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tv   [untitled]    July 24, 2024 6:30am-7:01am IRST

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look at the smiling sun, say hello to tomorrow, hello to the future, look at the sun on the day of pilgrimage of agha imam reza, peace be upon him.
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god , keep your memory alive in our hearts forever, in the name of allah , the most merciful, the most merciful. good morning. welcome. hello, today's reporter. inshallah, wherever you are , i invite you to join us with today's program . do it, wise men, the smell of hair
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made me crazy. think of a chain, you wise people, you made me crazy, i tell my secret to every stranger. ashanar
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ravi drove me crazy. o muslims, you reached my cry, child. my hindu
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i'm going crazy, i'm going to throw myself into the fire, your fiery temper is going to make me crazy, i'm going to say lips from the sanctuary.
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what do you think, you wise people, po made someone crazy? the pliers of this hair made me crazy or the simbo made me crazy, think of a chain, o aghlala.
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dear viewers, join us in the first part of the conversation of the program. we will take a look at the actions of the country's welfare organization, which is scheduled to be held at the same time as the welfare week. today, the opening ceremony of more than 8 thousand projects of this organization will be held. mr. abdullah karamzadeh, the head of the planning and information technology center of the country's welfare organization, is our guest. hello, good morning, welcome. i also say hello good morning to you and all dear viewers and colleagues.
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dr. fayaz bakhsh, who is the founder of the behsi organization of the country, the behsi organization of the country, from the claims of 16 charitable organizations, actually reached the final picture in july 2015, and july 25 coincides with the day of behsisti , so this year actually coincided with the days of ashura and hosseini's tasos, we actually entered the welfare week a week later. now we are in the welfare week. it has a plan and up to the code of service with more than 161 sub-activities that have taken place in the 40 years of the blessed life of this organization. it has good origins and blessings for people with disabilities. head of the household of bad children
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superintendent besir and various people who are related to the target community of behisisti . before the birth of a human being, the discussion of genetics is actually involved, until the age of old age , it provides services for the elderly, and god willing , in the past 3 years, the organization has actually provided services to its target society to the general public, which i will mention a part of today. today, in fact, just as you said , we will have plans and projects in the country's discussion organization at the country's classroom level , god willing. we had a chance to come back to this introduction, mr. lu , we will talk more about the plans that
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will lead to slavery today . there are 8,000 and 880 plans. in fact, today's plan will lead to slavery. in which provinces are most of them? in different projects in sistan provinces , kerman provinces, we have different housing projects today , which we can say that all provinces have a plan, which is equivalent to all the provinces have plans and projects. one of the prominent programs that the country's best organization is following the discussion of building the target society in the categories different from insurance taken, marriage dowry, knowledge allowances. a student is paying , but the most significant is in the field of employment and housing. in the field of employment, i would like to tell you that last year in 1402, we had 85,000 homework projects that we had to complete, of which 8,726 projects
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were implemented, and it is the best system in the field of employment. the country's welfare organization was recognized this year as part of the welfare week. it is also possible to pay the insurance premium for the self-employed by the behsyst organization, that is, if the employer employs people with disabilities, we actually pay the insurance premium for the disabled. we do, and the costs of improving people's efficiency, there is disability, there is free work capital especially for women heads of households, these are various plans and micro and home education. look at the per capita that is being allocated for housewives
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last year, 18 million for free, in fact , this year, with the approach of the honorable government, this figure has been changed to 30 million for free . it also helps them, yes, and the skill enhancement course that we hold in cooperation with the technical vocational education organization, and finally. supply in in fact, there are production equipment, for example, sewing machines, things that women can do at home, jobs are a part of my work to provide communications for the projects that our target society provides, you mentioned that there are several jobs that are used today. 545 , the topic of the plan is actually a job topic. it is true that
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you have mentioned the housing arrangement in different items in different packages, which is one of the most important . yes, housing is also one of the important tasks. since 2005 , a housing construction plan has actually been followed in the country since 2005. the beginning our 13th government delivered 142,000 residential units to our dear clients. it was done in the 13th government during the last 3 years. in fact, 483 residential units have been delivered today, by the grace of god , 262 units throughout the country. in fact, it is the government's responsibility to help those who seek help. if we compare with from
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1985 to the beginning of the government, this number is about 29, 30% of the total, and i must mention that it is a 30% increase compared to before. let's say 30% of the projects that happened in housing, 30% actually happened in this government in this government . it is currently under construction, that is , the land is being allocated. some of them have to implement the foundation for projects that, god willing , will be completed within one year and next year. in fact, in the next week , god willing, it will be handed over to the dear clients. under what conditions will these houses be handed over to the clients? can there be a prioritization in the welfare organization of people who have a high number of disabled people, the plan we have now, god willing, three disabled. within the next one year, all these projects have been allocated, god willing
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, it will be completed three times above, and two disabled and single disabled , god willing, not that it has not happened yet, but our plan is that three disabled and above will be completed and no one in the country it doesn't matter if you have three disabilities, if you have three disabilities and above, if you don't own a residential house , this job is for education. the ministry of roads and urban affairs is also the basis of the work, and god willing, if this happens, supporting institutions such as the executive headquarters of the mustazfan foundation will also help. they have letters asking us for help in this matter . time is running out. in addition to the housing and employment issues that you mentioned, most of your projects
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have been dedicated to him. what else is there? in fact, families, this is a series of centers that are part of our program, which will be opened, god willing. we have a happy event in the 13th government. in fact continuous. to receive one monthly from behsi organization it is our livelihood allowance because it is paid continuously every month, it is known as pensions , thanks to the support of the honorable government. and the colleagues of the welfare organization, we were able to have everything that was behind the schedule, that is , it was already registered in the systems, but in fact, the payment had not been made . let's bring it online and it is being updated every month . on the day that it is continuously paid, the number will be zero, that is. whatever is behind our pension, today
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we have 1 million 533 thousand people directly from pension support, paying monthly pension, and it was a good thing that happened and god willing. thank you very much, mr. karamzadeh, thank you for your presence in the reporter's greeting. stay with us to see the other moments of the sports section of today's program together. let's go to alachiq. hello reporter mr. ghaffari. hello , good morning. in the name of god, hello. thank you , dear colleague mr. hosseini, for your presence.
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we will review the most important sports topics. morteza eizdpanah from the sports group of sed and sima news agency is our guest. hello, good morning. hello, good morning. i offer my courtesy and respect to all the viewers at your service, please morteza, where do we start , what field and what events do we have today , in fact, today we have a lot of events and training and a series of other issues, including the discussion of azadi stadium . head count the sports guys are busy and the audience is definitely following these things. well , if we agree to start with football, the premier league is about to start anyway, and always apart from the transfer debate, which is very hot, the teams must have their pre-season examinations and today.
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actually, the teams are going to go to that medical center in fact, the azadi stadium is for the football federation to conduct their medical examinations, and there is one more thing that is related to football and our premier league. events that have happened and progressed. the stadium can get information and report very well from other disciplines. i would like to tell you that, anyway , the 5th olympics is actually an official event, and our convoy counts the hours, what can i say, the minutes and seconds count. well, from today
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the football matches will start from today. yes , the group games will start today and they are official. now i will get to the olympic football. there are a number of children from the caravan whose matches are going to be held earlier. and weightlifting, my colleagues, yes, today taekwondo and women's taekwondo and weightlifting, my colleagues are going to the children's camp, and from the last. the status of these friends also prepares a report . we have the squash league and let's go to volleyball . then let's go to the olympic football. we also have a report. we have a report. yes , we have asian youth volleyball under 20 years old. the iranian team actually
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played their first match against china and won. today, they are playing against china, taipei and qatar. the game is on , i think that in the report, i thank morteza for all the contents . let's go and see this report together . it is about volleyball. we will come back and continue with morteza. the iranian youth team will face chinese taipei in the second match of the first round of the asian volleyball championship on wednesday . can we with tactics, especially in our service, we can stop the attacks of the chinese taipei team and win the game . iran, china, taipei to win the group leader. the second group will play a safari against each other. it is a very important game for us to be the leader of each game . for us, it is like a final. we came here so that we can return to our country with the most beautiful medals. god willing
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, that rome game will be healthy and we will be able to successfully leave the field. the students of gholamreza momeni moghadam, who in the second group with china, china taipei and qatar have been successful in the first game. the iran-chinese taipei volleyball match will start at 13:00 amir refati yes , we saw this report together, morteza, let's go to the olympics, we said sorry, the football tournament will be held today and when you see the names of the teams. especially in asia , you can see that, for example, iraq is playing , there is uzbekistan, japan is there, these teams are present, and uzbekistan is playing with spain
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. we can actually see the hope of our football. for example, we are witnessing that iraq is present and we are not. we will regret, god willing, these football corruption debates, if you are friends who are involved in football. if you are in the position of supporting the basic teams, the problems will be solved, god willing. thank you, mr. hosseini . we are at your service. thank you very much , mr. ghaffari. the properties of the national housing fund will be unveiled, and we have a look at the program at this time. the details of this topic and the features of the software in the presence of mr. asghar samadi, director general of financial affairs of the ministry of roads and urban development . hello
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, good morning, welcome. it was established in the year 1401 and the legislator assigned great tasks to the national housing fund. well , when this fund was established, we used the capacity of the ministry of roads and urban development and the software we had in the ministry to handle the work of the national housing fund, but over time when we moved forward , we realized that with the existing software, we cannot manage the resources of the fund, which we would like to do , and provide the appropriate information method for decision-making managers, therefore, the investigations that have been carried out during this period. we did this among the many software companies that existed in the country now
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, we also had to comply with a legal requirement, the software must be licensed by afta and have the required standards and be approved by the security department. god willing, today we are unveiling that software . article 36, considering the extent of the country and considering
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the extent of the issues that we have throughout the country in the national debate, we can underestimate the capacity of the actors. let's use it. we have 35 agents all over the country. of course, some provinces include us and the ministry of roads and urban development, due to their size , they are the general managers, such as the province. this is the model of kerman province, sistan baluchistan and semnan, which i told you, this kerman is also a model. well, these agents used the credits that we provided to them , and they gave us the documents. we are unveiling a software that can identify and record all financial events across the country. and report let us give to the supervisory bodies, including the honorable court of accounts, the entire country's accounting organization, the treasury of the whole country, our organization, the purpose of the fund and the presentation of these
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cases. there are those who say that financing is also supposed to be available. now we have a series of resources in our fund that are foreseen in the law. for example, the sources of the housing credit line, mehr, 99-year-old leased land installments , the sale of surplus property made by the ministry of urban development. selling the lands that are in the possession of the ministry there is urban development, it all goes into the fund and then it is explained between the project and the head of the country . now we need to be able to explain how it is. what is the basis of this software? real estate and land rights, this software has a great advantage that we can
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also register the lands. and we can provide accurate, up-to-date and timely reports to decision-making managers who , god willing, can make appropriate decisions . as you said, the distribution of resources in projects is based on their progress alhamdulillah, we are in the national network, sistan baluchistan is the leader in many provinces, ghazvin, zanjan, many provinces in hormozgan country, we are really in attracting resources
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, relatively all provinces are ahead of the curve. it is on the issues and the projects are monitored a lot . in this respect, the provinces are completely under the control of the ministry of roads and urban development, which , god willing, will be able to make timely and quick decisions and inject funds, considering that we have a meeting of the supreme housing council every week. in the national fund housing is very fast sometimes and is done on time so that, god willing, we can deliver these projects on time to our dear people. in the discussion of our software , the biggest goal that we pursue is the issue of transparency and our accountability, which is a big task that we have in office. in front of the country's resources, it is to be able to be accountable and transparent , and in order to be able to do this task better , today we are unveiling this software , which any time we receive any report about
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the falsity. we want to be able to accurately and timely present to our loved ones the impact of what you have said and the update we can see the appearance of this software immediately after the unveiling, or any of the cases, there is time , we have less than a minute , not us, the software. the recording was kept in another software, we switched now and came to this one. software and we are recording this information , god willing, we have tried to identify the mistakes of the software problems. the great advantage of this software is that in 35 sub-account agencies all over the country, you can read the software writers. and if the company wants to go in person and solve the problems , these things happen in tehran and everyone will benefit from this issue
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. my dear, greetings to you , thank you very much, mr. samadi zei, the director general of financial affairs of the ministry of urban planning, join us , dear viewers, after the news segment at 7 o'clock, with the continuation of the program in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. greetings and good morning , at your service, dear viewers, all dear and respected in we are yours in egypt with the morning news collection. melli, mellat, tejarat, sepeh, parsian, saderat, and postbank banks as wholesale banks arbaeen were introduced. the width of arbaeen from august 7 is also presented in yes media message. according to the deputy managing director of yes, melli bank and postbank are the two sales centers of arbaeen in yes.


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