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tv   [untitled]    July 23, 2024 1:30am-2:00am IRST

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in any case, the campaign with energy was launched . agriculture well, by reducing consumption, they can collect points and in any way, with those points , they can participate in the big prize draw that is held and enjoy those prizes. we thought that the first lottery was done, the second lottery will be held this month, god willing it can be done. in addition to that , we have 1,500 to 100 million toman prizes, 15,000 to 10 million toman prizes and many other prizes. ok, management.
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let's do load management. before that, sms will be sent to these friends. before that, we request them to lower the consumption. we hope that, god willing , with the collective participation of all our compatriots, especially the areas that consume more electricity anyway, we will be able to somehow that point where we have to let's manage the load and have a stable electricity supply with the participation of all people, let's overcome these conditions , so naturally it can be predicted that according to your order that you expect an increase in temperature from wednesday to monday and an increase in the consumption of household customers, the priority of electricity to them sms has been sent and they know that their consumption is high now, if they don't reduce their consumption , they are supposed to cut off the household electricity first, you cut this off, right, yes, i said, we will definitely send a text message before that, we will inform them, please reduce the consumption, they say again. i believe that my colleagues and i are very optimistic that people will die
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dear, let's get involved , let's not reach that point, but if management is to be done , it will definitely be related to the subscribers who consume more than two and a half times the consumption pattern. anyway, these dear ones are the priority of the management . you also talked about the electricity of the offices. in your categories , tell us now how much their consumption situation has decreased or increased compared to the same period in the past period , considering the programs that he started at the beginning of his plan with the departments to reduce electricity consumption , tell us how effective it was and how much you were able to use. on the decline, yes, well, this year is the same as last year in the past , there is a problem to be presented to the government board and to your service that the government agencies and departments and anyway the service centers of the amount of electricity. the consumption during office hours and
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outside of office hours should be reduced compared to the consumption of 1400. well, for the sake of you and my dear viewers, i would like to say that we have made the meters of about 52 thousand office subscribers in the country smart and controllable. in the sense that these can be programmed , the limiters of the meters have been activated for all these subscribers. limiting the limiting based on the resolution that the government board the limiter of the controls is activated and if these subscribers consume more than the permitted consumption limit, the control meter will cut off, the installed control circuit will cut off the subscriber 's power. which
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we are fully monitoring this year through smart controls and restricting activation, we are managing, while this happened , there are also a number of organizations and departments with high consumption that do not comply with this resolution in any way. they are cutting off electricity every day and you will be informed that their names will probably be lost in the coming days, i may know that you said that in the coming days, you meant that i should not ask which one they are using more, but you should take it , because in the last three or four programs, your colleagues were able to name many different devices that did not comply with your approvals. and it has been promised that in the future programs, i think this program is the program that you should name how many devices they have that consume more electricity than what is planned for them. yes , well, anyway, we had complaints from district of respected people who inform us in any way, sir we used to go to the bank, for example, the atmosphere inside the bank was very cool, however, i would like to say that most of
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these loved ones cooperated with us this year and complied with those matters, but there are limited cases that are still in that framework. they don't have an opinion on electricity consumption, and well, they do in any way in different provinces, in which ministries of housing, this is so because mr. rajabi mashhadi, the managers of toani said in the previous program that a series of ministries of government housing do not consume according to what was planned, and more they are consuming more than the allowed limit, so you had to cut off their electricity. which ministries are they? in the last one week, you at least cut off their electricity, so now i don't know the exact truth that i want to name your service, but i said that most of us are in the banking sector. considering the closure of the universities , we expect the universities to cooperate more in this area and all the departments
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to cooperate more, which means that their cooperation with you is not desirable , they are spending more than what you planned in that framework. which it is stated that they should consume anyway. very well, mr. dodabinejad, please tell me that recently , that is, in the current year or in the last year now something has been added to our power plant capacity, because the statistics were mentioned that it has increased by 4% , we mentioned that it was mainly due to the improvement of the situation, we did not have a new power plant in the circuit, yes, we said that
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it was also from the path of introducing new power plant capacities into the circuit, or in other words development of power plant capacity. and by increasing the production capacity of the existing power plants, we are trying to increase the power plant capacity. the power plant units that have entered the circuit within the last one or two months, i can answer the question you asked. the second gas unit of torbat heydarieh power plant was put into operation in ardi behesht of this year , as well as the first gas unit of chadorremlu power plant with a capacity of 183 megawatts, which
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was put into operation at the end of june this year . if i want to name other power plants that have been added to the production circuit in recent days , gas unit number one of the second block of gol gohar combined cycle power plant in kerman province has been added. the capacity of 183 megawatts was put into operation in april, as well as the second gas unit of foulad mobarake power plant with a capacity of 307 megawatts, which was also put into operation in april of this year, at the beginning of the year during nowruz. these are units. which entered the production circuit only in the last few months of 1403. in addition to these, one of the good things that has been pursued more seriously in the last two or three years is upgrading the capacity of the existing power plants. well, one of the solutions we have is to
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upgrade the technology in the existing power plants at a very low cost compared to building a new unit. and increase the capacity of power plant development. or to increase the capacity through the installation of cooling systems for the inlet air to the gas turbine, known as media or fak, a total of 2000 megawatts of the built or created capacity has been added related to these procedures. i mentioned this point. allow me to point out another issue and have an explanation related to the warming of the air, which may have been less stated. well, the warming of the air has two effects. the first effect is consumption. my colleagues must have announced in the previous meetings or in the media on average, for each one degree increase in air temperature, about 1800 megawatts are added to the electricity demand in the country , so each degree
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increases the demand by 1800 megawatts on average, that's why we see , for example, the daily production on such days is more than one and two tenths. it is a billion kilowatt hours. while on a similar day in the summer season, this is about 700 million kilowatt hours, that is, approximately 80% of electricity consumption is added due to the heat of the air, so this is tangible from the demand side for people. we all know that when we turn on our air conditioner, electricity consumption increases and it is on, but on the other hand, what happens on the production side it means that for every one degree increase in air temperature , 70% of the production capacity of a gas turbine decreases, so for every 100 % capacity, let's make a simulation in our mind. let's assume that one day to the previous day, for example, this weekend when the colleague. they are talking about it, for example, if we have a temperature increase of 2 degrees
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, what is the effect of these two degrees compared to a similar day ? our production capacity is 1000 mw should decrease after two sides are under pressure with two degree increase. heat, on the one hand, the demand increased by 360 megawatts, on the other hand, a thousand megawatts of monthly production power was found . what does this thousand megawatts mean in relation to the previous question that you asked , how many of our units are out now, and this thousand megawatts is approximately 6 power plant units. conventional 6, in fact, a conventional gas turbine of 160 megawatts is approximately how many thousands of megawatts, that is , we don't have 6 units, as if 6 units were removed, while it was said, we usually
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see the same number of accidents during each day. one thousand megawatts is almost the consumption of a big city. yes , it is. now, mr. engineer zabihi can definitely give examples of the consumption of our cities , which is about the same. many of our big cities are about the same, so the importance of people's cooperation in such days when production is under pressure and to the natural and engineering form decreases compared to lower temperatures, compared to iso conditions, the so-called productive power decreases, and on the other hand , the demand increases. on the consumption side, our management is on the door side in fact, if we don't manage consumption , we don't reduce our demand, as if we need to make a significant investment for a limited time of the year. for example, 100 hours a year, 700 hours a year, when our temperatures
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are actually special and higher than normal, should be used . naturally, if we all join hands and help manage the consumption, finally that stable electricity supply will happen. the public will be provided and at the same time it will benefit from the productivity side of the national economy. thank you , mr. zabihi. how to cut off
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the people in this process so that they don't suffer and there is no disruption in serving and responding to the people, and one thing that you didn't mention is how much you were able to manage or reduce the consumption compared to the same period that you considered for the year 1400. the same offices are in the administrative area. yes, well, we consume something like 5,000 megawatts, 4,500 to 5,000 megawatts in the administrative and public areas . and the majority of this consumption
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is in the field of cooling systems, which naturally, when we limit the working hours to one hour, from at one o'clock, the cooling system is completely out of the circuit, that is exactly the time when we see the peak consumption in the domestic sector. from around 11 o'clock onwards, we see the peak. consumption is in the domestic sector, considering that the cooling systems are almost fully operational and the closure of offices at that time can help us a lot to reduce the steep demand for consumption in the domestic sector. in any case, the decrease in the consumption of the offices has been compensated for . did you monitor it now and see how much the consumption was ? we are monitoring megawatts, the numbers are different on
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different days, but the average is 1,200 megawatts. we are saving in the offices. we take consumption management from the administrations, which is a significant number. this is equivalent to the consumption of how many provinces, and non-governmental public institutions were also included. in this 1,200 megawatts , are they saving or not? it is called saving in any way. we have a memorandum with them anyway. we have requested many of them to cooperate and help in any way , but mainly in the field of administration, this amount of spending and one thing. it's a hint did you reduce these, and instead of this , we talked about your office, we talked about the home, let's go to sanaye sanaye industry. where did it reach the peak consumption that is being done? yes, it is appropriate to have a special thank you to the industrial subscribers
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. in any case, if it were not for the cooperation and interaction of our loved ones, we would definitely not have succeeded in achieving a sense of network stability. we would like to express our sincere thanks to our loved ones according to the understanding that was reached with the dear ones , we had to move the industrial holiday friday to the middle of the week , that is, based on the classification of industrial towns and different industries, we tried to adjust the industrial consumption during the week in such a way that we could use one amount per day. should pay attention in this field of load management, about a number between 2300 and 2500 megawatts in the industrial sector which are in the field of explanation companies and about 420 megawatts and 4000 megawatts in the large energy industry . they help to manage
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the consumption of network management and increase this one day did not the same plan that you had agreed upon, you have a power outage, which means they will manage the electricity or not, you also presented them with a timed outage plan, except that yes, all the plans are well coordinated in advance because they are sensitive industries, definitely without notice. previously, without prior coordination , we will not take any action in this area, but that one-day program was a program that was set for normal conditions during the summer. certainly, during the days when we have crisis conditions, the temperature rises in a special way, including, for example, this two-week period. in which we are located, we expect more cooperation on the same basis, the necessary coordination with the industry has been done with previous coordination. these days, we usually receive more cooperation from the industry . by more cooperation, you mean that they have more holidays, like the one day they are currently
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transferring their electricity for seven minutes. are you not interrupting or now, except for that one day when they themselves are closed, we prepared a series of interruptions for them, well, with prior coordination, for example, we requested all the industries anyway, we said, sir, the industries that have summer vacation plans , bring their vacation plans during these days. because that's the industry as mr. engineer mentioned, well, the industry is depreciating anyway, it needs repairs , anyway, during the year , they have repairs at certain intervals, they are waiting to do the repairs, so we requested them to bring their repair plan during these days. let them do their repairs and a part of the load, well, with the arrangements we made , we will receive more cooperation from the industry, that is , we have extended that one day a bit so that we can overcome this emergency and crisis situation anyway. thank you very much, mr. dodaabinejad, please tell me that by the end of the year or until next year, when we sit together
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, let's talk about how many new power plants have been put into operation and how many plans the ministry of energy has to continuously increase production . now we have plans for more than 8,000 megawatts of new power plants . these are being implemented with different percentages of progress. the average progress of these power plants is about 40%. power plant equipment manufacturers, contractors and related investors, god willing, we will be able to complete this collection in the shortest possible time. we may add to the production circuit. naturally, this is a continuous movement, it will never stop, according to the growth of demand and the growth of electricity consumption, we must
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have an increase in capacity. alhamdulillah, many projects have been activated in recent years. we hope that, god willing, all of these will be put into operation at the appointed time. how much investment do we need to reduce this gap between production and consumption? let's cover or almost cover this dissatisfaction in your presence and balance it, see if we want bound by the goals set in the 7th plan, in fact, the progress of the country, which has been announced for implementation, we should discuss, in total, over the next 5 years , something close to 12 billion euros of new investment should be made. let's do this so that the gap between consumption or demand and supply can be reduced by means of this new investment, in other words
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, the existing imbalance can be reduced and we can reach the goals mentioned in the program in terms of efficiency and such things. an investment of 12 billion euros is necessary for the next 5 years . up next to productivity and optimization programs the creation of consumption management, which the 7th plan has prepared and assigned, we can, god willing , get out of the imbalance at the end of the program and be able to have the amount of our supply in excess of the demand , so that we can get through these days with a more comfortable condition. how much are these 12 billion euros for? the increase in capacity is the number predicted in the 7th plan , 124 thousand megawatts, if i am not mistaken , it is the new nominal capacity, from the existing 93 thousand megawatts , we are going to reach 124 thousand megawatts
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, 124 thousand megawatts . renewable supply 3,000 megawatts should be provided through nuclear or atomic power plants and the rest. it is related to thermal power plants. this number of 12 billion is related to the share of thermal power plants. how much does each megawatt of electricity production cost now, and how much investment does it require? on average, for the purposes of each unit of combined cycle power plant, per kilowatt of combined cycle power plant, about 600 to 650 euros , the necessary investment of 650 euros per kilowatt of combined cycle power plant. a program the ministry of energy had, with the cooperation of the industries, as you mentioned , now to various companies that i would like to attend they produce electricity
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. there was a plan to become power producers with big companies and industries. if you have statistics, yes, one of the programs that was followed seriously by the ministry of energy in the last 3 years and later became the law became one of the articles of the law to remove obstacles from the electricity industry, discussing the reasons for the power plant. the power plants are required by the industry, which is that the industry under the law must build a total of 10,000 megawatts, including 9,000 megawatts of thermal power plants. starting to have projects totaling about 1,500 megawatts of this, in fact, the power plants from that number of 10,000 megawatts that have been put into operation until today. as for the others , they are trying to get the necessary permits, such as fuel permits, etc., and on the other hand, they can complete the issue of financing and
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fulfill their commitments, so that, god willing, we will be able to provide better conditions for the supply of electricity for the industry and the whole. people , let us see that it was much less than what should have been specified, and now it has been put into operation , what is the most important challenge, because i remember that a series of the same big companies came in the same program and pointed out different numbers, such as not reaching an agreement with the ministry of energy on construction, etc. how many of these challenges still exist or how many have been resolved ? first of all, this gap that exists is a part of regarding the time-consuming nature of power plant projects and the construction of a new power plant unit, the construction of a complete combined cycle block takes about 3 years and about a year before. before the start of the construction, the so-called advance period is necessary to provide the necessary preparations. the preparations include the provision of gas and i invite you to attend such topics. the main obstacle now for some
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force yes, there is the issue of food supply and gas, and the second obstacle that they sometimes face is the issue of financing, which they are trying to meet , god willing, the obligation that they must fulfill according to the law . thank you very much, mr. zabi. in the previous program, mr. rajabi said that despite the fact that we had a huge increase in consumption and set a record last week, we did not request the offices to close, some of the provinces have their own holidays. to your presence that this week that you mentioned that you anticipate that increase if the consumption is too high, did you have a request from the ministry of energy to close an office or not? as a rule, the heat and the continuation of the heat wave creates problems for the jobs that are carried out in the open space and for some of the vulnerable people in the society, including the elderly
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, to refer to, which is definitely the province's crisis management the conditions that exist in those provinces and the current temperature make decisions. you did not request. this coordination is usually done in the provinces themselves by the provincial managers and the provinces in a special way. yesterday, in any case, a series of proposals were given to our friends, but the results have not yet been announced to us. thank you very much, mr. zabi shamainejad, and all the good viewers of the economic table, who, as always
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is only 39 thousand tomans due to direct purchase from the manufacturer. get karen with free delivery to your home. in the name of god. hello. head of the judiciary to the general inspection organization of the country. ordered to provide information on identified corruption bottlenecks to the 14th government. mr. mohseni ajei, in the meeting of the supreme judicial council, also asked this organization to carry out its expert reviews submit violations of administrative bodies to the government. the head of the judiciary also ordered the court of administrative justice to establish the correct implementation of the laws with the future government.


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