , peace be upon him, in tehran. also , there are meetings on the topic of arbaeen and facilitating the affairs of arbaeen pilgrims in tehran, in which our colleagues are present and there are reports from these meetings are prepared for different news departments in addition to this, as our viewers have mentioned , there are two international exhibitions in tehran, the industry transformation exhibition, the livestock, poultry and aquatic exhibition. the industry and jihad department of agriculture and in fact those who are active in these fields
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are trying to prepare reports for the viewers of different news departments by attending the international exhibition on the third day of this exhibition. a significant program that may be a report for students and respected parents it is important that our colleagues in the education desk go to one of the schools that has the agenda of using the same class gown, which means that in this school, instead of the new academic year. the students should wear new and new robes or bear the cost of using the robes of their classmates from last year , and it will actually help the economy of khan . today, as usual, he has his weekly meeting and he will answer the questions of reporters in international areas. we have to wait for the news achievement
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and let's keep a report of our colleagues and, god willing, the esteemed viewers will follow these reports in different parts of the news. thank you very much, mr. qayyumi, for your explanations. god willing , we will be in touch with your excellency and our colleagues again in the next sections. mr. hosni, hello, good morning, hello , hello, i also say hello to you , your respected guest, and i also offer my courtesy and respect to the great and noble nation of the republic. islamic iran, especially the honorable and hospitable people of gilan province, i am at your service in the city of bandar anzali in connection with the compound exercise.


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