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tv   [untitled]    July 25, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm IRST

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tara's credit up to 5 million tomans for everyone , in the name of god. greetings to you, dear viewers. welcome to this news section. from the beginning of this year to the end of july, 2,226,000 tons of agricultural products worth one billion and 180 million dollars were exported. according to the announcement of iranian customs, this amount of export has increased by 22 d in terms of weight and 32 in terms of value compared to the same period. pistachio exports with 273 million dollars and an increase of 193 compared to the previous year in the rank. it is located in the middle of the export of agricultural products of the country
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. after pistachios, tomatoes with 147 million dollars, apples with 18 million dollars, watermelon with 96 million dollars accounted for the largest amount of exports during this period. according to customs statistics , the country's non-oil exports have increased by 8% in the first 4 months of this year compared to the same period last year. most of this year. the minister of economic affairs and finance announced an 8% increase in the country's non-oil exports on the sidelines of the last government meeting. in the first four months of 2013, we have seen an 8% increase in non-fatty exports compared to the last four months of last year, and the number of non-fatty exports reached 17 billion and 463 million dollars.
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has arrived. compared to the same period last year, the country's non-oil exports have grown by 40 percent. to according to mr. khandozi, during this period, imports have increased by 5% in terms of weight and 6% in terms of value. in the first four months of this year, the country's trade balance has also improved, not counting oil . the country's current customs balance in the first four months of last year was almost negative at $3.6 billion. this number of the non-oil customs balance this year is about one billion dollars negative, which indicates a very sharp decrease in the country's non-oil balance, which, of course, with the calculation of oil income, the positive balance continues this year . has imported bullion in the first four months of 1403, 12 tons of gold were recorded, this
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number was 3 tons last year, and the previous year, 1401, it was very insignificant, almost zero, and it was 3 times this year, and this year it was four times as much. reaching the figure of about 20 billion dollars, which shows a 6% increase, among the neighbors, the most trade exchanges were with the uae, worth more than 8 billion turkish dollars. iraq and pakistan are in the next ranks. in the four-month statistics of the passage of foreign goods through the country, or transit, the increase is close to it has 60%. in the field of transit, thank god , the good news is that with an increase of more than 58% compared to the first four months of last year, in 1403, 7 million and 600 thousand tons of transit took place through iran. in the general policies of the five-year plan. seventh
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, emphasis has been placed on strengthening the economy-oriented approach in foreign policy and strengthening economic ties with the priority of neighbors. the director general of the audit of the tax affairs organization said that according to the tax law on vacant houses , 125,000 vacant houses have been identified in the years 1400 and 1401, of which 100 residential units have a total of 150 billion. tomans of high taxes. the guardian council approved the tax law on vacant houses on 26 december 2019. according to this law , six times the rental income tax will be charged from empty houses in the first year, and for people with five houses or more , this coefficient will be doubled for all residential units. the comprehensive software for the financial management of assets and properties
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of the national fund was unveiled. the managing director of the national housing fund in the unveiling ceremony of this software, stating that this software is a step to upgrade the national housing fund and strengthen it, said: financial transparency in resources and assets is another feature of this software. it is a software. mr. esmaili said that currently this software will be activated in five provinces and in the next two weeks it will be activated in all provinces. the software of the property and asset management community of the national housing fund including all the different sources of the fund, expenses, agreements and contracts was unveiled. we needed to record and store the various sources that we have in the national housing fund, the sources that we say are both the financial sources of the securities documents and the real estate and land that were at the disposal of the fund. in this software, the resources of the national housing fund include funds. criticism of documents of land treasury, real estate and independent registration
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it can be maintained and updated, the agreements are registered in the software at the beginning of the exchange, then provincial cuts are made for the allocations, each province's allocations can be seen in the software. unfavorable deviations did not happen. naturally, the principle of transparency is also observed here , since the national housing fund is the largest institution for financing the operations of the national housing movement , and there is a comprehensive software to monitor the financial inputs and outputs . the fund was essential. one of the main resources of this operation is the resources that are directly available the fund is placed. last year , the number of these sources, which was allocated to projects from the fund, exceeded 20 thousand billion tomans. in addition, the total figures that
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were spent in the housing sector in the country, which the national housing fund, according to the law , is responsible for the optimal allocation and collection of these resources, is 400,000 million. tomans have been implemented according to article 5 of the production jump law, which allows investment in land and resources at the disposal of the institutions . with the help of the ministry of roads and urban inspection and our partner institutions, today there are more than 3 thousand billion tomans of all kinds of land that can be invested in transfer fund the software of the financial management society and the assets of the national housing fund in kerman, zanjan provinces. qazvin north khorasan and khuzestan launched and started working. sahar mirzabegi of sed and sima news agency. in july of this year, 800 kilograms of gold worth 365 billion tomans
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were sold in the gold bullion certificate of deposit market in the commodity exchange. according to the commodity exchange , 46 kg in april, 75 kg in may and 60 kg in june. one kilogram of gold bullion certificate of deposit was traded. currently , 600,000 customers are active in gold bullion certificate of deposit transactions directly or through gold funds are. on saturday, august 6, iran energy exchange hosts the supply of various products in the subgroup of oil, gas and other energy carriers. in the inner hall, 2950 tons of products, including heavy oil,
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should be collected from the market, said the spokesperson of the smuggling headquarters , pointing out that product identification and tracking are the criteria for distinguishing authentic goods from smuggling. he said: "the spare parts of the car without identification are considered to be contraband." according to mr. dehghaninia, the goods whose authenticity cannot be confirmed by inquiry from the trade society system will be confiscated from the smuggler and the case of the offending trade unions will be submitted to the legal authorities. to be they don't have that kind of product knowledge. most of them do not have miscellaneous brands. the recurring story of spare parts without identification. seeing things as product identifiers. there is no tracking code. how can i know if this product is original? yes , you are right. car spare parts have been included in the implementation of product design for about two years. many of the products are required to have a tracking code . it does
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in terms of the volume of original goods and goods with a guarantee and with self-identification, which means that the guarantee of the goods means the id card of the goods, which means that it is not fraud, which means that it is smuggling. no matter where, there is nothing, a series the parts that are inside the accessories of adakis have product identification, but they do not have product identification . please see here. it is the decision of the time to bofor, and they can get the comprehensive trade system application program that we have said many
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times about the product inquiry. for a product called collage kit , a message was received. we expect that based on the registered information, if the inspection can be done , the information of the system will be cited, and in the case of smuggling statistics, the minutes of the discovery meeting will be prepared, and legal action will be taken. finally, this violation of the women's trade union on smuggling and fraud, which we prepare the inspection report sheet for them, will be brought to the attention of the government. we introduce them, as the officials of the ministry promised , it will not be possible to supply goods without identification to customers by setting up a store system and issuing electronic invoices, a promise that has remained as a promise so far. building the ministry
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samit says that 10,000 electric cars have been imported into the country so far. according to mr. senjari , more than 100,000 electric cars are expected to be imported by the end of the year. domestic electric cars will be launched at the beginning of next year. the products that we describe per day are 265 million liters, which are diesel, gasoline, kerosene, fuel oil, and jet fuel . however, if we assume that 250 million liters are related to diesel, gasoline, it means that there is a huge challenge in front of the country, this concern of fuel consumption fossil has forced the ministry to move in the direction of electrification, a technology transfer is happening and naturally, at the beginning of this transition. it is necessary that a part of this technology is imported, that is, a part of the cars at the beginning of this project and this plan
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will definitely be imported. 8 to 10 thousand electric cars have entered the country. domestic producers also took action to transfer technology and electrify products. the correct policy that has been carried out has predicted suitable concessions for electric and hybrid cars, and with this lowering of the definitions, it is possible that our prices will be very, very close. to have different markets and the main market of this company and these producers we have also described an avr car that can travel up to a thousand kilometers , but after approximately 100 kilometers, when all electricity goes, the combustion engine actually starts to move , which is very useful for our country, and this it was the path that the martyr president was persistently pursuing. how long it takes to charge it depends on the battery.
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by the end of this year, more than 100,000 electric vehicles are expected to enter the country. domestically designed electric cars will be released to the market next year. they will be appointed according to the announcement of the ministry. reza safari, sed and sima news agency. follow up one. next: in order to control the price in the fruit market, it was supposed to be required to issue invoices to wholesalers. an issue that should have been implemented within a week. last week , he said about the need to issue a legal invoice at the level of the wholesale supply of fruit. it doesn't have a name , it doesn't have specifications, it doesn't say anything, it doesn't have a name, it doesn't have anything. it was decided to solve this challenge within a week . you need a series. with the passing of this time , we pursued the issue this time in grocery stores
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. presenting this invoice to me now must be stamped. it has no legal purpose. this is not official at all. failure to present a valid purchase invoice is it is a violation of the trade union that the prices are specific from central tarbar square. based on this price determination, they can be sold at high prices . they are exempted from 18,000 tomans. the price limit for buying them in central square, in large square is correct. 35% profit is 24,000. this invoice is not legal because it has no address and specifications. the price of the onion was 39,000 tomans. in
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terms of its quality, this onion was bought for 17,000 tomans at 35% of the price. this invoice can't be verified , it doesn't have an address, it doesn't have a potato man, how much should it be, 22 tomans now, not 2,980 now, yes, what is striking in our field observations is that the invoice is still being presented by fruit wholesalers. it will not be taken seriously if within a week, all those who are obliged to implement their own legal duties, if they protest , they will be recognized as violators , they will be prosecuted by the regulatory body of any regulatory authority, the installation of banners and signs, and the cancellation of our business license. we will discuss this issue with you next week. my follow-up, god willing,
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farzadeh azaribaga of sed and sima news agency. malaysia demanded compensation for the victims of the global computer disruption last week. malaysia's digital minister said that he asked the technology companies microsoft and corroadstruck to compensate the losses of the companies that were affected by the technology disruption last friday. put a flawed software update by cyber security firm cradstrike has disabled 8.5 million windows computers. with internet service disruption. globally, various industries, from airlines to banks and the medical sector , were grounded. experts described the disruption as the biggest it failure in history. more than 424 and 521 thousand tons of goods were transited from gilan province in the last four months. director general of roads and
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hamad al-samat of gilan road said that 41,1937 tons of goods were moved at the astara border and 1,258 tons of goods at the anzali border. according to mr. gholam ali nik compared to the same period last year, this rate has increased by 33% in the inbound transit sector and 26% in the outbound transit sector. the main transits of incoming flour and wheat and outgoing goods were potatoes and tea. more than 180 representatives of international transport companies. they are active in gilan province. the iran-china double cargo container train with a load of minerals has entered inchbron customs in golestan province to go to turkmenistan, kazakhstan and then china after customs work. the train carrying car parts, which has left china, will soon enter and leave gambark
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. our country by launching this rail route to china has taken a significant step in strengthening the relationship. since the beginning of the 21st century, international corridors have become very important because they have become the source of power and wealth of countries. in iran, in recent years, this issue has been seriously discussed. some good things have happened. an effective diplomatic work that president shahidmun followed in the countries of the region. new transit crossings with these countries. now, a part of the north-south corridor has been operationalized to boost trade with the neighbors, and in the past few days, the transfer of russian coal to india has been carried out through the iranian corridor. in the history of iran, the strategic product of coal , which was transferred from russia to india via iran's railway route, more than 9500 tons to play an
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active role in the east-west international corridor 3, a two-beam container train of iran and china, i hope that in in the near future , as soon as possible, we will definitely have a path that can be an important infrastructure for increasing iran's trade with china and central asian countries. this can be the beginning of a very good move for trade exchanges between china and iran. while connecting china to central and western asia it is a channel for the development of cooperation between china and iran and an opportunity for commercial, industrial and cultural cooperation between the two countries. try to playing a role in the completion of crossings, in addition to facilitating trade , has also increased the passage of foreign goods through our country, which
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directly generates income for the country. four tenths of a million tons have reached, which means an increase of about 56. it will increase the trade between the two countries from the current 30 billion dollars, but it will also turn iran into a vital international transportation hub and asia into europe is connected, but apricot harvesting has started from the gardens of shahrood city. the director of shahrood agricultural jihad said that this city has 637 gardeners
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in shahrood. these days, they are harvesting apricots , a fruit that is grown in more than 6,000 hectares of agricultural land in shahrood. how many workers do you have every day ? 20 days this year is good, thank god, it is great , the most important varieties of apricots in shahrood include the qualities of rajab aliangiri, khiba, nasiri, saffron , daneshka, manochehri, jafari, haj mohammadi, and kobraiyeh , jahangiri, khaiba, and compared to the world's varieties are more resistant to cold. rajabalimon and qavam are more sensitive to the cold. yes , we didn't have any frostbite in the garden. what did we do this year? we set fire to the garden this year. it was very effective
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. we have irrigation for most of your gardens. it doesn't work, but with mr. jadid and we recommend that they do this by using modern irrigation systems, which will reduce their water consumption as well as the level. fresh apricot product in the markets of golestan, mazandaran, tehran and other provinces isfahan, the consumption of the rest for the production of the paper, qaisi marba, shahrood city continues until the end of august . nurle hosseinpour, shahrood radio and television news agency,
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thank you very much for your cooperation with this news section, god bless you. in the name of god, i greet you , dear viewers, have a good time. in the past 24 hours, the hottest place in our country was dehloran in ilan province with a maximum temperature of 49 degrees and the coolest place in namdan plain in fars province with a minimum
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temperature of 12 degrees. between the centers of the provinces, ahvaz is the hottest with a maximum temperature of 48 degrees and kurd city with the minimum temperature of 12 degrees was the coolest center of the province for today, it is raining in parts of the north-west and north of the country in the provinces of west azarbaijan and east azarbaijan. we will have gilan and mazandan and parts of the northeast of the country, in alborz heights , ghazvin, alborz, tehran, semnan provinces, we also predict that rain will occur in addition to the parts that i have presented to you, in the areas of the southeast of the country, the southern parts of sisistan, baluchistan, the heights in the southern parts of kerman province, in the northern and eastern parts of hormozgan province, we expect to see rain and lightning. there is a level warning. issued especially for parts of the northwest of the country, areas of west azarbaijan, east azarbaijan, ardabil and highlands in gilan and mazandaran provinces, which
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are likely due to heavy rains. flooding of public roads , flooding of canals and flooding of seasonal rivers are present in these areas. for saturday, only parts of the northwest and parts of gilan province are expected to have scattered rains . in other parts of the country, the weather will be calm. the sky will be clear and sunny, the prevailing phenomenon will be windy in the eastern and northeastern parts of the country it is severe that it can lead to upwelling and erosion . in addition to these parts, in the southern slopes of alborz, parts of the center and areas of the southwest of the country, we also have an increase in wind speed, which in the prone areas of these provinces, there is a possibility of dust upwelling and decrease. the air quality is good. due to the increase in wind speed, in the next two days, the caspian sea , the persian gulf, the strait of hormuz, and the sea of ​​oman will be rough and turbulent. regarding the temperature, i can tell you that until the beginning of next week, on saturday and
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sunday, on the shores of dry khaz and parts of the northwest of the country, as shown by the yellow color we will have a relative decrease in temperature, we still have the persistence of hot weather in the southern part of the country, for monday in the northern part of the country , we predict that we will have a decrease in temperature, for tehran in the next 24 hours, the sky will be soft and windy, sometimes increasing and windy. hello, we are waiting for you. thank you.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful, greetings to you, respected viewers, at 12 o'clock, i am at your service with some news. an invitation to the gathering of 100,000 families of hijab . and afaf and also, sympathy with the oppressed women, mothers and girls of palestine in the gathering of 100,000 family members in hijab , which will take place this evening, thursday, august 4, from 17:00 in the 100,000 people stadium.


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