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tv   [untitled]    July 23, 2024 6:00am-6:31am IRST

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bismillah rahman al rahim salam , in a telephone conversation with the president of kazakhstan, the president-elect considered the development of relations with this country as one of the priorities of the foreign policy of the islamic republic of iran. mr. bizikian said: the two countries have diverse and great capacities to expand relations. that these capacities should
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be used well. the president of kazakhstan also considered the relations between the two countries to be based on trust in the development of roszon and on cooperation in the fields of transportation, energy, economy and trade and interaction in the form of the shanghai cooperation organization and the eurasian economic union. emphasized. the prime minister of japan also congratulated the president-elect on his election to the presidency. iran stressed on the development of relations between the two countries: mr. keshda expressed hope that iran will play a more active role in establishing peace and stability in the middle east and cooperate with international organizations in this field. the sweat of 50 high-use administrative devices in the capital was cut off. the big tehran power distribution company announced that following the authorizations given. intensification of dealing with high consumption offices
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of electricity sharing of 50 national and provincial administrative units , including the organization of municipalities, asia insurance, tejarat bank industrial development and modernization organization, institute of business studies and research, central building of ekhtaz novin bank was closed. the vice president of sales and customer services of the electricity distribution of tehran bozor also said: last day , tehran's electricity consumption was 5,000. since the beginning of this year and also in previous years , it is the highest peak of consumption in tehran. according to the forecast of the meteorological organization, the heat will continue for the next two weeks . as the heat wave intensifies in the coming days, the ministry of health has warned about the increase in heat in the country. please answer a few questions about heat. in this situation that the weather is very hot done in addition to this, it is very
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important for pregnant women to be very careful, a one -hour heat wave may cause serious symptoms in them. the heat does not have a specific period and will continue until treatment measures are taken. preventing heat , is this true or not? it is definitely not true . drinks have a high percentage of sugar, the body's calorie consumption increases, heat production increases, and complications increase. however, the ministry of health recommends solutions, the most important thing is that in do not expose clothes to too much light wear light-colored clothes . dissolve a packet of oars powder in one liter of chilled boiled water or mineral water and use this as drinking water during the day.
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it reduces the risk of complications. the warm weather will continue until next week. the operational phase of the first combined naval exercise of caspian rescue and rescue was held in anzali port with the participation of vessels of the islamic republic of iran navy and the russian navy. participating forces in this exercise, fire prevention operations, air rescue and rescue, and transport of muslims shooting at targets. they performed air and sea . holding a rescue and sea security exercise on 20-24 in the caspian sea of ​​the islamic republic of iran. the exercise was held with the aim of increasing the interactions and cooperation of the maritime bodies of the islamic republic of iran and with other countries along the shores of the caspian sea in both the coastal and maritime sectors. at the initiative of the navy.
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the strategic exercise of the islamic republic of iran's 20-24 maritime security and rescue exercise in the caspian sea has been implemented for the first time in this sea. to use the capabilities and rescue capacities of the ships in this exercise, the surface and return units of the strategic navy of the islamic republic of iran, a surface vessel of the islamic revolutionary guard corps navy and units of the faraja navy participated in this exercise. also, rescue and rescue vessel sb 45 of the russian federation. in this exercise, operations were carried out and observers from the islamic republic of iran, the russian federation, the republic of azerbaijan, and the countries of the caspian coast supervised the process of the exercise. considering the importance of the vital role of this sea both in terms of geopolitics and geo-
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economics and the vital role that it plays in the north-south corridor and cargo transit can actually play a continental role, it is necessary for us to cooperate more and more in terms of improving the level of cooperation in the field of maritime navigation and inland safety, holding specialized meetings on tactical rescue operations, including the defense of naval rescue operations and the return of the shooting of the operation of photowist and formation as well. participant was from the stages of the 20-24 caspian sea security maritime rescue exercise. in the political literature of the coastal countries of the caspian sea, this sea is referred to as the sea of ​​peace and friendship. holding such
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long-range exercises in line with the realization of this vision alii mohaghegh, reporter of sed and sima news agency , caspian sea joint exercise area. on the sidelines of the visit of tehran's representatives in the parliament to the construction projects of the capital city, the mayor of tehran said that this year the first phase of the shahid shushtri highway project on the west side of the yadgar imam highway and the first phase of the farahzad valley river will be put into operation. mr. zakani added that the second phase of the martyr boroujerdi road project is located in district 18 and its acquisitions have been completed. it will be completed this year. researchers have invented a new battery that can significantly reduce the weight of cars and airplanes. this item is made in duplicate technologists at chalmers university of technology in sweden are thankful that
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carbon fiber acts as both a structural component and an energy source , eliminating the need for separate heavy batteries. takes. this battery can contribute to the development of lighter and more efficient electric vehicles, with longer range and lighter aircraft, with reduced fuel consumption, with features such as weight reduction, increased efficiency, energy and increased safety. have a happy and blessed day. goodbye. the first meeting of the elected president with private sector activists before the formation of the cabinet and the beginning of the fourteenth term
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the presidency expects more attention from the 14th government to improve the business environment, economic development, development of international relations and to achieve the goals of the 7th development plan . the unpredictability of the price of raw materials and the pricing of manufactured goods in the country, the difficulty of financing for exporters and importers, and the challenges facing the cooperative sector were among the concerns raised by the private sector in this meeting. competitiveness index. our industry is equal to countries like china, korea, turkey, uae, and vietnam almost 50 years ago. how did that happen? we lost this game and we had industrial exports in better conditions than these. that
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energy carriers have increased their prices four times in the last year, and none of the private sector activists think so . it is not taken into account, it means the bane of the country's economic system. article 2 of the continuous improvement of the business environment of the shower law refers to the fact that any decision for the private sector of the country. it is going to be taken, the voice of that part of the country's economy should be seen in the writing and in terms of expert opinions, in the policy implementation law of article 44 of the constitution, there are various methods for handing over state enterprises to the private and cooperative sectors. it has been predicted, but unfortunately, due to the view of generating income for the government, only the sales method has been used, which in turn has caused many complications .
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on the one hand, the government's entry into the economic sector has created a competitive environment to the detriment of the cooperative and private sector, and on the other hand, it has limited the opportunity of the government to perform its inherent duties in the field of supervision and policy-making, and it has also created a government budget deficit. . we should say and expect the governments. the time to solve this is over, the private and cooperative sector wants to be a partner in the country's development. so this is our suggestion i would like a systematic mechanism to be able to think together about how to basically solve the problems and how to prevent the problems of decision-making in the field of energy, the importance of investing in new and clean energies. the creation of e-businesses and a more suitable platform in this sector and the need for
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wider international cooperation in the monetary and financial sector were another part of the issues raised by the private sector activists in the meeting with the elected president . we have to use fuel in the power plants to provide electricity in winter. this is 5 billion dollars of diesel fuel ok, these are all environmental pollution. i don't know why they limit or even ban the import of inverters and solar panels. what is the reason for us to stop the import of this product at all ? whatever amount anyone wants to import , let's allow it to be imported, at least for the exports we have now. whether it is public or private, we have 15% loss, we have no lc , we do not have credit, we do not have finance , we have nothing. 15% means 15 billion dollars, what
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are we looking for? god, look for a solution , mr. president. the president said, "i have no plans." my plan is the same as the 7th development plan, in the 7th development plan, the role of the chamber of commerce in the field of information and communication technology. it is extremely weak , i request that there be a revision and the chamber of commerce also plays a role in this article, and if today we aim to achieve 88% growth and 23% nonfat export growth, which is the task of the 7th plan, we must use the real capacities of the country. in the field of tourism, to revive the health tourism steering council.
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we need foreign investment to strengthen the facilities and infrastructure of sea, rail, airline and accommodation facilities. the president-elect discussed the position of the private sector in the decisions to form the cabinet with this working group that you set up, mr. doctor , where the private sector, which has no place for arabs at all , and some of the intelligence agencies that introduce them , do not invite to the meeting at all. in any case, the people who were the managers of the past sat down, with this model, these people will not find their way, and they will actually lead you to the position of the 40-year-old managers who were in different ministries. naturally, economic decisions and other decisions that can affect people's lives in a collaborative process the cooperation of all civil institutions and different strata of people will be taken. the government has no reason
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to make important decisions in the country in an isolated environment far from experts and civil institutions. in this meeting, the president-elect emphasized the need for the convergence and consensus of the private sector in interacting with the 14th government. you form your team , find the right ways, and then we, the officials and employees , and them. who have to fix the work for you , we will hold a meeting, we will be present ourselves , we will certainly use university professors so that everyone can participate and participate. finally, when we reach a conclusion and a resolution, we make a recipe. in each of these parts, what is the duty of me and the government? i will go and do my duty. it is the task of everyone to do it. in fact, everyone's responsibility will be determined, a schedule language will be defined for him, and then we will say that after two
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months, we will hold another meeting in three months, and then the body will answer and say what to do about the killing of doctors in the private sector. you can be sure. the funds you have in tehran will be a problem one day you will find that because there is no water , my government can't take water from there so easily. this is a bad thing, that is, it is not something that i am illiterate. when i look at it, i understand that it cannot continue like this. take this product out of tehran, it's easier to buy by the sea. you can bring materials, you can export them, and then you can easily produce energy, electricity and whatever you want there, the cost will come down. it's the alphabet, you know it better than me.
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millions of car tires are dumped in landfills in nigeria every year. it has literally turned this environmental problem into a money-making enterprise by producing essential products from these tires. when you have experience and know how tongues can cause disturbance in the environment. then you think about how to make this threat. turned into an opportunity. the creation of this factory actually answered his questions. for the first time in 2020, free recycle company collected used tires discarded from the streets and places the garbage dump started to operate. the infrastructure to collect them wasn't necessarily there, especially
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in our society, which is an oil country. that's why we had to develop our infrastructure from scratch. have our own collection. we must have people to collect these tires. so we started our work at the end of 2019. then, with the arrival of our equipment at the end of 2020, we were able to start our activity . currently, free recycle company processes about 3,000 worn and used tires daily. they undergo a recycling process in our case , you're either recycling tires or they 're recycling tires, and what makes it even more interesting is that we're from a waste system. we use zero, in which all
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the parts of the rubber are actually from the rubber itself to the steel and fibers. sandals become other items, all of which are produced from the waste of discarded tires. all these tires are placed in landfills, possibly burned or put into a breeding ground. they turn into mosquitoes, but we are like that we don't allow it and we use tires for recycling as much as we can. we currently have more than 150 full-time employees, as well as more than 250 people who are on the wheel with us. there are 20 or more people working in each of the collections where the tires are collected, then
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a series of additional job opportunities where you process the tires. is created free recycle company has processed and recycled more than 300,000 used tires since its start in late 2020. if conditions at the same speed if more facilities are developed, the environmental footprint of waste tires in nigeria will soon be eliminated. tax evasion is an escape from welfare and prosperity towards crime and fines. the higher the rate and speed of tax evasion , the lower the development and economic growth. tax evasion means the government's investment in important sectors such as education, from school to university, health and treatment, from
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new technologies such as nano and it to industrial factories, from building roads and bridges to building rails and railways, collecting dirt. which is done as a result of tax evasion it can prevent the fair distribution of wealth in the country , creates a social gap and makes some people's share of the economic pie so large. this shows that many people contribute to the growth and development of villages and cities and the prosperity of their country. in iran, like all countries in the world, there are people who avoid paying taxes. but tax evasion is not supposed to be an easy task and you have no instincts. there are those who manipulate the account books, take and pay money outside of the contract, hide their income ,
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arrange their own contracts in someone else's name, from other people's business cards. they use it, make false contracts and invoices, and are generally busy with their underground work, tax evasion. if you sell the goods or services and under-declare them, expect a fine, the police or even jail. tax evasion means running to the black side of the country's tax affairs organization. there is no news of lessons and school, but they want to have fun in these 93 days. you can't read and write, but you have a book in your hand, so my mom will read it to me, what did you make today, pangebas. are you explaining how you made the fan? i don't know if you weren't there now. i forgot what a fan is and how to make it
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you made this hamburger difficult . summer classes allow children to learn indirectly in addition to playing and having fun . our ultimate goal is for children to think creatively , have self-confidence and be able to boldly bring their own ideas to the workshop. our training is member training. the focus means that the children are doing the work and the coach is actually in the facilitation mode. teaching is indirect and children
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are only guided. robotics, drawing and origami classes there are those who teach children to think creatively and express this creativity. why did you choose origami? because, for example, i like different things with paper. for example, i will play it and in the end something good and beautiful will come out. how many things can you know how creative you are? how many creativity do you have? this teaches us to be creative. for example, we say that we know how to do this. i wanted to make the sky with my hands . why? i love your hands, why would i think that i should come because my mom told me to come? your mom said you came, now that you have come, are you interested or not, why am i interested? what do you like to make ? how do you feel when you paint? it makes you feel very good
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because it makes me feel that i am achieving my dream. what does it mean? well, it means that i would like to be a painter. i can paint everything. i myself have a wish to become a designer , that's why it gives a very good account of what the child does. let's assume that he likes what he is interested in. for example, a child is an active child. for example , the parents tell us that he has an imaginary friend
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and is constantly playing with his friend. a child is creative, he doesn't like to draw paper , make volume work, so he will be directed to painting or crafting, and finally, even the children may be written in a class, the parents choose the title based on their own taste, but the children did not like that class. as soon as we notice such a case , we have this conversation to let the main goal is for the child to enjoy the work and for pleasure. i must agree with his interests and abilities. learning is along with pleasure, which happens if you don't enjoy something, learning and that education will not happen either. children's intellectual development center and in its summer theme, teenagers aim to improve the level of knowledge of scientific, cultural, literary, artistic and social skills of the children of this land. minadam, sed and sima news agency.
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in iran, we have a parliament as long as the parliament can remember, mr. qalibaf, if i am not mistaken , i had a servant speaker as the speaker of the iranian parliament . there were other cultural words in the speech of the speaker, such as financial messaging systems
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and discussions. regarding the north and south corridors , if we don't accept a part of this risk , we have to accept a part of their risk instead of the risk of the acting president. we got another problem when he said paperless, when we make paperless, add a consortium, a consortium from the private sector, well, the spokesperson of faraja and the same application. my police application , whose address is already on social networks, can be accessed through my appoliz and actually download this app.
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in the name of god. look at the smiling sun, say hello to tomorrow, hello to the future, look at the sun on the day of pilgrimage of agha imam reza, peace be upon him


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