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tv   [untitled]    July 25, 2024 5:30am-6:00am IRST

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billions of tomans means that even the same companies that we handed over, we have made them rich , we have made institutional reforms, so to speak, we have made their resources transparent, we have increased their productivity, and then they also have the depth of strategy, which means they provide services to the country, for example, like the chickens of the ancestors, such as electric pumps. very heavy, it means that we established their knowledge and then handed it over, which means that our assets become valuable because of this. mr. dr. ghazizadeh hashemi has received the assets that correspond to him in handing over various topics, including the activities of the period when you took over the shahid foundation. you did it, i want to talk more about it , especially the meeting you had after the martyrdom of ayatollah raisi and you mentioned that within 2 months the half-finished projects are going to be finished . tonight's news feature , let's see a report, let's go back and continue the discussion and tonight's program .
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the title of the book was new. 12 documentaries were produced focusing on the martyrs. they participated in 6 serials and 9 movies. one million and 300 cases were created in the medical department of isargaran community. health monitoring of more than 700,000 people was also done. cost treatment per capita has increased from 1,400,174,000 tomans to 900,000 tomans . we have been updated, but one of the most important measures of the 13th government for the country's self-sacrificing population was the launch of the itsar man system. by referring to this system, many of the affairs of the martyrs can be done without visiting in person. mohammad reza ahmadi, sada vasima news agency. mr. dr. ghazizadeh, mr. ahmadi, pointing out my sacrifice system made it easier for the sacrificers. we really have a lot to talk about. see, my time is limited. we are the first organization. we are a service that completely
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we have become smart, our services are completely electronic, this is the reason why 67% of referrals to shahd foundation in these 3 years have been reduced to shahd foundation and the service desk, and this is not necessary at all. refer to the shahid foundation. it is a completely electronic government and there is a monitoring system behind it. it fell behind a bit, we brought it up again, now we are moving towards complete intelligentization, that is , we are reducing the role of the human factor in this system. beniyad's service desk reduced one thing, now there was a report on the meetings that took place, a statistic that we were reviewing, the personnel of the shahid foundation had one million and 87 thousand visits in 800 and you correct it. how many problems did you see up close and
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these in the end of your period of activity and responsibility became an issue that was completely resolved . my motto was that we should take the service desk office to isargar's house, that is, we should not let him refer to us at all, so it is one of our most serious plans. thank you, it means that all our colleagues are obliged to visit the families and you our electronic application system should have uploaded the photo of the request that he has and the follow-up that should be done, that's why this volume of the meeting happened, this again helped him to no longer need to refer to the shahid foundation. this movement itself would have honored the families . when we went, both ayatollah raisi and
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mr. mokhbar sent a circular to all the organizations that they were required to attend these meetings, that is, we did not go, we took the mayor with us. with us, we won the respected imam juma, we won the symbol of the majlis. devices we met, that is, the participation of various devices in this vision and the barriers, and that is what made us to make a classification from the same references that we receive , what is the list of needs that the families have for us, and based on that, we plan to provide services to the community. we prepared how much their problem is employment, how much their problem is livelihood, how much their problem is housing, according to the data that existed, planning was done on the same basis, mr. doctor, we have 6 minutes. i am a questioner. i ask questions quickly. now , one of the topics of the martyr foundation's day is the verification of martyrdom and the issue of veterans. we had shahcher, we had sistan baluchistan , we had chabahar and rask, now the number of martyrs and
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martyrs defending the shrine, how many cases have been determined, do you have new testimonies and statistics of those that have not yet been determined during these three years. 70,000 people have been added to our self-sacrificing society, of course, some of them will go to the mercy of god , which means that if we want to do something, there will be 40,000 people because i have 23,000 people . in other words, 70,000 cases have been processed. there is no testimony that the assignment has not been determined , maybe some cases have been rejected a veteran, for example, the children of the defender of the haram had been delayed for 8 years, and the proceedings were delayed. they have been dealt with. even before the issue of their citizenship , we followed up on issues like that. almost all of them
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do not have legal problems. they should listen to me now and tell me, sir , our work is not done. those whose work is not done are rejected by the martyr foundation . for example, paragraph a of article 87, which was included in the law of the 6th and 7th plans, and again in the 6th plan it had arrived, but it had not been implemented. we implemented it almost completely, that is, whatever amount of cases the armed forces sent to us reached us , and we dealt with it according to the process. it was, for example, for several months , i don't remember exactly now, but now we process everything within 45 days, and for example , in less than a month, we all completed the task of verifying the testimony and their services began to this extent. they are our afghans , they have the issue of citizenship, the question of verifying their martyrdom the shahid foundation is no longer a problem, don't be mistaken, because sometimes they come to us and say they
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have a problem. now the problem is that we had become an organization for basic livelihood. let's do it later. but, my people , who expect us to give all the answers when it comes to the martyrs' house, while many other agencies are responsible . our verification case to our day is about two we have a few minutes. i will go to the question that i raised before the report. after the martyrdom of ayatollah raisi , our martyred president, you had a meeting and you raised the issue of finishing half-finished projects within 2 months. several projects came to fruition. during this time, our project was both software and hardware in software, so that's why we created related institutions and institutions, then we left the work to them. this is almost done. a series of construction projects. we had
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travel approval plans, almost all the resources that were given to us were absorbed, even those plans that need to be completed. you have arrived, but there is still a lot of work left in the continuation of the structural and institutional reforms in the shahid foundation, the half-finished work that you think you should have done during this time, mr. doctor, and you did not do it. 14,000 people are done, the rest is through selection and recruitment into the system. you say the work is done, i say no, but the shahid foundation has done its work, thanks to god, except, for example, the construction of two large hospitals in isfahan and shiraz. that the initial executive work has been done, everything that is the responsibility of the shahid foundation we can proudly say that we have done it. we hope that of course there are many unfinished tasks. we have our own plans
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. can i present the list of the plans of the next government, that is to say , this is the path of the railroad, which must be followed, god willing, so that it will come to fruition. we hope that the team that will be established will work many times better than us. the revolution group is making sacrifices. we helped and this talk of ours is not worth a penny in front of these families, god willing, they will pray for us and make us halal. thank you very much, mr. dr. ghazizadeh hashemi. i say goodbye to you for your presence and explanation.
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in the style and context of iranian architecture from the distant past, at first everything was made of scratch and mud. climatic diversity and the use of natural materials caused the houses and other buildings of a city to be in harmony with the color texture and special design. bomavard materials are called materials that are based on the climatic conditions, soil and texture of that area availability, for example, we are in a mountainous area , well, stone is usually available so that we can use that material as a basic material in the climatic construction of that area, or when we are in a desert city or a city where soil is very available, or there may be different mines available to us that we can extract from them
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, we use materials that can provide us with those materials in the shortest possible time, at the shortest distance and at a much lower cost. materials that , in addition to variety and beauty, had more important features. the materials that we in we always use it in iranian architecture, which is known as bomavar materials in every region. from the past until now, the economic efficiency of the project has always been seen, unless the buildings are court buildings, noble buildings or, for example , government buildings that have a lot of decorations inside. let's see the decorative works on plaster or on tiles, we can see these are different. but the buildings that are built publicly for different sections of the society, be careful
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up to medium and large pimon, based on the income of the person who is the head of the household and based on the materials that were available , they should have the most economic condition possible . and this process is related to many strange incidents that we have witnessed in the city of kashan. it is the same in the city. we are also witnessing these unfortunate events. kashan is in this part of amir kabir street that leads to the gardens. if you go , it will make you cry. where is the greek flock here? where the hell are you going to make me a baby? it's a very bad story it seems that apart from identity and
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originality, these styles also bear heavy economic costs. what could this cost be for? a precious stone , if we compare it with a native material like brick, it can be said that it increases our costs more than twice. the next item is stone tooling, which is practically an extra job. it is considered to be an organization. another issue is that the structure is more resistant and heavier due to the protrusions that we see in the roman facades. the next issue can be the issue of preparing a scope and paying for its implementation. naturally, we have all these items in modern styles. we will not have a traditional iranian or fusion, but the important thing is that reviving the style and style of iranian architecture with suitable materials can
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be economical in terms of aesthetics and respect for the climate, even in a very small project, this is a very small project. in addition to using materials related to this city, such as bricks, tiles and plaster , we tried to use these materials in the interior design of the project, that is, we tried to use these bricks from scratch. the entry should be in front of the audience and as one the guide line along the entire route can remind of those events that when people live in the interior of the house, they feel the warmth of the material, the warm color , the brick material, the very good feeling it has , and this incident is like a red thread that has been there since the beginning of the project. it gives a clue to the audience
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, it enters the space inside the whole ongoing project, the interesting thing is that if we wanted to use stone instead of the brick that we used, the cost of the project would have at least doubled, and the cost of obtaining the materials that we had would have doubled, that is in addition to the cost of implementing the project, we brought bottom means, if you want to compare , if you consider a master craftsman, i will compare two facades, a brick facade with the highest quality of a brick. it is produced and a stone facade with maximum stone quality is produced from a factory that may be slab stone or not slab, the cost of stone implementation is at least one and a half to two times the cost of brick. is
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it successful to use these materials in the growth process of large-scale constructions and embankments with the aim of reviving the iranian style ? if we want to check if we can. whether we are successful or not, yes, in the last 10 years our architects have proven that if the client trusts the project architect as an expert consultant, the architect has the ability to present a good plan , really using the concepts and materials used in our past architecture. it could be updated and combined. with the contemporary needs of the user, the space is more successful than a project that is 100 modern or classic and is presented only to show off . 100 can also help the employer in terms of cost and economy of the project, because our problem is a lot of stones that are in luxury projects that for example, you
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it is being performed in tehran or big cities , sometimes they are imported from abroad. you calculate, for example, you enter the lobby of a project, the lobby of a project is luxurious, there is a stone built inside, and the stone of that project can provide, for example, a floor of a project with bricks, that is , the floor stone of the lobby of that project. let's see how much people like it, how beautiful it is , how everything is right, how little energy it consumes, how cheaply it is made, how beautiful it is, and how much. his experiences are accumulated and this experience is accumulated in
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if it is exposed to the judgment of the public, then this can also be a voice. the construction of buildings based on iranian architecture, in addition to preserving iranian identity and culture , has a significant economic benefit in the total cost of the project. azadeh salmani of sed and cima news agency. there is no news about school lessons, but they want us to say goodbye to them in these 93 days. you don't know how to read and write , but you have a book in your hand, well, my mom will read to me what you made today, ping pong, you explain how you made the fan, i don't know how you made the fan now, i forgot what the fan is, how did you make it
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, we were stuck between the hamburgers with difficulty. i had it later a white dress, then with two blue flowers, then green flowers , what are we making now? now i will tell you what we are making. they should be educated directly. our ultimate goal is for children to think creatively and have self-confidence. and they can boldly implement their own ideas . the thing that is present in all our workshops is that our training is member-oriented, which means that the children do the work. in fact, the mode of facilitation depends on teaching indirectly and the children are only guided mission robotics, painting and origami are classes
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that teach children to think creatively and express this creativity. why did you choose origami? because, for example, i like to make things with different things with paper , such as folding and in the end, something good and beautiful will come. how many things can you know ? how creative are you? how many creatives do we have? this teaches us to be creative. we say, for example , we know this. i think you came now because my mom told me to come because your mom said you are interested
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in what we always have with parents, even during registration , we have a conversation with them, that is , he likes what he is interested in. for example, a child is a movement child. for example, the parents tell us that he has an imaginary friend and is constantly playing with his friend . well, of course, for example, we direct him to the creative drama class
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. well , it will be directed towards painting or crafts, and finally , the parents may even put the children in a class based on their own taste, but the children in that class are our friends immediately. realized like this let's talk about it. the main goal is for the child to enjoy the work , and to enjoy it, it must agree with his interests and abilities. learning is accompanied by pleasure, which happens if you don't enjoy something, learning and that education will not happen. the center for the intellectual development of children and teenagers in their summer theme is to improve the level of knowledge, scientific, cultural and literary skills. artistic and social children of this land. minadam of the radio and television news agency. i
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paid 50 million to buy one ampoule. what disease for cancer. on the one hand, medical expenses is high giving me 25 million, he gave me a piece of paper and said, go get insurance. how much did you pay 30 million and on the other hand some requests about. the cost of construction or testing, which may be more than 15 per year, yes, and sometimes the demands of medical departments are paid late, the costs are not paid on time. naturally, the resilience of pharmacies is limited. for example, in the general health policies of the last 10 years, for this reason , more attention was paid to solving health problems in the approval of the 7th plan than before. at the end of the program, it should be reduced to 30%. now
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, the statistics vary from 38 , it is said, to 5% of the total medical expenses of the people. the government is obliged to reduce this to 30 % by the end of the seventh program. debt reduction in order to achieve the management of insurance resources, presuppositions must be implemented, including the system. health data systems so that unit management can be implemented. by the end of the first year of the implementation of this law, all companies and basic insurance funds are required to carry out all entitlement assessment procedures exclusively through the online database of the country's medical insured persons. perform all companies are required to be organized in the field of collecting insurance rules. all insurance funds that have basic insurance and supplementary insurance, those that are governmental and non -governmental, all institutions related to the subject of article 5
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of the law. it has obliged the civil service to check eligibility in terms of insurance, in any case, the information in one place should not cause a person to use insurance in two places . one of the examples of managing health resources through insurances is to create a fund for special diseases and... this year, the credit of our shabaj patients' fund is 90 billion tomans, the parliament took a good step, the government took a good step that, god willing, we will be able to cover these 2 million people who are now marked in the health insurance systems as insured as chronic shabaj patients. let's make it more organized, those people who are now using the committees outside our rules in the provinces.
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take our electronics, don't pay any more money to refer to the invoice. the health sector has a share of 14% of the country's budget, and its management leads to the improvement of the quality of services in this sector. tayyab kargar of the sada news agency sima
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. development at the cost of crushing the weak strata is not acceptable. the president -elect said in the meeting of the elected members of the supreme council of provinces: we should not allow the disadvantaged and weak people to be crushed under the hands and feet of development in making difficult decisions. as an official or someone who has to take responsibility for the country, i cannot accept it. my decision caused some people to be crushed under his hands and feet.


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